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According to Dela Fuente, (2021). The study ascertained the level of awareness and the degree
of attitude of Filipino teachers towards the Child Protection Policy (CPP). The teacher
respondents are aware of the Child Protection Policy.The teacher respondents have a favorable
attitude towards the policy. There are no significant differences in the awareness and attitude
towards CPP when respondents are grouped according to profile variables. However, there exist a
moderate correlation between the level of awareness and attitude towards CCP among the

The study recommends to sustain the CCP awareness by conducting seminars that will
comprehensively expound the duties and responsibilities of the Central, Regional, Division,
District and School Officers and the personnel in department in the implementation of the said
policy. Reiterate in the seminar that the policy safeguards the teacher's interest. Capacitate the
school teachers on providing on special protection to children. Teachers must be fully acquainted
with Republic Act No. 7610 or the special protection of children against abuse, exploitation and
discrimination act as they play a vital role as surrogate parents. A team-building or formation
program is also recommended for the school teachers to reaffirm the intrinsic benefits of being
the second parents to their students. Further study may also be conducted to probe other
dimensions of the CCP in basic education to come up with relevant and re-search based
recommendations towards it's improved implementation in the public schools in the Philippine


2. ...,,

According to Steven Roche (2017).Child maltreatment is not a neat or

universal concept, but one that incorporates contextual and multiple

definitions, operationalised in differing research fields and for differing

research purposes. While they all fit within the broader WHO (2006)

definition of child maltreatment, this review uncovers a diverse approach

to understanding and interpreting child maltreatment. The literature

exploring child maltreatment is predominantly epidemiological in nature,

concerned with enumerating child maltreatment among children, rather

than directly investigating the experiences of child maltreatment. It has

established that multiple types of child maltreatment are prevalent in the

Philippines and provides evidence that they impact negatively on the

wellbeing of children at the time of maltreatment and later as adults. This

research, however, does not investigate broader, structural, social and

cultural influences on child maltreatment.

The contexts of child maltreatment outside the home, particularly in

institutions, are severely under researched. This is particularly the case for

sexual and physical abuse that can occur in a variety of contexts.

Significantly, there is a dearth of policy analysis in the literature reviewed.

The appraisal of policy approaches and evaluation of programmatic

responses to child maltreatment is highly limited and, as this review

suggests, should form an important part of further research in this area.

These findings provide new understandings for literature on child

protection policy, approaches and Filipino policymaking and can assist the

development of future child protection policy development in the


Reference :
3. .....
Accorfing to Baronia (2020).The study results that the implementation of the Child Protection
Program and its goals, the allocation of human capital, the conduct of operations, the assessment
of operations and the management of input are strongly observed in the Tanauan City Division of
Private Schools. There was no major gap between the views of principals and educators on Child
Protection Program leading to the acceptance of the null hypothesis.and There was severe
observance of involvement among school leaders and teachers, along with their duties and
responsibilities in implementing the Child Protection Program.There was no substantial difference
between the degree of engagement on the Child Protection Program of the principals and
educators along with the duties and responsibilities of the former although no significant
difference was found along with the duties and responsibilities of the school personnel. As a
result, it is assumed that the null hypothesis claimed in respect of the variables described is
partially upheld.Based from the recommendations . The Superintendent, SGOD and CID
Personnel Division of Schools may exercise their full authority to completely control the strict
enforcement of the Child Protection Program through an unannounced inspection of each school.
Since there is a common understanding of the implementation of Child Protection Program,
school heads may track closely the actions of teachers in the classroom through regular
observation and random interviews among students regarding the prevalence of any activities
that are contrary to any provisions of that policy. There is a need to improve the participation of
all school stakeholders in accordance with the implementation of Child Protection Program. It
provides a whole school approach;
Since the essentiality of the participation of school managers with their duties and
responsibilities on the implementation of the CPP was proven, they may create a democratic
atmosphere on school offices and give way to all concern, specifically the students to easily and
freely approach the principal’s office to express their grievances.

Reference :

Based on the study of Ruelo L., Moneva J., & Quesio C. ( 2020) . They states that most students
are not completely knowledgeable about welfare and safety towards the child protection act.
Likewise, students are lack of awareness about the law of child protection act. Student's attitude
towards child protection act can be enhanced or can be developed if they are willing to do an
action against abuse of children,learning their rights can protect themselves. People in the
government who have expertise in law are responsible to protect the children. Students can also
follow the simple rules and regulations in school. So that they can practice discipline and avoid
committing unpleasant action. Besides,students who know about learning towards child
protection are safe from violations of abuse students behave accordingly but does guarantee
their safety.The researchers also finds out that having a lack of knowledge towards child
protection will not increase the level of students vulnerability. Thus,students are truly aware of
child protection then it would be easy for them to determine their rights as an individuals and
students. The result show that students have slightly knowledgeable about their rights to be
protected by the laws. Towards their welfare and safety,they had moderate discipline .

The researchers highly recommended the students to be more of their rights as a learner and
must have enough knowledge about child protection act. Further, students need to behave
modestly and evade strangers to avoid abuses. The school must also have a program about the
rights of the learners towards child protection act . And for the community, they must have an
organization that can help the students to be more knowledgable about the child protection act.
As well as the family and its members. Students should learn about the child protection to
expand more knowledge and understanding regarding the issue of child protection act.


Citation :

5. ....
According to Asio,Bayuca,Jimenez (2021).This study aimed to describe the awareness of teachers
and responsiveness of the school to the Child Protection Policy of the Department of Education.
It also delved into discovering any relationship between the two variables.Based on the gathered
data & result of statistical analysis of the study, the researchers concluded that.The teachers are
aware of the Child Protection Policy as mandated by the Department of Education.The school
implements the Child Protection Policy as directed by the Dept. of Education.There was a
significant difference found in the awareness of teachers when grouped according to years in
service. There was also a significant difference found in the responsiveness of school
when grouped according to school and years in service of the teachers.There is a moderate and
direct relationship between the awareness of teachers in the Child Protection Policy and
responsiveness of the school in implementing the Child Protection Policy.

Reference :

Citation:Asio, John Mark R., et al.

“Child Protection Policy
Awareness of Teachers
and Responsiveness of the
School: Their Relationship
and Implications.” Shanlax
International Journal of
Education, vol. 9, no. 1,
2020, pp. 1–10.

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