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Oral Communication- Group 1

PERSON 1: Hello what’s up! How are you doing? It’s been a while since we last saw
each other.

PERSON 2: Hi there! I've been so busy recently with schoolwork. That’s why I have no
time to hangout with you guys. How about you? How’s life? What have you been up to

PERSON 1: OH MY GOSH! We’re on the same page! I’ve been stressing out too
because of so much schoolwork…(sighs…) By the way, we just finished our
MIDTERMS EXAMINATION, how about you? How was your MIDTERMS EXAM? How'd
you think you did? NOMINATION

PERSON 2: Oh gosh…don’t even get me started. Just the thought of it gives me

goosebumps. How’s your score in Pre-Cal and GenMath?

PERSON 1: Oh…hehe..(shy) Can we please just focus on our score in Oral

Communication? I think I did pretty well in that subject. RESTRICTION

PERSON 2: Okay, sure!

PERSON 1: Actually, OralCom is my favourite subject, especially since our teacher

makes our discussions fun and very interesting.

PERSON 2: SAME! I think I did very well in that subject too. I reviewed all night long. I
really hope it was worth it. TOPIC CONTROL


PERSON 1: Oh, by the way! Here are my classmates right here! We did a group study
together before the exams. Angelique got the highest score on our section!

PERSON 2: Wow! Hello, nice to meet you! Can you share some tips and advice on
how you were able to ace that test? I think I badly need that…hehe

ANGELIQUE: Uhm…well, actually, nothing much. All you have to do is PRAY…

(closed eyes, praying hand and sign of the cross) TURN TAKING

PERSON 2: HAHAHA! Thank you for your advice, I think it really worked! So…have
you guys already done something to wind down after all the stress? TOPIC-SHIFTING

CHESKA: Oh…Speaking of winding down, why don’t we go hangout somewhere and

have fun?!

KARLA: Let’s go to STARBS this Sunday!

RASHEED: Huh? What do you mean by “STARBS”? This is my first time hearing that

TAYSHAUN: Have you been living under a rock?!


KARYLLE: Yassss! I think we deserve that!

HANAH: I think I deserve a VENTI Caramel Macchiato…hayyyy

JHONLEN: Huh? What’s “VENTI”?

KARLA: Oh gosh…(mapapahawak sa ulo) Nevermind…You’ll find out soon…(tapik sa



PERSON 1: Oops…Break time’s over, we have to go back to our classrooms now.

PERSON 2: Let’s see each other on Sunday!

PERSON 1: Thank you for your time, Kynisha! See you on sunday!

PERSON 2: I had so much fun talking with you guys! See ya! Bye! TERMINATION



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