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ID NO:-702944

1.write and explain the different and similarty between OSI model and
 OSI refers to Open Systems Interconnection, whereas
 TCP/IP refers to Transmission Control Protocol.
 OSI follows a vertical approach, whereas TCP/IP follows a horizontal approach. 
 OSI model, the transport layer, is only connection-oriented, whereas
 the TCP/IP model is both connection-oriented and connectionless
 Both the models are based upon layered architecture.
 Protocols are ENdefined in a layer-wise way.
 Both models convert the raw data into packets and help them reach their destination
Differences between OSI and TCP / IP
 OSI model is a generic model that is based upon functionalities of each layer.
 OSI model distinguishes the three concepts, namely, services, interfaces, and protocols
 In OSI, the model was developed first and then the protocols in each layer were
 OSI model gives guidelines on how communication needs to be done
 TCP/IP model is a protocol-oriented standard.
 TCP/IP does not have a clear distinction between these three.
 TCP/IP protocols layout standards on which the Internet was developed.
 TCP/IP is a more practical model.

OSI has seven layers while TCP/IP has four layers.

2 .explain IPv4 and IPv6?why IPV6?
 The Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is more advanced and has better features
compared to IPv4.

 It has the capability to provide an infinite number of addresses.

 It is replacing IPv4 to accommodate the growing number of networks worldwide and

help solve the IP address exhaustion problem

 IPv4 is composed of 32-bit address length and is the fourth version of the Internet
Protocol (IP).

 IPv6 is composed of 128-bit address length and is the latest updated version of the
Internet Protocol (IP

 IPv6 (IP version 6), defined in RFC 2460, is the most recent generation of the Internet
Protocol (IP) defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

 The first stable version of Internet Protocol (IP) was IPv4 (IP version 4)

 IPv6 is intended to eventually replace IPv4, they are tightly mingled right now—most
engineers run them together

 The 128-bits in the IPv6 address are eight 16-bit hexadecimal blocks separated by colons.

 IPv4 addresses are divided into “classes” with Class A networks for a few huge networks,
Class C networks for thousands of small networks, and Class B networks that are in

 IPv6 uses subnetting to adjust network sizes with a given address space assignment.

 IPv4 uses class-type address space for multicast use ( IPv6 uses an integrated
address space for multicast, at FF00::/8.

 IPv4 uses “broadcast” addresses that forced each device to stop and look at packets. IPv6
uses multicast groups.

 IPv4 uses as an unspecified address, and class-type address ( for loopback.
IPv6 uses :: and ::1 as unspecified and loopback address respectively.

3.what is the advantage configuring network or VLAN using CLI and what is
the criteria to configure device with CLI
Procedure Command Purpose

Step 1 #enter Enter CLI interface

Step 2 #configure terminal Enter the global configure mode

Step 3 #vlan database Enter VLAN configure mode

Step 4 #show vlan all Check the details of all VLANs on this switch

 To configure a private VLAN, use the private-vlan command in interface switch

configuration mode.
 Use the no form of the command to return the VLAN to normal VLAN configuration
 nfvis(config-switch)# interface vlan 1. nfvis(config-switch-if)# private-vlan primary.
 VLAN Commands. private-vlan.
 show switch vlan.

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