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Lecture (1)

➢ What is Biometrics?

- Biometrics is a science that applies statistical and

mathematical methods to data analysis problems in the
biological sciences

- Biometrics is a technique that identifies people based on their

unique physical characteristics or behavioral traits

- Biometrics is a field of science that uses computer technology to

identify people based on physical or behavioral characteristics, such
as fingerprints or voice.

- Biometrics is a science, which deals with the automated

recognition of individuals (or plants/animals) based on biological and
behavioral characteristics

- Biometrics is a “who he is” instead of “what he possesses” and

“what he remembers”

‫ للتعرف‬statistical and mathematical ‫ هو العلم الذى يستخدم ال‬Biometrics ‫ ال‬-

‫على الناس عن طريق خاصيه مميزه‬

#Scope 8
- "Bio" in the name refers to the physiological traits that are

- "metrics" refers to the analysis that provides identification of a

unique individual.

- Derived from the Greek words :

• “ Bio ” : Life
• “ Metric ” : to measure

‫ و هى‬metrics ‫ ال‬, ‫ و هى الحياه‬bio ‫ كلمه تتكون من جزئين ال‬Biometrics ‫ ال‬-

how to measure

➢ Biometrics History :

- First example of biometrics in practice was a form of finger

printing being used in China in the 14th century, as reported by
Joao de Barros.

- Barros wrote that Chinese merchants were stamping children's

palm prints and footprints on paper with ink to distinguish the
children from one another.

‫ الن الناس فى الصين لم يكونوا يستطيعوا التعرف على ابنائهم‬, biometrics ‫ اول ظهور ال‬-
‫فكانوا يطلون ايادي و ارجل ابنائهم لكى يتعرفوا على مكانهم عندما يتحركون‬

- In the 1890s, a police desk in Paris named Alphonse Bertillon fix

the problem of identifying criminals and turned biometrics into a
distinct field of study.
‫ ثم بدانا استخدامها فى التعرف على المجرمين‬-

#Scope 8
- He developed a method of multiple body measurements which
got named (Bertillonage).

- His system was used by police, until it has been faded when
discovering that some people share the same measurements and
based on the measurements alone, two people could get treated as

‫ حيث انه يستخدم فيها قياس اكتر من مقياس فى‬Bertillonage ‫ و ذلك باستخدام طريقه اسمها‬-
‫جسم االنسان زى الطول و الوزن و لون العين‬

‫و لكن استبعدوا استخدام هذه الطريقه الن وجدوا ان هناك العديد من االشخاص الذين يشتركوا فى‬
‫قيم هذه المقايس و كمان متغيره‬

- After that, police started using finger printing, which was

developed by Richard Edward Henry of Scotland Yard, essentially
reverting to the same methods used by the Chinese for years.

‫ للتعرف على الناس و ليس للمجرمين فى الصين‬finger printing ‫ استخدموا ال‬-

- In the past three decades biometrics moved from single method

(fingerprinting) to more than discreet methods.

➢ Differenece between Biometrics , Biometry , Biometric

system :

• Biometrics :

#Scope 8
science, which deals with the automated recognition of
individuals (or plants/animals) based on biological and behavioral

- Scientific follow-on to Bertillon’s body measurements of the late


‫ هو العلم المستخدم للتعرف على الناس من قياساتهم الحيويه‬Biometrics -

• Biometry :

mathematical and statistical analysis of biological data

‫ التى سوف نحتاجها لكى نبنى ال‬mathematical and statistical ‫ هو ال‬Biometry -

‫ له‬evaluation ‫ و لعمل‬, biometrics ‫ لل‬system

• Biometric system :

a pattern recognition system that recognizes a person by

determining the authenticity of a specific biological and/or
behavioral characteristic (biometric)

‫ الذى سوف نبنيه‬pattern recognition system ‫ هو‬Biometric system -

➢ Types of Biometrics:

1) Physiological : are related to the shape of the body.

• Examples: fingerprint, face recognition, DNA, hand and palm

geometry, iris recognition, and retina.

#Scope 8
‫ مثل بصمه اليد و شكل‬, ‫ هى استخدام اجزاء الجسم‬physical ‫ او‬Physiological -
‫ حيث انها ال تتشابه بين الناس وال يمكن تقليدها و شكل كف اليد و بصمه ال عين‬DNA ‫الوجه و‬
retina ‫ او‬iris ‫سؤاء‬

2) Behavioral : are related to the behavior of a person.

• Examples: gait, voice, signature, and keystroke . Some

researchers give the term behaviometrics for this class of

‫ مثل شكل مشيه الناس و الصوت و‬, ‫ هو استخدام السلوك الخاص باالنسان‬Behavioral -
‫شكل التوقيع و سرعه الكتابه على لوحه المفاتيح‬

‫ و لكن نضطر ان نستخدمها لحاجه‬, ‫ ضعيف‬biometrics ‫ بالرغم ان هناك بعض انواع ال‬-
‫ حلها‬, ‫ معين‬biometrics ‫ سوف نستخدم‬blind ‫ لناس‬system ‫ زى ان بعمل‬system ‫ال‬
‫ مع بعض فى نفس الوقت‬biometrics ‫ان نستخدم اكتر من نوع‬

➢ Examples of physical biometrics:

▪ Bertillonage - measuring body lengths (no longer used)

▪ Fingerprint - analyzing fingertip patterns.
▪ Facial Recognition - measuring facial characteristics.
▪ Hand Geometry - measuring the shape of the hand.
‫ هى شكل كف اليد و طول عقل االصابع و المسافه بين االصابع‬hand geometry ‫ال‬
▪ Iris Scan - analyzing features of colored ring of the eye.
▪ Retinal Scan - analyzing blood vessels in the eye.

#Scope 8
▪ Vascular Patterns - analyzing vein patterns.
‫ النها‬biometrics ‫ حيث انها من افضل انواع ال‬, ‫ هى شكل الوريد‬vein ‫ او‬vascular ‫ال‬
‫تحت الجلد فيصعب تزويرها‬

▪ DNA - analyzing genetic makeup.

➢ Examples of behavioral biometrics:

▪ Speaker Recognition - analyzing vocal behavior.

▪ Signature - analyzing signature dynamics.
▪ Keystroke - measuring the time spacing of typed words.

➢ Biometrics Applications:

- Biometric Time Clocks or Biometric time and attendance

systems: used in organizations to control employee timekeeping.

- Biometric safes and biometric locks: security to the


- Biometric access control systems: security at entrances.

- Biometric systems are developed for securing access to pc's.

- Biometrics technology in identifying DNA patterns for identifying

criminals, etc.
- Biometrics airport security devices to enhance the security

#Scope 8
- Examples of biometric traits. Physical traits include fingerprint,
iris, 3D face and hand geometry while behavioral traits include
signature, keystroke dynamics and gait.

- Commercial applications,
such as computer network logins, electronic data security, e-
commerce, Internet access, ATMs, credit cards, and distance

- Government applications
such as national ID cards, driver’s licenses, border control, and
passport control.

#Scope 8
- Forensic applications
such as criminal identification, criminal investigation, parenthood
determination, and missing children.

- Secure access to :
• Buildings
• Computer systems
• Laptops
• ATMs

➢ “who he is” instead of “what he possesses” and “what he


‫ او ما‬ID ‫ هو الذى يخبرك من انت بدال من ما نملكه زى المفاتيح او ال‬Biometrics ‫ ال‬-

password ‫نتزكروا زى ال‬

#Scope 8
➢ Fingerprint Recognition

➢ Hand Recognition

#Scope 8
➢ Iris Recognition

➢ Vein Recognition

#Scope 8

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