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Trouble Shooter • Foreign Service • Eye On Electronics July 2020/$6.00
July 2020/$6.00




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NAPA_MPFMC_BlueTruck_MotorMag_P4CB.indd 1 3/17/20 1:05 PM

NAPA_AD.indd 1 3/18/20 4:12 PM
Volume 234 July 2020 Number 1

Covering the World of Automotive Service


4 Trouble Shooter A driveability problem that mysteriously cures itself

without outside intervention is very seldom gone for good. Better to track
down the cause now or risk a comeback later. On the Cover
8 Foreign Service Fuses provide necessary protection for vulnerable ENGINE
vehicle electrical circuits. Nissan’s smart FET system takes it a step PERFORMANCE
further by functioning as a fuse and a switch. 16 Analog Measure-
12 Eye On Electronics The coronavirus pandemic might delay autono- ments in a Digital
World Should voltage and
mous vehicles further into the 2030s, as cash-strapped companies are scaling
current measurements be
back R&D. Automakers aren’t racing toward full self-drive; they want to get
considered an unnecessary
the industry restarted first. step, or should they guide
your diagnostic method?
REPORTS Here’s why the latter is the
2 Editor’s Report Motor, together with Carlisle & Company, recently correct answer.
surveyed independent repair shops to gain an understanding of their opinions 24 Diagnosing an
regarding OEM replacement parts. Intermittent
34 NewsBreak CRC Industries issues new technical bulletins on work- Parasitic Draw
place cleaning and disinfecting, the Car Care Council offers free consumer Everyone has a favorite di-
agnostic method for finding
handouts to shops and parts stores, Snap-on’s ShopStream Connect makes it
the source of a parasitic bat-
easier for its customers to get software upgrades, plus other news of interest
tery drain. Even so, some
to shop owners and technicians. draws are more difficult
to locate, especially when
they’re intermittent.
Tools of the Trade.....................36
Classified.....................................39 Cover design:
Jessica Nestorovski
Advertiser Index.........................39
Cover photo:
Aftermarket Spotlight...............40 Adobe Stock

Motor (ISSN 0027-1748) is published monthly by Hearst Business Publishing, Inc., 1301 W. Long Lake Rd., Suite 300, Troy, MI 48098, U.S.A. Steven R. Swartz, President & Chief
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Motor assumes no liability to return any unsolicited material. Notice to Readers: Motor makes every effort to accurately report newsworthy information about the automotive industry,
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pg01_contents_0720.indd 1 6/18/20 3:47 PM

Editor’s Report
Motor, together with Carlisle & Company, recently surveyed
independent repair shops to gain an understanding of their
opinions regarding OEM replacement parts.

otor, in conjunction with how quality and fit play into vehicle mainte-
Carlisle & Company, a lead- nance and repairs, arming their customers with
ing provider of strategic more comprehensive knowledge as they make
guidance and tactical solu- their decisions.
tions for many of the world’s Even so, as we have seen above, higher prices
John largest automakers, recently are a major reason why independent repair-
Lypen conducted a survey of independent repair shops ers limit their purchase of OEM parts in the
to better understand what drives parts purchas- first place. The survey revealed that this is the ing behaviors and decision-making, specifically single most significant step automakers could
regarding original equipment manufacturer take in order to sell more parts to these facili-
(OEM) parts. Intelligence gained from the re- ties; nearly half of total respondents identified
sults may ultimately benefit all independent this measure as the greatest improvement that
repair shops, including yours. could be made. The second highest-ranking im-
In March, Motor Magazine e-mailed a sur- provement was better availability, with 20% of
vey to subscribers asking about general opera- respondents choosing this option. The remain-
tions and facilities, parts purchasing preferences ing responses were distributed evenly among
and usage of OEM parts. The survey consisted faster delivery time, better warranty and ease
of 30 questions and was completed by over of identification. From this we can gather that,
1100 Motor Magazine subscribers. overall, repairers agree that pricing is the most
We asked our readers how OEM parts com- significant obstacle to purchasing (and thereby
pare to aftermarket parts in terms of price, mar- offering) OEM parts.
gin, quality/fit, availability, delivery, warranty, In addition to the questions regarding parts
technical support and customer satisfaction. purchasing preferences, the survey also asked
The majority (62%) said pricing is either some- respondents about factory recalls on their cus-
what or much worse for OEM parts compared tomers’ vehicles. A resounding 76% said they do
to aftermarket parts. Other areas where OEM typically check for open recalls and when they
parts rated poorly are profit margin and deliv- find any, 70% said they always refer the custom-
ery, where percentages indicate somewhat or er back to the dealer to get the work done.
much worse vs. better in the respective cate- To fully explore these results, Carlisle &
gories. On the flip side, those same parts fared Company produced a comprehensive white
significantly better when it comes to quality/fit paper that provides a detailed breakdown of the
and customer satisfaction. responses, describing what they mean for the
Interestingly, though repair professionals per- repair industry and the implications for auto-
ceive superior quality in OEM parts, they offer makers. It can be downloaded at www.motor.
them to their customers only 54% of the time, com/selling-oem-parts-to-independent-shops.
on average. This indicates that for repairers, the I would like to thank all our readers who took
higher prices, reduced profit margins and slow- the time to respond to this survey. The informa-
er delivery time outweigh the benefits of using tion you’ve shared will allow Carlisle & Compa-
OEM parts. And when it comes to consumers, ny to more accurately gauge the concerns you,
they request OEM parts in only 20% of cases, as an independent repairer, have when it comes
suggesting they’re unaware of any differences to OEM parts. This, in turn, will help them
between OEM and aftermarket parts, and that provide the most accurate information possi-
lower costs are of greatest concern. For repair- ble when consulting with these manufacturers,
ers, this might suggest an opportunity to convey which could have significant benefits for profes-
the differences between these parts and explain sionals like you.

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EditorsReport_0720.indd 1 6/18/20 12:02 PM

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Robinair_AD.indd 1
2002_718_Robinair_Connected ACS PRO DIST_7.75x10.75.indd 1 6/10/2012:55
2/20/20 1:04PM
Trouble Shooter A driveability problem that mysteriously cures itself
without outside intervention is seldom gone for good. Better
to track down the cause now or risk a comeback later.
Operating in a Vacuum that day, so we returned the car to the cus-
I’m working on a 1997 Pontiac Grand Prix tomer. A week later he was back with the same
with a 3.8L V6 engine. A regular customer driveability symptoms—no idle, low vacuum
brought it in because the engine had no pow- and no power. Any suggestions?
er and would not hold an idle. Even though Lou Gillespie
Karl it’s a pretty old vehicle, it’s been well main- Bend, OR
tained and our high-desert climate means rust
Seyfert isn’t really a factor. The customer is willing to An internal combustion engine has often been spend the money to keep it running right. compared to a multicylinder pump. The pump
A quick check with a scanner revealed no draws in air at one end and pumps out exhaust
stored trouble codes. Fuel pressure was lower at the other. Vacuum is created by the engine
than normal at 25 psi, so the fuel pump and at idle because it’s trying to pull in air past
filters were replaced. This brought the fuel the (mostly) closed throttle plate. The pump
pressure up to 45 to 50 psi, but the engine still creates vacuum on the downstream side of
would not idle and had no power. the throttle plate. The idle vacuum reading is
The scanner showed short-term fuel trim a measure of engine health and state of tune.
at +20 and the MAP climbing to 4.5V. The The more efficient the pump, the higher the
engine was developing only 5 in. of vacuum at vacuum reading will be at idle.
low rpm and the spark plugs were fouled with Idle vacuum can be affected by a number
fuel and carbon. I replaced the plugs and of things, and the first is altitude. Idle vacuum
checked the PCV valve, vacuum booster, plus decreases as altitude increases, by a factor of
anything else I could think of that might be roughly 1 in.-Hg for every 1000 ft. of elevation
causing the low vacuum. above sea level. You’re located at a relatively
In the midst of this, the engine suddenly high altitude, so you wouldn’t expect to see
started running fine. Vacuum at idle was 18 a normal idle vacuum reading there that’s as
in., fuel trim returned to normal, the O2 sensor high as it would be at sea level. But 5 in.-Hg
was switching and MAP showed a steady low is too low for an idle vacuum reading, even if
voltage reading. The engine idled normally your shop were located at the highest eleva-
and had plenty of power. Our shop was busy tion in the country.
Some modern engines develop low idle
vacuum by design. As some components, like
brake vacuum boosters, require a steady sup-
Photo courtesy Standard Motor Products

ply of vacuum to operate, these modern en-

gines have electric or engine-driven vacuum
pumps. These pumps supplement the en-
gine’s relatively low idle vacuum.
So what other factors can affect idle vac-
uum? If vacuum is steady at idle but lower
than normal, the ignition or valve timing may
be retarded. As most engines no longer have
a distributor, ignition timing is also no longer
adjustable. Valve timing should not be a con-
The installation of an EGR gasket that includes
a fine mesh screen won’t stop the formation of sideration on your customer’s engine because
carbon deposits in the EGR passages leading to this is an intermittent problem. Once timing
the EGR valve, but it will keep those deposits from has jumped on an engine, it’s literally impossi-
jamming the pintle and keeping the valve open. ble for it to return to normal.

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TroubleShooter_0720.indd 1 6/18/20 10:52 AM

NOVEMBER 3–6, 2020

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20SS_Attendee_Ad_Red_Cobra_Motor_V001.indd 1 4/15/20 1:49 PM

SEMA_AD.indd 1 5/20/20 3:17 PM
Trouble Shooter
Low compression, an intake leak know how much it can affect engine Editor & Publisher
or tight valves also can cause low vac- idle. Open it wide enough and the John Lypen
uum at idle. If the vacuum reading EGR may be capable of completely 248-312-2700
fluctuates within the normal range stalling the engine. Too much EGR Executive Editor
or the gauge needle bounces around at the wrong time could also affect Karl Seyfert, CMAT, LI, AF-SAE
a lot, suspect uneven compression engine performance at higher engine Managing Editor
(broken rings or leaking valves or a rpm. Paul M. Eckstein
leaking head gasket in one or two You can easily check the current
cylinders). An uneven air/fuel mix, er- position of the EGR valve pintle by Art Director
Jessica Nestorovski
ratic ignition timing, a misfire, misad- monitoring the EGR PID on your
justed valves or a manifold leak near scan tool. Some vehicles also have a Senior Writers
one or two cylinders also are possible DTC for an EGR valve position er- Bob Cerullo, AF-SAE
Bill Howard, AF-SAE
causes. Again, these are faults that ror. If the PCM is not commanding Dan Marinucci, AF-SAE, L1
are unlikely to be intermittent. the EGR to open, but the position Gary S. Smith, CMAT, L1, AF-SAE
If vacuum drops intermittently at sensor indicates that it’s still open, a
Contributing Writers
idle, one or more valves may be stick- DTC should set. You indicated that Sam Bell
ing open or dragging. Low vacuum there were no stored DTCs on your Bob Chabot
also can be an indication of a plugged customer’s vehicle, which may be Victor Lucariello, P.E.
exhaust. To check further, run the due to the intermittent nature of the Sarah M. Kennedy
Bob Pattengale
engine at about 2500 rpm for about problem. Roy Dennis Ripple
15 seconds. If the vacuum drops and The most frequent cause of a Tom Tillman
does not increase momentarily when stuck-open EGR valve is a piece of Paul Weissler
you close the throttle, a restricted ex- hard carbon getting stuck between Production &
haust is a likely cause. the EGR pintle and its seat. The Audience Development Manager
Since the low vacuum/low power valve may remain stuck open, or the Andrea J. Forgue
problem on your customer’s vehicle carbon may later dislodge itself, al-
is intermittent, it could be due to a lowing the valve to close. Your cus- Subscriber Service
restricted exhaust only if the exhaust tomer’s intermittent low idle vacuum 847-559-7316
restriction were also intermittent. It’s problem could be caused by carbon Classified Advertising Manager
possible that part of a catalytic con- chunks that are sticking the EGR Andrea J. Forgue
verter’s substrate has broken free and open, then moving downstream when 248-312-2712
is intermittently blocking the exhaust the PCM commands the valve to National Sales Manager
flow. If you suspect this to be the open further. Charlton Calhoun
case, try striking the converter(s) with Remove the EGR valve and in- 404-964-3961
a rubber mallet while listening for spect the manifold passages below Regional Sales Manager
anything loose rattling around inside. it. Clean the passages to remove as Carla Kalogeridis
For a more definitive test, remove much of the carbon as possible. If 313-300-0547
one of the oxygen sensors in front the passages do not appear to be
of the converter or drop the exhaust obstructed, the EGR valve may be HEARST BUSINESS PUBLISHING, INC.,
system. This will relieve any down- damaged and should be replaced. An A UNIT OF HEARST
stream backpressure caused by an EGR valve gasket with a fine mesh
obstruction. Start the engine to check screen, like the one shown on page 4, Steven R. Swartz
President & Chief Executive Officer,
the idle vacuum and take the vehicle can be fitted between the EGR valve Hearst
for a test drive to see if the engine and the manifold. The screen won’t William R. Hearst III
Chairman, Hearst
now develops normal power. If a con- stop the formation of carbon deposits
Frank A. Bennack, Jr.
verter has failed, make sure you de- in the EGR passages, but it will keep Executive Vice Chairman,
termine the cause of the failure. In- those deposits from getting into the Hearst

stalling a new converter will take care EGR valve and jamming its pintle. Richard P. Malloch
President & Group Head, Hearst Business Media
of the obstruction problem, but the
Thomas D. Cross
new converter may suffer the same Executive Vice President, Hearst Business Media
fate as the original if the cause of the
Tough Problem?
President, MOTOR Information Systems

failure is not addressed. Peter Largen

Executive Vice President, Operations
Another possible cause of low MOTOR Information Systems
idle vacuum is an EGR valve that Write to Trouble Shooter! Jeffrey Nosek
has stuck partially open. If you’ve Executive Vice President, Revenue

Email Karl at
MOTOR Information Systems
ever tested an EGR valve’s function
by manually opening it, you already 1301 W. Long Lake Road, Suite 300,
Troy, MI 48098

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TroubleShooter_0720.indd 2 6/18/20 10:52 AM

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Autel_AD.indd 1 6/10/20 12:56 PM

Foreign Service
Fuses provide necessary protection for vulnerable vehicle
electrical circuits. Nissan’s smart FET system takes it a
step further by functioning as a fuse and a switch.

n bygone days, you could change a earlier version in several ways. First and fore-
common headlight with some screw- most, it no longer provides the “active” tests
drivers. But these days, replacing a I outlined in May. These were neat self-tests
Nissan headlight also may require a for electrical loads such as headlights, park-
schematic and scan tool. Due to revi- ing lights, front wipers, a/c clutch, etc.
Dan sions inside Nissan’s smart fuse panel, Second, the newest IPDM design con-

you may also need a scan tool and schematic tains a very sophisticated switching system
for some electrical repairs. Here’s why. called the smart FET (field-effect transistor). I covered the smart fuse panel—the intel- I don’t have the space here for an exhaustive
ligent power distribution module (IPDM)— discussion of electronics. Suffice it to say that
in the April and May columns. Be sure this system can be a terrific diagnostic asset
you’ve read them first because this month’s on late-model Nissan products. For example,
material builds upon information given there. the system can recognize an open or short
Also, don’t let a bit of terminology confuse in a circuit it controls. What’s more, it sets a
you. An OEM schematic usually labels this specific trouble code for that particular cir-
component as an IPDM E/R. The suffix E/R cuit failure.
simply means engine room (engine compart- You must use a scan tool to retrieve as
ment). I won’t repeat E/R here with every well as erase IPDM-related DTCs. Note that
mention of the IPDM. smart FET-related DTCs cannot and do not
Overall, the latest IPDM differs from the illuminate the vehicle’s MIL.
Third, the smart
FET system inside
an IPDM behaves
like a savvy, sol-
id-state switch and
fuse—combined. For
example, it shuts
off a circuit’s pow-
er-supply side when
it detects a problem
in the circuit. Watch
out, though, because
this function may
confuse an unin-
formed technician.
Suppose a late-mod-
Illustration: Dan Marinucci

el Nissan comes to
the shop with an in-
operative headlight.
When a tech trou-
bleshoots the circuit,
there’s no voltage
This smart FET is controlling a variety of circuits on a 2018 Nissan Rogue, elimi- present at the head-
nating the need for individual fuses. Note that if one of the smart FET-controlled light. Therefore, he
circuits fails, the rest of them will continue operating. may conclude that

8 ContentJuly 2020 protected and provided for personal use only - not for reproduction or retransmission.
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ForeignService_0720.indd 1 6/15/20 12:06 PM

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2006_1060_Blue Star Standard Ad_MOTOR_7.875x10.5.indd 1 6/3/20 11:04 AM

OTC_AD.indd 1 6/10/20 1:01 PM
Foreign Service

the power supply side of the head- counters both read zero if the vehi- Identifying a Smart FET IPDM
light circuit has opened up. cle is healthy. Now, let’s address a potentially awk-
However, the power supply side The fifth attempt to operate the ward situation: A late-model Nissan
of that circuit actually shorted to headlights that I just mentioned ad- has an electrical symptom and your
ground, causing excessive current vances the retry counter by 1. Even- scan tool won’t display the IPDM
flow. In an old-fashioned circuit, this data. For example, a headlight is not
abnormally high current would blow operating properly. You discover
a fuse or pop a circuit breaker. But that there’s no voltage present at its
on this Nissan, the smart FET sys- power supply terminal. A smart FET
tem senses the excessive current and
shuts off the circuit by opening its The smart FET system may have detected a problem
and shut off that headlight circuit.
supply side. At the same time, the
IPDM stores a DTC flagging a short
system inside an You need to know if this vehicle uses
that system.
on the power side of that circuit. IPDM behaves Nissan specialists told me that
This is why a capable scan tool and checking an IPDM schematic is the
routine IPDM DTC checks are so like a savvy solid- only fast, accurate way to identify
valuable. an IPDM equipped with the smart
state switch and FET system. They said they haven’t
Fuse Function Follies figured out a way to identify the sys-
Fourth, ignoring an electrical failure fuse—combined; it tem by visual inspection alone.
eventually could cost the customer
the price of an IPDM. To under-
shuts off a circuit’s For the sake of this little exercise,
I chose a 2018 Rogue. After logging
stand what can happen, let’s return
to the headlight example I just men-
power supply side into the MOTOR wiring diagram
service, I located the Rogue IPDM
tioned. Imagine that the power sup- when it detects under the body and accessories
ply side of a headlight circuit shorts heading. There was a long rectan-
to ground. The smart FET system a problem in the gle labeled SMART FET inside the
senses the condition and shuts off IPDM. The illustration on page 8,
power to this circuit. Next, suppose circuit. which was drawn based on a Rogue
the driver shuts off the headlights IPDM, shows a similar rectangle la-
and turns them on again. The smart beled SMART FET. (I highlight-
FET system powers up the circuit ed the SMART FET box in red to
again but the short recurs and the help it stand out.) In the case of this
same events repeat themselves. Let’s tually, this counter could reach 20, Rogue, the schematic verified that
call this sequence of turning on the which means the IPDM has record- the smart FET was controlling the
headlights, shorting to ground on the ed 100 retries (20 times 5). If the re- headlights.
power side and circuit shutting down try counter hits 20, it bumps the cir- Okay, a headlight is out, the sche-
again a “failure event.” cuit malfunction reading from 0 to 1. matic shows that a smart FET con-
Within one ignition switch cycle, Now the system permanently shuts trols the headlight and your scan
the customer can repeat this failure off the power supply to the failing tool won’t show IPDM data. In this
event up to five times. But several circuit; in our example, it’s the head- case, you should have someone with
things happen on the fifth try. For lights. If this happens, there’s no the proper scan tool interrogate the
one thing, the smart FET system way to reset the IPDM with a scan vehicle’s IPDM first, then proceed
sets a DTC for the shorted circuit tool or other procedure. Instead, you with your diagnosis accordingly.
and shuts off power to the headlight must repair the circuit and replace When all is said and done, IPDM
circuit. What’s more, the power re- the IPDM. data is essential to a fast, accurate
mains off until the person shuts off We could debate the chances of diagnosis.
the ignition switch and turns it back an IPDM “counting out” a problem
on again. circuit on a late-model Nissan. But
Before I proceed with the conse- what really matters here is recogniz- Missed Something?
quences of this fifth attempt to oper- ing the condition promptly. To do You can search the
ate the headlights, consider Nissan’s that, you need a scan tool that shows archives on the M otor web-
OEM diagnostic system—the Con- IPDM data effectively. It should dis-
sult III Plus. Among other IPDM play the number of failure events
site for pre­vious­l y
data, it shows two counters: circuit and flag an IPDM that has exceeded published articles. Go to
retry and circuit malfunction. These the limit.
and click on “Articles.”
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ForeignService_0720.indd 3 6/15/20 12:06 PM

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BendPak1_AD.indd 1 3/16/20 6:23 PM

Eye On Electronics
COVID-19 might delay autonomous vehicles further into the 2030s,
as companies are scaling back R&D. Automakers aren’t racing
toward full self-drive; they want to get the industry restarted first.

hen you’re up to your the last 25. Sometimes big change is the sum of
butt in alligators, or in a many little improvements.
pandemic, you set aside As for autonomy, three to five years ago the
the mission of draining bolder automakers said we’d have hands-off,
the swamp. When you’re self-driving vehicles by now. In 2017, Ford’s
Bill the auto industry in then CEO Mark Fields in a CNBC interview
Howard 2020, that means you concentrate on staying said, “[Ford will have] a Level 4 vehicle in
solvent by restarting production and selling 2021, no gas pedal, no steering wheel, and the excess inventory. To conserve capital, you slow- passenger will never need to take control of the
walk the development of self-driving Level 4 vehicle in a predefined area.”
and Level 5 (the highest level of autonomy) Ford planned to bypass Level 3 autonomy,
into the 2030-35 time frame. That was already where the vehicle can be autonomous at times
a common estimate among experts who believe but the driver must be ready to take over, and
full self-driving will happen. But there remain a go to L4 full autonomy (full in certain places—
bunch of skeptics—smart skeptics—who doubt say, an Interstate or a defined urban bus
we’ll fully resolve the worst-case scenarios. route). Level 5 is full autonomy everywhere, all
Automakers will continue to put more driver conditions where a human would drive.
assists in more vehicles and on more trim lines, Also in 2017, GM CEO Mary Barra said,
providing partial autonomy. They’re doing “We expect to be the first high-volume auto
it because the costs are lower each year but manufacturer to build fully autonomous
never zero, and there’s pressure from safety vehicles in a mass-production assembly plant.”
and insurance groups who demand more safety Current Ford CEO Jim Hackett in 2019
electronics for any vehicle to be awarded the admitted, “We overestimated the arrival of
highest safety rating. The added sensors and autonomous vehicles.” Ford will have a self-
AI algorithms reduce the number of fender- driving fleet in 2021, Hackett says, but, “Its
benders. But no good deed goes unpunished, applications will be narrow, what we call geo-
and when a 10-mph impact takes out a vehicle’s fenced, because the problem is so complex.”
tech-laden front bumper and shroud, the None have been bolder than Tesla CEO
repair costs can be Elon Musk, and the aggressively named
spectacular. AutoPilot function. Last year Musk said some
Automakers can Teslas would get a software update to enable
push back higher- Level 5 autonomy, the kind so good a vehicle
level autonomy doesn’t need a steering wheel. That didn’t
for a couple years happen. What also didn’t happen (yet): Up to 1
in the wake of the million Tesla Model 3s when not in use by their
pandemic. But owners would be in a robotaxi fleet this year.
autonomy and Meanwhile, in May of this year, GM’s
Photos courtesy Audi

electrification are autonomous-EVs company, Cruise

the industry’s two Automation, laid off about 150 people, or 8%
main directions for of its workforce, according to Reuters. Cruise
the next 25 years, is working on a robotaxi, the Cruise Origin,
just as safety, fuel meant to ferry up to six people in facing
The Audi A8, which otherwise might have been the
first Level 3 autonomous vehicle, was slated to fea-
efficiency/emissions seats. This is the kind of vehicle providing
ture Traffic Jam Pilot, whose dashboard messages for and reliability have semicustom mass transit—picks you up no
the driver are shown in these photos. driven technology in more than a block or two from home, drops

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Eye on Electronics_0720.indd 1 6/10/20 10:09 AM

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LaunchTech_AD.indd 1 10/15/19 9:24 AM

Eye On Electronics

you off a block or two from work, functionality and Audi reportedly
cheaper than Lyft or a taxi and had liability concerns if owners failed
more direct than driving to a bus or to maintain the system properly.
train station. But in the near term, Additionally, many automakers have

Photo courtesy NVIDIA

it’s uncertain how many people will said that if a self-driving vehicle is
abandon their vehicles to ride with in an accident, the automaker would
strangers when coronavirus is on their take responsibility.
minds. Cruise is considered one of Cadillac is talking about an
the top tier of companies working on enhanced Super Cruise Level 2
automation, along with Waymo, Argo, system on the 2021 Cadillac CT5,
Aptiv and Aurora. NVIDIA’s new Orin processor will help CT4 and new 2021 Escalade. It sits
developers have a common path from
Whether reduced investments in Level 1 to Level 5 autonomy. on a new digital vehicle platform with
2020 will really delay self-driving more CPU power and bandwidth. At
vehicles to a decade from now is to be even as safe as humans, let alone the least it will have automated lane
unclear. Scaled-back investments safer.” change. Super Cruise differs from
now might delay things by a year, Phil Magney, president of VSI most lower-level autonomous systems
but the time when we get to full self- Labs, a tech consultancy, is even less because it carries exacting mapped
driving anywhere could still be from upbeat on full autonomy. He said, data for 200,000 miles of major
2030 to 2040 to, some say, never. “There are known and unknown highways in North America. That
Why? Researchers continue to learn conditions that will forever prohibit makes Cadillac a contender to bring a
about more edge cases—something full Level 5 deployment, in my strong Level 3 offering soon. Cadillac
that happens only in extreme opinion. At the moment, the planned this spring announced it’s developing
circumstances—whose solutions robotaxi deployments are all Level a follow-on, code name Ultra Cruise,
require more R&D now, more 4, where they operate largely on that would be self-driving on city
processing power in future vehicles predetermined and highly mapped streets as well as highways.
and possibly more sensors. Edge cases routes. This includes specific L3 is a big jump because it’s here
could be a newspaper blowing across highways, lanes, times of day and that the vehicle is in charge. Per
the road that appears, to a sensor, predefined drop-off and pickup the specs, the vehicle can hand off
to have the shape of a human. Or it points.” control, with notice. Test-drive miles
could be the unmarked actual edge of Through this decade, we’ll show drivers fall asleep (no surprise)
a road cut into a hill with no guardrail. get more, better and cheaper and need as much as two to three
That’s why the low-hanging fruit implementations of Level 2 minutes to be fully functional. But it’s
of self-driving will be on limited- autonomy, effectively combining possible that the vehicle might need
access highways or fixed routes such adaptive cruise control and lane to hand off faster than that. So some
as a hotel shuttle, a campus bus or centering, as well as a semiofficial automakers and scientists suggest
an electrified tractor carrying a 40- Level 2+, where the vehicle can bypassing Level 3 for Level 4, where
ft. container from the Port of Long change lanes, make highway exits and the handoff would be at specific
Beach to a warehouse 10 miles away. merge into traffic. The driver still has places, such as leaving an Interstate
Sam Abuelsamid, an analyst with to monitor traffic conditions, but it for smaller local roads.
Guidehouse Insights (formerly makes long drives less tiring, and it In recognition of the uncertainties
Navigant Research), said, “I don't protects drivers from moments of over how far autonomy advances and
see COVID-19 necessarily having inattention. It will save the lives of how soon, leading supplier NVIDIA
any real impact on development of teens who’re texting and don’t see the is promoting scalable architecture
automated driving technology. As it panic-braking car just ahead. systems from Level 1 (single
stands, we’re still several years from We’re on the cusp of Level 3 and advanced driver assist system such
any sort of wide-scale deployment we should see some vehicles by 2021. as a windshield camera) through
of even L4, especially for robotaxis. That might include models from Level 2+ semiautopilot to Level 5
I expect goods-delivery L4 vehicles Acura/Honda, Audi, BMW, Cadillac, robotaxi. The new Ampere processor
to gain traction before robotaxis. Ford, Hyundai/Kia, Mercedes-Benz, architecture and Drive AGX Orin
Anything that looks L5—the ability to Tesla and Volvo. CPU will operate anywhere from 10
operate without human oversight or Audi was poised to be first with TOPS (tera operations) and 5W to
intervention anywhere and anytime— Traffic Jam Pilot on the A8, its 2000 TOPS and 800W. Its main rival
is unlikely before 2030 and we are flagship sedan. The company pulled is Mobileye, owned by Intel. Some
likely to encounter challenges beyond back this spring for several reasons: automakers use Intel/Mobileye on
COVID-19 before that happens. L4 The current A8 is late in its life-cycle, some vehicles, NVIDIA on others.
is still facing significant technical world regulators could not agree on NVIDIA’s push is to be a single low-
challenges and has yet to be validated a common approval process for L3 to-high solution.

14 ContentJuly 2020 protected and provided for personal use only - not for reproduction or retransmission.
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Eye on Electronics_0720.indd 3 6/10/20 10:09 AM


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Should voltage and current measurements be

considered an unnecessary extra step, or should
they guide your diagnostic method? Here’s why
the latter is the correct answer.

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Voltage.indd 1 6/18/20 3:45 PM

ver since the days of Alessandro Volta, Luigi Galvani,
Andre Ampere, Georg Ohm, Michael Faraday and oth-
er early pioneers of electricity, the race has been on to
attempt to quantify and measure the mysterious, invisi-
ble characteristics of electrical current flow and behavior.

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Voltage.indd 2 6/18/20 3:45 PM

Analog Measurements in a Digital World

tomotive meter/tester was Dr.

Weston’s Model 280 garage-type
DC volt-ammeter, which was orig-
inally built for Henry Ford’s dealer
mechanics and workshops in 1916.
The set came complete with shunts,
leads and tester all in a leatherette
case with felt lining.
Dr. Weston’s brilliance and fore-
sight in this area—the need for, and
invention of electrical measurement
meters and calibration devices—
was huge. The methods and devices

Diagrams: Gary Smith

he developed to satisfy these needs
changed the automotive techni-
cian’s world.
So what kinds of systems were
technicians measuring in 1912-20,
When checking for voltage potential, connect the meter to the circuit in parallel. and what’s different now when we
test them? Not much.
But only experimental, anecdotal DC and AC voltage potentials, cur- In the earliest cars, the ignition
and semiscientific methods existed rent and resistance in an exact and system was the only source of elec-
back then. It was not until a revo- calibrated way. Prior to this, the tricity on board, and it was generat-
lutionary breakthrough patent filed crude, often hand-built galvanom- ed by a crankshaft flywheel magne-
in 1883, an invention borne of a eter was the only test for electrical to. By 1915, battery-operated lights
frustrated competitor of Thomas current. were installed, leaving the magneto
Edison, that there was a calibrated Dr. Weston perfected the d’Ar- to handle the igniting of the fuel.
or exact way to measure electricity. sonval movement using jewels, rec- Now, we had two electrical systems
Dr. Edward Weston, one of the tifiers and coils to build the Weston to consider.
unsung automotive electrical heroes Moving Coil Meter, the predeces- In 1919, the first electric start-
and pioneers of electricity’s devel- sor to all electrical measurement er was fitted, and this required a
opment, single-handedly provided tools today. He patented the device storage battery, a generator and an
the world’s emerging electrical in- in 1888. ammeter to monitor the charging
dustry with a way to measure both The first ever commercial au- function. And so there were three
systems…and it was on from there.
From this awesome history and
lineage, the automotive diagnos-
tician was born. Since 1906, auto
technicians have contributed to the
development and use of the volt-
age, current and resistance testing
equipment we use today.
But guess what? The stuff that
we measure in modern automotive
diagnostics in the form of voltage
and current is still done in the ana-
log realm, just as it was 100 years
ago. Technicians are still measuring
analog signals, even now, in this
With the Ohm’s Law Triangle, to solve for any unknown in an equation, cover what you digital world.
want to solve with your finger, then perform the math on the remaining data. Math done So why is looking at the history
above and below the horizontal line is by division; math done to the right and left of the
vertical line is by multiplication. V= voltage, I= amperage, R= resistance. of electrical evolution and early au-

18 ContentJuly 2020 protected and provided for personal use only - not for reproduction or retransmission.
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Voltage.indd 3 6/18/20 3:45 PM

tomotive testing equipment so im- applied across a load in a circuit, erties. Resistance can be provided
portant and even cool today, in the and current is inversely proportion- by any load, such as a bulb, motor,
year 2020? Because even the best al to the resistance of that load or conductor or device. Resistors are
of technicians can get caught up circuit. As resistance goes up, cur- either wire-wound or semiconduc-
and “out-tech” themselves with the rent goes down, and vice versa. tor material engineered to resist the
complexity of the technology. Resistance or Load (R). All flow of electrons. Resistors or loads
The real answer to diagnos- matter, even air, has resistive prop- drop voltage in a circuit, and the
ing most vehicle problems lies in
the same basic testing techniques
taught by Dr. Weston to new Ford
mechanics in the early 20th century.
The only thing that has changed
is the theoretical complexity of the
circuits we measure, and the ad-
vancements and visual capabilities
of the equipment we measure with. Autodiagnos™ Pro
The methods by which technicians
physically connect to the circuit to Automotive Diagnostic System
obtain analog voltage and current
measurements are principally un-
The technician-friendly scan tool
changed after well over 100 years of that increases productivity.
vehicle diagnostics.
More importantly, those electri-
cal laws have not changed one bit in
over 100 years either. So what are
the main components and units of
basic electrical measurement?
Voltage Potential (V). Voltage
is the difference in electrical (po-
tential work energy) between two
points. Voltage is the pressure of
electricity, or work potential. When
measuring voltage potential, the
scope or meter is placed in paral-
lel across the circuit to obtain the
difference in the energy potential
between those two points. Potential
measured at one point of the circuit
does not mean that this potential
exists in the whole circuit.
Voltage potential is just that, po-
Subscription based model –
tential energy, or pressure. It does no large hardware investment!
not become actual work energy un-
til a circuit is switched on and run-
ning a load.
• Fast – DTCs reported in 20-30 seconds on average
Amperes or Current (I). When
an electrical circuit is working • Accurate data in list, graph and gauge formats
(switched on), the rate of electri- • Based on OEM platform used in dealerships worldwide
cal charge flowing through the load • USA designed, developed, manufactured and supported
(the current) is measured in am-
peres (A). Current, or amperage, is Learn more:
always proportional to the voltage Autodiagnos Pro – A Trademark of the Continental Corporation

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MotorMagazine_AutodiagnosPro_HalfIsland_7-2020_V1.indd 6/11/20 10:38 AM

Voltage.indd 4 6/18/20 3:46 PM

Analog Measurements in a Digital World

device must be bad and therefore

We must physically test cir-
cuits and loads to confirm the data
we’re seeing. Power, grounds, sig-
naling, current…physical testing
prevents poor diagnostic guess-
work every time.
Monitoring a voltage with a me-
ter or scope while a circuit is work-
ing live is still just measuring poten-
tial, albeit with the load running.
But there are benefits to doing this.
This method is helpful for watching
the behavior of the electricity and
the load in the circuit. If we want to
At each point, the potential measured on the screen of the meter or scope is the catch a problem while a circuit is in
dropped voltage in the circuit. Total allowable voltage drop in the circuit should be
less than .5V, but only .1V on the ground circuit is preferred for best operation. operation, the voltage drop method
can be the way to go. This was true
circuit’s total load resistance must In this age of analyzing scan data, in 1920 and is still true in 2020.
drop all of the available voltage if flat rate expediency and other fac-
the circuit is working properly. tors, many poor diagnostic calls are Voltage Drop Testing
Ohm’s law dictates that it takes made with the assumption that if Voltage drop testing allows us to
1V to push 1A of current through 1 scan data indicates voltage or cur- identify where or what portion of
ohm of resistance, or V = I x R. rent at a suspect device, then the the loaded circuit is failing while

Voltage drop testing and “splitting the system” on the power and ground side of circuit.

20 ContentJuly 2020 protected and provided for personal use only - not for reproduction or retransmission.
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Voltage.indd 5 6/18/20 3:46 PM

the circuit is live. In this test, a simply move the ground lead of the the same, we can safely assume that
voltmeter is used in series through meter from the lamp socket to a dif- the drop is occurring on the power
the circuit from the battery, to and ferent ground point, then see if the side of the load.
through the load, then back to the voltage drop changes. Developing techniques to locate
battery. If the dropped voltage goes to a voltage drop across a long wire
The voltage drop test always as- zero, then the drop is occurring on through an interior harness is im-
sumes that three basic operating the ground side; if it remains exactly portant. For example, if our lamp
principles automatically apply:
•Voltage cannot drop or be
checked for drop when in a resting

Summer heats up
(potential) state. Any circuit must
be switched on and have current
flowing through the load in order to

with special
be measured for voltage drop.
•The load should always consume
all of the available circuit voltage. A

voltage drop reading across a load
that’s running indicates a circuit
problem, so you should begin the
isolation process.
•Voltage drop is a valid test only
if the dropped voltage is compared
to source voltage. Without the ref-
erence of source voltage, voltage Install what you need and pay no interest
drop cannot be calculated.
Now, how to locate that voltage for 12 months on any order over $10,000!
drop? There are several schools of
thought and different approaches 1.9% interest for 24 months!
that have been honed down over
the years. The basic challenge is
that once a drop in working voltage
is identified in a circuit, finding the
location of that drop can be a bit
more arduous. This is obviously be-
cause we’re now essentially “chasing
a wire.”
To find that drop on the wire,
you now need to jump your meter
along the wire through the circuit
in series, through the load and back
to the source of the voltage, power
side or ground side. Be sure to test
each side of all connectors, splices,
fuses and relays; it’s often here we
find the issue (pin drag). Extended terms (60 months) also available at 5.79%!
The testing approach here re- Valid June 1 to July 31.
quires some thought. Presumably,
if we’re measuring that drop across
the load (lamp socket) already and
need to see whether or not the volt-
age drop is occurring on the power
or ground side of the circuit, we can

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Voltage.indd 6 6/18/20 3:46 PM

Analog Measurements in a Digital World

The scope’s visual view allows instant analysis of voltage, current and load behavior simultaneously. This is a large advantage to
modern technicians in diagnosing complex circuits that wasn’t available to our predecessors in the old days.

test at the rear of the vehicle proved surprised at how quickly a seem- quickly how that fuse continuously
the drop was occurring somewhere ingly complex network issue can be blew in the meter. In the process
between the fuse or power relay up resolved this way. we gained an understanding of how
front and the lamp in the back, a Breaking the circuit or wire down to measure current. But since the
technician can sectionalize the cir- to manageable chunks to solve can advent of inductive current probes,
cuit, or break the testing down to sometimes save hours of time when testing current is easy and valuable
smaller (or larger) chunks to avoid tracing voltage potential and voltage for many diagnostic situations, even
tearing the whole interior out, only drop in wires and circuits. mechanical diagnosis.
to find the connector problem at Testing current has been critical- Current clamps used with an os-
the engine side of the firewall. ly important in electrical diagnostics cilloscope make the most powerful
For communication network di- since…well, just about forever. To- combination of diagnostics imagin-
agnosis, I prefer to use the sche- day, the acquired art form of cur- able, because now all of the charac-
matic, along with any U-codes, to rent ramping with an oscilloscope teristics of the circuit—the power
gather clues to help determine the and analysis of the voltage/current source, driver device and load, as
most logical and targeted entry into relationship can make or break a well as circuit ground integrity—
the isolation process. The beauty diagnosis in terms of accuracy and can be analyzed all at once.
of utilizing a lab scope for voltage speed. It’s not all about voltage and This provides modern-day engi-
and current testing of networks is resistance; it’s often the current that neers and technicians an unprece-
that you can visually see changes can help tell the story. dented way to analyze circuit issues
in the voltage behavior on the bus Until recent years, automotive and isolate faults quickly. In fact,
lines easily as you work your way techs have had to measure current overlaying voltage and current wave-
through the network. Once you’ve the old-fashioned way, by jumping forms now allows us to “see” into the
zeroed in on the offending branch the meter into the circuit in series, ignition coil circuit or injector and
of the network and suspect a wiring essentially making the meter the inspect the health of the driver, mo-
issue, there’s nothing better than to shunt that all current must flow tor, solenoid, switch or sensor.
disconnect your modules, load the through. This method was used by Nowadays, just about anything
connector with a 100-ohm, .25 or technicians primarily when a para- can be figured out using current
.5W resistor, provide around 3.5 to sitic draw was evident. and voltage relationship measure-
5V to the circuit and voltage-drop Those of us who grew up test- ment methods. We can now even
the communication lines. You’d be ing this way came to understand obtain running resistances on

22 ContentJuly 2020 protected and provided for personal use only - not for reproduction or retransmission.
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Voltage.indd 7 6/18/20 3:46 PM

normal and failed circuits quickly rent draw that exceeds the accept- taking a dive into the circuit with a
and visually. able limits, we must also be able good schematic, a current probe, a
Speaking of the relationship be- to see some millivoltage activity visual oscilloscope and some study
tween voltage and current, a new across the fuse of the affected cir- and training on techniques for mod-
twist and targeted method eling these components
of testing for parasitic draws sure can get us the right
without having to shunt-test
the whole vehicle is to use Nowadays, just about anything answers when we need
them—every time.
voltage drop testing to find Remember, for us tech-
the parasitic draw.
can be figured out using current nicians, even now, 98% of
An awesome article on
the subject of testing for
and voltage relationship our testing is still done in
the analog world, just as it
intermittent parasitic draw measurement methods. was in 1920! Study what
begins on page 24 of this is- the great pioneers gave us.
sue, but quickly, the meth- It’s worth every minute
od involves preparing the and you’ll never stop learn-
vehicle for the test, putting the vehi- cuit, right? ing. And there are some cool stories
cle to sleep, then checking for volt- To wrap up the discussion, con- and history lessons along the way,
age drop across the fuses. sider that all of our testing, if done too. Until next time.
Think about it: Since current is properly, is of a very basic ana-
always inversely proportional to log nature, even in very complex This article can be found online
voltage in the circuit, if there’s a circuits! Using electrical laws and at
certain value of milliamps of cur- well-established rules of thumb, and


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Voltage.indd 8 6/18/20 3:47 PM

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PARASITIC.indd 1 6/18/20 3:42 PM


Everyone has a favorite diagnostic method for

finding the source of a parasitic battery drain.
Even so, some draws are more difficult to locate,
especially when they’re intermittent.

arasitic draws on a battery can be fairly easy to
diagnose and locate. Usually something has been
left on, drawing the battery down. Measuring the
voltage drop across the fuses will help pinpoint
the problem circuit. However, there are times
when the draw can be very challenging to locate, particularly
when the draw is an intermittent problem.

Content is copyright protected and provided for personal use only - not for reproduction July 2020
or retransmission. 25
For reprints please contact the Publisher.

PARASITIC.indd 2 6/18/20 3:42 PM

Diagnosing an Intermittent Parasitic Draw

One of our regular custom-

ers had his vehicle—a 1989 Jeep
Grand Cherokee—towed in for
a dead battery. For almost a year
the problem had persisted. If
he didn’t drive for three days or
more, there was a 50% chance the
battery would be dead. Each time
we saw the Jeep, we’d check the
battery and starting and charging
systems. These systems would
pass, showing good test results.

Photos & screen capture: Tom Tillman

This included checking for a para-
sitic draw.
To save the customer a towing
bill, we’d go out and jump-start
his Jeep whenever the problem
occurred. After replacing the bat-
tery for a second time, I finally
persuaded the owner to leave
Here the Power Probe Hook has recorded the 8.79A draw during the 24-hour test. the vehicle for several days so we
could check things out. I wanted
to run a parasitic draw test over a
24-hour time span.
To perform this test, I used the
Power Probe Hook. This tool has
the capability of performing the
amperage test without the unit go-
ing to sleep. First, we needed to
park the vehicle in a bay where it
wouldn’t have to be moved. Next,
we needed to set up the tools to
check for the draw. From this
point on I’ll refer to the Power
Probe Hook as simply the Hook.
After setting up and starting the
test with the Hook, I would oc-
casionally check the vehicle for
a draw. During the remainder of
the workday, a draw was never re-
corded by the Hook. However, the
next day when I got to work, the
Hook did show a draw of 8.79A.
At this point, we needed to iso-
late the individual circuit that was
causing the draw.
The next step was to set up a
scope or a multimeter to record
the voltage drop across each of the
Older vehicles use a JCASE type fuse, like the one shown here. This type of fuse is used for fuses in the underhood fusebox.
high amperages (MAIN FUSE) and usually has other lower-amp fuses downstream from it
protecting individual circuits. This type of fuse is next to impossible to check for the voltage One problem on older vehicles
drop. In this case, test the voltage drop on the fuses downstream from this fuse. is testing a JCASE type of fuse,

26 ContentJuly 2020 protected and provided for personal use only - not for reproduction or retransmission.
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For reprints please contact the Publisher.

PARASITIC.indd 3 6/18/20 3:42 PM

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Content is copyright protected and provided for personal use only - not for reproduction or retransmission.
© 2020 BendPak Inc. Ranger Products is a registered trademark of BendPak.
For reprints please contact the Publisher. A Division of BendPak

BendPak2_AD.indd 1 3/16/20 6:26 PM

Diagnosing an Intermittent Parasitic Draw

Jeep Cherokee, the underhood

fuse box #15 is a 50A JCASE type
fuse. With this type of fuse, you’ll
need to identify each one in se-
ries. Test each fuse for the draw
After reviewing the wiring sche-
matic for this vehicle, I found
that the JCASE fuse #15 supplied
power to fuse #7 in the underdash
fuse panel. Fuse #7 supplies con-
stant power to the BCM. I started
with this fuse first, as I had anoth-
er case where the BCM woke up
and drained the battery due to a
defective door switch.
Again, I used a multimeter or
a lab scope to measure the volt-
age drop across each fuse. If the
meter is going to be used for an
extended period of time, it should
The Amp Hound 2 Connector can be connected to the fuse in the fuse box without disturb- be set to the Min/Max position.
ing the fuse connection. I used it here to connect my scope leads.
This will prevent most meters
from going to sleep. If you’re go-
ing to use a meter for this test,
make sure you install a fresh bat-
tery each time.
In this case, however, I pre-
ferred to use a lab scope. A scope
can give you an idea of how long
the draw existed. To perform this
test, I used a special set of test
leads from my Amp Hound 2 Test-
er set. These test leads lock right
onto the top of the fuse to be test-
ed. Then connect the test leads to
your scope. Now set the scope to
capture a single pattern over a long
period of time. Start by testing the
fuse each time for a good connec-
tion. To do this, momentarily acti-
vate the circuit. At that point, the
scope should show a voltage drop
across the fuse. Then reset the
A scope can give you an idea of how long an intermittent draw is present. Here’s an ex- scope and the Hook.
ample of a voltage drop across a fuse that was captured using a lab scope. The downward Now set the scope to start re-
sweep after the turn-on point would be created by lights in the circuit.
cording the voltage drop (sin-
gle-trace) when the problem ap-
which is a square sealed-cartridge fuse is next to impossible to do. pears. This way you can get an
fuse, used mainly for high-am- Usually this type of fuse supplies idea of how long the draw was
perage circuits. Testing for a 12V power to several circuit fus- placed on the battery. Again,
voltage drop across this type of es downline. For example, in this you need a scope that isn’t pro-

28 ContentJuly 2020 protected and provided for personal use only - not for reproduction or retransmission.
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PARASITIC.indd 4 6/18/20 4:23 PM

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© 2020 BendPak Inc. Ranger Products is a registered trademark of BendPak.
Content is copyright protected and provided for personal use only - not for reproduction or retransmission.
A Division of BendPak
For reprints please contact the Publisher.

BendPak3_AD.indd 1 3/16/20 6:30 PM

Diagnosing an Intermittent Parasitic Draw

that point as well. When I ques-

tioned the customer about the in-
terior lights, he did recall seeing
the lights on once. That informa-
tion would have been very helpful
when he originally brought the ve-
hicle in.
Once it was determined that
the BCM was being woken up, we
needed to determine if the BCM
itself was causing the draw. On
this particular vehicle, the com-
puters are all connected through
a network bus bar. With the net-
work bus bar disconnected, the
draw never reoccurred. We now
The bus bar connector is located below the steering column behind the dash on the 1989 needed to isolate the other net-
Jeep Grand Cherokee. With the bus bar connector disconnected, use a jumper to connect work modules or computers to see
each module to the BCM to determine which one is signaling the BCM.
which of the modules was trigger-
ing the signal to the BCM.
With the bus bar still discon-
nected, we installed a jumper
from the BCM computer network
terminal to each of the other com-
puters (one at a time) on the net-
work. On this vehicle, the network
bus bar is located under the steer-
ing column behind the dash. The
reference information system also
showed that the bus bar was num-
bered and it identified where each
wire went in the network. This
was an immense help in locating
the problem.
We then retested the system for
the draw on the BCM and found
that the driver’s door module was
activating the BCM. Initially I left
the driver’s door halfway open
and waited until all the computers
went to sleep. This allowed easy
Once the door-to-body weather boot is opened, the broken power and ground wires are access to the network bus bar. I
exposed. Here the wires were removed from the weather boot. Using a guide wire, run new
wires through the door-to-body weather boot. Splice the broken wires to the new wiring in
then noticed a slight movement of
the boot. Never cut the boot open to repair the broken wires. the door would wake up the body
control module. When I checked
grammed to go to sleep after a set the BCM fuse (#7) showed a volt- the door module itself, I found
period of time. Also, if the scope age drop response on the scope the power supply wire was broken
is plugged into an electrical outlet, along with the amperage draw on inside the door-to-body weath-
make sure the power to that outlet the Hook. Now we knew some- er boot. Does this sound famil-
remains on once the shop is closed thing was triggering the BCM to iar with older vehicles equipped
for the night. wake up. I wondered if the Jeep’s with power windows? The wire
On the first day of our testing, interior lights were coming on at was still making contact most of

30 ContentJuly 2020 protected and provided for personal use only - not for reproduction or retransmission.
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PARASITIC.indd 5 6/18/20 3:43 PM

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MOTOR_AD.indd 1 3/18/20 5:18 PM

Diagnosing an Intermittent Parasitic Draw

Here’s how
to reach us.
For Motor Magazine address
changes, plus circulation and
other information, call Sub-
scriber Service at 847-559-7316.

For Motor Manuals information

Here the scope confirms that the bus bar signal is working correctly after the wiring and customer assistance, call
inside the Jeep's door-to-body weatherboot has been fixed.
1-800-4A-MOTOR, or visit
the time. But upon movement of As vehicles age, problems
the door, the module would mo- are going to pop up in the wir-
mentarily lose power. This would ing harness and create havoc on
activate the BCM to wake up and the network. Developing a con- Mail editorial correspondence to:
turn on the interior lights. Also, sistent diagnostic approach will Motor Magazine, Editorial Dept.
the ground help speed up 1301 W. Long Lake Rd., Ste. 300
wire was ready the diagnostic Troy, MI 48098
to break as process and fix or e-mail:
To repair
After making the problem.
When dealing

these wires,
never cut open
wiring repairs, with an inter-
mittent prob- For print or digital advertis-
the door-to- lem, don’t try ing information, visit mediakit.
body weather always check to rush the or contact:
boot. Instead, job; the prob-
run a new wire the network lem will reap-
Charlton Calhoun
National Sales Manager
from the door pear eventual-
to the body signal for proper ly. Make sure cell: 404-964-3961
through the the customer
boot. Make operation. understands
the splices in that diagnos- Send advertisement insertion
the door and ing such a orders and material to:
in the body it- problem can
Andrea Forgue
self; this is the only way to make a take some time. Also, don’t forget
Production Manager
permanent repair. Also, check the that individual modules can have
remaining wires going through problems with age as well.
fax: 248-879-8603
the boot. These wires are proba-
bly not far from breaking as well.
This article can be found online
After making the repairs, always
recheck the network signal for at
proper operation.

32 ContentJuly 2020 protected and provided for personal use only - not for reproduction or retransmission.
is copyright
For reprints please contact the Publisher.

PARASITIC.indd 6 6/18/20 3:43 PM


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*Free shipping on BendPak products to the 48 contiguous states.
© 2020 BendPak Inc. BendPak is a registered trademark.
For reprints please contact the Publisher.

BendPak4_AD.indd 1 3/16/20 6:34 PM

AASA Helps Those in Automotive content to the website, disinfecting practices are inadequate
Aftermarket Stay Connected and this latest addition to the Industry when dealing with a highly communica-
Because the COVID-19 pandemic Toolbox section lets shops and stores ble infectious disease...and we are shar-
has adversely impacted virtually ev- download and locally print educational ing our expertise to help keep everyone
eryone in the automotive aftermarket, content for their customers,” said Rich safe.”
the Automotive Aftermarket Suppli- White, executive director, Car Care The bulletin can be accessed and
ers Association (AASA, www.after downloaded by visiting the CRC In- has created two dustries website at https://www.crc
new opportunities for members of the
aftermarket in transition—a new mem-
bership category and a job search plat- Pep Boys Announces Winners of
form partnership. Annual Tech of the Year Award
Anyone who has been recently laid Council. “The new instructive handouts Pep Boys celebrated Automotive Ser-
off from an automotive aftermarket are available in flyer and trifold form vice Professionals Week in early June
industry job with an AASA member and are useful tools to help automotive by announcing the winners of its annual
company due to COVID-19 is eligible professionals explain the how, what and tech of the year award. The company
for AASA’s Networking Membership, why of critical vehicle maintenance and
which includes access to AASA newslet- repair.”
ters, discounted rates on AASA events,
access to AASA webinars and access to CRC Issues Technical Bulletin on
the AASA Member Center at AAPEX. Workplace Cleaning, Disinfecting
The cost to join is $60 annually. CRC Industries has released a new
AASA also has partnered with APA technical bulletin titled “The Urgent
Search on a new platform to provide Need for Proper Workplace Cleaning
unemployed automotive professionals and Disinfecting of Hard Non-Porous
with opportunities to be found and Surfaces.” The free-to-download bul- Pep Boys’ Top Techs for 2020 are (l. to r.):
Bryan Lamparter, Charlotte, NC; William
hired by industry employers at no cost letin was developed by top regulatory Bowles, Fort Worth, TX; Jason Kirby, Or-
to either party. affairs and compliance experts at CRC lando, FL; Ernesto Delaisla, Clovis, CA;
in response to the current health crisis. and Amir Pagan, Humacao, PR.
Car Care Council Offers Free The bulletin provides useful informa-
Consumer Handouts to Shops tion for individuals and businesses in an recognizes automotive technicians an-
The Car Care Council has created new effort to keep employees and customers nually in each of its business regions
brochures and flyers that automotive safe for the duration of the COVID-19 who demonstrate performance excel-
repair shops and auto parts stores can pandemic and beyond. It clarifies the lence, a commitment to continuous
share with their customers. The print- differences among cleaners, sanitizers, training and mentorship, exemplary
ready handouts, which can be down- disinfectants and sterilants, and iden- customer service and an enthusiastic
loaded free of charge by visiting www. tifies which of these products are reg- approach to their work., con- istered with the EPA and the FDA. It The winners this year are William
tain information about key vehicle sys- also offers best practices for the proper Bowles, a master technician in Fort
tems. use of cleaners and disinfectants and Worth, TX; Ernesto Delasla, a master
The literature covers belts and hoses, highlights frequently touched areas in technician in Clovis, CA; Jason Kirby,
brake systems, the emissions system, facilities that must be cleaned and dis- an area diagnostic specialist in Orland,
the exhaust system, filters and fluids, infected regularly to minimize the risk FL; Bryan Lamparter, a master techni-
fuel systems, starting and charging sys- of exposure to infectious diseases. cian in Charlotte, NC; and Amir Pagan,
tems and batteries, steering and suspen- Scott Brownstein, CRC Industries a technician in Humacao, PR.
sion and the transmission system. Three Technical Service Manager, noted that The winners were selected based on
additional brochures answer questions CRC developed the bulletin “to provide multiple factors, including ASE certifi-
about finding an auto repair shop, un- an educational resource for individuals cation, strong productivity and perfor-
derstanding the vehicle’s warranty and and businesses of all types.... During mance metrics, mentorship, living the
vehicle telematics. the COVID-19 pandemic, many have Pep Boys values and positive represen-
“We continuously add educational learned that their current cleaning and tation of the company.

34 ContentJuly 2020 protected and provided for personal use only - not for reproduction or retransmission.
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NewsBreak_0720.indd 1 6/16/20 4:34 PM

Motor Editors

“Our technicians are the lifeblood

of our service business, and our Top
FYI… recently expanded its line of Spicer Select
Techs are the best of the best,” said Bri- We first told you about the book Misfire: light vehicle center support bearings. For
an Kaner, CEO – Service. “They bring What to Do When Things Aren’t Running details, visit
both the skills and the passion that help on All Cylinders, written by renowned select.
us live out our promise to go further so shop owner, entrepreneur and trade jour-
our customers can go farther.” nalist Mitch Schneider, in the Nov. 2019 Hunter Engineering has a newly rede-
Pep Boys, which is part of Icahn F.Y.I. column. The book has now been signed website that features more prod-
Automotive Group, is sharing sto- released on Audible and on the iBooks uct comparison tools, ROI calculators and
ries about its Top Techs on www.Pep app for Mac. The author is currently work- industry insight content. Log on to www. and on its other social me- ing on a series of Misfire supplements, for more information.
dia channels—Facebook, Instagram, a group of handbooks that will serve as
LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube. an expanded appendix for the business PurePower Technologies has added 23
management and leadership lessons that premium-quality new light-duty turbo
ShopStream Connect Facilitates appear in the book. part numbers for the aftermarket. That
Getting Snap-on Software Upgrades brings the total number of additions to
Professional technician customers with Last month the National Automotive the company’s new and remanufactured
a subscription or prepaid plan to down- Service Task Force (NASTF) launched the turbo lineup to 30 part numbers. Other
load and install the latest Snap-on diag- first phase of a new website rollout. The new product releases are planned for lat-
nostic software upgrades and service re- biggest changes to er this year. For more information, visit
leases can do so easily with ShopStream involve navigation (users will be able to
navigate by brand rather than type of
information, and all of a manufacturer’s Elgin Industries has expanded its OE and
information will be displayed on a single aftermarket engine parts portfolio of
page), accessibility (the site will be com- replacement components for Ford 6.7L,
patible with phones, tablets and other 32-valve diesel engines, including 2011-
mobile devices) and overall design. 19 406 CID Scorpion engines. Visit www. for more information.
Connect. Platforms that can take advan- Hot Shot’s Secret has rebranded its Trans-
tage of this convenience include TRI- mission Stiction Eliminator. It’s now called Lumileds has expanded its Philips com-
TON-D8, APOLLO-D8, P1000 and any Shift Restore, which more accurately de- mercial lighting portfolio to more than
MODIS, SOLUS and ETHOS family scribes the product’s primary consumer 220 SKUs, including 12V and 24V products
platforms. benefit of ensuring smoother gear chang- and an expanded line of Philips Longer-
The free Windows-based applica- es. The product also is now offered in a Life commercial bulbs. The portfolio in-
tion—available at https://www.snapon. new size—a 16-oz. bottle. cludes Halogen headlight bulbs, Halogen
com/diagnostics/us/SSC—allows cus- and incandescent sealed-beam headlamps
tomers to directly upgrade their tool Coming on the heels of its recent acquisi- and miniature bulbs for interior and ex-
software themselves, immediately tion of CRP Industries’ Continental-related terior vehicle applications. Visit lumileds.
boosting platform performance. Addi- belt and kit program, Continental’s North com for more information.
tional benefits of ShopStream Connect American automotive aftermarket busi-
include: ness now is able to provide a full comple- The National Institute for Automotive
•the ability to transfer, save, manage, ment of belt, kit and hose products and Service Excellence (ASE) has extend-
review, annotate, e-mail and print files services to all its aftermarket channels. ed the scheduling window to Sept. 30
that were saved or recorded on a Snap- to give those who have registered ad-
on diagnostic platform; To highlight the ease of connecting with ditional time to schedule their tests.
•platform support with timely service the company online, Dana Incorporat- ASE testing is available throughout the
release downloads; and ed’s aftermarket group has kicked off a year and free online study guides are
•software subscription program sup- new contest. Visit available to help with the test prepa-
port with automatic upgrade notifica- toolbox for a chance to win a Coleman ration process. For more informa-
tions and anytime download/installation cooler with the Spicer logo. The contest tion, visit, e-mail contact
capabilities. runs through Dec. 31. The company also or call 800-390-6789.

Content is copyright protected and provided for personal use only - not for reproductionJuly 2020
or retransmission. 35
For reprints please contact the Publisher.

NewsBreak_0720.indd 2 6/16/20 4:34 PM

Tools of the Trade
New Hand Sanitizer Parts Cleaner/Degreaser functionality, performance and reliabil-
This new hand sanitizer helps protect Spray Nine Grez-Off is a new, versa- ity at an affordable price, says the com-
you, your techs and customers from tile cleaning solution that combines pany. The new compact aligner offers a
the spread of the functionality of a traditional spray
illness due to degreaser with the flexibility of be-
COVID-19. ing able to be used as a parts cleaning
Based on the solution in water-based parts washer
formula rec-
by the World
Health Or-
the prod-
uct contains
80% alcohol
by volume full imaging experience, including 3D
and can be vehicle measurements and dimensions,
applied using any spray dispenser. It’s along with fast rolling run-out compen-
available in 16-, 32- and 64-oz. bottles, systems. According to the manufac- sation. To save valuable floor space,
1- and 5-gal. jugs and in bulk drums turer, the new water-based formula the unit replaces the PC and bulky
of 55-gals. and larger. Lubrication requires less scrubbing, contains a cor- cabinets of traditional aligners with a
Specialties rosion inhibitor to prevent flash rusting simple tablet and fixed-beam configu-
and is biodegradable, nonflammable ration. John Bean
New A/C Service Machine and VOC-compliant. It’s available in
The new Ranger CoolCharge fully au- 32-oz. spray bottles, 1-gal. jugs, 5-gal. New Torx Bit Tool Set
tomatic a/c service machine recovers, pails and 55-gal. drums. Permatex This new Dual Drive 11-piece Torx bit
recycles and recharges R-134a air con- set (Part No. 16003) makes easy work
Heavy-Duty Impact Gun of removing and installing the most
The new CP7769 heavy-duty ¾-in.
drive impact gun delivers up to 1440
ft.-lbs. of torque in reverse yet weighs
just under 7
lbs., making it common Torx fasteners used in auto-
one of the light- motive applications. Each bit features
est impact guns a tough titanium coating for enhanced
in its class, says strength and durability. The low-profile
the company. dual-drive design allows the bits to be
It features a used with a ¼-in. drive ratchet or an
lightweight yet 11mm wrench. The set comes backed
durable com- by a lifetime warranty and includes a
posite housing, handy storage rail to keep the bits or-
ditioning systems, typically in less than twin-hammer power mechanism, 360° ganized. Mayhew Tools
one hour. According to the company, swivel air inlet and variable-speed trig-
the machine is easily programmable, ger with one-hand power adjustments. DOT 4 Brake Fluid Line
evacuates and recovers virtually 100% The tool is available in both stan- This new brake fluid line offers a range
of used refrigerant, features a separate dard-length and 6-in. extended-length of high-quality DOT 4 replacement
flushing function to clean and return anvil designs. Chicago Pneumatic fluids formulated to meet specific ve-
used refrigerant back into the system hicle performance and safety require-
and includes a shutoff feature when Economical Wheel Aligner ments. Three brake fluids make up the
either the filter becomes clogged or Designed for smaller shops or those line: ATE SL is an all-around fluid for
the refrigerant level becomes too low. with limited budgets, the new V2000 brake and hydraulic clutch systems.
BendPak wheel alignment system provides full It’s formulated with anticorrosion and

36 July
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Tools_0720.indd 1 6/12/20 5:45 PM

antiaging agents to extend fluid and O-Ring Tool Set Duragrip positraction products and
brake system component service life. Featuring dual-material comfort USA Standard Gear Powr Loc posi-
ATE SL.6 is specially formulated for grips, this four-piece tool set (Part No.
use in high-end vehicles equipped with
advanced electronic systems such as

31920) contains two tip configurations

and blade lengths to allow easy remov- traction assemblies (for Chrysler vehi-
al of most automotive O-rings, seals cles). American Powertrain
and hoses. Applications include oil
ABS, ESP and ASR. Its low-viscosi- pump drive shaft seals, inner tie-rod Right Angle Impact Guns
ty formula allows electronic braking rack boots, CV-joint boots, heater and Available in both 3/8- and ½-in. drive
systems to react more quickly com- vacuum hoses and fuel injector and sizes, M12 FUEL Right Angle Im-
pared to conventional DOT 4 fluids, fuel rail O-rings. Lisle pact Wrenches are designed
resulting in improved braking perfor- with a long, narrow body and
mance and safety. ATE TYP 200 is a BMW Valve Cover Kits short, low-profile head to al-
high-performance brake fluid that ex- Designed specifically for N20, N52, low easier access into hard-
ceeds all DOT 4 standards. Designed N54 and N55 engines, Rein Automo- to-reach or confined areas.
to excel under the extreme demands tive Valve Cover Kits contain all the Additional features include a
of high-performance vehicles and race powerful brushless motor ca-
cars, it features high wet and dry boil- pable of providing up to 220
ing points to guard against brake fade ft.-lbs. of torque, a long-last-
during spirited driving. The fluid has ing 12V REDLITHIUM bat-
excellent water binding properties that tery pack and a four-mode
extend service life, providing optimal Drive Control system that matches the
performance for up to three years or power and speed of the wrench to the
longer under normal high-speed driv- job at hand. Milwaukee Tool
ing conditions. Continental Commer-
cial Vehicles & Aftermarket New Fluid Extractors
This new line of fluid extractors pro-
Telescoping Inspection Mirror vides a clean, fast and simple way to
Designed to help get into tight areas parts necessary to do a complete valve evacuate a wide range of fluid types,
inaccessible to the naked eye, the Blue cover replacement job on many popu-
lar BMW vehicles. Included in the kits
are preinstalled gaskets and hardware,
along with a new breather hose and oil
cap. Some kits also contain an eccen-
tric shaft sensor, which typically has
Point telescoping inspection mirror a high failure rate and should not be
(Part No. UIM225OR) is suitable for reused. CRP Automotive
up-close inspections of worn, missing including engine oil, transmission flu-
or disconnected parts and hoses. It New Differential Parts Line ids, gear oil, coolant, brake fluids and
features a large 2¼-in.-diameter mirror Available for popular Ford, GM and more. Each extractor is made of light-
head and an all-angle ball joint that Chrysler vehicles, the Yukon Gear & weight, durable polyethylene and in-
holds the mirror firmly in place at any Axle line provides a full assortment of cludes 5 ft. of flexible hosing with in-
angle. The mirror can telescope from quality parts for differential service and line fluid and air shut-off valves, as well
6½ to 35 in. for greater versatility and repair. Included are ring & pinion sets, as a universal brake bleeding adapter
convenience. Snap-on Tools carriers, overhaul kits, Trac-Loc and and rigid dipstick tubes for engine oil

Content is copyright protected and provided for personal use only - not for reproductionJuly 2020
or retransmission. 37
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Tools_0720.indd 2 6/12/20 5:45 PM

Tools of the Trade
removal. Included in the line are a 2.7- cally to withstand the effects of salt and resistance and quieter operation. Using
gal. pneumatic model, a 1.7-gal. hand brine solutions that can wreak havoc premium, severe-duty friction materi-
pump model and a ½-gal. pneumatic al, the pads come with Nu-Lok antimi-
model designed exclusively for brake gration tabs, shims and noise-canceling
fluid exchanging. JohnDow Industries piston inserts. NRS Brakes

BMW High-Performance Pistons GM LS Gen V Engine Parts

PowerPak piston kits are designed and cause corrosion damage to con- Designed specifically for GM LS Gen
to boost output and performance on ventional equipment. Each rack comes V engines, this new line of quality parts
BMW B50 and S85 V10 engines. They standard with stainless-steel slip plate offers OE-level performance and du-
feature forged top surfaces and turnplates. A zinc-rich
4032 aluminum primer base coat plus a top powder-
alloy pistons coat are then added to runways, ramps
that provide in- and bases, providing two layers of pro-
creased strength tection. Finally, all joints are caulked
during high-tem- with epoxy to prevent salt seepage be-
perature opera- tween adjoining pieces of metal on the
tion while reduc- rack. Hunter Engineering
ing noise. Each
piston also includes dry lubricant phos- Locking Pliers Line rability at a fraction of the cost of orig-
phate and gold skirt coatings to reduce Available in 8-, 10- and 12-in. sizes, inal equipment replacements, says the
wear and drag; gas-nitrided, stain- SpeedGrip tongue & groove pliers maker. Included in the line are head
less-steel oil rings for better oil control; feature a unique bolts; standard and AFM lifters; front
steel piston pins for increased strength fast-adjusting but- and rear lifter guides (with or without
and reliability; and larger valve pockets ton mechanism AFM); oil pump screen assemblies;
to accommodate larger valves. The kits that locks the jaws pushrods and rocker arms; crankshaft
are available in either standard 12.2:1 into position, elim- sprockets, timing chains and chain ten-
or lower 10.1:1 compression ratios. inating the need sioners; valve guides, springs, locks and
MAHLE Motorsport for constant read- retainers; valve stem seals and seal kits;
justment with the and intake and exhaust valves. Elgin
Compact Bolt Cutter workpiece. Dura- Industries
The new CoBolt S bolt cutter is only ble heat-treated,
6¼ in. long yet is powerful enough to patent-pending Cordless Impact Gun
crosshatch teeth The W5133 IQ is a new 3/8-in. drive
are claimed to pro- cordless impact gun that features a
vide a stronger grip compact design for getting into tight
with more points of contact compared areas yet delivers up to 550 ft.-lbs. of
cut bolts, nails and rivets up to 11/64 in. to standard tongue & groove pliers. A torque in reverse for removing even
in diameter. Made of tough, oil-hard- convenient reaming feature at the top the most stubborn
ened German chrome vanadium, the of the tool allows for easy deburring fasteners. It fea-
tool features a strong lever-action of pipes. All pliers in the line feature a tures a lightweight,
mechanism that requires less user ef- no-slip comfort grip for better control chemically resis-
fort when performing cutting chores, and less hand fatigue. Channellock tant composite
plus laser-cut, induction-hardened housing; a vari-
blade edges to reduce slippage. Ac- Supra Front Brake Pads able-speed switch
cording to the maker, the tool is small Designed specifically for the new 2020 with an electronic
enough to fit in a pocket and is partic- Toyota Supra, these front brake pads brake for more
ularly suited for working in cramped, precise control;
confined areas. KNIPEX Tools a long-lasting,
dependable brushless motor; and an
Harsh-Duty Alignment Rack LED task light on the snout of the
Designed for shops in the Snow tool for illuminating dark areas. Four
Belt and other regions of the coun- unique forward power settings that
try subjected to severe weather, this adjust the tool’s torque to the job at
harsh-duty option to the company’s hand help prevent overtightening of
popular RX scissor-lift alignment rack are manufactured with galvanized steel fasteners. A powerful 20V battery and
features components designed specifi- backing plates for increased corrosion charger are included. Ingersoll Rand

38 ContentJuly 2020 protected and provided for personal use only - not for reproduction or retransmission.
is copyright
For reprints please contact the Publisher.

Tools_0720.indd 3 6/12/20 5:46 PM

Electrical Electrical
Tools & Equipment How-to-Book
Electrical - 198 How-to-Book $98.00
by Vince (250 by
FischelliFischelli Vince
(250 Fischelli
pages (250
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$98.00 diagrams)
Electrical How-to-Book
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by Vince
Fischelli (250
diagrams) $98.00
pages - 198 diagrams)
pages - 198 diagrams) $98.00Electrical How-to-Book
Vince Fischelli (250 pages - 198 diagrams) $98.00
by Vince Fischelli (250 pages - 198 diagrams)Electrical
$98.00 How-to-Book by Vince Fischelli (250 pages - 198 diagrams) $98.00
Used/New Automotive “Vehicle Electrical “Vehicle Electrical
Troubleshooting “Vehicle Troubleshooting
Electrical Troubleshooting SHORTCUTS”
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Troubleshooting Batteries, Cranking Circuits and ChargingSHORTCUTS”
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6/17/20 4:43AM


Summer heats up with
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•Revolutionary leg
design pulls on the
back side of the
•Designed for GM
3.6L Camaro, Ford Mustang Coyote and other engines
Our engineers have redeveloped the legs on this Harmonic Damper Pully Puller kit, signficantly increasing the versatility
and range of enginers and applications. This signifcant redesign has led Schley to file multiple provisional patents. In addi-

•Geometry increases the bite of the leg-to-pulley as it is

tion to removing the harmonic damper pulleys used on the GM Chevrolet Camaro 3.6L engine, the updated and redesigned
legs enable it to remove the smaller harmonic balancer equipped on the 2018 Ford Mustang Coyote engines, as well as

other engines. The patent-pending legs have the correct geometry and work with the wider range of engines and pully appli-
cations because the leg is designed to pull from behind the spoke instead of the small landing pads. This feature increases
the applications to many types of engines.

•Compact design accommodates tight spaces inside most

• Revolutionary leg design pulls on the backside of the pulley

engine compartments • Designed for GM 3.6L Camaro, Ford Mustang Coyote and other engines
• Geometry increases the bite of the leg-to-pulley as it is tightened

•Right tool for the right job will easily save a half hour each
• Compact design accomodates tight spaces inside most engine compartments
• Right tool for the right job will easily save a half hour each time it is used

time it is used
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Submitting materials does not guarantee publication in the issue. QUESTIONS? Inclusion in the Show Preview is determined by MOTOR Magazine editors.
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Complete details are available online.

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VisitContent or call 866-BUY-TOOL (866-289-8665) for more information.
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