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You can talk about:

Your childhood memory? Your memory ability (good/bad)?
Whether you’d love to have ultimate memory? Examples of
people with excellent memory.
What techniques you use to help to remember things better?
As a university student, I have many childhood memories, but
one that stands out to me is the time I learned to ride a bike
without training wheels. It was a big achievement for me at the
time, and I remember feeling proud and accomplished.

In terms of my memory ability, I would say that it's average. I

have a good memory for some things, like academic concepts
that interest me, but I struggle to remember names and dates.
However, I try to use memory techniques to help me remember
important information, like making associations or using
mnemonic devices.

I would love to have an ultimate memory because it would be

incredibly useful in my studies and daily life. Imagine being able
to remember everything you read or hear - it would be a game-
changer! I'm not sure if it's possible, but I think it would be
amazing to have that kind of ability.

There are many examples of people with excellent memory, like

memory athletes who compete in memory championships, or
individuals with eidetic memory, which allows them to recall
images with incredible detail. One person who comes to mind is
Kim Peek, who was the inspiration for the movie "Rain Man."
He had a photographic memory and could remember vast
amounts of information, even if he had only read or heard it

As for techniques to help remember things better, I find that

making associations or connections to things I already know is
helpful. For example, if I'm trying to remember a new
vocabulary word, I might associate it with a word that sounds
similar or has a similar meaning in another language. I also find
that repetition and practice help me remember things better
over time.

Overall, while I may not have an ultimate memory, I try to use

techniques and strategies to help me remember important
information and improve my memory ability.

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