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For the first question, my favorite technology device is definitely my smartphone.

It's an all-in-one device that allows me to communicate with friends and family ,
access the internet , listen to music, take photos, and use various apps that make
my life easier.
As for a technology device that helps disabled people, one example would be
prosthetic limbs . These are artificial limbs that are designed to replace limbs that
have been lost due to injury or illness . They can help people regain some of their
mobility and independence , and improve their quality of life .

Robots and automated machines can help people in a variety of ways, from
performing tasks that are too dangerous or difficult for humans to do, to
assisting with medical procedures, to improving manufacturing processes and
increasing efficiency in industries like agriculture and transportation.

Technology has definitely changed my life in many ways. It has made it easier for
me to stay in touch with friends and family who live far away, given me access to
a wealth of information and entertainment, and allowed me to work and study
remotely. However, it has also led to some negative effects, such as increased
screen time and a tendency to be constantly connected and distracted.

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