PDF Question DPP - Indefinite Integration

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DPP Questions QI Evaluate f T+ cos 2x dx () V2sinx +e (3) v2tanx +e Q2 f(3cosec? x + 2sin 3z)dz is equal to (1) 8cotz + 2cos 32 +0 (3) 3cotx — Fcos3a+C Q3 The indefinite integral f a te Q4 The value of indefinite integral ay 3 [le 2? +0 (3) In| Vz + VeF1|+C =H (1) Ptan "(2 + 2)4+ @) tan (a +2)-(. i Foes +1)? — 5 Intergrate : cos! a el” * de (1) Least +e @) ae poostz +e 8S aascncxemex ax is equal to- (1) $ In [see 2x + tan 2x|+C (3) In |seex + tamx|-+-C Q7 f cosec « dz is equal to (cote + SF $e (3) —cot2—- SF +e T of VE Indefinite Integration BITSAT Crash Course (2) V2cosx +e 4) none (2) —(8 cote + Zc0s32) +6 (4) 3cot x + cos 3x + C equals: de is equal to (where C is constant of integration) (2) 8 [veF1— ya]+c (4)in[¥z41- yz]+C 02) Leos +e ce (2)In |secx + cosec x |+C (4) 4 In |seex + cosec x |+C tan! (2)tanz + +e ()-tanz—- 2 he #MathBoleTohMathonGo www.mathonge.com DPP Indefinite Integration Questions BITSAT Crash Course (sine GVI=x +e Qa eetyisar ae @snxs VIKw te (@)sin-'x+ IaH +e J haa then Lis equal to je e2e+e Q) 2-22-2246 pt gem +e (4) 2+ 2a +2240 (e-4)7(2-3)7 w-3(E8)7 +0 C,, then find value of (A, B). QU IE f de = Ax + B log sin(x — (1) (-sina, cosa) (2) (cosa, sin a) (3) (sina, cosa) (4) (— cosa, sina) Qi? If f $23 dx = ax + b In |2 sin x + 3 cos x|+C, then _u pes @a=2,b=-F 13 f 22 de is equal to (1) tan“ (28) +e (2) Z (tanta)? +e (3) —4 (tan 28)? +e (4) Z (tan 28)? +e O14 fsecta - cot} ade is equal to (1) 3tan-i2 + (2)—Stan-te+C (3) -3tan- 32 +0 (4) -3cot“32 +C QIS The value of f cos 2 cos 4x da is #MathBoleTohMathonGo www.mathonge.com DPP Questions @ 2, then Jy + In is equal to (tanta) Q) (4)ntants +e +e QITIPFI, = f (log2)"de, then I, +n Ty = (1) 2(log 2)" (3) (logz)"* Q18 f sin’ zdz = 3 con 3 (1) —$eos 2 + 4S 8 coe $e (3) ~Seos 2 + 3 (2) (wlog 2)" (4) n(log x)" +o (2) 200s 2+ S46 3 cos 82 c (4) cos 2 ~ 4 — Q19 The integral f ——¢—,. is equal to: (where C is a constant of integration) (97 (e. Qf+ftete @o+ p-2+e #MathBoleTohMathonGo www.mathonge.com DPP Indefinite Integration Questions BITSAT Crash Course qd) (2) Hin(1 + 24) +4In(1 + 24) +C Ain(1 + 24)—Fin(1 + 2) +C 8) iin(1 + 24)—In(1 +2)+C (4) tin(1 +24) +In(1 +2) +0 Q22 The integral fe 0, is equal to (where c is a constant of integration) (1) log,|z? + 5a — 7|+e (2) 4log,[2? + 5a — 7]+e (3) Hog, |2? + 52 — 7|+c (4) log, V2? + 5a—T+e Qa if I= f == Ftan“!(f(e))+C (where, C is the constant of integration) and f(2)= >. then the maximum value of y = f(sinz) Vz © Ris a4 (2)2 @)0 4-1 dz = alog(2? + 4 +5)-+btan~'(# + k)+ constant, then ordered pair of (a,b, k) is equal © «) (3, 8, 2) @ (3,4,2) @) (}3:1) 4) (1, 8, 2) Qs Sane” is equal to @ @) 26 f az is equal to #MathBoleTohMathonGo www.mathonge.com DPP Questions (De*tanz +e Q)eseca te Q27 The value obtained on f V4 — 2%dx would be (ay +2sin 2+ (3) 2V4— 2? + 2sin7 (3) + Q28 [2° log dz is () S loge 2 +0 (G) Flog - 2 +0 e(14sin 2) Q29 FES axis equal to (ye tan(#) te Be (HEE) +e Q30 Given fe (tanz +1) sec rdz =e?f (2) +C A satisfying value of f(x) would be: Indefinite Integration BITSAT Crash Course Qye*seca+e ()e* tana +e Q)ava4a? + 2sin 2 +C (4) 22 4 asin (g)+e 2) Slog2 + (4) Sloga +240 ()e* tan ate ()e~ e cot($) a Q) sinx cosee.x GB) (4) sec x tan x Q31 f e%™” (logsin# + cosec? 0) cosbd8 is equal to #MathBoleTohMathonGo www.mathonge.com DPP Questions (1) fet? [logsin 6 + cosec? 6] +e (3) e%** logsind — cosecd). (zis) SSP aris Q32 The value of f e''* (tan tate (yeni tc Q33 Evaluate: i} dz. 1 (log2)? Ogyt?e Bate (log 2) 34 If f —* (2422410)? (1) A= & and f(«)= 9(« — 1) (3) A= Sand f(z)= 9(2 - 1) O36 fay Alog(x + 1)+Blog(z Indefinite Integration BITSAT Crash Course (2) e%™* logsind + cosec 6] +e (4) e%™* [logsin 6 — cosec? 6] +e Qe Fre (4) re F +e oss ®) (log 2)?42 42440 ie c C, then (where C is a constant of integration) (2) A= & and f(a)= 3(2 - 1) (4)A = Zand f(z)= 3(z ~ 1) 2)-+e then - Q)AB=1;A:B=-1 (4) None of these dx = Alog(+)+B tan! (4)+6 then (A,B), is @) (4,-4) (4) (,-1) 037 Correct evaluation J #7 de is (where, P is an arbitrary constant) Gs ey @)log. ES (4) 2log. (=) +P Q38 If f 2 cde = pe + qin|x +1 + e*|-+¢, where c is the constant of integration, then p + q is equal to me #MathBoleTohMathonGo www.mathonge.com DPP Indefinite Integration Questions BITSAT Crash Course (jo Ql GB)2 (4) 3 Qao If f —##2— = f(x) (1+ sin’ 2) c, where c is a constant of integration, then 2, #(3) is equal sins (Ltsin¢2) > to (y-3 (22 a2 (4)-2 #MathBoleTohMathonGo www.mathonge.com

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