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Jarkaria Rice

Freshman Student Success Course

Backwards Design Template

Desired Results
GOALS Students will be able to independently use their learning to…

Understand how Become proficient in note-taking methods and strategies for creating
fundamental succinct, clear, and concise notes.
taking good
notes is to Meaning
Students will understand that…
1. What are the benefits to
Good notetaking isn’t just good note taking?
intuitive; it is a skill that can be 2. How can I personalize my
improved upon with attentiveness notes in a way that I can
and willingness to experiment understand them?

Students will know… Students will be skilled at…

- The most efficient ways to - Personalizing notes in a

take notes. way that they can retain
- The importance of notes in the information that they
college level courses. are given.

Evidence and Assessment

Evaluative Assessment Evidence

1. Have students fill out a self-assessment questionnaire answering

a series of yes or no questions. Allow students to score their own
questionnaires, earning one point for each Yes answer to
questions 1, 4, 5, 6, and 9 and for each No answer to questions 2,
3, 7, 8 and 10. Students with high scores are already using good
note-taking strategies and students with low scores need
improvement in their note-taking approach.
2. Presentation on the importance of good notes.
3. Introduce and explain the different note taking methods.
4. Ask students to evaluate their own note-taking style in contrast
with the methods discussed. Then, have them identify how they
might improve their current approach by experimenting with one
of the note-taking systems


Learning Plan and Activities

Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction
Weekly Assignments utilizing different learning styles. (Video, audio, PowerPoint, images,
1. Students focus on active learning.
2. Students practice taking notes.
3. Students review their notes.

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