CRSPDirectorsMeeting 2011 LCCCRSP Poster FINAL 20110718

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Management Entity: Richard Bowen, Department of Biomedical Sciences; Jessica Davis, Department of Soil & Crop Sciences; Dana Hoag, Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics; and Shana Gillette, Department of Clinical Sciences Poster Design: Sarah Lupis, LCC CRSP Communications Specialist
This poster was made possible by the United States Agency for International Development and the generous support of the American people through Grant No. EEM-A-00-10-00001. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Agency for International Development or the U.S. government.

LCC CRSP Background

The LCC CRSP supports innovative, systemsbased research to improve the lives and livelihoods of livestock keepers and increase the resilience of livestock systems in the face of long-term climate change. Our research is focused on large and small ruminant systems in dryland regions of East Africa, West Africa, and Central Asia that compliments and augments country and regional priorities. Our research initiatives will: Expand income opportunities and increase stability for livestock keepers. Advance management practices to adapt to climate change. Build sustainable research capacity. Enhance human health, especially the nutritional status of women and children. Address gender inclusiveness and promote the participation of women. Align with USAIDs Feed The Future initiative and the Challenge Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Seed Grant Program Projects
CARBON: A cost-effectiveness framework for landscape rehabilitation and carbon sequestration in Kenya CHAINS: Climate variability, pastoralism, and commodity chains in Ethiopia and Kenya HALI-2: Strengthening Tanzanian livestock health and pastoral livelihoods in a changing climate PRTF: Pastoral transformations to resilient futures-understanding climate change from the ground up RPRA: Risk, perception, resilience, and adaptation to climate change in Niger and Tanzania

Research in East Africa

Some of the worlds poorest countries are located in East Africa. Here, improving the resilience of vulnerable livestock keepers to better withstand droughts and other emergencies and to improve food security in the region is vitally important. Pastoralist communities experience some of the highest poverty levels on the continent, and raising livestock is important for families and national economies. In this region, climate change impacts are already being felt and the livestock sector, which depends heavily on natural resources, is considered especially vulnerable. In East Africa, LCC CRSP work is focused in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Tanzania, all focus countries under USAIDs Feed the Future initiative. Current efforts include: Five Seed Grant Program projects Seven Graduate Fellowship Program projects Eight U.S. university partners Seven host-country university cooperators Five NGOs, government, and private sector organizations
1. The HALI-2 project is identifying gaps in the delivery of animal health services in the Ruaha region of Tanzania where animal health impacts human health and well-being through transmission of zoonotic diseases or loss of food and income when livestock fall sick or die. Photo courtesy of the HALI project. 2. The CHAINS project is exploring the interactions between climate variability, pastoralism, and livestock marketing from production to sale in Kenya and Ethiopia where pastoralists are increasingly turning to drought-tollerant camels as a way of adapting to climate change impacts. Photo by Wendy Stone, IRIN. 3. How do perceptions about climate change influence what strategies a family uses to respond and adapt, and the effectiveness of those strategies at reducing vulnerability, especially for child health? This is the central question driving the RPRA project. Photo by Sarah McKune, Univ. of Florida. 4. Healthy rangelands are the foundation of pastoral livelihoods. The CARBON project evaluates how various methods, like these simple branch piles, restore degraded rangelands. Photos by Jayne Belnap, USGS. 5. Maasai pastoralists have indiginous knowledge about climate change adaptations which the PTRF project aims to discover through focus groups, interviews, and survey work. Photo by Dana Hoag, LCC CRSP. 6. Mark Nanyingi, a PhD student at the UON studying livestock breeding and reproduction, is one of seven LCC CRSP Graduate Fellows conducting research in East Africa. Photo courtesy of Mark Nanyingi.

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