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My Philosophy in Life

Have you ever wondered why you are here? Do you think you are here for an accident or do you
believe that you are here for a reason? Probably we ask ourselves about our existence. Each of us has
our own beliefs and philosophy in life and it is differ depending on our own experiences. And as I about
to tell my philosophy in life I want to share one my favorite quote that says “You are braver than you
believe, stronger that you seem, and smarter that you think.”-Christie.

Life is simple and truly it is. As we observe in our surrounding, we can say that we are living a life
that is full of beauty and opportunity. Everything is clearly speaking positiveness and happiness. But of
course, we can’t also hide the fact that in this amazing life we can also encounter misfortune and
obstacles that really test ourselves.

I live in a family who has the best and strongest bond. We are five siblings and I am the
youngest. We are raised by our Super Papa and Super Mama to be a good and kind person to everyone.
As time flies so fast and we all grown up, the problem also raised. Our family face the most unexpected
situation that we wouldn’t thought we encounter. Because of that problem the trust we invest in our
family became a worthless one. We started to have separate perspective in life. Everyone’s pride holds
us to fix our family and as the youngest one I felt so useless. I always blaming my father in everything
that happened in our family. I started questioning God why we ended like this. I started asking Him why
He put me in this world if I will just a useless one. I thought we will never solve that problem but the
good God answered my questions. One by one and step by step He explained to me everything. He
reminded me to not be afraid and to put my fully trust on His plan. And by that, I started seeing every
problem as an opportunity to grow and as another lesson. Those problems shape me to be braver,
stronger and smarter even before. And because of these I always have this rule in my life that I am not
allowed to give up whatever the situation and circumstances I am in because I can be braver, stronger
and smarter than before which guarantee me a hundred percent success.

And because I started telling my philosophy with a quotation, I also want to end it with another
quote and it is what my sister always reminds me “Be a girl with mind, and women with attitude” which
up until now I am holding on, and bye this, I sum it up my philosophy in life.


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