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Group members (4 NB)

ABAS, Ericka Casandra M.
ABING, Clarke Selwynne M.
AGAPAY, Keisha Nicole G.
AMATOS, Abbygail P.
ARANCON, Regina Isabela M.

WELCOME!! to the operating room of the future, where cutting-edge technology and
state-of-the-art facilities have come together to transform the field of medicine.
The futuristic operating room represents the next evolution in surgical technology,
incorporating advanced robotics, 3D printing, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and
integrated operating rooms to provide a more precise, efficient, and
patient-centered approach to surgical care.

Robotic Surgery Robotic surgery involves the use of advanced robotic arms
and instruments to perform surgical procedures with greater
precision and control. This technology allows surgeons to
operate with increased accuracy and dexterity, resulting in
smaller incisions, reduced blood loss, and shorter hospital
stays for patients. Additionally, robotic surgery can lead to
faster recovery times and a reduced risk of complications,
making it a popular option for many surgical procedures.

3D Printing 3D printing technology allows for the creation of customized

surgical tools and implants that are specifically tailored to
each patient's unique anatomy. This technology has the
potential to greatly improve surgical outcomes and reduce
the risk of complications, as it allows surgeons to create
personalized surgical tools that fit each patient's individual
needs. 3D printing can also be used to create anatomical
models, which can help surgeons plan and prepare for
complex surgical procedures.

Virtual Reality Virtual reality technology is being used in the operating room
to simulate surgical procedures and allow surgeons to
practice their techniques before performing the actual
procedure. This technology can improve accuracy and
reduce the risk of complications by allowing surgeons to gain
experience and improve their skills in a safe, controlled
environment. Virtual reality technology can also be used to
create personalized surgical plans for each patient, which
can lead to better outcomes and a reduced risk of

Artificial Artificial intelligence can be used in the operating room to

Intelligence analyze data and provide real-time feedback to surgeons
during procedures. This technology can help surgeons make
more informed decisions and improve patient outcomes by
providing valuable insights and suggestions based on data
analysis. AI can also be used to predict and prevent
complications before they occur, leading to improved
patient safety and outcomes.

Integrated An integrated operating room brings together all of the

Operating room technology and equipment needed for a surgical procedure
into one centralized location. This allows for greater
efficiency, better communication between team members,
and a more streamlined workflow. Integrated operating
rooms can also improve patient safety by reducing the risk
of equipment malfunctions and improving the coordination
of surgical teams. Additionally, integrated operating rooms
can help reduce costs and i

With these innovative technologies, surgeons can operate with greater accuracy and
control, reducing the risk of complications and improving patient outcomes. In this
new era of surgical care, the possibilities are endless, and the future is brighter than
ever before.
The operating room of the future is an exciting place where advanced technology
and state-of-the-art facilities come together to improve patient outcomes and
revolutionize the field of medicine. With robotic surgery, 3D printing, virtual reality,
artificial intelligence, and integrated operating rooms, the possibilities for improving
patient care are ENDLESS.

Meeting link

Attendance (February 24, 2023 7:00 PM)

ABAS, Ericka Casandra M.
ABING, Clarke Selwynne M.
AGAPAY, Keisha Nicole G.
AMATOS, Abbygail P.
ARANCON, Regina Isabela M.

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