Prereading Your Values-Your Life

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Pre-reading: Your values, your life (Oxford English B textbook p.


Pick a country other than your own. How are beliefs or values in that country different from or
similar to your own culture.
Do you think we choose our own values or are they instilled into us?
What values were you raised with? Make a list.
Do you think they will influence your choice of career?
Will they make you happy?
Do you think you will ‘deconstruct’ those values?

Look in the text.

Who is the audience of this writer?

What values is he writing about?
What seem to be his own values?
What is the purpose of this article?

Questions from the textbook

Find the words in the text which mean the following:

11. directed
12. participate
13. mirrored
14. scrutiny
15. abandon
16. shaped
17. add
18. motivate

Choose the correct phrases from the text to complete the following
sentences. Base your answers on the information as it appears in the text.
19. We are often dissatisfied because we opt for.
20. For us, Americans, discussing important issues is not ..
21. Because American society mistakenly believes superficial things bring
people happiness.

To whom or to what do the following words refer?

22. this value (line 90)
23. them (line 101)
24. that (line 104)

State whether the following statements are true or false. Justify

your answer with a relevant brief quotation from the text.
25. Success is achievable for a good number of people.
26. Anticipating failure is effortless and bearable.
27. The meaning of failure and success in society is broad.

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