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Worksheet: Henry Trafton’s Independence LS/23

1. Summarize the story in pairs

2. Characterize Henry, Mr. Graves and the squire. Find specific words (adjectives) in the story.

Henry Mr Graves Squire Castleton

3. What reasons does Henry come up with for wanting to run the farm on his own?
4. What values are advanced in this short story? What are they contrasted with?
5. In what way is Squire Castleton a model American?
6. What linguistic feature does Horatio Alger employ to make Mr. Graves a baddie?
7. In what way is this also a story about upward mobility?
8. Look up Horatio Alger. What is the ‘Horatio Alger Myth’?

9. Look up the following words and find a synonym. Remember the meaning of a word
depends on the context

Word Synonym
l. 8/9 shift for oneself
l. 25 convey
l. 33 pauper
l. 41 repugnant
l. 69 appease
l. 80 trifle
l. 110 conceive
l. 137 retain
l. 139 at the halves
l. 151 assert

10. Divide the following words into three columns. Give each column a headline:
Sour, mean, proud, generous, manly, noble, confident, self-reliant, helpful, egotistical,
rude, coarse, encouraging self-respect. You may think of other words.
Fill in the blank

Adjective Verb Noun

self- reliant
proud ---
independent ---
coarse ----

Write a paragraph on the qualities that make Henry an embodiment of the American Dream.
Start with a topic sentence. Underline it. If you cannot elaborate on the claim in the topic
sentence, then it is not a topic sentence.

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