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Circle only one word in each row that you feel describes you best right now. Then transfer your answers over to the DISC scoring. Total up every column. Your
highest score is your predominate personality type.
Characteristic :
1 Restrained 严谨 Forceful 强迫 Careful 仔细 Expressive 表现力 Characteristic : D I S C
2 Pioneering 开拓者 Correct 端正 Exciting 兴奋 Satisfies 容易满足 1 B D A C
3 Willing 自愿 Animated 活泼 Bold 大胆 Precise 准确 2 A C D B
4 Argumentative 争论 Doubting 疑心 Indecisive 犹豫 Unpredictable 变化莫测 3 C B A D
5 Respectful 尊重 Out-going 外向 Patient 耐心 Daring 勇敢 4 A D C B
6 Persuasive 说服 Self-reliant 自力更生 Logical 逻辑 Gentle 温和 5 D B C A
7 Cautious 小心 Even-tempered 稳重 Decisive 果断 Life-of-party 活跃 6 B A D C
8 Popular 受欢迎 Assertive 独断 Perfectionist 完美主义 Generous 大方 7 C D B A
9 Colourful 有趣 Modest 谦虚 Easy-going 悠闲 Unyielding 坚强 8 B A D C
10 Systematic 系统 Optimistic 乐观 Persistent 坚持 Accommodating 乐于助人 9 D A C B
11 Relentless 无情 Humble 谦虚 Neighborly 友好 Talkative 健谈 10 C B D A
12 Friendly 友好 Observant 善于观察 Playful 爱玩 Stong-willed 固执 11 A D C B
13 Charming 吸引人 Adventurous 冒险 Disciplined 自律 Deliberate 慎重 12 D C A B
14 Restrained 忍耐 Steady 稳 Aggressive 好斗 Attractive 引人注目 13 B A D C
15 Enthusiastic 热心 Analytical 分析 Sympathetic 同情 Determined 坚决 14 C D B A
16 Commanding 指挥 Impulsive 冲动 Slow-paced 节奏慢 Critical 挑剔 15 D A C B
17 Consistent 一致 Force-of-character 气势 Lively 生动 Laid-back 悠闲 16 A B C D
18 Influential 影响 Kind 亲切 Independent 独立 Orderly 依次序 17 B C D A
19 Idealistic 理想主义 Popular 大众 Pleasant 亲切 Out-spoken 坦率 18 C A B D
20 Impatient 着急 Serious 认真 Procrastinator 拖延 Emotional 情绪化 19 D B C A
21 Competitive竞争 Spontaneous 自发 Loyal 忠诚 Thoughful 有想法 20 A D C B
22 Self-sacrificing 牺牲 Considerate 考虑周到 Convincing 令人信服 Courageous 勇敢 21 A B C D
23 Dependant 依赖 Fighty 反复不定 Stoic 坚忍 Pushy 冲动 22 D C B A
24 Tolerant 宽容 Conventional 惯例 Simulating 激励 Directing 指导 23 D B A C
24 D C A B
Prepared by HR Department on 21 MAY 2021. Total Score : 4 3 11 5

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