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Minutes of the Board of Admin Meeting held on 8 th January 2023 at Nchalo Assemblies of God

Present: Bishop M. Mhango (Chairman), Pastor C. Manda, Mr Agagi, and Mr Lipenga (Secretary), Mr
Mr Chiwaya, Mrs Mendulo, Mr Kana and Mr & Mrs Phiri, Phiri, Mr & Mrs Chilakalaka, Mr Magombo
and Mr Malola and Mr Chihana

Apologies: Mr Chiwaya and Mr Chakhwantha and Mr Mendulo


a) Opening Prayer: Pastor Manda

b) Quarterly reports
c) Review of Sunday School – Second Service
d) Sign posting for the Church
e) Mega Fund Raising
f) Missions and Evangelism – Adoption of one Church in Ngabu section
g) Prospering Together Vision
a) Opening Prayer
Opening prayer was said by Pastor Manda
b) Welcome Remarks
Bishop Mhango welcomed all the church Board members and the called the meeting to
c) Word of Exaltation: Ecclesiastes 10 vs 10 and Job 8 vs 7 and 1 Timothy 4 vs 16
Principles of good leadership
1. Keep on investing in yourself as leader
 As time changes and the leaders is not investing in himself/herself,
otherwise one cand left behind.
 By investing in ourselves, we may find leading others easier
2. Leaders invest in themselves by reading the bible every day and other books
3. Attend workshops and training on leadership
4. Learn from other – Iron sharpen Iron
5. Have a role model
6. Embrace Technology and change your ways of doing things
d) Matters arising from previous meeting
 Director of home-cells to coordinate member registration
 Church welfare to collect names of all orphaned children requiring support
 Mega Church vision to be launched
 Any music group wishing to sign during Sunday service should register such with the
secretary a week before
 Baptism class should be taking place on sundays

1) Review of Sunday School – Second Service

Second service attendance is very low. In some weeks, only 1 person would attend this service;

Options for Sunday services:

i. End second Service entirely and modify the 1 st Service (6:30 – 10:30am)
ii. Introduce an English Service starting from 6am – 7:30
iii. Introduce two services: 1 English Service and 1 Chichewa Service
iv. Engage the church through home-cells to determine how they want the services to be run

The resolution of the church board is that second service would be ended and that the 1 st service
should start at 6:30 – 10:30. The service to include performances of Sankha Chimodzi and OMC
choir, alter call and testimonies. The school of the bible to come after sermon

2) Quarterly reports from ministries and departments

a) School of the Bible
- Has prepared a list of topics to be covered during this year
- Requests that adequate time be allocated to bible school

b) Humanitarian Committee
- The committee has activities in July 2023 and currently has only managed to buy
stationery material for needy children
- The committee will be identifying needy students to help
- The committee will also be helping Mr Maliyapela who is need of help
- The items collected by humanitarian committee on behalf of the Division for cyclone
Freddy has not been distributed yet.
- In June, the committee will help students who will need stationery items (exercise/Note
books and pens)
c) Church Services Committee
- Training of ushers planned for April 2023
- Recruitment of additional 4 ushers and this will continue
- Improved distribution of tithe envelopes
d) OMC Ministry
- To develop activities to grow spirituality and financially and socially
- Focusing on attracting membership to the church
- Offering is still low as women are giving much
- Special teachings to encourage giving offerings and tithes
- OMC has raised K147,000 from January – March 2023 and has spent K120,000
- OMC plans to buy cooking utensils for the church
- OMC also plans to buy one house for a needy member
- The ministry is planning to raise K1.5 million
e) Children Ministry
- Children church meetings taking place as planned.
- Attendance at the children church has been good
- The children church has managed to use K120,000 during the children church and has
bought 30 plastic cups for the church
- The director will share the detailed report of their ministry
f) Church Projects and Investments – Refer to the attached report
Key highlights
- Completed the brick fence around the church
- Started the year with K1.3 million which has been used to finish the fence
- The board of admin gave the project committee MK200K to finish the fence
- Praise Team to present a music instrument budget to Projects committee for support
g) Church Welfare
- Collected K38,000 from the homecells and has reached out to 13 people. The
committee has used K33,000 and cash at hand is K5,000
- Challenges – Home-cells not giving money for church welfare and lack of knowledge
regarding how the committee will be functioning
- The committee to share a more detailed report of their plans and activities
h) Home – Cell Directorate – To share the report on the WhatsApp group for Elders
- The church has 8 home-cells and the director has managed to visit 5 cells
- Most men and youth do not participate in home-cells
i) Church Board – Administration – To share the report on the WhatsApp group
j) Treasury Report
- January – budget met on all lines (Sunday school, tithe, main offering)
- February and March Sunday and offering below budget (K200,000 and K400,000) while
time is above budget of K400,000
- Extra ordinary expenses – Nyamphota Pastor payment K240,000. Divisional seminar
- Offering is going down over the months

3) Sign posting for the Church

The signpost needs to be amended to reflect the new service arrangement. Secondly the top
wall of the church should bear the name of the church: Nchalo Divine Healing Assembly
International. The project committee to lead this assignment
4) Mega Fund Raising
The plan for mega fundraising will be the same as last year’s plan. Elders should be the first to
pledge and thereafter the whole church. The budget for this year will be K11.3 million and two
projects to be done will be toilets and septic tank (K7.3 million) or install a gate for the church
K2.5 million) and Pastors Welfare (K1.5 million).

5) Missions and Evangelism – Adoption of one Church in N’gabu section

The board should consider adopting a church in N’gabu section whereby Nchalo Assemblies of
God would be supporting its pastor. The proposed church is Mkumaniza Assemblies of God. The
Nchalo would be giving the said pastor with K60,000 per month for 2 years. The Nchalo church
would also organize an open-air evangelism in supporting church growth. The Southern Division
would be responsible for identifying a suitable pastor for the church.

Jesus Match – Open Evangelism around Nchalo which shall include preaching, distribution of
tracks, display of placards and banners and police escort. This will be in July 2023
6) Prospering Together Vision
The idea was conceived, and a committee was set-up but it failed to deliver its mandate. The
idea is still valid and should continue. Parties involved who can contribute their capital and those
who can contribute their time to do businesses. The idea includes the need to establish
businesses/investments for the church. The board of amin to identify additional people to run
this initiative. Mr Agagi is already in the group.
7) AOB
Mr Magombo will be leaving for Illovo Limbe Office effective June or July 2023. The Project
department will be restructured so that additional people will be added to the department to
work with Mr Malola

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