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Laljhadi Rural Municipality Office of the Rural Municipal executive Shankarpur, Kanchanpur SudurpaschiniBy DETAIL'COST ESTIMATE OF LALJHADI 4 MOTARGHAT TO DADAJAI ROAD Chainage: 0+600 to 1+ 50 Py: 2077078 Be Praca By: | Lelinadi Rural Munictpaliiy: Office of the Rural Municipal executive Shanksrpur, Kanchanpur Suaurpaschim Frovience Aallhadi 4 Moca to Dadi Rose ‘Chsinage: 0460 w 1+ 50 [SN|Components i Estimated Amount (NRs,) cee : 205,008.00 site Clea : 47 387 60 Teaver 1 B.tae2 50 s[Sutsbuse, bas and Shoal : e24S.a7758 2[Btomneus Coutses i 45,14 95520, [Stone Mesure fr Sens i ERE 7G Vascnry Work ie Swaceges 1 0 [Fomor and Sue sh fr SiS ( Sie Reifojecient or Simsaues i a TofPien and Reworced Cement Cone iy SURE Tsar) “HBicenamesrng Work : Fm Tolbiscelnteses Work 153, a 3[Darncrs. 155,439 ‘Grand Torar 7.80,51,960.55 Value Added Tax (3% ig.$a tsa 5 Bilge adlusriom Sue, vasa peat ¥5.05.196 04 Prsical Conbyerces 70% 15 65-108 0 Total Wit VAIN.) 1.88.92,507,25 Per km cost {9000485 12 eke 8p [caviar Mit of fo Rue Manta ences Lalnact 4 Motarghat to Dadajai Road Chainage: 0-600 to 1 + 50 ap Quantity Estiii#® of Pavement item : Preparation of existing subgrade, ism Description of works Ne] Length [Broad] Haight | Guantiy | Uni "Rema Rady jo ont m2 ~ Fen eH - 5 +000 sop fis [seo [sso {taregoe PL 1 2 Shoulder 12 | 10800 | 1.00° | 2rgooo | _| Basal Zane (2 nos n eve Tie) "pas | 20} 250 | 300.00 “J i tal 9475.00 sai fem Preparation of Sub base course with Sand mixed gravel layer by layer watering and Gompackion with 610 Weone ol SN. Daseription of works ‘We. Lengit [Breadth] Faight | —auanay Remaris 7 [Read Way i 18 ol From Te [000 088) + [sso ore aa Shoulder ath sides ee 31560 a [Pessing Zone (2nos in every AT — : eas __ 1850] | Total 5378.28 ium reparation of base course with 100mm thick 40 clown broken stone with compaction by with 610 tonne roller SH Description of works Te Foight | Guan Remarks 1 ReaaWe a mS 7 From 73 * (| oroen: Tee 1 [asso [ oe) era 2 [Passi Zone (Fras avery Fn L : q Bo a1 | a0] | Road Hump (Wars ols ug) - wie 5-750, bight ero lm, paraboti shaze 4 hg | srs 0.185 10.64). | z Tear ian ET Guim }tem : Providing, and spraying bituminious prin cost MC3OIMC7O ineluding cleaning the road surface using wire , brushes, broom ete before applying prime coat sm Daseiipion oTwors No Length [area nage chant Rename a fo pao sso arreae = essing “one [Snas dle TRAD 7 a0 [20 ese i Tata, |"“7076.00 ut Item :Praviding, and spraying bituminious tack coat MC3OIMC7O including cleaning the rcad surface using wire brushes, broom etc before applying tack coat | Dace aT a Tage] Gay Rana i Ped} (Fist Reve TA | as 13800 ["-- aoe _ Total 4852 50) it a Faparaion of Prem aoa NECN coiipacon by BADER TOTeE SM] Dasciplon crane Ro | Lang Besa Meg | oem Rana Ieee Te pros Ste ar at Posshy Zane Znas weve Teay ——"-ae— | ap i500 sae Tr 50 i @ ‘ Props by estes bs Rrrieh\oy ay | / tem + Providing and laying sand soar, 7 ISN, Description of works: We ouaity Resa Wy t 8087-60 [Passing Zane (2 res Wavely 1 ey 2 7300.08 | FES 50, [Reinr Road Marking Toor coe of carnage asa! aia FReag Hump 213.09 [oo ain Pedestran ofessitgs [cf ta80 00) Total ‘artoe] eer i Prepared by Checked ay By, Aeproved by Officelof the Rural Myr |Shankarpur i Latha 4 inotrgne eos | on Chainage; 04600 to 1 +50 Laljhadi Rusel Municipality | Sudurpaschiy ase Po al executive Quantity Calculation of Hume Pipe Culvert - 60 om Dia No.of Similar Structures | _—.00 SN, Bescription Unit [No] Length | Breadth | Height] Quantity | Total TRemarke | tm) | ty} im) Qunintity 1 [Piversion construction work fas |); 7.00 1.00 2 _|E/W in Excavation m3! Head wai [2 soo eae te [Bed of Hurie pipe qt 5.26; 116) 0.95] 580} 4 46.78] 16.78 3 [Stone Soiing T in Headwall Foundation m3 2 3.00} 22 0.20] 146] Bed of Fume pipe m3 | 873[ Ft 0.20] 1.35 27a 2.76] 4 {P.C.C. work In (1:3:6) m3. in Heacwall Foundation 2 3.00] 4.227 010) 0.73] [Bed of Hume pine 4 5.81 416 0.70] 0.67 Jat top of perapet(caping) 2 3.00! 0.45) 0.10] 0.27] i 167} 17 § [Stone Masonry (14) mai JHead wall i 3.00] 0.74[ 2.02] 9.05} [Parapet wall 2 2.00) 45) 0.30 0.87 Deduction Hume Pipai-ve) i 2 0.45] 6.72] -0.85) 9.22) 9.22) 6 [Cement pointing work (1:3) Ino Head wali(outside road) 2 3.00] 4.28] 7-68) Papapel wail(inside, outsidep ie 3.00] 0.36) 380] Head ‘wall Side 4 0.83] 1:28) 3.23) Deduction Hume pipetvey [045] 0.20) : i381 55% 7 [Back Ming [Above the pipe i | 822) S00) Taf 3538 Deduction Hume Pipe(-ve} il 0.45) 6.22) -2.80] i 22.58] 22.58] 8 [Granular Material for bedding 1 S26] 1.16] 0.05) 244 T 2.14} 2.14) @ [Turfing with Sods mae 780, T2t 874 ERA 8.74 10 |Supplying, laying and fixing }600mm diameter Hume Pipe [rm 2.50) 780 (NPS) | [ i zo) 750 [ated oat Nanay ‘ont of he Rural Manipal nective Y Shenlapu, Kershanpur | Sateptehi i €@ “ot Rural ©, Latha 4 ween Rost cr : "Paskeg PO ‘Chainages 04600 1+ 0 L ofsimi ss L Te Description Wal ST Lensth | iieadih) Heveot | area | Quant | Total Qiy] Remar fem | ton | oy | ems 1_[Dinerion construction work |S 3 [EW in Exeavion a Head wal [Bed of Hume pipe em [Sane Solin in Feadwal Fomaition Bd of Hem pipe CC. work in 3.0 ead wal (bot. ed of Hulne pine op af parapecanngy oe Masoney al eo ition Hue gee) an pointing WARTS ead louse road) apapel wal (Inside OWES ead wall Side ion, Hume ppv iis boxe he pipe dsc Kus ppg raqular Material tr bed saying and

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