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1.1 What are business processes? How are they related to Information systems?

2.2 How do systems serve the different management groups in a business, and how do systems
that link the Enterprise improves organizational performance?

2.3 Why are systems for collaboration and social business So important, and what technologies
do they use?

2.4 What is the role of the information systems function in a Business?

2.5 How will MIS help my career

1 Business processes are a series of interrelated activities, tasks or steps that transform inputs
into outputs to achieve a specific business goal. They are related to information systems in that
they can be automated and managed using technology to improve their efficiency, accuracy, and

2. Information systems serve different management groups in a business by providing them with
the necessary information to make informed decisions. For example, operational-level systems
provide real-time data to operations managers for monitoring and controlling daily business
processes, while tactical-level systems provide middle managers with summarized data to
support planning and decision-making. Strategic-level systems provide executive-level managers
with aggregate information to support strategic planning and decision-making. Systems that link
the enterprise improve organizational performance by integrating and coordinating business
processes across different departments and business units.

3. Systems for collaboration and social business are important because they enable users to
communicate, collaborate and share knowledge and expertise within and outside the
organization. Technologies used for collaboration and social business include social networking
platforms, wikis, blogs, and video conferencing tools. These technologies facilitate
communication and collaboration among employees, customers, suppliers, and partners, thereby
improving productivity, innovation, and problem-solving.

4. The role of the information systems function in a business is to manage, develop, implement,
and maintain information systems that support the organization's goals and objectives. This
includes analyzing business requirements, designing and developing systems, training users,
managing system security and maintenance, and ensuring the availability of data and systems.

5. MIS can help your career by providing you with the necessary skills and knowledge to
manage and use information systems in a business context. This includes understanding how to
analyze business requirements, design and develop systems, manage system security and
maintenance, and make informed decisions based on data and information. Having these skills
can help you advance your career and make you more valuable to current and future employers.
3.1 Which features of organizations do managers need to know about to build and use
information systems successfully?

3.2 What is the impact of information systems on organizations?

3.3 How do Porter’s competitive forces model, the value chain

model, synergies, core competencies, and network economics

help companies develop competitive strategies using information systems?

3.4 What are the challenges posed by strategic information systems, and how should they be

3.5 How will MIS help my career?

Managers need to know about several features of organizations to build and use information
systems successfully. Some of these features include:

1. Organizational culture and structure: managers should understand an organization's culture

and structure to ensure that any new systems align with the organization's values, goals, and

2. Business processes: knowledge of the organization's business processes will help managers
leverage information systems to streamline operations and increase productivity.

3. Data: managers should understand the types of data that the organization collects and how it is
used to inform decisions.

4. IT infrastructure: managers should have knowledge of the organization's IT infrastructure to

ensure that new systems can integrate with existing technologies.

The impact of information systems on organizations can be significant. Information systems can
improve communication, increase efficiency, and provide real-time data for decision-making.
However, the implementation of new systems can also lead to cultural and organizational
changes that can cause resistance from employees.

Porter's competitive forces model, the value chain model, synergies, core competencies, and
network economics help companies develop competitive strategies using information systems by
providing frameworks for analyzing market forces, identifying areas for improvement in internal
processes, and leveraging technology to gain a competitive advantage.

Strategic information systems can also pose challenges to organizations, such as high costs,
security risks, and complexity. These challenges can be addressed through careful planning, risk
mitigation strategies, and training to ensure that employees understand how to use new systems
MIS can help your career in several ways, including providing you with critical skills in data
analytics, project management, and strategic thinking. These skills are highly valued by
employers across industries and can open up career opportunities in fields such as IT
management, analytics, and consulting.

What is I Tinfrastructure, and what are the stages and drivers of I Tinfrastructure evolution?

5.2 What are the components of I Tinfrastructure?

5.3 What are the current trends in computer hardware platforms?

5.4 What are the current computer software platforms and trends?

5.5 What are the challenges of managing I Tinfrastructure and management solutions?

5.6 How will M I S help my career?

5.1 - What is IT infrastructure, and what are the stages and drivers of IT infrastructure evolution?

IT infrastructure refers to the foundational technology components that enable information

processing and communication. It includes hardware, software, networking, data storage, and
other related equipment used to manage and deliver information within an organization or across
networks. The stages of IT infrastructure evolution are as follows:

- Mainframe Computing: These are large central computers that serve terminals connected to it.
They are mostly used for handling large databases, transaction processing, and business
applications. Client/Server Computing: This stage combines personal computers with a
centralized server that manages data storage and other resources. The server handles requests
from client computers over a network.

- Cloud Computing: Cloud Infrastructure uses remote servers, usually hosted on the Internet, to
manage and process data.

The drivers of IT infrastructure evolution are technological innovation, business productivity,

organizational growth, and competition in the market.

5.2 - What are the components of IT infrastructure?

Key components of IT infrastructure include hardware (such as servers, computers, storage

devices), software (such as operating systems, enterprise applications), networks and
telecommunication devices, data centers and cloud services. Other important components are
security measures, system management tools, and backup and disaster recovery solutions.

5.3 - What are the current trends in computer hardware platforms?

Some of the current hardware trends include:

- mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets

- increased use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) with dedicated
hardware chips

- Internet of Things (IoT) devices and sensors

- Quantum computing

- Edge computing

5.4 - What are the current computer software platforms and trends?

Some current software trends include:

- SaaS (Software as a Service) and cloud-based solutions

- Multi-cloud services integration

- Focus on security and data privacy

- Advances in AI, ML, and natural language processing (NLP)

- Rapid development of open-source and low-code software

5.5 - What are the challenges of managing IT infrastructure, and management solutions?

The challenges of managing IT infrastructure are:

- Security threats and cyber attacks

- Managing multiple systems in complex environments

- The need to ensure hardware and software compatibility

- Adopting new technologies while mitigating risks

- Ensuring availability, reliability, and performance of critical systems

- Keeping up to date with evolving regulations and compliance requirements

Effective management solutions include implementing automation, using monitoring and

performance tools, and adopting secure practices.

5.6 - How will MIS help my career?

MIS (Management Information System) can help your career by providing you with the training
and knowledge to use technology to manage large sets of data and translate data into actionable
insights. This competency is particularly valuable across industries, including healthcare,
finance, manufacturing, and logistics. Having expertise in MIS can be a stepping stone to
management positions, consulting roles or specialist opportunities.

. What kinds of applications are described here?

What business functions do they support? How do they improve operational efficiency and
decision making?

2. Identify the problems that the business in this case study solved by using mobile digital

devices3. What kinds of businesses are most likely to benefit from equipping their employees
with mobile digi tal devices such as iPhones and iPads?

4. One company deploying iPhones has stated, “The iPhone is not a game changer, it’s an
industry changer. It changes the way that you can interact with your customers” and “with your
suppliers.” Discuss the implications of this statement

1. It is not clear which applications or case study is being referred to, as there is no specific
information provided regarding this. Please provide more details or context for me to answer this

2. As there is no mention of any specific case study or business in this discussion, I am not able
to provide an answer.

3. Any business that has employees who require mobility and remote access to data such as field
workers, sales representatives, technicians, and other professionals can benefit from equipping
their employees with mobile digital devices. These devices enable employees to access critical
business data on-the-go, collaborate with colleagues while they are out of the office, and provide
more efficient customer service.

4. The statement indicates that the deployment of iPhones has had a significant impact on the
company's ability to interact with customers and suppliers effectively. This means that
companies can now use mobile devices to manage their interactions with stakeholders in
innovative ways that were previously impossible. For example, companies can use features such
as push notifications and location-based services to communicate with customers in real-time,
offer personalized incentives or promotions, and track customer preferences. At the same time,
suppliers can also be provided with timely updates and alerts about inventory management,
shipping status, and other critical information. Overall, the deployment of mobile devices can
result in greater transparency, efficiency, and responsiveness across the entire supply chain.

1 What are the inputs, processing, and outputs of Flight tracking system?
2– What technologies are used by ETA? How are these technologies

related to ETA’s business strategy?

3– What strategic business objectives do ETA’s information systems address?

4– What would happen if ETA’s information systems were not available ?

. Inputs:

- Flight data obtained from various sources, such as airlines, airports, and air traffic control

- Weather and climate conditions affecting flights.

- Flight details and schedules, such as origin, destination, flight number, and arrival/departure

2. Processing:

- The system processes real-time data from different sources to track the flight's location and

- Algorithms are used to predict and estimate expected arrival and departure times, including any
delays or cancellations.

- The system also updates information in real-time to reflect changes in flight status, such as gate
information or changes in arrival time.

3. Outputs:

- Real-time information about a flight’s status and location, including expected arrival and
departure times, actual arrival and departure times, gate information, and delays/cancellations.

- Alerts for changes in flight status or delays that may impact travelers.

- Reports on the performance of airlines, airports, and flights over time.

ETA technologies use GPS (Global Positioning System) , radar and satellite signals for
monitoring aircraft. These technologies help ETA to provide real-time tracking of flights,
monitor on-time performance, and enable their customers to make informed decisions for each

ETA’s primary business objectives are to deliver packages quickly and efficiently, while
minimizing operational costs. The information systems support these objectives by providing
real-time visibility into each delivery, optimizing delivery routes, and evaluating the
performance of their delivery systems.

If ETA’s information systems were not available, it would be difficult for them to track
shipments, manage inventory, and optimize delivery routes. This could lead to errors, delays, or
losses, which can have a negative impact on their customers' satisfaction and their bottom line.

Inputs, processing, and outputs of a Flight tracking system:

- Inputs: Flight plans, radar systems, GPS data, weather reports, and other pertinent information
regarding aircraft.

- Processing: The system processes the input data to determine the current position and status of
an aircraft, as well as any potential changes to the flight plan due to weather or other factors.

- Outputs: The tracking system provides real-time updates on the location, altitude, speed, and
arrival time of the aircraft to stakeholders, such as airlines, air traffic controllers, and passengers.

2. Technologies used by ETA and their relation to business strategy:

ETA (estimated time of arrival) typically uses GPS technology and other tracking systems to
monitor the location and progress of vehicles and shipments for their clients. The use of GPS and
other tracking technologies allows ETA to provide accurate reporting and delivery estimates,
which helps to establish their reputation as a reliable logistics company.

3. Strategic business objectives addressed by ETA’s information systems:

- Providing accurate and timely delivery estimates for their clients, which helps to establish their
reputation and build customer loyalty

- Improving efficiency and productivity by streamlining logistics operations and reducing delays

- Enhancing communication and collaboration between different stakeholders, such as drivers,

dispatchers, and clients

- Maintaining compliance with regulations and safety standards in the transportation industry

4. What would happen if ETA’s information systems were not available?

If ETA’s information systems were not available, it would be difficult for the company to
accurately track and manage shipments for their clients. This could lead to delays in delivery
times, lost or misplaced shipments, and a negative impact on the company’s reputation.
Additionally, it could cause decreased efficiency and productivity within the company’s logistics
What kinds of security problems does cloud computing pose? How serious are they? Explain
your answer.

– What management, organization, and technology factors are responsible for cloud security
problems? To what extent is cloud security a management issue?

– What steps can organizations take to make their cloud-based systems more secure?

– Should companies use the public cloud to run their mission-critic

As an AI assistant, I can provide objective information and facts related to cloud computing and
security but I cannot participate in a class discussion as I am not capable of expressing opinions.

To answer the first question, cloud computing poses several security risks such as data breaches,
unauthorized access, malicious insiders, data loss or leaks, and lack of data privacy. The impact
of these risks can vary from minor to severe depending on the organization's size, industry, and
data sensitivity. However, cloud providers often implement strict security protocols to mitigate
these risks and ensure the protection of their customer's data.

The second question highlights that management, organization, and technology factors play a
crucial role in cloud security. If these factors are not managed correctly, they may lead to
vulnerabilities and flaws in the cloud infrastructure. Hence, cloud security is very much
management issue that needs to be overseen by experienced IT professionals.

The third question delves into some steps that organizations can take to make their cloud-based
systems more secure. Some of these steps include enforcing strong authentication and access
controls, using encryption to secure data, regularly monitoring and auditing the cloud
environment, implementing disaster recovery and business continuity plans, and training
employees on security best practices.

Finally, the last question asks whether companies should use the public cloud to run their
mission-critical applications. This decision depends on the size, industry, and business goals of
the organization. While some organizations benefit from the scalability and cost-effectiveness of
the public cloud, others who deal with highly sensitive data may prefer to use private or hybrid
clouds to ensure better security control.

. Crayola's problem was that the company's traditional business model of selling physical
coloring products was not providing the growth and revenue the company desired. Management,
organization, and technology factors that contributed to the problem include a lack of innovation
in product development, a reliance on traditional retail distribution channels, and limited use of
digital technology to connect with customers.
2. Crayola is pursuing a multi-pronged competitive strategy that includes expanding its product
line to include digital technologies such as apps and online coloring pages, leveraging social
media platforms to engage with customers, and partnering with retailers to increase visibility in
stores. Digital technology supports those strategies by enabling real-time engagement with
customers, providing valuable data insights to inform product development decisions, and
creating new avenues for revenue generation.

3. In designing its new technology-based products, Crayola had to address people issues related
to skillsets and training. The company invested in digital talent and worked to upskill existing
mployees in areas such as app development and digital marketing to ensure the successful launch
and ongoing support of the new products.

4. Digital technology has changed Crayola's business model by expanding the company's
offerings beyond physical coloring products to include digital tools and services. The company
has also shifted the way it approaches customer engagement, utilizing social media and other
digital platforms to build a stronger connection with its customer base. Overall, digital
technology has enabled Crayola to transform itself into a more dynamic and innovative
company, better positioned to compete in the rapidly evolving marketplace.

How are information systems transforming business, and why are they so essential for running
and managing a business today?

1.2 What is an information system? How does it work? What are its

management, organization, and technology components? Why are complementary assets

essential for ensuring that information systems provide genuine value for organizations?

1.3 What academic disciplines are used to study information systems, and how does each
contribute to an understanding of information Systems?

1.4 How will MIS help my career?

1.1 Information systems are transforming business by providing organizations with the ability to
collect, process, store, and analyze massive amounts of data. This data can be used to make
informed decisions, streamline operations, and gain competitive advantages. Information systems
also enable businesses to collaborate, communicate efficiently, and conduct transactions online,
which expands their reach and improves customer experiences. They are essential for running
and managing a business because they provide real-time information that decision-makers can
use to make informed choices, increase efficiency, and gain competitive advantages.

1.2 An information system is a collection of hardware, software, data, and people that work
together to provide organizations with the tools to collect, process, store, and disseminate data.
The management component involves the processes and procedures used to manage information
systems, such as project management, security protocols, and quality assurance. The
organization component refers to the hierarchical structure that manages information systems,
including the roles and responsibilities of system users and developers. The technology
component consists of the hardware, software, and telecommunications networks that comprise
the information system. Complementary assets, such as organizational structures, management
support, and human resources, are essential for ensuring that information systems provide
genuine value for organizations.

1.3 Several academic disciplines contribute to an understanding of information systems,

including computer science, management information systems, information technology,
management, organizational behavior, economics, and sociology. Computer science provides
knowledge of programming, algorithms, and database design. Management information systems
and information technology focus on the management and implementation of information
systems. Management emphasizes the strategic and operational aspects of information systems,
while organizational behavior focuses on the impact of these technologies on individuals, groups,
and organizations. Economics examines the role of information systems in creating economic
value, and sociology explores how people interact with technology.

1.4 A degree or experience in management information systems (MIS) can help improve a career
by providing the knowledge and skills necessary to manage information systems effectively.
MIS professionals are responsible for designing, implementing, and managing information
systems that enable businesses to operate efficiently and effectively. They may also participate in
strategic planning, risk management, and business analysis. Career opportunities for MIS
professionals include positions such as IT manager, systems analyst, database administrator, and
project manager. With the increasing reliance on technology in the business world, MIS skills are
becoming increasingly valuable, and job opportunities in this field are growing

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