INS1015 Students Sample Report

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A Report On Self-Study Habits Among

Students In ACF2021B

Prepared by:
● Nguyen Van A
● Nguyen Thu B
● Đo Van C
● Pham Hoàng A
● Nguyen Thu E
Students from: Class ACF…
Prepared for: INS1015

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I. Data Collection

II. Data Analysis




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This report was to collect data on self-study habits among students in ACF2021B
The investigation was done by online questionnaires

The main findings were that 80,9% of students self-study and the test-taking skill is used most
commonly throughout their learning process. They usually use both traditional and online
resources to learn 1-3 days/week with 1-3 hours/day. In addition, they also suggest some
effective ways to improve self-study.

It was concluded that through the above research, most students have the habit of self-study, and
self-study brings a lot of benefits to students as it encourages them to learn more effectively,
increases their thinking level, ect. However, students’ self-study still faces many difficulties and
the efficiency level is only average.

The recommendations are that students should stay away from social media, phones, and other
factors that affect concentration. Students should know how to apply skills such as note-taking
skills, reading skills, and summarizing skills to improve the productivity of self-study. Besides,
choosing the time to study is also important. Students should choose the time when they are most
conscious and most receptive to absorbing knowledge. Set realistic goals so that you can be on the
right track and be motivated to keep learning.

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1. Purpose
The purpose of this report is to analyze the information about self-study habits among students in

2. Scope
The report examines 50 students in class ACF2021B&C. It does not examine all UEL students in
International School - Viet Nam National University because the time is limited.

3. Sources

The information for this report was gathered from the following sources:
● Online questionnaires

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I. Data collection
Questionnaires (Compulsory)
In order to find out the students’ evaluation on self-study habits, the questionnaire was used as an
instrument because it’s convenient and time-saving. The survey was conducted by means of
questionnaires. The questionnaires consist of 1 closed questions, 1 likert scale, 2 multiple choice
questions, 3 combinations of opened and closed questions, 2 checklist questions, 2 free response
questions. 50 participants took part in answering the questionnaire. They spent 5 minutes doing it.
47 questionnaires were given back to the researcher right after that.

II. Data Analysis

Questionnaires (Compulsory)

According to the first pie chart, the majority of students have a sense of self-study, accounting for a pretty
high rate of approximately 80,9%. However, there are still students who do not have the habits of self-

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Two pie charts above illustrate the self-study time of the students. Most of them study by themselves from
3-5 days/ week and spend about 1-3 hours per day. From that point on, they perhaps arrange their study
time to spread within 1 week so that they do not have to spend much time on each day. Since students
have different schedules, there are various answers. Students studying 1-3 days/week and only when
necessary are equal with the rate of 23.4%, and a few study more than 5 days/week. On the other hand,
other groups of students spend less than 1 hour and 3-5 hours on self-study accounting for 17% and 10.6%
of each.

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Next, we created timelines in order to find one that everyone thought was ideal for self-study.
Unsurprisingly, 68.1% of students choose the duration from 18:00 to 00:00, which is about four times as
other time periods. It’s obvious that this time is the end of the day, after students acquire knowledge in
school, they will continue their study to make sure any information won’t be missed.

Looking at the chart, we can see that 72.3% of students use both traditional and online resources for self-
study. According to this, the flexibility of students referring to learning resources is clearly expressed.
However, 19.1% still prefer online resources and 8.5% choose traditional ones.

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The table data clearly shows that the most reasonable place for self-study is home with 78.7% students
agreeing. Meanwhile, 46.8% said the coffee shop. 38.3% like to study in the library and only 27.7% enjoy
their favorite quiet outdoor spot when studying on their own.

Self-study is difficult because we are easily distracted when attempting to learn on our own. Therefore, we
devised a survey of the factors that cause people to become easily distracted while studying. According to
the findings, people are most distracted by social media, with 78.7% agreeing. The second highest rate is
72,3% by phone, with more than half of students citing noise as the most bothersome factor when self-
studying. Friends and their own thoughts have the same rate of 31.9%, 12.8% of students are
uncomfortable with people, and only 6.4% believe that nothing can affect them.

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Since question 8 is a free-respond question, we got a lot of answers. Therefore, we simply

highlight some significant solutions. It is advised that students avoid using their phones, social
media, and other distractions that may impair their ability to concentrate. Students should know
how to use skills to increase the productivity of self-study. Additionally, picking a conscious and
receptive time to absorb knowledge is crucial. Setting realistic goals is not a bad idea so that you
can be on the right track and be motivated to keep learning.

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It is obvious in the chart that students use the test-taking skills which lead in the chart and seem to have
been effective with the rate of 57,4%. The writing skills, quite essential with 48.9%, is in the second
position. Other skills such as reading, preparation, summarizing and note taking are respectively 42,6%,
38,3%, 31,9% and 29.8%. Overall, studying skills might be combined with each other so that students can
maximize the benefits of those.

After scouring the web, we've picked out a few benefits of self-study to see which ones are the most
popular. The data indicates that the three biggest benefits of self-study are encouragement to learn more
effectively, increased thinking level/knowledge, and improved time management skills, with respective

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percentages of 73.9%, 65.2%, and 54.3%. Next is strengthens problem-solving skills with 52.2% and
finally is inspires curiosity, motivates further discovery and finding works with the same rate of 17%

The provided bar chart depicts the percentages of students’ self-evaluation about their studying. As is
observed, students' self-study ability on average level hits the highest point 51.1%. The following highest
with the rate of 25,5% is above good level. In addition, there are 12.8% of poor ability, 6,4% of excellent
and 4,3% of worst. In common, students almost have consciousness in self- study, however, a few
students do not.

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On the basis of information in this report, it can be concluded that: Self-study is always a
reasonable, and appropriate learning strategy for all subjects. Due to the combination of these skills,
it helps students have a closer look with a deeper understanding about the lesson, increases
students’ thinking level and improves time management skills, etc. Finally, self-study develops
independence, and self-discipline in students. However, there are some limitations because of
uncorrect way to study and the effect of external influences.

From the light of conclusions and question 8 which we provided to the students, it is therefore
recommended that students should make self-studying a daily habit, setting realistic goals, stay
away from factors that affect concentration, apply skills such as: writing skills, preparation skill,
etc. in self-study to pick the best learning approach for them.


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