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Network Management System (NMS)

iBuilder Operator Training, iDS v6.0

Chapter 5, IOM Basic Training
March 2006
Reference: NMS iBuilder User Guide, v6.0.0, November 30, 2005
Copyright Notice
iDirect Technologies Technical Training Manual
Copyright © 2005 -2006, iDirect, Inc. All rights reserved. This training material
may not be reproduced, in part or in whole, without the permission of iDirect, Inc.
All other brands or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective holders.
Printed in the USA.
No part of this work covered by copyright may be reproduced in any form.
Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is
prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws.
This publication is provided by iDirect Technologies as-is without warranty of any
kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties
or conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. iDirect
Technologies shall not be liable for any errors or omissions which may occur in
this publication, nor for incidental or consequential damages of any kind resulting
from the furnishing, performance, or use of this publication.
Information published here is current or planned as of the date of publication of
this document. Because we are improving and adding features to our products
continuously, the information in this document is subject to change without notice.

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section

, Page ii ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 2
NMS Training Objectives
Training Objectives

Introduction to NMS Features

Introduction to NMS Components

iBuilder, v6.0.x (IOM Chapter 5; BHI Chapter 3)
iMonitor, v6.0.x (IOM Chapter 6; BHI Chapter 4)
iSite, v6.0.x (IOM Chapter 7; BHI Chapter 5)

Familiarization with NMS GUI/Client Modules iDirect Technical Assistance Center (TAC)

Instruction on Network Configuration using iBuilder v6.x.x

Menus, Commands and Controls
Network/Component Configuration Tasks

Instruction on Network Monitor Functions using iMonitor v6.x.x

Menus, Commands and Controls
Network/Component Monitor and Status Reporting

Introduction to iSite -
Stand Alone NMS Client for Local NetModem Commissioning/Remote Site
Real-Time Access
Remote Site Monitor and Status Reporting Capability
GUI Client for Configuration of iSCPC Remotes and Network Accelerator
Provides local access to all iDirect products (includes Hub Line Cards)

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 1 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 3

Introduction to the NMS

What Can the NMS Do for You?

Intuitive GUIs for
Building Networks
Controlling Networks
Monitoring Networks
Reporting on Networks

Back-End Servers for

Storing Configuration Data
Archiving Network Statistical Data
Automatically Consolidating
Network Data
Measuring Network Performance

Stand-Alone Tools for

Installing Remote Sites
Reporting Performance and
Configuration to End Customers

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section Intro 3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 4

NMS Features
Supports Hundreds of Remotes Easily

Client-Server, 3-Tier Architecture

Modularity, Flexibility, Simplifies Maintenance

Windows Front-End
Familiar Look-and-Feel
Compatible with Windows 2000 and Windows XP

Linux Server Back-End

Performance, Stability, Maturity, Accessibility

SQL Database
Standard Database Storage System (MySQL)

Secure Access w/Individual User Logins with Privilege Levels

Virtual Network Operator (VNO) Support

Multi-User Access
Simultaneous access capability from NOC, Office, Home

Remote Access, Even Across Slow Links (i.e. dial-up modem)

Hub Chassis Configuration and Monitoring

SNMP Interface – Reporting Warnings & Alarms

VLAN Tagging (End-to-End)

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section Intro 3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 5

NMS Software Clients

Configuration and Control
Creates Network Components
Controls Operational

Async Reporting of Events,
Alarms, Warnings
Real-time and Historical
Network Data Access
“Network Probe” for Detailed

Site Installation Tools
Direct Connection to a Modem
GUI Client for iSCPC and
Network Accelerator

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section Intro 3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 6

NMS Administration - Objectives

Review NMS Client-Server Architecture

Examine Server Operational Environment
Provide Additional Server Details
Introduce SNMP Proxy Agent
Describe MySQL Database Basics
Describe Special Tables
Activity Log

Archive Consolidation
Maintaining the Backup Database
Automatic database backup to Backup NMS Server
Uses dbBackup and dbRestore

Describe External Database Access via ODBC

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section Intro 3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 7

NMS Architecture

Linux Back-End

iMonitor Suite
Firmware Updates

NOC NetModem
Station Control Networks

Config Real-time
iBuilder Archive Real-time
Network Data

Station Monitor and
Control Archive


iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section Intro 3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 8

NMS Server Processes
Configuration Server Control Server
Manages config database Provides probe proxy functionality &
Provides element list to clients, SNMP Proxy
servers Provides iDirect MIB to interested
Generates all configuration files clients
(options files) MIB contains simple config
Applies changes, handles firmware information and real-time status of
downloads, multicast, etc. network elements

NRD Server (network real-time data) Latency Server

Collects stats and archives them Performs latency measurements and
archives them
Provides raw stats to clients (real-
time and historical) Provides latency values to clients
(real-time and historical)
Provides raw stats to event server
Provides real-time latency values to
Event Server event server
Collects raw system events and Consolidator
archives them
Consolidates and removes older
Derives conditions from raw stats records
network data; archives state
changes Consolidation parms stored in the
database; can be tuned to
Provides real-time and historical customer’s specific needs
status, conditions, events to clients
Protocol Processor Controller
NMS Monitor
Manages a group of Protocol
Restarts servers if they exit Processor Blades
Control Server process manages the
Optionally sends mail to designated PP Controller on NMS Server
recipients (sendmail required)
One process per blade set

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 3.4.2 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 9

NMS Client-Server Architecture

(GUI, utility,
another server)


API Server DB
Code Logic Interface

network I/F



iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section Intro 3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 10

NMS Process Architecture


SNMP Proxy

elements NRD
Server IP Stats,
Hub Stats,
Remote Status,
Config Control Networks
NMS Monitor Measurements
parameters elements Probe


iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section Intro 3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 11

Operational Environment

nrd cfg snmpsvr evt utils lat ctl

executable, executable, executable, executable, startup executable, executable,

log files log files log files log files scripts log files log files

options image set db_maint
dirs options
dirs stand-alone
dirs fileoptions
dirs db scripts
dirs fileoptions
file dirs file dirs

Server Process Status/Startup commands:

service idirect_nms status <server>
service idirect_nms stop <server>
service idirect_nms start <server>
service idirect_nms restart <server>

(NOTE: For use on the Protocol Processor server, substitute ‘hpb’

for ‘nms’ in the command lines shown above)
iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section Intro 3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 12
Server Details
Each server has a telnet console
telnet localhost <port number>

Console ports:
Config server: 14123
NRD server: 13257
EVT server: 13259
LAT server: 13261
SNMP server: 13263
CTL server: 13123

Type “help” at console for a list of commands

Note: exercise care -- commands designed for debugging only

Kicking off a user who has the write lock:

telnet into cfg server: telnet localhost 14123
Get a list of clients: clients
Locate the client you want to kick off
Kick off with: kill <ip address>:<port #>

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section Intro 3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 13

NMS Database Basics
The NMS uses MySQL, an open source relational database

Suggested reading: any book on MySQL

Database names:
nms – the configuration database
nrd_archive – the statistics archive database

The tool “mysql” allows direct database queries:

mysql <database name>
The mysql tool understands standard SQL syntax

WARNING: direct database modification will break the NMS and

is NOT supported!

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section Intro 3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 14

Special Database Tables
In nms database:
Contains results of database conversion scripts run during upgrades
Contains archive consolidation parameters
Contains global warning limits and per-remote overrides
Contains iBuilder activities per-user
Tables changes, resets, firmware downloads, options file applies, etc.
Requires manual mysql queries to read (no GUI interface yet)

NOTE: Contact iDirect’s TAC if you want to change any values in

these tables!

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section Intro 3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 15

Backup NMS Database
dbBackup and dbRestore keep backup NMS in sync with primary
(release 4.0 and later)

Scripts require manual configuration at each site

dbBackup runs on the primary NMS

Backs up the database every night
Maintains a configurable number of backups (7 by default)
Saves the nms, nrd_archive, or both
Supports copy to multiple locations

dbRestore runs on the backup NMS

Restores the saved database every night
Database will at most be 24 hours out of date

No manual intervention required after initial setup

For complete NMS failover procedure, see the tech note entitled
“NMS Failover Procedure”

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section Intro 3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 16

Archive Consolidation
•Runs nightly to consolidate older statistics
•Script Controlled by Parameters in Database
•Contact iDirect’s TAC if you wish to change the defaults:
Table Name Contains Data Saved For
raw_ip_stats IP stats sent from the 24 hours
protocol processor
ip_minute_stats raw IP stats consolidated to 30 days
one record per minute
ip_hour_stats IP minute stats consolidated 6 months
to one record per hour
lat_stats latency measurement 1 week
nms_hub_stats hub line card statistics 1 week
nms_remote_status remote information 1 week
nms_ucp_info uplink control adjustments 1 week
event_msg events sent from protocol 1 week
processors, hub line cards,
and remotes
state_change_log hub line card and remote 30 days
state changes (conditions
raised and lowered)
pp_state_change_log protocol processor state 30 days
chassis_state_change_log chassis state changes 30 days

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section Intro 3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 17

SNMP Proxy Agent
Proxies real-time network status to SNMP clients
Provides basic configuration information:
Serial number
IP address
Provides real-time state of network elements
Current state
List of active warnings and alarms
Supports SNMP v2 traps and Get requests
No configuration capability – Proxy is read-only
Actual SNMP interface details up to each customer
MIB ships with each release
Default MIB location:
May have to be customized for your SNMP client
For more details, see tech note entitled
“NMS SNMP Proxy”

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section Intro 3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 18

External Database Access via ODBC

Designed for customers who want to write their own reports

MySQL ODBC libraries available for Linux, Windows

ODBC compatible with Excel, Access, etc.

Requires read-only account in MySQL database

Account set-up and security are client’s responsibility
Assistance is available from iDirect

Database structure subject to change with each release

Tech note will stay in sync with database
Changes to reports are client’s responsibility

For more info, see tech note entitled

“Accessing the NMS Statistics Archive”

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section Intro 3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 19

NMS Client Software Installation

Loading iDS Client Software Components

Download the latest from TAC
webpage (version dependent)

PC System Requirements
Windows NT, Windows 2000
or Windows XP
Windows 2000 Must have
Service Pack 3
Windows 98/95 are Not
NMS Client – Load Software
Uncompress Files (Using
WinZip, Pkzip, etc.)
Run NMS Clients Setup.exe to
Install NMS Clients (GUI)
¾ Creates Desktop Folder
¾ Folder Contains Shortcut Icons
for the Installed GUI Version

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 3.5 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 20

NMS GUI - Login
‘Operator’ Login Information

(initial default)

(Enlarged for viewing)

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 3.6 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 21

iBuilder – Main Screen
NMS Main Screen
Window Banner
Min, Max, Close
Menu Bar

Tool Bar

Open Window

Network ‘Tree’

Status Bar

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 3.8 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 22

iBuilder – Tree View
iDirect/iBuilder Tree View

Expandable/Contractible “Tree” View

Windows Standard “+” and “-” Controls View Detail
Displays NMS Configuration Reference Information
(Network Tree)
Single-Click Right Mouse Button to Access Component Pull-
Down Menu for Possible Actions (Add, Delete, Modify,
Clone, View, etc.)
Provides One Entry Point for Configuration Data by Operator
“Configuration Status” for a Network Component Can Be
Network Tree Toggled On/Off Via ‘View’ Menu Option

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 3.8.1-3; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 23

Accept/View Changes
No Pending Toolbar
Changes “Tool”



“Accept Changes” Icon Turns Red When Changes Have Been

Made By a Second Operator, via iBuilder Since Last Login
Click on This Red Icon to Open “Accept Changes” Dialog Box
Agree to “Accept Changes” to Refresh iBuilder Display Only
“Accepting Changes” does not confirm agreement or authorize changes
View current changes via “View Æ Configuration Changes” window
Without Accepting, Operator Display is ‘Stale’ and potentially inaccurate
Closing and re-opening iBuilder will refresh display and ‘accept changes’

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 3.6 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 24

Configuration Status - “View” Menu

2 1

1. Select Menu Option “View”, “Configuration Status”, Etc.

2. Tree Changes to Show the Current Status of All Components
™ “Nominal” Indicates Applied/Up to Date
™ “Changes Pending” Indicates Changes Made/Not Applied
™ “Never Applied” Indicates No Config. from NMS Applied
™ “Deactivated” Indicates Remote is Non-Operational
3 ™ “Incomplete” Indicates Config. Record is Missing Detail
3. “View; Legend” Opens Status Legend for Reference
4. “View; Configuration Changes” Opens Table for Viewing
5. “View; Details” Opens Configuration Detail for Reference

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 3.8.4 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 25

Configuration State

Create New Remote

(via iBuilder) DEACTIVATED


Apply Configuration
& Reset
Commission Remote
Confirms Configuration
with NMS (after every
CHANGES Configuration Network Acquisition)

Does NOT Match

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 3.11 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 26

Configuration State

Nominal Network, The element is completely configured, Remote:
Chassis, Line is alive in the network and there are Hub:
Card, Remote no unapplied changes Network:
Changes Pending Network, The element is completely configured Remote:
Chassis, Line & is alive in the network. There are Hub:
Card, Remote database changes that have not yet Network:
been applied Chassis:
Incomplete Network, The element is partially configured; Remote:
Chassis, Line one or more key components are Hub:
Card, Remote unspecified (e.g. carriers, IP address, Network:
serial number, etc.) Chassis:
Never Applied Network, The element is completely configured Remote:
Chassis, Line but the configuration has never been Hub:
Card, Remote applied to the element Network:
Deactivated Remote The remote was at one time ‘active’ in Remote:
the network, but is now deactivated

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 3.11; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 27

Hub RFT: Add/Modify Up Converter

1 2

4 (Excerpt from
Actual Window)

1. Right Click on the Up Converter Folder in the Expanded Tree View

2. Select “Add”, “Up Converter” (if Newly Added, Step 5 Occurs Automatically; Skip 3 & 4)
3. Or, Right Click on an Existing Up Converter to Modify
4. Then, Select “Modify” from the Pull Down Menu
5. The Up Converter “Modify Configuration Object – Up Converter” Opens Allowing Changes

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 4.1 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 28

Hub RFT: Up Converter Detail

1. Select a “Manufacturer” Name (Pull-Down Menu) 6
2. Manufacturer Part Number (Tree Identifier)
3. iDirect Assigned Part Number (if assigned) 7

4. Frequency Translation, or Sub-Component Local

Oscillator Frequency in MHz (Network Critical Entry)
5. ODU Tx DC Power Check Box, Shown Not Selected
6. ODU TX 10 Mhz Check Box, Shown Not Selected 8
7. Spectral Inversion (Pull-Down Menu, Select as Required)
8. As Always, “OK” or “Cancel” as Required
NOTE: D/C requires additional entry for ‘Receiver Stability’

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 4.1.2 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 29

Add Satellite

1. Right Click on Folder to Select “Add Spacecraft”

2. Modify Configuration Wizard Opens - Spacecraft “Information” Tab
Opens for Needed Satellite Detail Entry
3. Select “Operator” from Pull-Down Menu, (or Add New, Modify Existing)
4. Enter Spacecraft (Satellite) With Official and Operator Reference Name
5. Enter Spacecraft Longitude in Degrees, Selecting West or East
Longitude as Required
6. Enter Orbital Inclination (if Required)

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 4.2 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 30

Add Transponder Sub-Component

1 4

1. After a Right Click on a Spacecraft, Select “Add Transponder”

2. Configuration Wizard Opens Automatically for the New Transponder
3. Enter “Operator Reference Name” for Transponder
4. Enter Transponder “Center Frequency”, and “Bandwidth” in MHz
5. Select the Transponder “Tx & Rx Polarization” (Pull-Down Menu)
6. Enter the Transponder “Translation Frequency” (aka Local Oscillator)
7. Select the Correct “Uplink & Downlink Footprint” (Pull-Down Menu)
8. Enter the Satellite “EIRP” and “OBO” Link Budget Value, if Required

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 4.3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 31

Add Bandwidth Sub-Component

1. Right Click on the Assigned “Transponder”

2. Select “Add Bandwidth”
3. “Modify Configuration Object – Bandwidth” Opens
4. Enter “Operator Reference Name” for Bandwidth
5. Enter “Center Frequency”, and “Bandwidth” in MHz
6. Bandwidth “Power” is Optional
NOTE: Parameters not used for other NMS calculations

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 4.4 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 32

Add Downstream Carrier



1. Right Click on the “Bandwidth” Component in the Tree

2. Select “Add”, “Downstream (or Upstream) Carrier”
3. “Modify Configuration Object – Carrier” Opens
4. The Database Carrier ID (Outroute ID) is Displayed
5. The New Carrier is Given a Reference Name
6. Enter “Uplink Center Frequency”, and “Downlink Center Frequency” in MHz
7. Enter the Carrier “Power” Value, (Tx Power) as Determined During Carrier Commissioning

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 4.5.1 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 33

Downstream Carrier – (cont’d)
1. Enter “Carrier Spacing” Value; (1.4 or 1.2, Both are Now Supported)
2. Select “Error Correction” Coding Value (from Pull-Down List)
3. Select Hub Here (if Previously Configured), or Later Assign Carrier to Hub
4. Enter Either the “Transmission Rate”, “Information Rate”, OR “Symbol Rate”; the
Remaining Two Entries are Calculated and Entered by iBuilder Automatically
5. Enter Desired Number of “FEC Blocks per Frame”; (Typically Set to a Value
resulting in a “Frame Length” of @ 125msec Depending on Requirements)


iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 4.5.1 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 34

Add Upstream Carrier


1. Right Click on the “Bandwidth” Component in the Tree

2. Select “Add”, “Upstream (or Downstream) Carrier”
3. “Modify Configuration Object – Carrier” Opens
4. The Database Carrier ID (Inroute ID) is Displayed
5. The New Carrier is Given a Reference Name
6. Enter “Uplink Center Frequency”, and “Downlink Center Frequency” in MHz

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 4.5.2 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 35

Upstream Carrier – (cont’d)
1. Enter “Carrier Spacing” Value for Reference; (Typically 1.4 or 1.2, Both are Supported)
2. Select Appropriate “Error Correction” Coding Value from Pull-Down List
3. Select Hub (if Previously Configured) Here, or Later Assign Carrier to Hub
4. Enter Either the “Transmission Rate”, “Information Rate”, OR “Symbol Rate”
5. “Acquisition Aperture Length” Calculated (in ‘Symbols’) by iBuilder;
6. “Frame Length” in milliseconds and “Traffic Slots” are Reported Here, Once Carrier is
Assigned to a Network (Carriers Assumes Previously Established ‘Network’ Frame Length)


iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 4.5.2 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 36

Add Teleport

1. Right Click on the iDirect “World”

2. Select “Add Teleport” from Menu
3. “Modify Configuration Object – Teleport” Window Opens
4. Enter “Name” and “Phone Number” for Teleport on “Information” Tab

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 5.1 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 37

Teleport - GEO Location

1. Select the “GEO Location” Tab

2. Select Either the “D.M.S” (Degrees, Minutes,
1 Seconds) or the “Decimal” Button
3. Enter the “Latitude” Value and “N” for North
or “S” for South
4. Enter the “Longitude” Value and “E” for East
or “W” for West
5. Toggle Between “D.M.S” and “Decimal” to
‘Convert’ From One Format to the Other for
Entry or Visibility

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 5.1 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 38

Add Hub RFT


1. Right Click on the Teleport

2. Select “Add”, “Hub RFT”
3. The “Modify Configuration Object – New
Hub RFT” Opens
4. Selections Are Made From the Existing
Database for All Hub RFT Components
Shown (Antenna & HPA are Optional)

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 5.2 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 39

Add Protocol Processor (PP)


1. Right Click on the “. . . Teleport” Select “Add

Standard Protocol Processor”
2. The “Modify Configuration Object – New
Protocol Processor” Wizard Opens . . .

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 5.3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 40

Protocol Processor Detail

1. Rename Protocol Processor (NMS Server ‘Virtual’ PP Controller)

2. Change “User”; “Admin” Passwords as Desired (Defaults Shown)
3. The “Download Monitor Credentials” can be any number between 1 and 4 billion
and Provides NMS Validation During ‘UDP’ Download Processing
4. Enter the Upstream Router, Upstream Interface IP Address as the “Upstream
Gateway” for this Protocol Processor
5. Check “RIP Enabled” Box to ‘Enable RIP’ v2 on the Protocol Processor
6. Identify the Configured Upstream and Tunnel Interface Ports
iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 5.3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 41
Managing PP Blades

1. Select “Blades” Tab to Manage (Add,

3 Edit, Remove) PP Blades
4 2. Selecting “Add” a Blade Opens Dialog
Box for Required Entries
3. Configure PP Blade by Entering “Name”
4. Enter “Upstream Interface - IP Address,
Subnet Mask and Gateway” Addressing
5 as Assigned

5. Enable “RIP v2” for this Default VLAN
Upstream Interface by Checking Box
6. Enter “Tunnel Interface - IP Address
and Subnet Mask” as Assigned

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section5.3-4, 6; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 42

Managing PP VLANs

2 1. Select “VLAN” Tab to Manage (Add,

Edit, Remove) PP VLANs
2. Selecting “Add” a VLAN Opens Dialog
Box for Required Entries
3. Enter PP “VLAN ID”
4. Enter PP “VLAN Name”
5. Enter “Upstream Interface – Address
Start, Address End, Subnet Mask &
Gateway” As Assigned
6. Enable “RIP v2” for this VLAN
Upstream Interface by Checking Box
(NOTE: VLANs Must Be Added Here
First for Availability Later on the
Individual Remotes Configuration)

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 5.5-6 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 43

Add PP Blade – Menu Option


Auto-redundancy notes:
‰ Each Blade backs up All
Blades in Blade Set
1. Right Click on the “Protocol Processor” Select “Add
Blade” ‰ PP Controller manages
failover process
2. The “Modify Configuration Object – Protocol Processor
Blade” Wizard Opens . . . ‰ No dynamic load
3. Configure PP Blade by Entering “Name” balancing operationally

4. Enter IP Address for Blade (Tunnel/eth1 Configured IP) ‰ Failover load distributed
equally over all
5. Enter the Appropriate Blade Subnet Mask remaining Blades

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 5.4 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 44

Add Hub Chassis



1. Right Click on the Teleport Icon, Select “Add”, “Chassis”

2. “Modify Configuration Object – Chassis” Opens

3. Rename Chassis as Appropriate

4. Provide IP Address Physically Assigned to EDAS (M&C Only)

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 9 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 45

Modify Hub Chassis

3 4

1. Check Box if “RCM Installed” (Reference Clock Module);

Required for Frequency Hopping, iDS v5.0 & Mandatory
for iDS v 6.0 and Greater
2. Check/Uncheck “State” Checkbox to Provide/Remove
Power to Each Individual Chassis Slot
3. Check/Uncheck “Jumper” Checkbox to Combine (On) or
Isolate (Off) Defaulted Slot Groups into Distinct Logical
Network (Timing) Groups (Share Network Frame Sync)
4. Right Click on Any Row in “Hub Assignment” Column to
Select Name from List (Hub Line Card Must Have Been
Previously Configured on NMS First)

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 9 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 46

Add Network


Add the Network Using the Following Steps:

1. Right Click on the Protocol Processor, Select “Add Network”
2. “Modify Configuration Object – Network” Window Opens
3. Edit “Name”
4. “IF Network” Check Box if an IF (L-Band/Bench Test) Network is
Being Created; Disables Remote GEO Location Entry Tabs
5. A List of Network Remotes is Visible at This Tab Once Added to the
Network. Their “Active” Status Can Be Collectively Changed Here

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 6.1 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 47

Network Acquisition/Uplink Control

5 6

1. Select the “Acquisition/Uplink Control” Tab to Access Entries

2. Default “Max Symbol Offset” Value (2) is Typically Accepted
3. Default “Max Frequency Offset” Value (225) is Typically Accepted
4. “Frequency Range” Indicates the Range of the Sweep Process (Upstream Center
Frequency + and – “Frequency Range”), (Default 10000 Shown)
5. C/N (Carrier-to-Noise Ratio) “Coarse Adjust” Settings - Operationally Determined,
used to Control Remote Site Transmit Power as part of the Uplink Control Process
6. C/N (Carrier-to-Noise Ratio) “Fine Adjust” Settings - Operationally Determined,
used to Control Remote Site Transmit Power as part of the Uplink Control Process

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 6.1 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 48

Network – Custom Tab

1. The “Custom” Tab Displays Any/All Network Level Custom

Configuration Parameters, if Configured
2. Warning Indicates Care Must Be Taken When Entering ‘Custom’
Key Settings as Simple Typos May Cause Undesired Result

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 6.1 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 49

Modify Network – Add Line Card


1. Right Click on the “Network” Select “Add . . . Line Card”,

(‘Transmit, Receive or Standby’ as Required)
2. “Modify Configuration Object – New Hub” Opens

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 6.2 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 50

Line Card – Information Tab
Auto-redundancy notes:

‰ M1D1 can ‘spare’ for II+
‰ II+ as a spare only if no
‘MxDx’ in network
‰ II+ as a spare, can’t add
new MxDx to network
5 ‰ Only 1 spare defined per

1. Custom Key Entries Can Be Made Via This “Custom” Tab (See Network Config.)
2. Edit “Name” as Required to Identify Hub in the Network Tree
3. Select the Hub “Model Type” from Pull-Down List
4. Enter the Hub Line Card/Private Hub Modem “Serial Number”
5. The “Derived ID (DID)” is Computed by the NMS; It is a 32 bit Integer Derived
from the Model Type and Serial Number of the HLC
6. Select the Required “Line Card Type” from the Pull-Down List of Options
7. Selecting the “Standby” Option Allows Further Selection of Auto-Failover Option

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 6.2-4 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 51

Line Card – Info. Tab (cont’d)

NOTE: Gateway Address

for Hub Line Cards/Private
Hub Should Always Be the
6 TUNNEL Interface on the
Upstream Router

4 3

1. Select the Required Network “Hub RFT” Using the Pull-Down Menu
2. Enter Desired Login Passwords; Currently, Both Now Default to ‘iDirect’
3. Select Transmit (if TX/RX) and Receive Carrier from Pull-Down Lists
4. Note Calculated L-Band Tx and Rx Frequencies Calculated for Both
5. View “Details” for Carrier Selected, if Desired
6. Enter Required “IP Address”, “Subnet Mask” and “Gateway” Address

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 6.2-4 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 52

Modify Network – Add Inroute Group

1. Right Click Network Icon, Select “Add Inroute Group” 3

2. Provide a “Name” for the New Inroute Group (IG) 4

3. Check Box if “Free Slot Allocation” Should Be Enabled

4. Select Required/Supported “Frequency Hopping Mode”
5. Select “Add” to ‘Assign’ Homogeneous Upstream
Carriers to IG by Adding “Line Cards” to the IG from
List of Available HLCs, Hence Assigning the ‘Carrier’
Assigned to the Line Card Consequently to the IG 7

6. Once the First Carrier/Line Card has been Selected,

Establishing IG Parameters, Any New Carriers MUST 5
Match the “Inroutes - Shared Carrier Parameters”
Then Displayed (Carriers Must Be Identical in FEC
Rate, Block Size; Data Rates and Modulation Type)
7. Assigned IG Line Cards are Listed Displaying Each
Specific Assigned Frequency (Uplink/Downlink Center)
iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 6.5 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 53
Add/Modify Remote


1 2

1. Right Click on the Inroute Group Icon

2. Select “Add Remote” (NetModem II/II+ or iNFINITI Series)
3. “Modify Configuration Object - Remote” Opens
4. Note Tabs for Configuration of Remote Site Parameters
(GEO Tab Missing; Configured Network is ‘IF’ in this example)

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 7.2 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 54

Remote –Information Tab
1. “Information” Tab/General Remote Parameters
2. Assign a “Name” to This Remote Site
3. Enter “Model Type” from Pull-Down List
1 4. Enter the Netmodem PCB “Serial Number”
2 5. Remote’s “Derived ID (DID)” Determined by NMS
3 6. Displays “Inroute Group” Remote is Assigned To
4 7. Remote Passwords are Entered Here – In the Clear!
5 (Current Default for Both is ‘iDirect’, iDS v6.0)
6 8. Check To Make This Site “Active” (PP sends Time
Plan, Enables TX on remote; sends Acquisition
7 Sweep Commands )
9. Check To Configure This Site for “Link Encryption”
12 (Requires Hardware/Software to Be Enabled on PP)
10. Check When Connecting This Remote to an iDirect
Multi-User Summing Chassis, or “MUSiC Box”
11. Check To “Disable TX PWM” or Normal Antenna
Pointing Voltage on TX IFL Cable (Console Mode)
12. Check To Configure This Site as a “Mobile Remote”;
Further Select Mobile Options - ”Enable Handshake
Signaling” and ”Secure Mobile” modes, if Required
NOTE: “GEO” Tab Not Displayed Since a Fixed GEO
Location is Not Required for ‘Mobile’ Remotes

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 7.3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 55

Remote – Information Tab (cont’d)

1. Select “Carrier Name” to View Available Tx

Carriers Assigned To Inroute Group (View
“Details” for Selected Upstream Carrier as
Desired; PP Actually Varies Assignment as
2. Tx “L-Band Frequency” Will Be Calculated
By iBuilder and Displayed Here Once VSAT
Outdoor Components have been Assigned
(via “VSAT” Tab)
3. Operator Sets “Initial Tx Power” Level, in
dBm, Based on Commissioning Results
(Default -25 dBm; Range –35 to +7 for
II+ and iNFINITITM; -25 to +7 for NM2)
1 4. Operator Sets “Max Tx Power” Level, in
dBm, Based on Commissioning Results
(Default 0 dBm, Range –35 to +7 for II+
and iNFINITITM; -25 to +7 for NM2)

NOTE: “MAX Power” Entry Should Be Based
on Results of 1dB Compression Test,
Performed at the Time of Commissioning

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 7.3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 56

Remote – Information Tab (cont’d)

1. Select the ‘ . . . ‘ List Button to Pick from

“Customer” List (Tree – Customer Folder)
2. Enter “Commission Date”, as Desired
3. Enter “Contract Number”, as Desired

4 4. Enter Any Specific “Site Notes”, as Desired

5. Select the ‘ . . . ‘ List Button to Pick from
“Distributor” List (Tree – Distributor Folder)
6. “Carrier Name” for the Assigned Rx Carrier
5 Based on the Assigned Tx Hub Config.;
Carrier is Logically Assigned By iBuilder and is
NOT Operator Selectable (View “Details” for
6 This ‘Downstream’ Carrier as Desired)
7. Rx “L-Band Frequency” Will Be Calculated and
Displayed Here Once VSAT Outdoor
Components are Assigned (via “VSAT” Tab)

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 7.3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 57

Remote LAN Interface, Native VLAN



UG 7.4

1. Access the “IP Config” Parameters Entry Tab

2. VLAN Table Indicates “Default” VLAN Detail Shown (Highlighted VLAN Selects); Opening
Screen Shows Native/Hardware LAN Interface
3. Enter Remote “LAN Interface - IP Address, Subnet Mask” Detail; Typically ‘Private’ IP
Scheme, But May Be Public Address.
4. Enter Remote “Management Interface - IP Address, Subnet Mask” Detail; Typically ‘Public’ IP
for NAT-ing Scheme (“Management IP Address” May Be Set to Match “LAN IP Address” With
“Same as LAN” (NMII+ only!)
5. RIP v2 is Enabled (per Interface) When “Enable RIP v2” Box is Checked
6. VLAN ‘Tagging’ of Packets not Required or Available for Native VLAN (No VLANs Configured)

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 7.4 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 58

Modifying a Remote – VLAN Option

RIPv2, Static Routing, and DHCP are now

completely configurable per interface. Customer A
Customer A HQ This yields a separate routing domain per Remote LAN
VLAN 10 Customer A VLAN. Router VLAN 10
Satellite Link
(via hub chassis/line card)

802.1Q Capable 802.1Q Capable

LAN Switch (Hub) LAN Switch (Remote) Protocol Processor Remote Customer B
Customer B HQ VLAN 10
Remote LAN
Customer B VLAN 10
VLAN 100 Router GW VLAN 100 VLAN 100
Default VLAN 1 VLAN 1 - Native
Upstream (Always Present)
Internet Router
VLAN 200 VLAN 200

VLAN 300 VLAN 300 Customer C
Remote LAN
Customer C HQ Customer C
(Management IP)
VLAN 200 Router VLAN 200 Customer D
Customer D HQ Customer D Remote LAN
VLAN 300 Router VLAN 300

VLAN 300 to be added, next page

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 7.4.1 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 59

Modifying a Remote – VLANs


1. View Previously Configured VLANs via “VLAN” Table

2. Select Desired VLAN Detail/Entry Screen by Highlighting Row in Table
7 3. Click on “Add” or “Remove” for Managing VLAN Table Entries
4. Window Opens to Add VLAN ID/VLAN Name, (Confirms Removal if Selected)
5. LAN Address Becomes “ETH0 Interface”, or Remote VLAN Interface Address
6. “SAT0 Interface” is Internally Generated/User Transparent IP Address
7. DNS Caching is NOT Available per VLAN

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 7.4.1 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 60

Modifying a Remote – DNS

1. While on the Native VLAN, VLAN1 Screen,

Check Box to “DNS - Enable Cache”
2. Enter “Primary DNS” and “Secondary
DNS” Server ‘Name/Address’
3. Enter Parameters for DNS Cache
Configuration as Required

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 7.4.2 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 61

Remote – IP Config Tab/DHCP
1. Select “DHCP – Disabled, Server or Relay” Option and Any Related Entries
2. Enter DHCP “Lease Duration”, or Time Before Address Expires if Not Active
3. Enter “Primary DNS” and “Secondary DNS” Server ‘Address’ (if DNS option also
enabled, Primary DNS address should be Remote’s VLAN1, LAN Interface
4. Enter “Default Gateway” Address (Remote’s VLAN1, LAN Interface Address)
5. Click on “Add”, “Edit”, or “Remove” Button to Process Changes for
Selected/Highlighted Entry in Table
6. Window Opens to Allow Processing, (or Confirms Removal if So Selected)
7. Enter DHCP “Client Address Ranges”, (Range of ‘Assignable’ Addresses)
8. If “Relay” Option Selected, Enter “DHCP Server” IP Address

7 4


iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 7.4.3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 62

Remote – Static Routes

Continuing on the “IP Config” Tab/(Default, or Native

1. View Any Static Routes Currently Configured in Table
2. Click on “Add”, “Edit”, or “Remove” Button to Process 3

Changes as Such for Selected/Highlighted Entry

3. Window Opens to Allow Processing, (or Confirms
Removal if So Selected)
4. “OK” or “Cancel” to Accept or Back Off Changes Made
NOTE: Static Routes ARE Configurable per VLAN

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 7.4.4 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 63

Remote – Port Forwarding

1. NAT Must Be ‘Enabled’ to Configure Port 1

2. Window Shows Current Port Forwarding
3. “Add”, “Edit”, or “Remove” Selected for
Processing Changes
4. Window Opens to Allow Detail Entry 4

5. “OK” (or “Cancel”) to Accept (or Back

Out of) Changes Made
NOTE: NAT-ing/Port Forwarding Configurable
per VLAN

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 7.4.4 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 64

Remote – QoS Tab


1. Continue “Modify”-ing New Remote With the QoS Tab

2. Check the “Enable CRTP” Box to Enable the Compressed RTP Header
3. Identify/Select “Downstream QoS” or “Upstream QoS” Profiles from Pull-Down List
4. View “Details” for Either Profile With Button; Displayed in ‘View Properties’ Mode
5. Select “Filter Profiles” & Associated “Rules” Via Pull-down List
6. Select “Traffic Profiles” & Associated “Service Levels” and “Rules” Via Pull-down List
7. “Enable” Packet Segmentation and Reassembly (SAR) Option for the Downstream
(defaulted off) and the Upstream (defaulted on) and Enter the “Segment Size”
(default 70 byte)

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 7.5.1-3 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 65

Remote – QoS Tab (cont’d)

1. Check to “Enable – Downstream Rate

Shaping, Maximum Information
Rate” in kbps
2. Check to “Enable – Downstream Rate
Shaping, Committed Information
Rate (CIR)”, in kbps (This is iDirect
‘Dynamic’ CIR)
3. Check to “Enable – Upstream Rate
Shaping, Maximum Information
Rate” on the Upstream, in kbps
4. Check to “Enable – Upstream rate
Shaping Committed Information Rate
1 3 (CIR)”, on the Upstream, in kbps
(iDirect ‘Dynamic’ CIR)
5. Check to “Enable – Upstream Rate
Shaping, Minimum Information Rate”
on the Upstream, in kbps (iDirect
‘Static’ CIR; Also, Scheduled
Dedicated Time Slot Entry Field)
6. Select “PAD” (Packing and
Disassembly) Option to Optimize
“Maximum channel efficiency” or to
“Minimize latency (NOTE: Warning
for PAD - Minimum Latency Option)

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 7.5.4-5 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 66

QoS Logic Diagram

iDirect QoS (Quality of Service) Data Flow

2 Packets In
3 Packets are Filtered 4 Packets are Classified
Packets matching “Filter” Based on QoS
rules are dropped Parameter Entry

of Packets

Service Level 0 N NMS DB

Always Present QoS Rules
(Default Classification) 2
1 1 QoS Entry
Operator Input

0 1 2 N

Service Levels Queues N

Distribution 6 Packets Out
Cost Assigned to each
of Packets 1 2 N
Service Level

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 8 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 67

Creating QoS Profiles


1. Right Click on Required QoS Folder, Then

“Add . . . Profile” to Open Entry Window
2. “Modify Configuration Object – . . . Profile”
Window Opens
3. Select “Filter – Add, (Edit, Remove)” a Rule (or
“Traffic - Service Level”); Entry Window Opens
Rules Can be Based on:
4. “Source IP” Address or Range Comparison
5. “Destination IP” Address or Range Comparison
6. “Source/Destination Port Ranges”
7. “VLAN Ranges”, “Protocol”, “DSCP, ToS, or
Precedence” Bits

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 8.3-6 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 68

QoS Profiles (cont’d)


4 1. Create QoS “Downstream - Traffic Profile” and

‘Observe’ Currently Configured Service Levels
2. To Add a New Service Level, Select
6 “Downstream Traffic Profile, Add” from Window
7 3. Provide “Level Name” to Identify Service Level
8 4. Select “Type” of Traffic; Unreliable/Reliable
9 5. Enter “Cost”; Lowest Cost Gets Highest Priority
6. Enter Desired/Required “Queue Depth”
7. Check if Profile Should “Drop Oldest First”
8. Determine and Check if Service Level Should
10 “Trigger (Dynamic) CIR” Rate Configured
9. Select “Type of Service Marking” (if Required)
10. Select “Real-Time Weight” (‘Normal, Variable, or
iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 8.6 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 69
QoS Profiles (cont’d)

2 5

1. Service Levels Typically have “Rules”

Associated With Each (Highlight Service Level
in Table To View Related Rules)
2. Select “Rules – Add, (Edit, Delete)”; Entry
Window Opens
Rules Can be Based on: 6

3. “Source IP” Address or Range Comparison

4. “Destination IP” Address or Range Comparison
5. “Source/Destination Port Ranges”
6. “VLAN Ranges”, “Protocol”, “DSCP, ToS, or
Precedence” Bits
iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 8.6 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 70
Remote – GEO Location Tab

2 1

If Configured for Mobile or IF Network Operation, the GEO Location Tab is Not Visible:
1. Select the “GEO Location” Tab to Enter Remote Sites Geographical Coordinates
2. Select the Desired “Format”, “DMS” for Degrees, Minutes, Seconds Entry or “Decimal”
3. Enter Remote Site “Latitude” as Degrees “N” or “S”
4. Enter the Remote Site “Longitude” as Degrees “W” or “E”

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 7.6 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 71

Remote – VSAT Tab

1 2

1. Select “VSAT” Tab to

Configure the Remote
With Installed and
Required Hardware
3 2. Select Each Pull-Down
List in Turn to “Select”,
“Add” or “Modify” the 3
Associated Outdoor
Sub-Component as
Needed to Reflect the
Remote Site Hardware
3. Review the Detail of
Any Sub-Component
Chosen By Selecting
the Appropriate Tab
That Appears on the
Bottom Half of Page

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 7.7 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 72

Cloning a Remote

1. Right Click on the Desired Remote to ‘Copy’; Select “Clone”

2. “Copy of . . . Remote # x” Appears in the Network Tree, (Configuration
Wizard for the Remote Opens Automatically, Waiting for Entries)
3. “Modify” New Remote as Required to Make it Unique

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 7.8 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 73

Remote Move - Network To Network

1. Right Click on “. . .Remote # x” Which is to Be Moved and

Select “Move” from the Pull-down Menu
2. “Move” Window Opens for Hub Selection; Highlight Desired
Inroute Group the Remote is to Be Moved To
3. Select “OK” or “Cancel” to Process “Move” Operation
4. Transfer to New Inroute Group Completed in “Tree” View

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 10.2; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 74

Retrieve Saved Configuration

1. Right Click on “. . . Remote ”, Select “Retrieve”, “Saved Configuration”

2. “Save As” Window Solicits “File Name” and “Save In” Location
3. Once Named, “Options File” Opens in Notepad for Ease of Verification
4. Configuration Parameters Can Be Reviewed for Accuracy Before ‘Applying’
5. NOTE: ‘Active’ Configuration is Pulled ‘Live’ from Remote; Saved Configuration is
Pulled from NMS/iBuilder Database

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 11.1-2 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 75

Configuration Changes – Compare

3 4


1. Right Click on “. . .Remote ”, Select “Compare Configuration”

2. “Compare Configuration” Window Opens to Review Detail
3. “Active Configuration” is Operational Configuration (per NMS)
4. “Latest Configuration” is Current NMS Configuration Settings
5. “Show Entire Configuration” Toggles Display
6. Color Coded Text Differentiates Type of Change, (Select “Edit,
Preferences” to Display Operator Modifiable Legend)

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 11.3; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 76

Multiple Component - Apply Configuration

4 5

1. Right Click on Network Icon

2. Select “Apply Multiple Configurations; “Automated Configuration Downloader” Opens
3. Select Components (Remotes, Hubs, Network) to have Configuration Downloaded (Options)
4. Select “Protocol” and “Reset” Options Associated With Download
5. Select “Start”; Download Progress Reported in Associated Window for Each Group

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 11.4.1 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 77

Single Component - Apply Configuration

5 6

1. Right Click on “. . .Remote ”

2. Select “Apply Configuration - Reliable (TCP)” or “Push With Reset (UDP)”
3. Confirmation of Request, “Yes” to Continue
4. Download Reported in Process
5. Confirmation of Download; Request for “Reset Now”, or “Reset Later”; Assumes ‘Reliable’
6. Confirmation of “Reset”, “OK” to Complete Action
iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 11.4.2 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 78
Image & Options Download

Multicast vs. TCP (Unicast) Image Download

Older, Unicast method (1 board, individual files) supported only on NM II/II+
iNFINITITM platform uses Multicast and/or automated package process only

Network Upstream Router Must have Multicast Enabled for Downloading

Hub Line Cards via Multicast Option
Remote sites can via Multicast via Protocol Processor (default)

Multicast Image Packages

Contain all firmware images for a particular target
iNFINITITM Platform, Hub 2plus, Remote NM2, Remote 2plus

Use Multicast-Test to Test Ability to Multicast to Hub Line Cards

Multicast Download Data Rate

Defaults to 10% of Downstream Information Rate

Interpreting Multicast Results

Semi-Reliable, with Partial Re-Transmission of Lost Packets

Multicast Push (w/Reset) vs. TCP Options File Download

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 12 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 79

Download Multiple Components/Multicast

Multicast Test

1. Right Click on Network Icon

2. Select “Multicast Package Download”, 4
3. Set “Selected Package” to Required
Package for Download Type (Hub,
Remote or Multicast Test Packages)
4. Select “Start” to Download Images
5. Selectable “Reset” on Completion

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 12.2.1 ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 80

Download II+ Images - Single Remote


5 6 7

1. Right Click on “. . .Remote # x”, Select “Individual Image Download”

2. “Download Command Center” Opens
3. “Hardware Version” Determines Image Set to Download
4. “Image Set” to Download is Displayed, or Accessed From Pull-Down List
5. “Image Name” Identifies All Image Types/Possibilities
6. “Modem Version” Shows Image Version Stored in Modem Flash Memory
7. “Image Version” Identifies Version Present in Image Set “Loader File”

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 12.3; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 81

Downloading Images - Remote (cont.)

1. Verify Correct “Image Version” is

Identified for Download (Always
Increasing Version Numbers)
2. Select “Compress” and “Download” 1
Check Boxes for Each Image
2 4
3. Select “Download” to Begin Process By
“Downloading nnn of xyz bytes”;
(“Download” Button Becomes “Cancel”
After Download Commences; Allows
Cancellation of Download in Progress)
4. View “Status” of Download thru “Save
. . . Completed”
5. Select “Close” to Close the Window
Without Resetting
6. Select “Reset” (Shown Dimmed Here)
to Reset the Modem When Required
7. “Defragment” is Selected When it is
Desired to Use This Feature

6 3 5

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 12.3; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 82

Reset Remote


1. Right Click on Remote in Network tree

2. Select “Reset Remote”, “Reliable (TCP)” or “Push (UDP)”
3. Confirm Reset of NetModem by Selecting “Yes”
4. Reset in Progress Reported (May ‘Flash’ by quickly and may not be visible)
5. Successful Reset Confirmed (if ‘Reliable’), “OK” to Acknowledge Action

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section 12.4; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 83

iBuilder – Manage Users

1. Managing User Accounts is Done from “View” Menu Option

2. List of Current Users Displayed, With Current User Permissions
3. Single-Click Right Mouse Button on a Specific User Account to:
“Add New” User Account
“Delete” User Account
“Modify” Existing User Account
“View Properties” for an Existing Account

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section AC ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 84

iBuilder – Manage Users (cont’d)

1. “Modify” User Account By Selecting from List/Account Menu

2. Window Opens Allowing Permissions Review and Editing
3. Must Be Logged In as “Super User” to Modify User Accounts
4. VNO Configuration Possible Limiting Visibility of NMS Detail

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section AC ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 85

Comparison - Super User vs. VNO



1. Login (Original) With Super User Level Account With Full Privileges
2. All Sub-Component Folders Accessible; Full Menu Access, All Components/Sub-Components
3. Login (After “Modify”) as VNO Super User Level Account; has Limited Privileges, Visibility
4. Sub-Component Folders Not Accessible; Many Menus have Limited or No Capability

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section AC ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 86

VNO Account Setup

VNO License Required (via iDirect)

Add name/password

Select VNO Super User or VNO Guest

Right mouse-select Visible Network(s)

VNO Super Users Can:

Add/modify/delete remotes
Activate/deactivate remotes
Select QoS profiles
Monitor/query remote stats
See only their networks

VNO Super Users Cannot:

Add/Modify Carriers
Add/Modify Line Cards, PPs, etc.
Add/Modify QoS Profiles
View/Add/Modify Components
View other networks

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section AC ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 87

VNO iBuilder Menus

VNO Super User,

VNO Super User,
Network Menu
Hub Menu

VNO Super User,

Protocol Processor, Remote Menu
No Menu

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section AC ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 88

VNO Requirements
VNOs must have iMonitor and iBuilder applications
Copy individual files or use nms_clients_setup.exe.

PC Requirements:
Window 2000 SP 3 or Windows XP
500 MHz Pentium or better
256 RAM or better
50 MB free disk space

For VPN Access to NOC, Open TCP Ports:

1493, CFG server
2858, NRD server
2861, EVT server
2863, LAT server
1393, CTL server

iBuilder User Guide, Reference Section AC ; IOM, Chapter 6, slide 89

*** Thank You ***

Reference: NMS iBuilder User Guide, v6.0.0, November 30, 2005

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