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Cam-Bright University Cam-Bright School of English curriculum

Cam-Bright University
A prestigious University with Excellence, Trust, and

the Best qualities of education

The Higher Education of Cambodia

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and foreign language

Cam-Bright, School of English (CSE)

Bachelor of Education in Teaching English as Foreign Language

(B.Ed.In TEFL)

I. Rationale (Vision, Mission & Goal)

A. Vision

We envisage in evolving learner to be inventive and ground-breaking in education of teaching

English as foreign language.

B. Mission

1. To stimulate nominal learning and Teaching

2. To stimulate sensibility, pedagogics and methodology in teaching.
3. To stimulate educational management and technology.

C. Goal

To pursue the excellent value of education, CSE of the Cam-Bright University aims to develop
 Future career with English competency as a teacher of lecturer of English and
awareness of English linguistics.
Cam-Bright University Cam-Bright School of English curriculum

II. Program Career Opportunities

After graduation from Cam-Bright School of English with this major, students can apply for the
following career:

1. Educational Leader
2. School Principle/Vice-School Principle
3. Potential Teacher of English
4. Translator/ Interpreter
5. Educational Policy Maker
6. Governmental and Non-governmental Organization Officer
7. English Curriculum Developer/ Designer
8. Competent and Specialized Trainer/ Advisor
9. Education Assistant

III. Program Objectives

Being trusted through the value, ethics and quality of education, CSE thrives to provide the specific
program complying with the national qualification:

1. help students build basic knowledge and skills related to major in order to meet the job
demand at concerned institutions or for their own careers;
2. develop advanced skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing;
3. identify various strategies for sharpening both receptive skills and productive skills;
4. develop general knowledge of the learners;
5. demonstrate ability to think critically;
6. utilize information and digital literacy skills;
7. demonstrate behavior and attitudes appropriate to a university environment;
8. become a potential teacher of English

IV. Program Learning Outcome (PLOs)

In responding to job markets, social requirement, and globalization, CMS tries its bets to stimulate its
learners to get the fruitful result after siting in its program.

Upon completion of this program, students are expected to achieve the followings:

1. Knowledge

PLO1. Develop proficiency in language skills, speaking, listening, wiring, and reading by
participating in various communicative tasks in the classroom, on campus, and beyond;
Cam-Bright University Cam-Bright School of English curriculum

PLO2. Speak English effectively for personal communication, academic purposes and/or to serve
professional needs in primary language teaching, business, or other fields;

PLO3. Compose coherent and unified paragraphs and essays using various rhetorical modes with
adequate support and details for academic and professional purposes;

PLO4. Demonstrate the reading ability by showing comprehension of text of various disciplines;

PLO5. Understand through listening ability daily conversations, news broadcast, lectures and

PLO6. Develop general knowledge and demonstrate the ability to use appropriate vocabulary
learned from interdisciplinary courses to apply in oral and written communication for both academic
and professional purposes;

PLO7. Appreciate the value of language arts, literary studies, and global studies and prepare to be
rational, sensible, and responsible citizen of the world.

2. Cognitive Skills
PLO8. Decide on language, grammar, vocabulary based on the context of use;
PLO9. Compare various strategies in learning English and choose one that best fits the learner’s
PLO10. Provide feedback to their peers’ language performance related to speaking, writing,
reading, and listening skills and to receive critical feedback on their writing;
PLO11. Analyze the subject, purpose, audience, and constraints that influence the writing to ensure
achievement of specific and useful results;
PLO12. Compare/contrast some literary works with/from practical life and draw some knowledge
and theories to use for personal growth and professional development purposes.
3. Interpersonal skills and Responsibility
PLO13. Appreciate the value of language education and see it as a life-long learning process;
PLO14. Participate enthusiastically in various academic activities such as class discussions,
presentations, homework and assignments;
PLO15. Communicate with respect and ethics in both academic settings and others;
PLO16. Ask with confidence to fully understand new ideas, concepts, or models;
PLO17. Show sensitivity towards individual and cultural differences (value diversity);
PLO18. Demonstrate the ability to solve problems within groups and beyond;
PLO19. Accept responsibility for one’s behavior;
PLO20. Cooperate in group activities (displays teamwork);
Cam-Bright University Cam-Bright School of English curriculum

PLO21. Display a professional commitment to ethical practice on a daily basis;

PLO22. Value people for what they are, not how they look.
4. Communication, information Technology and Numerical skills
PLO23. Show knowledge in regards to computer literacy;
PLO24. Demonstrate ability to use technology such as computers, mobile phones, and other
electronic devices to serve multiple academic purposes and others;
PLO25. Access information through the world-wide-web to serves the needs for research, school
work and beyond;
PLO26. Show the ability to understand the telecommunication process;
PLO27. Make use of telecommunication skills for future careers and communicate with others
PLO28. Identify different forms of telecommunication and their context of use;
PLO29. Identify and respond to some basic problems in the digital world.
5. Psychomotor skills ( for technical and vocational)
PLO30. Choose the correct words or phrases to use in the right contexts;
PLO31. Describe things in English by using the right words;
PLO32. Distinguish between American English and British English and the uses of each;
PLO33. Identify different forms of telecommunication and their context of use;
PLO34. Respond the appropriate words or phrases to interlocutors;
PLO35. Write words or draw pictures according to verbal instructions;
PLO36. Teach classmates how to solve problems;
PLO37. Display a professional commitment to ethical practice on a daily basis;
PLO38. Compose the articles for their classes;
PLO39. Construct the materials for their learners;
PLO40. Design curriculum for English program effectively;
PLO41. Hunt jobs easily in the fields of teaching, communicating and translating;
PLO42. Master their English in order to become potential, professional teachers as well as
professional communicators.

V. Qualification Entrance of Bachelor of Education in Teaching English as Foreign Language ( B.Ed.

in TEFL)
For learners who are aiming to pursue their study to get the professional career with the Bachelor of
Education in teaching English as Foreign language (B.Ed. in TEFL) in the university level of CSE at Cam-
Bright University, they need to complete successfully with the following conditions or requirements of
Cam-Bright University Cam-Bright School of English curriculum

 Hold certificate of technical and vocational training 3 (level 4) or,

 Passed or failed a national high school exam recognized by MoEYS or,
 Hold a Foundation Year Certificate from a recognized institutions or,
 Other equivalent certificate recognized by MoEYS,
 Passed an entrance examination set by the English Department.

VI. Program Requirements

To response to the motto and vision of cam-Bright University, that is a prestigious University with
Excellence, Trust, and the Best qualities of education, the students who are majoring in Teaching English as
Foreign Language are qualified to meet any career above need to fulfill the requirement of CSE, So that they
can graduate the Bachelor of Education ion Teaching English as Foreign Language (B.Ed. in TEFL. Hence,
all of them who are pursuing for this program have to follow the policy issued bellow:

A. Freshman (Year-one Student)

- The student must get the placement test score over 65%
- The student has to attend orientation class one week before starting the first semester.
- The student level in English must be in Pre-intermediate level (IELTS 4.0). In case not, the
student has to join the extra class to strengthen English proficiency.
- At the end of Year 1, students must get IELTS 5.0
- The student has to use English language as the means of communication
B. Sophomore ( Year-two Student)
- The minimum IELTS band score must be 5.0 and at the end of the semester students must get 6.0
of IELTS ban score
- The student has to gain the average score over 75% of the Major Professional Course and
- The student has to use English language as the mean of communication
C. Junior ( Year-three student)
- The minimum IELTS band score must be 6.0 and at the end of the semester students must get 6.5
of IELTS ban score:
o If not, student must change to English for Business Major
o If the student doesn’t want to change the major in case of getting IELTS band score lower
than 6.5, they must sign the contract to improve his or her English proficiency until he or
she gains IELTS ban score 6.5 at the end of Year III
- The student has to gain the average score over 75% of the Major Professional Course and
- The student has to use English language as the mean of communication
Cam-Bright University Cam-Bright School of English curriculum

D. Senior (Year-four student)

- The student has to use English language as the means of communication
- The student must take State Exam ( Required by the school)
- The student must prepare test obtain Band Score of 6.5 ( IELTS)
- The student must be trained to obtain Diploma of General Microsoft office for Administrative
Affairs ( DGMOAA) from the Cam-Bright School of Computer Information Technology
- The student must do preparation to obtain GPA at least 2.75 among the Major Professional
Courses( MPC)
- Ensure students have to be trained and oriented to complete all any kinds of projects ( project or
internship and
- The student must be taught the way to write, Thesis, Final project, or Report Paper.
E. Teaching Practice ( Requirement in Major of TEFL)
- The student must have enough time to conduct Observing and Teaching Practice ( EDU 421 &
422) within 150 hours and write the report to reflex through teaching performance experience.
- This Teaching practice will be conducted in any semester during year III or Year IV.
F. Penalty
- The student is needed to change to English for business major if his or her average score is lower
than the above requirement policy and
- The student will be charged in cash and retake the state exam if he or she failed one included

VII. Credit Hours

Complying with the Cambodian National Framework and responding to the International standard of
the programs, CSE requires students to learn for 4 years, at least 120 credits, 15 hours for a credit is taken as
a measure of the amount of teaching and instruction, 30 hours for a credit is taken as a measure of the
amount of laboratory/ workshop teaching activities, and 45 hours for a credit is taken as a measure of the
amount of field work or internship training activities, so all students need to study 3 hours a day and 15
weeks that is equivalent to 45 hours a course to get 3 credit for the full-time student. And they need to
complete at least 15 credits a semester that is 60 credits a year
Cam-Bright University Cam-Bright School of English curriculum
VIII. Major Subjects

Professional courses Foundation Courses Elective Course Skills and Value

/ Core Major / basic Major / Elective Major Subject
Subjects Subject Subject
1. EDU 419: 1. Psychology for 1. MN315: International 1.Psychology
Performance Business Environment 2. Computer
Management in school 2. MN109: Understanding Administration
2.Core English (1&2)
2. EDU318: Testing and Business 3. General
Evaluation in TEFL 3.Core English (3&4) 3. MN301: Strategic Administration
3. MN400; Research management 4. Environmental
4.Academic Writing
Methodology 4. MN 323; Negotiation Studies
4. EDU421: Teaching (1&2) Strategy.
Practice and 5. Academic Writing 5. AH102:
Demonstration 1 Communication at
5. IRW 201: IELTS 6.5 work ( Public Speaking
for reading and writing 6. LS112: Listening and
6. EDU321: Material Speaking II 6. SV104:
Design and Curriculum Entrepreneurship
7.) Cultural Studies
Development 7. HU129: Fundamental
7. EDU318: Testing and 8. Foundations of of Leadership
Evaluation in TEFL Education (A&B)
8. EDU 320: General and
9.LS111: Listening and
Education Psychology
9. ILS201: IELTS 6.5 for Speaking I
listening and Speaking 10. Literature Studies
10. EDU422: Teaching
Practice and
11. Teaching
11.EN 421: General and Methodology ( 1&2)
Applied Linguistics 12. Applied Linguistics
12. HU418: Guidance (1&2)
and Counseling in
13. IDS 411:
Independent Studies
Cam-Bright University Cam-Bright School of English curriculum
IX. The Curriculum Structures of CSE
Bachelor of Education in Teaching English as Foreign Language ( B.Ed. in TEFL)

Year 1
Semester 1 Semester 2
Sub.Cod Subject Name Credits Sub.Cod Subject: Credits
P101 Psychology 2 CE102 Core English 2 3
CA101 Computer Administration 2 AW102 Academic Writing 2 3
GA101 General Administration 2 ES101 Environmental sciences 2
CE101 Core English 1 3 LS102 Literature Studies2 3
AW101 Academic Writing 1 3 CS101 Culture Studies 2
LS101 Literature Studies 1 3 PFT101 Phycology for Teacher 3
Total Credits semester 1, Year 1 15 Total Credits semester 2, Year 1 16
The Total Credits of year 1 33

Year 2
Semester 1 Semester 2
Sub.Cod Subject Name Credits Sub.Cod Subject: Credits
CE103 Core English 3 3 CE104 Core English 4 3
AW103 Academic Writing 3 3 AW103 Academic Writing 4 3
AL101 Applied Linguistics 1 3 AL102 Applied linguistics2 3
FE101 Foundations of education1 2 FE102 Foundations of Education 2 2
TM101 Teaching Methodology 3 TM102 Teaching methodology 2 3
LS111 Listening and Speaking I 3 LS112 Listening and Speaking II 3
Total Credits semester 1, Year 2 18 Total Credits semester 2, Year 2 18
The Total Credits of year 2 36

Year 3
Semester 1 Semester 2
Sub.Cod Subject Name Credits Sub.Cod Subject: Credits
Pedagogical Model and Strategy Material Design and
EDU314 4 EDU321 3
in TEFL Curriculum Development
General and Education
EDU318 Testing and Evaluation in TEFL 4 EDU320 4
IELTS 6.5 for Listening and Teaching Practice and
ILS201 3 EDU421 2
Speaking Demonstration1
IELTS 6.5 for Reading and General and Applied
IRW201: 3 EN421 4
Writing Linguistics
MN400 Research Methodology 3 HU 418 Guidance and counseling 3
Total Credits semester 1, Year 3 17 Total Credits semester 2, Year 3 16
The Total Credits of year 3 33

Year 4
Semester 1 Semester 2
Sub.Cod Subject Name Credits Sub.Cod Subject: Credits
IDS411 Independent Studies 4 MN109 Understanding Business 2
Performance Management in Strategic management
EDU419 4 MN301 2
Teaching Practice and Negotiation Strategy.
EDU422 2 MN 323 2
Cam-Bright University Cam-Bright School of English curriculum
International Business Communication at work
MN315 2 AH102 3
Environment ( Public Speaking Skill)

SV104 SV104: Entrepreneurship 2 HU129 Fundamental of Leadership 3

Total Credits semester 1, Year 4 14 Total Credits semester 2, Year 4 12
The Total Credits of year 4 26


1 Foundation Courses/ Basic Major Subjects 50

2 Professional courses/ core Major Subjects 55
3 Skill and Values 10
4 Elective Course/ Elective Major subject 11
5 Thesis or Project 6
Total 132

The Final Thesis and Project = 6 Credits

Total of Credits for the whole Program of bachelor of Education in teaching English as

Foreign Language ( B.Ed. in TEF)L=132

X. Course Descriptions
Cam-Bright University Cam-Bright School of English curriculum
Cam-Bright University Cam-Bright School of English curriculum
Cam-Bright University Cam-Bright School of English curriculum
Cam-Bright University Cam-Bright School of English curriculum
Cam-Bright University Cam-Bright School of English curriculum

XI. Graduation Requirements

Cam-Bright School of English (MSE)

Cam-Bright University Cam-Bright School of English curriculum

XII. The name of the degree students will be awarded:

After the graduation of this program students will get the qualification, trust and reliability of
English for future career and as well as the degree of Bachelor of Education in teaching English as Foreign
language (B.Ed. in TEFL).
Cam-Bright University Cam-Bright School of English curriculum

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