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2. The JIT webinar funnel ​(cheatsheet)

What is it?

The JIT webinar funnel is what we graduate to once we’ve maxed out the VSL funnel. It consists
of a landing page where people opt-in, a pre-recorded automated webinar where people watch
a 45m-1h presentation where we irritate the problem and add value, a calendar scheduling
page, a survey page and a success page. Sometimes we refer to it as the “JIT”.

See a live demo here: ​

When should we use it?

Only move to the JIT webinar funnel once you’ve maxed out the VSL funnel by generating more
strategy sessions than you can possibly do. At this stage your priority switches from quantity to
quality since you don’t have enough time in the day left to do more SS calls. The JIT webinar
funnel will decrease your volume, increase your SS quality and increase your SS cost.

What are it’s pros and cons?

Pros: More engaging than a VSL, higher quality leads, higher quality SS’s, higher conversions
Cons: More complex than a VSL, more tech, more time, hard to test, less volume, higher costs

What’s the process & the math?

What resources support this method?

● Live demo of this funnel: ​Available here​.

● For more detailed training on this funnel, refer to Week 5, “3 Proven funnels” ​Available here​.
● Step-by-step instructions on how to set it up: ​Available here​.
● How to drive Facebook ads to this funnel, refer to Week 6, “Fb ads unleashed” ​Available here

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