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What do you know about EDSA People Power Revolution in 1986? What are the political and social

changes in the country brought by the said peaceful revolution? How did this historical event change the
history in our country?

Ousting Marcos dictatorship

ACTIVITY 2. What’s Is It?

When former President Corazon Aquino spoke before a joint session of the united states
Congress in September of 1986, the dust was only beginning to settle. It was her first to visit to America
since the Dictator Ferdinand Marcos had been deposed in February of the same year, and the
Philippines was reckoning with everything his administration had inflicted. That included $26 billion in
total foreign dept, and a communist insurgency that grew throughout the Marcos era, from 500 armed
guerillas to 16000. We were just at the start of a long road to recovery.

So, Aquino lodged an appeal for help. Addressing the house, she delivered a historic speech that
manage this way in our favor the vote for an emergency $200 million aid appropriation. In the moving
speech penned by her speech writer (and our current ambassador to the united nations) Teddy Locsin,
Jr. Aquino defended her reconciliatory stand on the communist insurgency – A sensitive issue in the U.S
given that this was 1986 – and as for financial aid large rebuilding Philippine economy

The speech was in passioned deeply personal, and effective; interacted 11 times by applause and
bookended with standing ovation.

Activity 3: What’s New? Identify and Analyze

A. What were those three incidents in the life of Ninoy referred to by Cory that they lost him? Was
the loss of Ninoy affect the lives of the Filipinos? Defend your answer and write in your journal.
'Three years ago, I left America in grief to bury my husband, Ninoy Aquino, she said. 'I thought I
had left it also to lay to rest his restless dream of Philippine freedom. Today, I have returned as
the president of a free people.
'Then, we lost him irrevocably and more painfully than in the past. The news came to us in (exile
in) Boston. It had to be after the three happiest years of our lives together.

'But his death was my country's resurrection in the courage and faith by which alone they could
be free again. ... And so, began the revolution that has brought me to democracy's most famous
home, the Congress of the United States,' she said to the applause of senators and
representatives, many wearing yellow roses in her honor.

payments from the sweat of our

men’s faces and sink all the
wealth piled up by the
bondsman’s two hundred fifty
years of unrequited toil?"
The speech was impassioned,
deeply personal, and effective;
interrupted 11 times
by applause and bookended
with standing ovations. House
Speaker Tip O'Neill called
it the "finest speech I've ever
heard in my 34 years in
Congress." Senate Majority
Leader Robert Dole told her,
"Cory, you hit a home run."
And House Minority Whip
Trent Lott said, "Let's just say
the emotion of the moment
saved the day." It would go
down in the annals of our
history as one of the former
President's finest speeches
payments from the sweat of our
men’s faces and sink all the
wealth piled up by the
bondsman’s two hundred fifty
years of unrequited toil?"
The speech was impassioned,
deeply personal, and effective;
interrupted 11 times
by applause and bookended
with standing ovations. House
Speaker Tip O'Neill called
it the "finest speech I've ever
heard in my 34 years in
Congress." Senate Majority
Leader Robert Dole told her,
"Cory, you hit a home run."
And House Minority Whip
Trent Lott said, "Let's just say
the emotion of the moment
saved the day." It would go
down in the annals of our
history as one of the former
President's finest speeches.
payments from the sweat of our
men’s faces and sink all the
wealth piled up by the
bondsman’s two hundred fifty
years of unrequited toil?"
The speech was impassioned,
deeply personal, and effective;
interrupted 11 times
by applause and bookended
with standing ovations. House
Speaker Tip O'Neill called
it the "finest speech I've ever
heard in my 34 years in
Congress." Senate Majority
Leader Robert Dole told her,
"Cory, you hit a home run."
And House Minority Whip
Trent Lott said, "Let's just say
the emotion of the moment
saved the day." It would go
down in the annals of our
history as one of the former
President's finest speeches.
payments from the sweat of our
men’s faces and sink all the
wealth piled up by the
bondsman’s two hundred fifty
years of unrequited toil?"
The speech was impassioned,
deeply personal, and effective;
interrupted 11 times
by applause and bookended
with standing ovations. House
Speaker Tip O'Neill called
it the "finest speech I've ever
heard in my 34 years in
Congress." Senate Majority
Leader Robert Dole told her,
"Cory, you hit a home run."
And House Minority Whip
Trent Lott said, "Let's just say
the emotion of the moment
saved the day." It would go
down in the annals of our
history as one of the former
President's finest speeches.
B. Explain what was being meant by Cory Aquino in the following parts of her speech. Explain
also its
relevance to the present situation of the country.

1. Constitutional, what Cory Aquino wanted to promote at that time after they overthrew
and ousted former President Marcos from office. Institutionally, he is fighting for the complete
democracy of the country.

If this is still happening at this time, it means that the power of the government or the highest
government of our country is strong. Even if Cory Aquino won democracy then, it is also
possible that the current administration or future incumbents will change it again.

2. Cory's administration wanted to fight for democracy before it was completely challenged by
the communists. He fights for the rights of the people. So if it is put through a lot of effort, there
will be good results for the country and for the Filipinos.

Even now, it still happens. We are fighting a lot for our country and the welfare of Filipinos.
With great effort, I think there's a great result as well.

3. Cory Aquino is referring to the past debt of the previous administration which is being paid by
the people and the current administration while they did not benefit from the debt of the last

Yes, this thing is still happening to this day. But that's really how politics or our government
works. We borrow from other countries to support our economy. For me, it is also fine if the one
who pays is the one who followed the administration because the Filipino people benefited from
the debt of the previous administration.. Well, I'm talking about these days, nowadays not the
past term under Marcos

Activity 5: Reflection
payments from the sweat of our
men’s faces and sink all the
wealth piled up by the
bondsman’s two hundred fifty
years of unrequited toil?"
The speech was impassioned,
deeply personal, and effective;
interrupted 11 times
by applause and bookended
with standing ovations. House
Speaker Tip O'Neill called
it the "finest speech I've ever
heard in my 34 years in
Congress." Senate Majority
Leader Robert Dole told her,
"Cory, you hit a home run."
And House Minority Whip
Trent Lott said, "Let's just say
the emotion of the moment
saved the day." It would go
down in the annals of our
history as one of the former
President's finest speeches.
payments from the sweat of our
men’s faces and sink all the
wealth piled up by the
bondsman’s two hundred fifty
years of unrequited toil?"
The speech was impassioned,
deeply personal, and effective;
interrupted 11 times
by applause and bookended
with standing ovations. House
Speaker Tip O'Neill called
it the "finest speech I've ever
heard in my 34 years in
Congress." Senate Majority
Leader Robert Dole told her,
"Cory, you hit a home run."
And House Minority Whip
Trent Lott said, "Let's just say
the emotion of the moment
saved the day." It would go
down in the annals of our
history as one of the former
President's finest speeches.
payments from the sweat of our
men’s faces and sink all the
wealth piled up by the
bondsman’s two hundred fifty
years of unrequited toil?"
The speech was impassioned,
deeply personal, and effective;
interrupted 11 times
by applause and bookended
with standing ovations. House
Speaker Tip O'Neill called
it the "finest speech I've ever
heard in my 34 years in
Congress." Senate Majority
Leader Robert Dole told her,
"Cory, you hit a home run."
And House Minority Whip
Trent Lott said, "Let's just say
the emotion of the moment
saved the day." It would go
down in the annals of our
history as one of the former
President's finest speeches.
payments from the sweat of our
men’s faces and sink all the
wealth piled up by the
bondsman’s two hundred fifty
years of unrequited toil?"
The speech was impassioned,
deeply personal, and effective;
interrupted 11 times
by applause and bookended
with standing ovations. House
Speaker Tip O'Neill called
it the "finest speech I've ever
heard in my 34 years in
Congress." Senate Majority
Leader Robert Dole told her,
"Cory, you hit a home run."
And House Minority Whip
Trent Lott said, "Let's just say
the emotion of the moment
saved the day." It would go
down in the annals of our
history as one of the former
President's finest spe
payments from the sweat of our
men’s faces and sink all the
wealth piled up by the
bondsman’s two hundred fifty
years of unrequited toil?"
The speech was impassioned,
deeply personal, and effective;
interrupted 11 times
by applause and bookended
with standing ovations. House
Speaker Tip O'Neill called
it the "finest speech I've ever
heard in my 34 years in
Congress." Senate Majority
Leader Robert Dole told her,
"Cory, you hit a home run."
And House Minority Whip
Trent Lott said, "Let's just say
the emotion of the moment
saved the day." It would go
down in the annals of our
history as one of the former
President's finest s
All power to the people
payments from the sweat of our
men’s faces and sink all the
wealth piled up by the
bondsman’s two hundred fifty
years of unrequited toil?"
The speech was impassioned,
deeply personal, and effective;
interrupted 11 times
by applause and bookended
with standing ovations. House
Speaker Tip O'Neill called
it the "finest speech I've ever
heard in my 34 years in
Congress." Senate Majority
Leader Robert Dole told her,
"Cory, you hit a home run."
And House Minority Whip
Trent Lott said, "Let's just say
the emotion of the moment
saved the day." It would go
down in the annals of our
history as one of the former
President's finest speeches.
payments from the sweat of our
men’s faces and sink all the
wealth piled up by the
bondsman’s two hundred fifty
years of unrequited toil?"
The speech was impassioned,
deeply personal, and effective;
interrupted 11 times
by applause and bookended
with standing ovations. House
Speaker Tip O'Neill called
it the "finest speech I've ever
heard in my 34 years in
Congress." Senate Majority
Leader Robert Dole told her,
"Cory, you hit a home run."
And House Minority Whip
Trent Lott said, "Let's just say
the emotion of the moment
saved the day." It would go
down in the annals of our
history as one of the former
President's finest speeches.

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