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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San
Pacita Complex Senior High School
(Stand Alone SHS No. 19 San Pedro)
School ID: 342361
Tirad Pass St. Pacita Complex, San Pedro, Laguna
(02) 720-50-32

Evaluating The Level of Conceptual Knowledge in Scientific Investigation of G12-stem

Students of Pacita Complex Senior High School

Submitted by

Bayubay, Ernest John M.

Benegas, Daniel

MathewR. Boñaga, Kim

Nicole L. Borja, Bea

Monic S. Samonte, Raven






This chapter discusses the problem of the study. It includes the introduction, rationale,

background of the study, theoretical framework, conceptual framework, statement of the

problem, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and the definition of terms.


Research has become part of each individual's daily life. It was carefully being studied to

prove a data or piece that can be a key to solving a specific problem. Students may find it complex,

time-consuming, and difficult to establish, but in the end, this will not only benefit themselves but as

well as their environment and surroundings. Ramos (2021) claimed that "The COVID-19 pandemic

has affected a variety of researchers, students, and academics." It showcases that the learning and

knowledge of students were lower than the previous school years. It also appears to lead to poor

experiences because of the limited preparations and slow connectivity in the country. Not all students

and homes have stable internet, and with that, the majority of the population was challenged.

In 2019, the Corona (Covid-19) virus was reported in China and became an infectious disease that

caused an alert emergency pandemic. It caused lockdowns and quarantines in the Philippines and the

whole world. Because of the situation, many factors were affected, especially the work and the

education of the people. Most of the students were having a hard time doing their work at home,

particularly their school activities. In contrast, they needed to adjust and accept distance learning,

which is a lot different from the traditional (face-to-face) classes.

The researchers will choose from the selected students of Grade 12-STEM Students of Pacita

Complex Senior High School to evaluate their knowledge before and during the Covid-19 pandemic

and the factors that affect it. This study was not yet tried out whether the Grade 12-STEM students in

Pacita Complex Senior High School have been a big difference and change in their understanding.

Eventually, this is a limited study of a particular scientific investigation subject.


The researchers will tend to determine if there has been a difference or changes in students'

comprehension during the pandemic. They would also know if any factors affect their studies while

conducting distance learning. Based on the previous studies, it shows that most of the academic

performances of the participants were genuinely affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic (Mahdy, 2020).

This also indicates that the students were less motivated and interested in doing their classes and

activities virtually (Wiley & Sons, 2021), unlike the traditional way (face-to-face) of learning. The

researchers chose this study since most of the students had a hard time focusing and doing their

school work, particularly at accomplishing research while at home. The research aimed to observe

and measure students' knowledge in Scientific Investigation before and after the pandemic. This

would be helpful to future researchers, students, teachers, and parents who will investigate more

profound about the research subject and time of the pandemic.

Background of the Study

In present times, the world is still facing the pandemic announced last March 11, 2020, almost

two years ago by the World Health Organization. Besides protecting the people's health, traditional

face-to-face classes were also postponed to guarantee the health of the students by preventing the

further transmission of the virus. After several months, the Department of Education of the

Philippines implemented a basic education learning continuity plan (DepEd order no. 018, s. 2020) to

respond to the situation of education amidst the pandemic. This new normal learning has three types:

Modular Distance Learning (MDL), Online Distance Learning (ODL), and Self Learning Module

TV/Radio-Based Instruction (Quinones, 2020). This will present a new challenge for students'

conceptual knowledge as they adjust to the new learning system.

Conceptual knowledge is the knowledge that originates in the way a person analyzes a

concept based on their comprehension of what they have written, read, experienced, and listened to.

Similarly, it has been characterized as comprehending the fundamental principles and relations

beneath a domain
(Hiebert & Lefevre, 1986, pp. 1–27) or knowing why (Baroody, 2003). One method to achieve
success is to have a thorough understanding of a subject. This could mean that executive functions

play a significant role in learning new ideas and making choices that will help you learn effectively. It

is important to the education system to help learners have prior knowledge to understand new

concepts and properly organize ideas.

The interrelationships among the basic elements within a larger structure that enable them to

function together(Krathwohl, 2002). Conceptual understanding clarifies the connections between the

ideas on an individual level. This type of learning is only possible through focused and mindful study.

Related to what Krathwohl stated in his study, students must have a clear understanding of basic

concepts in order to progress to more complex ideas that they would encounter in the future. The

researchers' study will focus on how the conceptual knowledge changes from the traditional face-to-

face classes to the online learning system amidst the pandemic.

In this case, the researchers would like to assess the level of the conceptual knowledge of

Pacita Complex Senior High School's selected grade 12 STEM students between the face-to-face

class learning system and the online class learning system.

Theoretical Framework

This study will be using the theory of Jean Lave and Eitene Wenger(1991) as the foundation;

the Situated Learning Theory (SLT) explains the process and development of learning when

individuals have the opportunity to participate. Learning is part of every student's life, especially those

who actively participate in their respective classes. The theory argues that the knowledge should be in

the same place. The country still prohibits face-to-face classes in some areas, so distance learning is

their solution. The knowledge gained during pre-pandemic times may or may not have changed. The

relation of SLT and the proponent's paper is that the conceptual knowledge in the scientific

investigation may have or have not changed over time. However, considering the current situation

where distance learning is applied, the level of the conceptual knowledge may be affected.
Conceptual Framework

Process Survey Input Output

Calculation and
Evaluating the Level of Conceptual Knowledge in Scientific Investigation of Grade 12-STEM S
Evaluation of Construction of survey
data given
Preparation of Questionnaire

Look for respondents

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to Evaluate the Level of Conceptual Knowledge in Scientific

Investigation of selected Grade 12 STEM students of Pacita Complex Senior Highschool.

The researchers aim to find answers to the following questions:

1. What are the effects of a pandemic on the conceptual knowledge of the students

about research?

2. How much effort and time do students spend on studying from home compared to

traditional face-to-face classes?

3. Are there significant changes in the level of conceptual knowledge in the research of

the students amidst the pandemic?


The research focuses on answering the following null and alternative forms of hypothesis. The

study includes one set of a null and alternative hypothesis.

H0- - The pandemic and the new learning system have no significant effect on the Level of Conceptual

Knowledge in Scientific Investigation of selected Grade 12 STEM students of Pacita Complex Senior


Ha - The pandemic and the new learning system have a significant effect on the Level of Conceptual

Knowledge in Scientific Investigation of selected Grade 12 STEM students of Pacita Complex Senior


Significance of the Study

The following will benefit from the study's findings:

School Administrator. The data gathered will provide the school's higher-ups with information on

how distance learning affects the students' academic knowledge or performance on scientific

investigation. The results will enable the principal to initiate collaboration among the faculty members

to help develop new ways of efficiently learning.

Teachers. The result of this study will allow the teachers to come up with new teaching methods that

are more likely to be effective in this pandemic.

Parents. This study will benefit parents by allowing them to perceive the stress in the difficulties of

the situation that their child is facing during distance learning.

Students. This study will evaluate students' knowledge and performance before and during the

pandemic. The data gathered will serve as a reference for the students to come up with a solution to

improve their academic performance.

Future researchers. The findings of this study will serve as a guide and reference material for future

researchers who will conduct the same study.

Scope and Limitation

This study will mainly focus on assessing the level of conceptual knowledge of the online and

modular students in terms of doing the research before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The

respondents will be the grade 12 STEM students at the Pacita Complex Senior High School. The

researchers will use the random sampling method, specifically simple random sampling, to select 10

and 15 respondents per online and modular learning section, respectively. All in all, there will be 60

samples to be studied in the research. This study is limited only to the knowledge of grade 12 -STEM

students in terms of scientific investigation and does not include other subjects.

Definition of Terms

Conceptual knowledge- It is the understanding of the principles and relationship that

underlie a domain.

- The conceptual knowledge in scientific investigation is what we are measuring in

this study.

COVID-19 Pandemic- It is defined as illness caused by a novel coronavirus now called

severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, which was first identified amid an outbreak

in Wuhan City, China.

- One of the factors that has an impact on the students’ academic performance.

Distance learning- Also called, e-learning, online learning, and flexible learning is a form

of education in which the students and teacher do not meet in the classroom but use the

internet, email, and other online meeting platforms to have classes.

- It is a modality in learning that has negative effects on students’ knowledge of

scientific investigation.

Grade 12 STEM students- Students who are in the 12th year of the Deped curriculum

for senior high school under the Science, Engineering, and Mathematics strand.
- Our respondents will come from this group of people. Their answers to our survey

will determine the outcome of this study.

Scientific investigation- It is a strategy for posing questions and evaluating potential


- The students’ knowledge of research before and during distance learning is what

the researchers want to measure.



This chapter discusses the relevant literature and studies that the researchers examined while

establishing the significance of the current study. The literature and studies presented in this chapter

include a wide range of ideas, concepts, generalizations, and findings. The researchers will use this as

a guide as they construct the project. Furthermore, the material in this chapter assists in familiarizing

elements that are relevant and related to the current research.

Review of Related Literatures


Limniou et al. (2021) stated that the students' learning and academic performances were way

different during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Due to the lockdown, the emergency and immediate

platform implemented distance learning. The students and the teachers were obligated to teach and

learn in online learning. This became an urgent approach, whereas students and teachers lacked

training in the new normal platforms. Different responses have been identified based on the

questionnaire due to their behavior, effort, and learning management. Lastly, even though it has been

an emergency platform for education, most students have coped up with modern learning. However,

teachers should also consider the students' enhancement to develop their understanding and

knowledge further.

Also, Balasubramaniam et al. (2020) concluded that the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic in

the students' research has been more challenging and complicated. Mainly the researchers that were
still in the progress of doing trials and observing their studies. Despite the problems facing it, the

studies related to the pandemic have been increasing daily. The data were being studied in a limited

time because vaccines and treatments are needed in the current situation. Despite the suffering and

obstacles the people faced, the benefits of research during those times were helpful to develop and

evaluate the management and strategies, especially on healthcare systems. This was not just for the

researchers' sake but also for the future studies that the professionals will use.

In addition, Entwistle and Peterson (2004) claimed that the environment influences the

students’ enhancement and level of understanding. Concepts include learning orientations, education,

perceptions, and preferences. A students’ behavior may depend on their experiences, approaches to

learning, and processing strategies. This highlights the ways and concepts on how it can massively

affect the student’s reaction and learning comprehension.


Tria (2020) stated that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought extreme challenges and has

affected the higher educational institutions of Wuhan, China, where the virus originated, and all other

HEIs in 188 countries. The COVID 19 virus, which first emerged in December 2019, became a

pandemic that led to school closures in all levels of educational institutions in the Philippines. The

countries affected by this pandemic are currently executing plans and procedures to contain the

epidemic and the new variants that are continually rising. In educational settings, the educational

sector implemented flexible learning or the new normal policy.

However, as mentioned in the article written by Arinto (2019), the academic performance of

the students was way different during the COVID-19 pandemic. There are some issues and problems

that have arisen as an outcome of this new normal, such as the absence of enough stimulation that

results in the lack of focus and participation of the students during discussions, the apparent need for

financial support to attend an online class or simply not having enough resources, and lastly, vague

learning content that leads to poor academic performance.

Also, Garcia (2017) claimed that the student's academic performance is affected by family

size, financial burden, work at home, and, most importantly, the teacher's attitude towards education.

In addition, Alvez et al. (2021) claimed that teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the

students' conceptual knowledge amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Poor teaching performance is

mainly caused by their lack of resources, handling students, and workloads that eventually build up a

sense of fatigue, depersonalization, stress, and burnout that often lead to poor teaching performance.

Not having an instructor with good mental health, especially in research subjects, will affect the

students' understanding of the lesson topics.

Review of Related Studies


As expounded by Hafizan, Halim, and Meerah (2012), Science Process Skills is crucial for

students because it guides them to obtain and comprehend information. Teachers have a significant

role because their competence can affect students' knowledge and skills in science. To be able to

develop critical thinking and decision-making skills of the students, science curriculum, and the

conceptual knowledge and competence of science teachers is pivotal. According to the study's

findings, the majority of teachers have a high level of comprehension of each sub-component of an

integrated special science skill, but they lack conceptual knowledge. The study recommended a focus

on the operational and conceptual knowledge of the science teachers to be able for them to teach their

students meaningfully. Basically, this study focuses on the conceptual knowledge and competency

level of science teachers in integrated science process skills so that they can plan and create a

meaningful science classroom where they teach and where students learn. To enable students to

develop their conceptual knowledge in science, such as scientific investigation, teachers should

enhance their understanding and conceptual knowledge first to create a meaningful way of teaching

and learning.
As stated by Moeed (2013), learning science through investigation is suggested as a

preferable instructional strategy on a global scale. Learning is influenced by teachers' understanding

of scientific investigation because it is considered as an aspect of an interpretive case study of the

phenomenon of scientific investigation. Based on the findings of the study, it recommended that to

best support students' learning in scientific investigation, it should include experiments, scientific

method, proper testing, and teachers' demonstrated understanding of an open-ended science

investigation. The study focuses on the investigation and scientific inquiry. With the high demands in

teaching science, especially if the objective is to develop conceptual understanding, this study

suggests that there should be an interaction between teacher and students to elicit prior knowledge,

exploration, and reflection to best support student learning in a scientific investigation. The findings

highlight an intriguing and essential point, if teachers have a poor understanding of the phenomenon

under investigation, students are likely to gain a limited understanding as well. As a matter of

urgency, a more in-depth study incorporating teachers' views, instructional orientation, and teacher

comprehension of investigation is required. It only means that teachers have a relevant role in

teaching science investigation to students. The development of students' knowledge will depend on

them, such as their teaching approaches and methods they used in conducting a scientific

investigation. Their knowledge and understanding of the subject also matter because, in their teaching

process, their beliefs, competency, and interaction with the students can also affect the development

of knowledge or learning outcome of the students.

As eloquently stated by Rina, Harahap, and Sudrajat (2018), students with good science-

process skills have better conceptual knowledge than students with low science-process skills. Inquiry

scientific learning model influenced science process skills and conceptual knowledge of the students.

Students with high process skills also have high conceptual knowledge. The application of scientific

inquiry learning models can help students improve their science process skills and conceptual

knowledge. Science process skills and conceptual understanding in scientific investigation are

valuable, especially in learning natural science. Scientific inquiry learning models or scientific

investigation have an effect on science process skills and conceptual knowledge. Since the study
showed that students with high science process skills have better conceptual knowledge, the teachers
should focus on teaching students with low science process skills so that they can also achieve better

conceptual knowledge.


Peñaranda, J. G. (2020) conducted a study where the researcher aims to identify the level of

knowledge about marine conservation and practices in Manapla, Negros Occidental. The proponent

designed a one-shot survey that will be responded to by 300 people. Data were processed using the

Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Chi-square tests were used to analyze the data

gathered. The results show that knowledge in marine conservation and practices is high. The

relationship between educational attainment and knowledge is significant, while knowledge and age,

civil status, monthly income, occupation, and education have no significant relationship. The

education attainment and practices in marine conservation also show a significant relationship. In

conclusion, there is a significant relationship between the knowledge in marine conservation and

practices along the coastal area of Manapla, Negros Occidental.

Additionally, Bete, A. O.(2020) conducted a study that aims to identify students' knowledge

and skills in learning Grade-8 Chemistry. The proponent used a checklist and test items as a research

instrument. The data collected are from 332 grade-8 students from 7 public high schools in Santiago

City, Isabela. In order to analyze the given data about the assessment of knowledge and skills, the

proponent uses the Standard score (z- score) and descriptive statistics. The data shows that the

respondent's knowledge belongs in the "developing proficiency stage," and their skills rates are poor

in Grade-8 Chemistry. The results show that some chemistry topics need intervention, and students'

engagement in chemistry-related activities is encouraged.

Hisug, R. F. C. (2021) conducted a study that determines the level of knowledge and

practices about solid waste management in barangay Jaro, Ilo-Ilo City. Using an interview schedule,

the proponent used a one-shot research design survey to 180 households. Data gathered were encoded

and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive analyses
showed by
using frequency distribution table, t-test, and Chi-square test. The results revealed that most respondents

were less than 30 years old, lived along the railway, married, female, undergraduates. The level of

knowledge in solid waste management and practices of the respondents was moderate. The knowledge

in solid waster management obtained by the respondents is significantly related to their solid waster

management practices


This chapter includes the research design, setting and participants, sample selection, instrumentation,

research and data collection, data processing and analysis, as well as the ethical consideration.

Research Design

The research will use the descriptive research method. The descriptive approach is defined as observing,

defining, and documenting aspects of a scenario as it occurs spontaneously, and it is frequently used as a

starting point for the development of hypotheses or the advancement of theory. This research mainly focuses

on evaluating the conceptual knowledge of Grade 12 STEM students of Pacita Complex National


The researchers' tool for gathering data is an evaluative survey. An evaluative survey is clearly

defined as the methodology used to gather information from a substantial number of respondents in

order to answer evaluation research questions. The primary purpose of the survey is to establish a

general image of a population under investigation in terms of views and their perception of a certain

phenomenon's behavior. The key objective of the researchers is to evaluate the conceptual knowledge of

Grade 12 STEM students of Pacita Complex Senior Highschool and to build a big picture out of it by using

evaluative survey questionnaires as a medium to collect data and to be analyzed and observed. The data

obtained would be subjected to quantitative data analysis, primarily t-test analysis, in order to help provide

reliable data findings for the study.

Setting (Locale)

The research study will be conducted on chosen Grade 12 students under the Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics curriculum of Pacita Complex Senior High School. Due to
the ongoing pandemic in the Philippines, the research study will be conducted online because students are

not allowed to go to school. The researchers will provide an online survey questionnaire in evaluations using

Google forms and distribute it to the respondents online.

Sample Selection

In this study, the researchers will use probability sampling method. Probability sampling method is a

process of obtaining data in a sample from the population. Asides from probability sampling method, the

researchers will also use simple random sampling method. Simple random sampling method is a technique

where it uses a sample size that came from a bigger population to make a conclusion.

Probability sampling method will be used to have a strong valid source from the respondents by

getting the total data that is needed for the study.Simple random sampling method will help the researchers

to form a general conclusion that will be based on the gathered data from the respondents.The researchers

will choose 60 selected participants from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics curriculum

from online and modular students of Pacita Complex Senior High School to participate in the study.

The researchers will primarily utilize an evaluative survey to accumulate data required from the

respondents. Selected Grade 12-Stem students of Pacita Complex Senior High School will be the

participants of this study. The evaluative survey will mainly contain questions regarding their personalities,

interests, abilities, and skills, specifically scientific investigation. The data collected will justify what the

students need to review and study more in the future. Due to the increasing status of cases of the Covid-19

virus, the survey will be conducted online and not traditionally in the printed form of papers. Online surveys

are a fast, easy, and less expensive method to gather information, which also needed to have Internet access

to complete the forms. Even though there is no physical interaction,

communication between the researchers and respondents is still possible through direct messages online if

any clarifications or explanations are needed in the survey.

Research Procedure(s) (Narrative format)

The researchers will create a survey to evaluate the conceptual knowledge in the selected Grade 12
STEM students' scientific investigation. The respondents will determine by using a random sampling
method. The researchers will submit a letter to the OIC of Pacita Complex Senior High School to conduct
the study. After all the selection of respondents and permission to the school faculty and head, the
evaluative survey that contains questions regarding their personal knowledge, interest, and understanding
about the scientific investigation will be given to them via private message or email.

When the survey questionnaires are answered, the proponents will proceed with data gathering and
analysis. Quantitative data analysis will be used to process all the data collected. It will be evaluated
thoroughly using Ikert Scale. The proponents will discuss the research outcome to come up with a
conclusion and recommendations.

Flowchart and Description

The flowchart below represents the step by step procedure that will be done by the researchers. The
procedures are represented inside an arrow to show the sequence of each process.

Data Processing and Analysis

The researchers will process the collected answered survey questionnaires from the respondents

using quantitative data analysis. Quantitative data analysis measures differences between groups,

relationships between variables and scientifically tests hypotheses. (Jansen and Warren, 2020). A

quantitative data test means investigating the data based on numbers or data that can be easily converted into

numbers without losing its meaning. Additionally, quantitative data analysis makes calculating data easier

because of the mathematical derivations they come up with. To further implore the significant
effect of the COVID 19 pandemic and the new learning system on the level of conceptual knowledge in the

scientific investigation of the respondents, the researchers used Likert scale data analysis to process and

analyze the gathered data accurately. Likert scale is a close-ended, forced-choice scale used in a

questionnaire that provides a series of answers that go from one extreme to another. (Vinney, 2019). In other

words, the Likert scale is used to measure the attitudes of respondents, asking them if they agree or disagree

with a particular question or statement. With the use of the Likert scale, the researchers easily gathered the

data. They precisely interpreted the information to know whether the null hypothesis needs to be rejected or

accept any alternative.

Risk and Safety Measures

Since the Covid-19 Pandemic was still ongoing, it is still prohibited to go outdoors for the

respondents and the researchers to gather pieces of information. Following that, there are still minors that are

not allowed to travel outdoors according to the government protocols. But instead, to ensure everyone's

safety, this research would carry out an online platform to continue performing the study. Prajapati (2020)

claimed that "The internet connects computers and businesses, people, government schemes, lives, and

stories worldwide" whereas different information, news, and ideas can be seen instantly. With the help of

Internet Connection, Google Forms are the chosen method for the researchers to access and check each

participant's responses quickly. These forms are helpful for surveys because they can automatically save and

record the answers. The researchers will ensure that the participants' confidential personal information will

be secured and their responses are more required for the research.

Ethical consideration

This research maintains the highest degree of objectivity in the study in debates and analyses. The

acknowledgment of works of other authors used in any part of the dissertation will use the APA format. To

preserve the study's ethical consideration, informed consent will be given to the respondents to remind them

of the survey questionnaires they are about to respond to, and they must be serious and

impartial in reacting to the survey to achieve a more detailed and reliable study response.
This analysis strongly guarantees the privacy and anonymity of the samples' answers, including

their details, such as their names and other informations to be collected. In undertaking the analysis,

anonymization and storing of data would be considered. Also, the researchers promise that the dignity and

credibility of their samples will be strongly valued.


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