Virtual Field Trip

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Virtual Field Trip

Disposition #2

Traveling and seeing new things is fun and an important experience. You can see new places,

meet new people, and try things that you have never done. Field trips in the community are just as

important as they can integrate into the social climate and culture. Field trips, to me, are a must in the

classroom as they enhance experiences, learn something new, and broaden ways of learning for the

students. While some schools can afford these trips, other schools are not as fortunate to have the means

or funds to provide field trips for students.

I found a virtual field trip to Teriberka in Russia to observe the Aurora Borealis. It showed different

pictures and how its colors change. You can manipulate the picture because it is a 360° panorama. I

viewed it in full screen to immerse myself in the experience. As you scroll through the page, there is

information with more pictures about the place the pictures were taken as well as some facts about the

Aurora Borealis. Below that is a photo gallery where you can see more pictures of the land in Barents Sea

Coast and the northern lights.

It is very easy to find virtual field trips. For my future classroom, I want to use this as an

opportunity to expand the topics and subjects we are working on. For example, when we talk about the

Civil War, we can find a virtual field trip for it to learn even more about it. Another way I want to implement

this is to use it as a fun assignment or break where the students get to choose where they would like to

go. It can be anywhere in the world. I saw some trips to the Bahamas to look at the coral reef, sailing past

Antarctica, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, various zoos, and diving with sharks. This can also be a fun way to

learn more about the students and they can learn more about their peers. They could possibly have the

same interests and become friends.

It is inexpensive to do in the classroom, and the bonus about it is that you can visit wherever you

want to go in the world at any time without spending money for a plane.

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