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Homework #2, option B

- In Homework #2 you can select two options: A) Sports Economics (presented on March 29th) and (B) Balance of
payments. Homework #2 will count as 15% of your final grade

Homework #2, Option B: Balance of payments

- Choose one country from this list: Germany, Netherlands, Ireland, Romania, Cyprus, Sweden, France, Lithuania
- Compile and analyse the state current account based on Eurostat data or central bank data
- Determine the main factors affecting the current account
- Analyse the current account components (goods, services, primary, secondary income accounts)

Based on your results:

- make conclusion about the development and sustainability of the current account
- make conclusion about the business cycle of the national economy
Homework #2, option B

- Make a presentation up to 10 minutes
- Put emphasis on latest data analysis
- Eurostat -> Database -> Economy and finance -> Balance of payments – International transsacitons (BPM6)
- Alert Mechanism Report
- Publications by central banks etc.

- During subsequent weeks (until May 12th , 23:59:59) please send your Excel files (with calculations, charts, answers)

- You can make this exercise in a group up to 2-3 people. Please do not copy answers from the other groups (similar
answers will be graded with zero points). Write your names in cells A1 and A2/A3 of your Excel sheet

- Presentations of Homework 2 will take place on May 15th 2023

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