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BAND HANDBOOK for Students and

Contact: Email: Phone: 520-xxx-xxxx


Table Of Contents:
Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3

Attendance/Performance Policies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4

Grading Policies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5

Event Calendar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5

Ensembles - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6

Code of Conduct - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7

Band Boosters - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8

Communication - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9

Instrument Fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9

Student/Guardian Contract - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10

Dear Students and Guardians,

Hello there, and welcome to the Catton High School band program! My name is Evan
Norwood (you may call me Mr. Norwood or Mr. N), and I am beyond excited and prepared to begin
teaching, educating, and guiding you through the world and journey that is music. Through my
tutelage I hope to give all of my students an enriching and enjoyable experience, while giving them
the tools to succeed in music and in life, while bettering their understanding of music and the way we
can incorporate it into all aspects of our lives.
My Background,
A recent graduate from the University of Arizona with a Music Education Degree, I’ve spent a vast
majority of my life working with a variety of instruments, from strings in my early life, to my
specialization in saxophone during my High School and Collegiate careers. A long term member and
leader in the Pride of Arizona Marching Band at the UofA, I’ve been using my musical and
leadership skills to inspire and connect with musicians for years at this point, and hope to work with
these students for years to come.
Plans For The Year,
While I understand this is only my first opportunity to teach out of college, I have big plans and high
aspirations for myself and my students this year, and I hope working with both these students and
their guardians will let us build a trusting, respectful and professional relationship as the year goes
on. I have already selected repertoire, and have sent out audition materials to students prior to the
year, so that the week before school starts we can begin auditioning for ensembles. No matter which
ensemble your student may place in, they will be treated with respect, dignity, and asked to behave
and perform in a professional manner. I want to introduce my students to music that will offer both a
fair challenge, and a wide variety of style, culture and history behind it. In addition, my support for
both the Marching and Jazz arts, including any other less conventional concert band settings, will be
rigorous and reliable. I promise that no matter what my students desire to achieve, I will do
everything in my power to support and guide them on that journey.
Thank you!
Thank you students and guardians alike for joining and trusting me with your care and guidance on
your musical journey, and hope that this year will be a great new beginning for all of us. I look
forward to all of the opportunities for learning and growing everyone in the classroom (including
myself), will find this year.
Evan R. Norwood

The Importance of Music in Education:

As a teacher, I firmly believe in the importance of music education
for students of all ages. Music education provides numerous benefits that
go far beyond learning to play an instrument or sing in a choir. It can help
students develop cognitive skills such as memory, concentration, and
problem-solving. It can also foster emotional intelligence, creativity, and
self-expression, and promote social skills such as teamwork,
communication, and respect for others.

In addition to these cognitive and social benefits, music education

can have a profound impact on a student's overall well-being. Through
music, students can explore their emotions, find their voice, and develop a
sense of self-confidence and self-worth. They can also experience the joy
of creating something beautiful and meaningful with others.

As a music teacher, I am privileged to witness firsthand the

transformative power of music in the lives of my students. I see how
music brings them together, helps them connect with their peers and
community, and provides a sense of purpose and belonging. I also see
how music empowers them to take risks, overcome challenges, and
achieve their goals.

In a world where technology and screens dominate our lives, music

education provides a much-needed balance that nourishes the mind, body,
and soul. It is a vital component of a well-rounded education that prepares
students for success in all areas of life. That is why I am passionate about
music education and dedicated to sharing its many benefits with my

Attendance/Performance Policies
Students are expected to be present and on time at all classes, rehearsals, and
performances. If a student is going to be absent from a rehearsal, the student must notify
the director via “Absence Form” (which can be found in the band room) at least 24 hours
in advance giving both a date for the absence and reason. If a student needs to miss a
performance the absence request must be submitted 2 weeks in advance. If the absence
forms for a rehearsal or performance are not submitted at all, or not submitted within the
required time frame, the student will be marked absent and it will affect their grade.
Missing a rehearsal without a valid excuse will result in 5 points being deducted from

their final grade, and missing a performance will drop them 10 points, i.e a whole letter

For tardiness, a student is expected to be on time for all rehearsals, classes and
performances. If a student arrives late without an excuse form from a teacher or office,
they will be given one tardy. After two unexcused tardies, that will count as an unexcused
class absence. If a student is 15 minutes late or more for class without an excuse it will
immediately count as an unexcused absence.

Students are expected to dress in concert appropriate attire for every performance, this
attire is determined by the ensemble. Concert Band and Symphonic Band members
should be in black dress pants or nice slacks, black socks, and black shoes, and will be
given or may use white dress shirts in the concert. Students given the shirts will be
required to return them at the end of the academic year. Wind Ensemble members are
required to wear either A. Black shoes, socks, dress pants, tuxedo shirt, black tuxedo
jacket and bowtie or B. Black dress, appropriately lengthed (sitting down it should fall
well below the knees), with sleeves covering the shoulders. Jackets and Bow Ties will be
rented out similar to dress shirts and must be returned.

Class/Rehearsal Schedule
Students will be rehearsing during normal class time:
Wind Ensemble: 8-9 MWTRF
Symphonic Band: 9-10 TWTRF
Concert Band: 10-11 MTWTR
And once a week on Tuesdays, from 5pm-9pm on the school football field. In addition
other Saturday rehearsals may be scheduled to prepare for competitions and to help
accelerate the learning process.

Grading Policy
The final grade a student will receive is tied directly to their attendance and participation.
Students who come to all classes and show hard work and effort during rehearsals and
performances will have no problem receiving an A in this class.

The grade breakdown will be as such:

A : 89.5%-100%
B: 79.5%-89%

C: 69.5%-79%
F: <69.5%

As stated, students who arrive on time, work hard in and out of class and avoid any
unexcused absences should have great success in this program.

Required Materials:
Students must come to class prepared with assigned music, a pencil to mark the music,
and a positive attitude ready to work!
Brass Players: Should have valve oil as needed, and any brushes or other cleaning
products necessary for instrument maintenance.
Woodwind Players: Should have reeds as needed, and any swabs or brushes necessary
for instrument maintenance.
Percussionists: Any sticks/stick bags needed for performance. This will vary depending
on the music being played and will be assigned the first week of classes.

Event Calendar:
The band will have the opportunity to perform regularly at Friday home football games,
and also demonstrate their hard work and excellence in various competitions throughout
the year.
The scheduled marching competitions are:
9/12: Dogwood Ridge HS Competition
9/26: Fish High Competition
10/10: Cat State University Competition
10/24: Cat University Band Day

In spring semester there will be a transition from Marching to more Concert Focused
ensemble work, the festival dates listed below as such.
2/15: Terremoto HS Festival
3/24: Ridgeback HS Festival
4/16: State HS Band Festival
All 3 bands will be attending all of these festivals, and all students are expected and
required to attend these performances the same as they were in the fall semester.

Concert Attire
Concert/Symphonic Band: Black dress pants, long sleeve white dress shirt, long sleeve
white blouse, long black socks, black dress shoes.

Wind Ensemble: Black suit jacket and black bowtie, black tux/dress pants, black dress
(must be below the knees when sitting down), long sleeve black or white blouse, long
sleeve black or white dress shirt, long black socks, black dress shoes.

Concert Band
Our ensemble for beginning students and freshman, this ensemble will be led mainly by
the Assistant Director Cayla Papillion. A fantastic way to begin your students' high
school musical experience, this band will tackle fun but challenging pieces, and will be
asked to perform at our end of the year concert in December and May respectively.
Students enrolled in Concert Band will be held to the same standards as the other
auditioned ensembles, to cultivate and nurture a professional musical environment. There
is no audition requirement for this ensemble, and all Freshman and Sophomore students
are welcome in.

Symphonic Band
Our intermediate ensemble, this ensemble is audition required for any Freshman or
Sophomore looking to enter. Students who are in the Junior class or above will be

automatically moved into Symphonic Band. This band aims to continue the development
and performance opportunities given to concert band students, by giving them more
challenging music, and having them perform twice a semester, in our October, December,
March and May concerts respectively. As mentioned an audition is required to enter this
ensemble, these auditions will happen in the first week of class and all students will be
sent audition materials the week before classes start or during band camp.

Wind Ensemble
Our most advanced ensemble, this ensemble aims to give students an opportunity to learn
and perform in a more professional/collegiate atmosphere. Students will be challenged
daily with the music they’re asked to practice and perform, and will be held to the highest
standards for individual preparation. Wind Ensemble members will perform in the 4
concerts previously listed with the Symphonic Band, and may have extra curricular
performances if the need or opportunity arises. Symphonic and Wind Ensemble auditions
will be conducted on the same material given to all students the first week of classes.

Code of Conduct
All students should behave and treat themselves and others with respect, dignity
and care. Students should be able to learn freely in a safe classroom environment
and behavioral problems will be dealt with and taken seriously.

● Communicate
● Have patience and respect the process
● Try to be the best version of you
● Show up on time and do your job
● Always be learning and growing
● Remember that the things you do on and off the field can affect the entire

● Remember to stay safe and be careful about what you say and show on
social media, once it’s there it will never truly disappear!
● Have fun, and try to get as much as you can out of this experience.

Cell Phone Policy:

Cell Phones are expected to be placed in cases or bags during rehearsal and kept
off the field. If a student has an emergency or needs to keep close to their phone,
they may let student staff know and they may decide if it’s appropriate.

Behavior Policy
Students are expected to behave appropriately and respectfully in all official band
settings, whether it be during a class time or not. This includes traveling to
festivals, or after school and weekend rehearsals. Infractions to school and
classroom behavior policies will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Depending
on the infraction it could result in detention, removal from performance
opportunities, suspension or even expulsion. Students who commit behavioral
infractions on school trips will be immediately asked to leave, their parents will be
called to pick them up and they will be sent home.

Band Boosters:
Philosophy and Purpose:
Band Boosters exist to aid the band in logistical, emotional and support issues. The
boosters are there to not only raise money for, but be the essential foundation and support
for the entire band. Without boosters there would be no band, and their aid in running off
the field logistics during the seasons are absolutely invaluable.

Officers and Committees:

President: Leads the boosters, helps make final decisions on plans moving forward

Vice President: Supports the president, helps with more micro problems than macro

Secretary: Bookkeeper for the band, keeps track of meeting minutes and organizes

Treasurer: In charge of tracking and monitoring band expenses

Operations and Transportation Chair/Committee: In charge of Pit Crew, Props, Event

Parking, Truck Drivers, Trip Coordination and Trip Food

Student Activities Chair/Committee: In charge of medical care, uniforms for

marching/concert, coordinating band camp, water, refreshments, flag sewing, organizing
volunteers. Etc.
Public Relations Chair/Committee: In charge of publicity, newsletters, hospitality,
photography and tickets

Finance Chair/Committee: Budget, Concessions, “sale events”, commemorative

items,auditing etc.

Communication Procedure:
Communication is an essential part of the band organization and making sure that you
follow the chain of command for communication is important.
If a student is having trouble, their first place to contact should be their section leader or
close student staff. If the student staff is unable to fix the issue, students should move to
the drum majors. If the drum majors are unable to help, the student may ask any other
“pro” or hired staff. Finally, if pro staff is unable to help the student may escalate the
problem to the director or assistant directors.

If a student believes that they or another student may be in harm's way it goes straight to
the director. The director will attempt to handle the problem from there, but any risk of
harm to a student is an incredibly serious matter and all other chain of command stops
must be ignored.

For guardians to get in contact, you may reach out to my office phone number or email
between the hours of 8am-4pm with any questions regarding the program or your
students' success. You may reach me at:

Instrument Rental/Maintenance:
Instruments can be rented from the school, with a deposit of $75. After the end of the
season when the instrument must be returned, the quality and potential damage will be
assessed, and if the instrument is still in fine working condition, the deposit can be
returned to the parent. Instruments must be returned in clean and working order!

Store instruments and transport them in proper cases at all times. If something happens to
any rented instruments, please do not try to force parts, seek pro staff for help.Run warm
water through brass instruments, and make sure to dry them with soft cloths. Woodwinds
should be kept away from water and be swabbed after every use. If anything breaks,
please contact staff immediately.

Student/Guardian Contract
By signing this contract the named student, and their legal guardian accept the terms
listed here and above, and understand the potential legal or academic consequences of a
breach of the stated rules, regulations and guidelines. This contract is to be returned to
the Director or Assistant Director no later than 1 week after the start of the semester
(August 23rd), and must be signed by both student and guardian.

I, (Student name printed)______________ hereby acknowledge and agree to the

rules, regulations and guidelines stated above, and accept the consequences handed
down upon a breach of these stated rules, regulations and guidelines.

I, (Guardian name printed) _______________hereby acknowledge that my student

has signed to and agreed to the rules, regulations and guidelines stated above, and
accept the consequences handed down to them upon a breach of these stated rules,
regulations and guidelines.

Student Signature_________________________________________________

Guardian Signature________________________________________________

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