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Concerns of Animal Nutrition

• Diet Formulation
• Feed Processing – quality control (ingredient quality and quantity, determination of feed particle
size); mixing; pelleting; crumbling; extrusion, bagging, transport, storage
• Feeding System and Management

Importance of Animal Nutrition

• Feed - at least 80% of the cost of animal production
• Animals need proper nutrition to support their body requirements for growth, maintenance, work,
reproduction and lactation
• Reproduction – mammals - mating, fertilization, pregnancy,
parturition, lactation/care of the young
– poultry – mating, fertilization, egg
production, hatching, care of the young
What is Nutrition?
Science that deals with the transformation of nutrients from the diet into component of body
tissues; involves the series of processes by which an organism takes in and assimilates food for
promoting growth and replacing worn-out or injured tissues

What is a Nutrient?
• Nutrient - substance that, when taken into the digestive system, is digested, absorbed and
utilized to sustain animal body processes (Roxas, 2006)

Classes of Nutrients
• Carbohydrates
• Proteins/Amino Acids
• Lipids
• Vitamins
• Minerals
• Water

Requirements of Pigs and Poultry

• Energy
• Proteins/Amino Acids
• Lipids
• Vitamins
• Minerals
• Water

General Functions of Nutrients

• provide energy for various processes in the body
• supply raw materials for the synthesis of body substances
• structural component
• regulate body temperature
• coenzymes/cofactors
• The accessory function – milk and egg production

Process of breaking down large, complex nutrient molecules into simpler molecules for use by an

Mechanical processes
• Mastication
• Muscular contractions of GIT

Chemical processes
• Acid hydrolysis
• Enzyme hydrolysis
• Preparatory step prior to absorption

• Processes that move small molecules through membranes of the GIT into blood so the
molecules may be used for their specific functions

Set of chemical reactions happening in the cells to sustain life
• Catabolism – breakdown of larger molecules to smaller molecules.
• Anabolism – synthesis of molecules from smaller units

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