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International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 730–733

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International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / i c h m t

Investigation of adhesion of CaCO3 crystalline fouling on stainless steel surfaces with

different roughness☆
Yida Liu a, Yong Zou a,b,⁎, Liang Zhao a, Wen Liu a, Lin Cheng a
Institute of Thermal Science and Technology, Shandong University, Jingshi Road 17923, Jinan, P.R. China
Key Lab of Liquid Structure and Heredity of Materials, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jingshi Road 17923, Jinan, P.R. China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online 13 April 2011 Fouling adhering experiments on AISI 304 stainless steel surfaces with different roughness had been
performed in boiling supersaturated calcium bicarbonate solution. The effect of surface roughness on
Keywords: adhesion of fouling is limited, and the adhesion of fouling does not have a simple linear relationship with the
Surface roughness surface roughness of samples. The surface with roughness in middle is more easily induced to form
Crystalline fouling “transitional interface” which connects the fouling and matrix surface. It is also found that the crystalline
Calcium carbonate
types of fouling are changed in the fouling process due to the variation of metallic ions in reaction solution.
Corrosion resistance
© 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction precipitate fouling precisely. Förster and Bohnet [6] argued that
mechanical forces at the interface crystal/heat transfer surface are
Calcium carbonate is the typical fouling adhered on the surface of responsible for discrepancies between reality and theory which is
heat exchangers in China. Its adhesion depends on two classes of described by current models. In fact, the idea of “mechanical
parameters: physicochemical properties of water solution (types and adhesion” was put forward in 1925 by Mcbain and Hopkins [7] and
concentration of metal ions) and heat transfer surface properties (the has been substantiated unreasonable by empirical study by Packham
surface free energy, surface roughness and so on). Among the surface and Johnston [8]. Besides the research on the Ca1-xMgxCO3 [9]
properties, the reports focused on the surface roughness are limited. solubilities formed in calcite growth in the presence of Mg2+, few
In the previous studies, the experimental conclusions are appar- researchers noticed the application of quantum mechanical theory
ently contradictory. Keysar et al. [1] showed that the adhesion and lattice structure in the field of fouling. In the previous studies, one
strength of the fouling layer on the mild steel surface was remarkably important problem is ignored, that is, whether the crystal type of
influenced by the degree of surface roughness. However, in recent fouling is changeless in the fouling process. In other words, it is not
literature, Al-Anezi et al. [2] showed the stainless steel sample with clear whether the type of crystalline fouling will be affected by the
Ra = 0.33 μm had the lowest adhesion while sample with surface corrosion or oxidation. At least, no opening literatures
Ra = 0.038 μm was secondary. Surprisingly, sample Ra = 0.12 μm, reported this issue.
whose roughness is in the middle, had the highest adhesion. In our previous studies, we have reported “transitional interface”
On the other hand, this problem confused the study of the fouling connecting fouling and matrix, and this “transitional interface”
forming mechanism. The net force of interaction between fouling and behaves selective absorption, that is, fouling tends to grow on it
the surface has been described predominantly by the sol particle more easily if fouling has similar lattice structure and parameters as
interactions in terms of colloid chemistry [3]. Furthermore, studies on the “transitional interface” [10]. This “transitional interface” may be
the fouling mass transfer modeling focus mainly on macroscopic the corrosion or oxidation products of the metal matrix. In the present
particles, such as Kern–Seaton Model. In spite of few special cases [4], work, the adhesion behavior of CaCO3 crystalline fouling on AISI 304
most studies have proved that the surfaces with higher surface free stainless steel samples with different roughness was studied by using
energy would prompt the adhesion of crystalline fouling. These fouling weight measurement. Furthermore, the change of crystalline
conclusions have been widely used to further explore anti-fouling type of fouling was tracked.
surface materials [5]. However, fouling modeling based on the above
theories cannot predict the effect of surface roughness on the 2. Experimental procedures

In order to minimize the effect of oxide layer on the fouling

☆ Communicated by P. Cheng and W.Q. Tao.
⁎ Corresponding author at: Institute of Thermal Science and Technology, Shandong
adhesion, the stainless steel AISI 304 samples with a size of
University, Jingshi Road 17923, Jinan, P.R. China. 25 mm × 25 mm × 0.8 mm were employed as measured specimen.
E-mail address: (Y. Zou). The samples were firstly prepared by wire-electrode cutting, and then

0735-1933/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Liu et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 730–733 731

No. 6, polished by polishing machine, did not show the obvious anti-
fouling effect.
Polynomial fitting is applied to do the regression analysis for the
Ra arithmetical mean deviation of the profile (μm)
data shown in Fig. 1. The results are summarized in Table 1. In this
Iarag the integrated diffraction peak intensities of aragonite
formula, “b” means the initial slope of the curve at the x-value of
(111) at about 26.2° (a.u.)
t = 0 h, which represents the rate of fouling adhesion. The samples
Icalc the integrated diffraction peak intensities of calcite
with middle roughness exhibit a slight higher slope, although this
(104) at about 29.5° (a.u.)
difference is very small. The lowest surface roughness did not show
especial role on fouling adhesion. This means, even paying a
Greek symbols
considerable cost to polish the sample, it still cannot improve its
ωarag the mass fraction of aragonite phase (%)
anti-fouling behavior ideally. At the same time, the sample No.1 with
ωcalc the mass fraction of calcite phase (%)
the highest surface roughness did not show more adhesion of fouling.
3.2. Surface morphology and crystalline phases of deposits
arag aragonite phase
calc calcite phase
Fig. 2 shows the SEM morphology of different samples surface after
being boiled in reaction solution for 15 min. No obvious morpholog-
ical difference can be seen. Compared to other area, the surface groove
grinded by abrasive papers with mesh size of 280, 400, 600, 800 and did not show selective fouling adhesion. That is, the fouling is
1000, respectively. These samples are numbered as No.1, No.2, No.3, randomly distributed on the surface. This conclusion is consistent
No.4 and No.5, respectively. Another sample polished by metallo- with Fig. 1. Previous studies [11] reported the complex change of
graphic polishing machine was denoted as No.6. Their surface crystal morphology and structures during the CaCO3 growth. McBain
roughness measured by Mitutoyo SJ 201 surface roughometer is and Hopkins [7] proposed that adhesion should be divided into two
0.246, 0.184, 0.156, 0.106, 0.062, and 0.018 μm, respectively. All the kinds: namely, specific adhesion that is related to adsorption and
samples were cleaned with acetone and distilled water in supersonic mechanical adhesion. In the further research, the latter has been
cleaner before fouling adhesion testing. The testing solution is boiling controversial [8]. It is well accepted that interfacial roughness has a
supersaturated calcium bicarbonate solution containing approximate- marked effect on the adhesion involving polymer-metal or polymer-
ly 360 mg/dm3 Ca and 1140 mg/dm3 HCO− 3 . These samples were polymer [12]. In the present study, we are interested in the phase
immersed to the test solution in the same condition and taken out to constitution of crystalline fouling and try to analyse the fouling layer
measure the weight every 4 h. In order to reduce the effect of gravity from fouling type perspective. Therefore, the precipitation fouling is
deposition on the adhesion of fouling, all the samples were suspended collected respectively for the different time and then examined by
into the boiling solution vertically. During the process of fouling XRD.
adhesion, the precipitate from the boiling solution was collected to Fig. 3 shows the XRD results for precipitation fouling at different
investigate the phase constitution of the fouling by using D8 Advance time. It is indicated that the fouling is calcium carbonate but a mixture
X-ray diffractometry (XRD) with CuKα radiation at 30 kV and 40 mA. of two crystalline phases, which are aragonite with a main peak at
The morphological features of the CaCO3 deposits on the sample 26.2° and calcite with a main peak at 29.5°. It also notices the relative
surface were observed by a SU-70 scanning electron microscopy intensity of these samples is varied. For calculating the relative
(SEM). content of calcite and aragonite precisely, the quantitative phase
contents of calcite and aragonite in a sample are used, which are
derived from mixing powder method [13].
3. Results and discussion
ωarag = ð1Þ
3.1. Fouling weight data Iarag + 0:41Icalc

Fig. 1 shows the relations between the crystallization fouling Icalc

ωcalc = ð2Þ
weight per unit area and the reaction time for the samples. As 2:44Iarag + Icalc
illustrated in Fig. 1, the sample No. 1 with the roughest surface
exhibits lowest fouling weight in most test points, while the sample Calculating results are shown in Fig. 4.
The above results indicate that the form of crystalline fouling is not
0.006 unalterable in the fouling process. That is, there is a lot of aragonite in
fouling weight per unit area /(g·cm-2)

No.1 the early stages, and the relative amount of calcite increases gradually
No.2 with the increase of testing time, while the total amount of calcite and
No.4 aragonite keeps constant. In our recent report, it is found that only
0.004 No.5
No.6 calcite single phase is formed in the simulated hard water (CaCl2 and

Table 1
0.002 Regression results by using polynomial fitting.

Sample no. y = ax2 + bx + c Regression

a b c
No.1 − 0.00000157 0.00019046 0.00025167 0.9892460
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 No.2 − 0.00000421 0.00028483 − 0.00014733 0.9886456
No.3 − 0.00000506 0.00031596 0.00015100 0.9884100
time / hours
No.4 − 0.00000468 0.00030887 0.00016367 0.9948849
No.5 − 0.00000515 0.00032412 0.00022800 0.9911033
Fig. 1. Fouling weight per unit area versus time immersed in boiling reaction solution
No.6 − 0.00000449 0.00029240 − 0.00000533 0.9852714
for samples with different roughness.
732 Y. Liu et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 730–733

Fig. 2. SEM micrographs depicting the temporal growth of deposits 15 min after the start of the run.

NaHCO3) if there is no other metal ion in reaction solution [14]. But in the formation of aragonite. Similar results about the effect of metallic
this study, considerable aragonite was found in the early stages. This ions on aragonite forming have been reported, such as the role of
means there are other metallic ions in the solution. The most Mg2+ [9,15]. Coetzee et al. [16] reported both Fe2+ and iron oxides
reasonable reason is some reactions like electrochemical corrosion are responsible for the growth of aragonite crystals. Reffass et al.
occur on the sample surfaces in the boiling solution, and then some [17] emphasized that as a consequence of the corrosion, the release
metallic ions enter into the solution surrounding the specimens. of iron into the bicarbonate/carbonate-containing solutions can
Although the amount is very little, these metallic ions could prompt generate soluble Fe2+, and then act as many kinds of complexing

Content of Aragonite / mass%

Intensity / a.u.



8h 20

15 min 0
15min 4h 8h 12h 20h
20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60
Reaction Time

Fig. 4. Calculated results of aragonite content in samples at different reaction time (the
Fig. 3. X-ray diffraction patterns of crystalline fouling collected at different fouling time. total amount of calcite and aragonite as sum keeps constant).
Y. Liu et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 730–733 733

compounds with OH− and HCO− 2−

3 /CO3 . In this study, the corrosion of testing time. The reason for this change is the formation of
may be caused both by chloride ions and by CO2− 3 ions. metal ions in solution due to the oxidation or corrosion of the
In our previous studies, it is found that a “transitional interface” sample surface. The effect of surface roughness on the fouling
works as a “bridge” to connect the matrix and fouling, and its property adhesion is essentially the effect on the formation of “transi-
decides the adhesion of the crystalline fouling, and this “transitional tional interface” via corrosion or oxidation. The surface with
interface” may be the product of oxidation or corrosion. Therefore, the roughness in middle is more easily induced to form “transi-
effect of surface roughness on adhesion of fouling can be attributed to tional interface” which connects the fouling and matrix surface.
the effect of roughness on corrosion resistance of sample surface. The
easily corroded surface also easily formed transitional interface which
can further prompt the adhesion of fouling. In fact, it had been Acknowledgements
reported that the machining parts with Ra N 0.08–0.16 μm can easily
be oxidized in atmosphere [18]. This is caused by the formation of This work has been supported by the National Basic Research
microbattery due to the local moisture film and the local concentra- Program of China (2007CB206900) and the Natural Science Founda-
tion difference of O2 in this range of roughness [19]. In contrast, tion of Shandong Province (Z2007F05).
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