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What possible advantages does Julie have in becoming a supervisor of the group of

which she has long been a member?

Having been a member of the group, Julie is aware of its strengths and weaknesses. Thus,

she knows what needs to be improved and how it should be done. Furthermore, Julie is

conversant with the organization’s culture, policies, and practices, which are critical in

influencing change. Compared to an outsider, Julie is likely to earn her peers’ trust, which is

essential in executing her mandate.

What are the possible disadvantages that may present themselves to Julie?

Julie might face some challenges due to her previous relationships with her friends. She

has to make decisions that her friends might perceive as unfriendly. According to Lieber and

McConnell (2021), one is likely to face interpersonal interaction challenges when promoted

within a group, which might impact transitioning. Thus, effective management of relationships

and knowing when to draw a line will be critical to her success in the new leadership


If you were Julie, how do you believe your promotion would affect your

relationships with your former coworkers?

If I was Julie, I believe the promotion would affect how I relate with my friends

professionally. I would have to become more of a leader with clear boundaries in relation to

personal relationships. This is because, as a close friend, peers are likely to take advantage in

terms of work favors even when not necessary, simply because one is acquitted. Thus, to

minimize such, I would have to establish more professional relationships within the work setting

while maintaining the friendship aspect outside the work setting.



Liebler, J. G., & McConnell, C. R. (2020). Management principles for health professionals.

Jones & Bartlett Learning.



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