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policies have a critical role in creating an organization's culture, behavior, and performance.

Policies are a set of guidelines, regulations, and principles put in place to ensure consistency and
justice in decision-making and action. These policies serve as a foundation for employees' day-
to-day actions, giving them a clear grasp of what is expected of them. These ensure that
everyone, regardless of status or department, follows the same set of rules and procedures. This
reduces uncertainty and misconceptions while also ensuring that all employees are held to the
same standards. the managers need to say what should be done and what should not be done, the
employee will just do what he wants

in the level of strategy, the corporate level are the top management of the business. they
are the one who have the power to implement organizational plans and policies the one who
direct and control a corporation. Without the say of the top management, the different plans for
the business are not possible because they hold authority, resources and decision making. they
just don't think for short term objective but for the long term and oversee the development of
strategies for the entire organization. In the business level they are the middle management and
the head report to the corporate level also the rank and file.
the strategic issues in a corporation are many, it needs a decision from the top
management approval from them to implement the different plans or strategies. it also often
affects the long term prosperity and the people. When it affects the staff or the workers there is a
big possibility that many people will leave. but it not only affects the people bus most especially
to the organization. A strategy must be implemented, it is necessary to monitor from the first day
to the last day of the implementation to see or know the result if it was good or not. The benifits
of having the strategy as it addresses the future plan of the organization having the right
strategies will enhance the companys ability to be more competitve with compititors. also having
brainstorming with the staff is important because there is more participation and suggestion for
the betterment of the organization. the strategy must be clear to reduce overlapping.
Strategic alliance is joining and combining of one and two firms in order to gain
significant benefit by complementing the resources of others. they are significant to achieve
synergy due to the sharing of resources but not only reources but also thier efforts, action and
their strategies are combined to come up better benefits. however, when a company involves
another company there are issues because one company cannot control and there are difficulties
that can occur. for example, other companies have different cultures, practices, and personalities
because of this, both of the companies have conflicts. Additionally, having a strategic alliance is
difficult because a company still needs to ask or seek for permission before making a decision as
it causes delay in coming up with the final decision. The horizontal strategic alliance as it
happens when two or more companies or firms join in the same industry. the vertical alliance
happens when two companies who have different nature of operation. while the intersectoral
alliance, the firms join belong to the different industry. this strategic alliance helps the company
to become better and more competitive to the competitors. this helps to have the best resources,
strategies, build innovative solutions and enter new markets. corporate strategy is a strategy that
is being employed in operation of corporation. it is in big companies.

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