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Shortage of
Overworked and
Deteriorating Material
Quality of Teaching Staff
Shortages of classroom Overcrowded
Low government budget
Lack of textbook Education
Time consuming jobs
unrelated to the teaching
Poor quality of teachers and Shortages of laboratory
school facilities equipment

Learners having difficulty in Difference between Education is regarded

understanding the lesson when it educational trainings more as a constitutional
is presented using English as between actual jobs. right than an instrument
medium of instruction
Materials are not suitable of economic progress
to specific group of
Multilingual Instruction
Oversubscribed programs
The use of
Language in Economic Issues
CECILLE TRADIO MEJIAS There were many other reasons why the country failed when it
MAED-TRL comes to education such as deteriorating quality of education, economy,
EDUC 203- CURRICULUM PRINCIPLES, DESIGN, AND EVALUATION overworked and underpaid teaching staff, and the language used in
instruction. Whatever might be the reason the local and national
The Philippines, the East Asian’ developmental states’ and
education: a comparative analysis of why the Philippines failed to government should work forcefully and find solution for it. Because even
develop before up to this time that we are now in the 21st century educational
system of the country was far behind compare to other Asian countries. If
Philippines was produced some globally competitive individual. they can do it, why we can’t? What is really wrong with the Philippines?
But, if there were thousands of successful Filipinos outside the country, Scholars determined already the problem yet till now we can’t find the
there were also millions of Filipinos suffered in poverty. solution. If there is, only for the few.
Reasons determined in various study of some scholars in the It was heartbreaking to realize how poor our education was. We
country. have many capable, brilliant and skilled teachers yet the support of the
Number one reason, “mismatch!” We cannot deny the fact that government was lacking. Teachers in the remote areas only need
many were graduated in a course which not align with their interest and electricity, internet connection, and most and for all safe cemented
abilities. Or if not, the education trainings they underwent was far different roadways in going to school. If you compared the things done with the
to the actual job outside the school. It maybe because of the lacking of other Asian countries that was just a small dot. If internet connectivity was
instructional materials or laboratory materials that would cater the needs difficult to fulfill or maybe were too ambitious, even the roadways can be
and interest of every individual. That is why there were millions of fix and cemented for the sake of the teachers and learners travelling and
Filipinos who were bachelor degree holder but landed jobless. Some passing every day.
worked as laborer and other job not related to their finished course. As a teacher, I am knocking the heart of the government officials to
Next reason, lack of school classrooms and facilities throughout the “please step down and see the problem with your own eyes.” Talk the
country. Though the government put emphasis on building structures for people on the field to see what you can do for them. Experience how
educations, still thousands of schools doesn’t have enough classrooms and difficult to pass those mountainous rocky road, especially when it rained.
materials for the learners. The number of classrooms cannot accommodate Despite these challenges in our education system, my willingness,
the number of learners every year. Every year number of enrollees risen, my vocation, determination, and passion to transform and touch the lives
thus scenario in having or conducting classes outside the classroom was of every learner under my care would always set on fire, and nothing can
seen in some places of the country. Especially those in the far flung areas. stop it no matter what!
Where, not only the classrooms was the identified problem or challenges,
yet even electricity, internet connection, water supply, and many other.

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