Topic 4-The Physical Activity Pyramid

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NHW: Topic 4- The Physical Activity Pyramid

Prepared by: Danielle Valerie A. Tabel, PTRP

Main Reference: Concepts of Fitness & Wellness by Charles B. Corbin 11th Edition

A. Moving from Inactivity to Moderate- • Moderate physical activity is the foundation of

Intensity Active Lifestyles an active lifestyle.
• __________ physical activity
• Inactivity can be hazardous to your health. - Performed by all people, regardless of
fitness level or age.
- Ex:
- _________ walking
- ADLs: ______________, gardening,
mowing the lawn, __________,
- Sports: playing catch, shooting
baskets, _____________ bike riding,
casual ______________

• Moderate physical activity can be

distinguished from "light" activity and
"vigorous" activity.

• ___________________________
- ____________- defines resting energy

- _________________
- Presents a risk to a person's health,
______________ of the level of activity.
- A health risk even for ___________
people who sit too much.
- For children, periods of inactivity should
be ________________.
- Goal of Healthy People 2020:
- Reduce the proportion of youth who
are inactive for long periods of time:
- Viewing _____________
- Playing computer games more than
_________ a day • Because moderate activities are relatively easy
- "__________" is the new smoking to perform, they are popular among adults.
- Sitting for hours provides harmful • __________- most popular of all leisure-time
signals to the body's systems. activities among adults.
- To reduce risks of inactivity, take - ____________ walk more than men
periodic breaks in _________ by - ________ adults (18-29) walk less than
________ up and moving about more older adults
often. • While overall activity levels decline with age,
involvement in lifestyle activity tends to
• Finding enjoyable activities that fit into your
daily routine is the key to adopting a more
active lifestyle.
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- Wellness benefits can impact young

• Activity classifications vary, depending on one's people every day, whereas health
level of fitness. benefits may be noticed until a person
- Assess current level of self or patient/client gets ________.
before prescribing an exercise regimen.
• Regular activity is important in achieving
The Health and Wellness Benefits of health, wellness, and fitness benefits.
Moderate Physical Activity - For the benefits of activity to be optimal,
it is important to exercise ___________.
• Moderate activity provides significant health - Specific benefits from moderate activity
benefits. tend to be more dependent on frequency
- Research has shown that even than on intensity- "_________________"
_________ amounts of moderate activity - Ex:
have _____________ health benefits. - Periodic stimulus from exercise helps
directly counter the negative

• Moderate activity promotes metabolic fitness. physical and physiological response
- _________________ to stress.
- Fitness of the systems that provide the - To maximize the benefits of physical
energy for daily living. activity, try to get some activity
- Indicators of good metabolic fitness: every day.
- ___________________________
- ___________________________ • Sustained light-intensity activity may provide
- ___________________________ health benefits and promote weight control.
- ___________________________ - Accumulation of ______-intensity activity
- Moderate physical activity promotes can have benefits in those who are
metabolic fitness by keeping the sedentary.
_____________ system active. - ________________________________-
- Individuals with _______ fitness levels (_______)- emphasizes the substantial
will receive primarily ____________ number of calories that can be burned by
fitness benefits from moderate activity. performing light-intensity activity.
- Individuals with ____ fitness levels will
receive _________ and ______________ How Much Moderate Physical Activity is
endurance benefits from moderate Enough?
- ___________ activity is important for the • There is a FIT formula for moderate physical
large segments of the population that do activity.
not participate in other forms of regular - ____________________
exercise. - Describes the minimum activity needed
for benefits.
• Moderate physical activity has wellness - Recommended physical activity for
benefits. adults:
- Physical activity is associated with - ______ minutes of moderate-intensity
________________________. activity each week
- Wellness benefits of physical activity: - Or ______ minutes, __ days/ week
- ______________________ - Adults should burn ________ kcal/week
- ______________________ (or about _____ kcal/day) from moderate
- ______________________ activity.
- ______________________ - _________________
- ______________________ - Calls for the accumulation of ___ or
more minutes a day
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• Vigorous activity can substitute for moderate Monitoring Physical Activity Behaviour
- ___ minutes of moderate physical activity • A variety of methods can be used to
can be accumulated during the week. accumulate moderate physical activity for
- _________________ activity can also be health benefits.
substituted to meet the weekly targets. - Finding ___ minutes or longer for
- Each minute of vigorous activity counts continuous physical activity may be
as ___ minutes of moderate activity. difficult, especially on very busy days.
- Instead of performing ____ minutes of - However, ________ physical activity can
moderate activity, __ minutes of vigorous be accumulated throughout the day as
activity can be performed. long as it meets the recommended
- MET minutes: guidelines.
- Formula:
- _____________________________ • Energy expenditure can be used to monitor
physical activity.
- 1 MET= ____________ (1 calorie per

For Example:
kilogram of body weight per hour)
• 60-min brisk walk (3 METS)
- Ex:
• MET minutes: activity MET level X number of minutes
- Brisk walking (4 mph)= requires an
energy expenditure of 4 METs or 4
• MET minutes: 3 METs X 60 mins

= 150 METs kcal/kg/hr.

• Step counts can help monitor physical

- A total of ____ MET-minutes/ week is activity patterns.
recommended to meet the minimum - _________
guidelines. - Have become a popular and well-
understood metric to quantify physical
• Activity bouts of 10 minutes are activity.
recommended, but shorter durations of - ________________ can be used to
moderate actvity have benefits. track steps.
- Moderate activity bouts should be ___ - Smartphone apps can be used to
minutes in length or longer for optimal record step counts.
health and fitness benefits. - Provide a good indicator of activity for
- ______-duration moderate activity/ most people since most forms of
Incidental physical activity- accumulated activity involve some locomotor
throughout the day is also beneficial. movement except for:
- In general, the main focus should be on - ________________
the total ________ of moderate activity - ________________
performed. - Beneficial to set goals on your own
• Special moderate activity guidelines have 1. Wear the pedometer for 1 week
been developed for children, older adults, to establish a baseline step count
and adults with chronic health conditions. (average steps per day).
- Children need _____ physical activity 2. Then, set a goal of increasing
than adults (at least ___ minutes and up steps per day by 1,000 to 3,000
to several hours of activity each day). steps.
- Individuals should focus on tracking 3. As you meet your goal, increase
minutes of activity since this allows the your step counts gradually.
intensity to be a self-determined level
that corresponds to a person's relative
level of fitness.

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B. Cardiorespiratory Endurance
- __________________________
- Most important aspect of physical
- T h o s e w h o p o s s e s s re a s o n a b l e
amounts of fitness have:
1. Decreased risk for heart disease
2. Reduced risk for premature death
3. Improved quality of life

Elements of Cardiorespiratory Endurance

• The term cardiorespiratory endurance has

several synonyms.
- Limitations in using steps as indicators of - ___________________________
total physical activity: - Ability of the heart, blood vessels,
1. ___________________ blood, and respiratory system to
- A person with longer legs will supply nutrients and ________ to the
accumulate fewer steps over the muscles.
same distance than someone with - Ability of the muscles to utilize fuel to
shorter strides. allow ___________ exercise.
2. ____________________ - A person with good cardiorespiratory
- A person running will accumulate endurance can persist physical activity
fewer steps over the same for long periods of time ________
distance than a person who undue stress.
walks. - Also referred as:
3. ______________________________ 1. _____________________

___________ 2. _____________________
3. _____________________
Monitoring Physical Activity Behaviour - __________________- lab measure of
cardiorespiratory endurance.
• Seek ways to reduce and/or break up
sedentary time. • Good cardiorespiratory endurance requires a fit
- A key for healthy living (and weight control) heart muscle.
is to ________ time spent being sedentary. - ___________
- Standing desks- promotes more activity at - A powerful __-chambered muscle that
work. pumps blood all throughout the body.
- Negative effects of sedentary time can be - Heart of a normal individual beats
minimized with periodic breaks. about:
- __ million times a ______
• Seek out and promote active environments. - _______ gallons of blood in a ____
- The key is to take stock of your lifestyle - Becomes stronger if it is exercised.
(and your environment) and determine - Normal typical resting heart rate
ways to take advantage of what is available. (RHR)= _______________
- Building active community environments - RHR of a highly trained endurance
has become an important national priority. athlete= ______________
- The vision is for neighbourhoods that
allow physical activity to be built into a
Take Note:

person's normal routine and communities

• Decrease in the RHR with training indicates
with integrated ______ and ________ clear improvements in cardiorespiratory
paths. endurance.

• Seek out ways to add physical activity into

your day. • Good cardiorespiratory endurance requires a fit
- __________________- one way to add vascular system.
physical activity to your lifestyle. - Sequence of blood circulation:
- Take more active trips to the ________. 1. Blood containing a high concentration
- Consider parking farther _______ from of ___ is pumped by the ___ ventricle
store entrances throught the aorta.
- Use the ________ rather than the elevator 2. Veins carry the blood containing
- Take __________________ lesser amounts of O2 back to the
- ________, instead of sit, when convenient
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____ side of the heart, first to the - Intertwined in the _________ muscle
____ and then to the ____. to facilitate the return of blood to the
3. The _________ pumps the blood to heart.
the lungs. - _________- prevent the backward flow
4. In the lungs, the blood picks up O2 of the blood.
and ____ is removed. - ______________- caused by a
5. From the lungs, the oxygenated blood defect in the valves ultimately
travels back to the heart, first to the leading to pooling of blood in the
______ atrium and then to the _____ veins of the leg.
ventricle. - Effect of regular physical activity on
6. Process repeats itself. the veins:
- ________________________
- _____________________________

- Capillaries:
- Transfer stations where ____________
are released, and waste products, such
as CO2 are removed from the tissues.
- Ve i n s r e c e i v e b l o o d f r o m t h e
_____________ for the return trip to
the heart.

• Good cardiorespiratory endurance requires

healthy blood and a fit respiratory system.
- __________ Respiration- process of taking
in O2 (through mouth and nose) and
delivering it to the lungs.

- Requires fit lungs as well as blood with
adequate hemoglobin.
- _______________
- Sequence of blood flow: - Carries O2 through the bloodstream.
- ________ --> capillaries --> ______ - ___________
- Dense network of _________- distributes - Condition caused by a lack of
oxygenated blood to the muscles, tissues, hemoglobin reducing its O 2 -
and organs. carrying capacity.
- ___________ Respiration- process of
- Healthy arteries: delivering oxygen to the tissues from the
- ____________ blood.
- _________________ - Requires an adequate number of healthy
- ________________________ _____________.
- Unfit arteries:
- ____________________ • Cardiorespiratory endurance requires fit muscle
- Condition in which arteries have a tissue capable of using oxygen.
reduced internal diameter due to
- Physical activity that promotes
fat deposits on the interior of their cardiorespiratory endurance stimulates
walls. changes in muscle fibers making them more
- ____________________ effective in using O2.
- Condition in which arteries have a - Outstanding distance runners have high
reduced internal diameter due to numbers of well-conditioned muscle fibers
hardened or non-elastic walls. that can use O2 to produce energy for
- Blood in the 4 chambers of the heart sustained running.
_______ directly nourish the heart.
- Numerous small arteries within the • During exercise, the performance and function
heart muscle provide for coronary of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems
circulation. are maximized.
- Poor coronary circulation caused by - Body changes that occur with exercise:
unhealthy arteries can cause a 1. Breathing rate and depth ________.
____________. 2. Heart beats faster and pumps more
blood with each beat
- Veins: (_____________________).
- ________________ blood flows back 3. Higher heart rate and larger stroke
to the heart through a series of veins. volume allow more blood to be
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pumped each minute • Adaptations to regular aerobic exercise result

(__________________________). in improved cardiorespiratory endurance.
4. Blood passing through the lungs picks 1. Heart muscle gets stronger and pumps
up more O2 and distributes it more more blood with each beat.
quickly. 2. Lungs and blood function more efficiently
5. Activates ____________ nervous in picking up O2 and delivering it to the
system leading to a redistribution of muscles.
blood flow to the working skeletal 3. Vessels more effectively deliver the
muscle. blood.
- During rest, muscles get about ___% of 4. Muscles adapt to use O2 more efficiently.
available blood flow.
- During vigorous exercise, this increases Cardiorespiratory Endurance and Health
to ___%. Benefits

• Good cardiorespiratory endurance reduces

risk for heart disease, other hypokinetic
conditions, and early death.
- Low-fit individuals- ________ more likely
to develop symptoms of heart disease,
metabolic syndrome, or diabetes.
- Individuals with moderate fitness live
__________ longer.
- High-fit individuals- have the _______
risk of developing symptoms.

• The benefits of cardiorespiratory fitness are

independent of its beneficialy effect on other
risk factors.

- Active/fit people would have lower health
risks even if their cholesterol, blood
pressure, and body fat levels were
identical to those in a matched set of
inactive/unfit people.
- _______________- major, independent
risk factor for heart disease.

• Aerobic capacity is evaluated using an indicator • Good fitness reduces risks for normal weight,
known as maximum oxygen uptake, or VO2 overweight, and obese people.
max. - Appropriate _________________ can
- _________________________________ build cardiorespiratory endurance in all
- Referred to as "_________________" types of people, including those with
- Determined in a laboratory by measuring excess body fat.
how much O2 a person can use in - A ____________________ is at lower
maximal exercise. risk of chronic disease than an
- Usually done on a ___________ using _________________________________.
specialized gas analyzers to measure O2 - __________ is a greater risk than
use. _______________.
- ______________- outcome measure
which estimates aerobic capacity. • Good cardiorespiratory endurance enhances
- Good indicator of the ability of the the ability to perform various tasks, improves
cardiovascular and respiratory systems to the ability to function, and is associated with
function effectively. a feeling of well-being.
- Values are reported in milliliters (mL) of - In older adults, achievement of good
oxygen (O2) per kilogram (kg) of body fitness results in an improved ability to
weight per minute (mL/kg/min) functional and maintain independence.
- Aerobic capacity of:
- Elite endurance athletes=
- Average person=
- Bigger people may have higher scores
due to their large size.

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The FIT Formula for Cardiorespiratory • The intensity (I) of physical activity necessary
Endurance to produce cardiorespiratory endurance
depends on a person's level of fitness.
• The FIT formula for cardiorespiratory - Exercise at a gradually increasing level of
endurance varies for people of different activity intensity that is higher than normal to
levels. improve cardiorespiratory endurance.
- Adaptations to physical activity are based - Indicators of relative intensity:
on: - ______________
- ______________________ - Provides a good indicator of relative
- Provide an appropriate challenge to challenge presented by a given bout
the cardiovascular and respiratory of exercise.
systems. - _____________________________

- __________________________ __________________
- Challenge should be progressive, - Basis of intensity of physical
increasing gradually as fitness activity to build cardiorespiratory
improves. endurance.
- For most people, ___________ physical - General HRR= ___________
a c t i v i ty i s n e c e s s a r y t o i m p r o v e - maxHR= _____________
cardiorespiratory endurance. - ______________________________
- For people with ___ fitness, __________ - Refer to the assessment of the
physical activity produces improvements. intensity of exercise based on how
- Frequency of exercise is similar for the the patient feels.
different activity levels. - Useful in assessing the ________ of
- Intensity and amount of time spent in aerobic physical activity.
activities vary considerably. - A ____________ assessment of
• The frequency (F) of physical activity to build - Ranges from _ (very, very light) to
cardiorespiratory endurance ranges from 3 to 5 __ (very, very hard) with 1-point
or more days a week. increments in between.
- ACSM guideline for building - Target zone for aerobic activity= 12
cardiorespiratory endurance: to 16.
- ____________= for low-fit people who - ________ intensities- provide a
do primarily moderate physical activity. cardiorespiratory endurance for low-fit
- Moderate activity can be performed sedentary people
every day. - _________ intensities- needed for more
- ____________ of vigorous physical fit people.
activity= for more active people
- Vigorous activities increase risk for • The amount of time (T) for building
orthopedic injury if done too cardiorespiratory endurance is typically based
frequently. on minutes of activity per day.
- ___________= for healthy people who - Recommended time:
are fit and regularly active and have no - Option 1: ______ minutes of moderate
evidence of joint problems or injuries. activity per week
- 1 day off a week is beneficial. - Option 2: ______ minutes of vigorous
- ____________- maximal recommended activity per week
dose for most people.

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- Extending length of time for exercise - Ty p i c a l l y r e f e r r e d t o a s

bouts has additional benefits for health ____________________
and wellness: - _______________________________
- ____ to ____ minutes of moderate _- can also be used to define the
activity per week- beneficial in losing target zone for exercise intensity.
body fat and maintaining a healthy
body weight. • An estimate of maximal heart rate (maxHR) is
- For fit and active people, extending needed to determine appropriate target heart
bouts of vigorous activity from ___ up rate zones for aerobic exercise.
to ___ minutes provides health and - ________
wellness benefits and enhances - Highest heart rate attained in maximal
cardiorespiratory endurance. exercise.
- Could be determined using an
• Different patterns of activity can be used to _______________ while exercising to
achieve the recommended dose of exercise. exhaustion.
- A pattern of ______ 10-minute bouts - Formula: __________
provide similar benefits to ____ 30- - This formula leads to inaccurate
minute session. estimates for most people.
- The number of days per week can vary - __________ Formula:
from ______________, but exercising - ________________________
one day a week with no regular activity in - Recommended formula since
between is discouraged. calculations made at a variety of
ages shows little difference.
Threshold and Target Zones for Intensity
of Activity to Build Cardiorespiratory • The heart rate reserve (HRR) method is the
Endurance preferred way to calculate target heart rate
• There is a minimum intensity and an optimal - __________________

intensity range for activity designed to develop - Formula: (HRR= maxHR - RHR)
cardiorespiratory endurance. - The difference between maximal HR
- _________________- minimum intensity (highest HR in vigorous activity) and
- ______________ resting HR (lowest HR at rest)
- Optimal intensity range

For Example:

• 22 y.o.

• RHR= 68 bpm

• maxHR= 193

• Target heart rate zone= 65 to 80%

HRR= maxHR - RHR

= 193 - 68

= 125 bpm

- To determine the threshold of training

( m i n i m u m H R va l u e fo r b u i l d i n g
cardiorespiratory endurance)- use ___%
of working HR + resting HR.
- To determine the upper limit of the target
zone- use ____% of the working HR +
resting HR
- Target zone HR, RHR and maxHR vary for
people of different fitness and activity
- Fit individuals (with lower rest HR values)
have _________ target HR zones.
- Unfit individuals (with higher rest HR
values) will have _______ target HR

• The percentage of maximal heart rate method

is an alternative way to calculate target heart
rate zones.
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- ______________________ Guidelines for Heart Rate and Exercise

- Simpler to use but not as accurate as Monitoring
HRR method.
- Takes maxHR into account but does • Learning to count HR can help you monitor
not factor in individual differences in the intensity of your physical activity.
RHR. - _______
- % of maxHR is less accurate for - Surge of blood felt by holding a finger
people with high or low RHR. against an artery
- Formula: (maxHR = 208 - [.7 x age]) x - Major arteries frequently used for
appropriate percentage from Table 2. pulse counts:
- ________- below the base of the
thumb on the wrist.
For Example:
- Harder to find because of the
• maxHR= 193
many tendons near the wrist.
• 22 y.o with good tness and performs - ________- on either side of the
regular moderate-to-vigorous activity (see
Table 2)
Adam's apple.
• 80 to 91%
- Most popular since it is easy to
• To get target HR zone:
- To count pulse rate:
• (.80 x 193) = 154
1. Place fingertips (index and middle
• (.91 x 193) = 176

finger) over the artery at the wrist

or neck location.
2. Move fingers around until a strong
pulse can be felt.
3. Press gently so as not to cut off
the blood flow through the artery

Take Note:

- Counting the pulse with the thumb is not

recommended because the thumb has a
relatively strong pulse of its own and could
be confusing when counting another
person's pulse.

• Counting HR during exercise presents some

additional challenges.
- To obtain accurate exercise HR values,
the best way to count heart beats or
pulses is while _______; however, this is
difficulty during most activities.
- The most practical method is to count the
pulse immediately ______ exercise.
- HR slows considerably within 1 minute
after activity ceases.
- For best results:
- Keep moving while quickly locating
the pulse; then stop and take a 15-
second count.
- Option 1: Multiply the number of
pulses by 4 to convert HR to bpm.
• Ratings of perceived exertion can be used to - Option 2: count the pulse for 10
monitor the intensity of physical activity. seconds and x 6 or count the pulse
- ACSM suggests that regularly active for 6 seconds and x by 10.
people can use RPE to determine if they - _______-duration pulse counts
are exercising in the target zone. increase the chance of error
- Since it correlates well with HRR, RPE can because a miscount of 1 beat is
be used to estimate exercise intensity multiplied by 6 or 10 beats
avoiding the need to stop and count HR rather than by 4 beats.
during exercise. - Pulse rate should be counted after
- Rating of ___- equal to threshold regular activity, not after a sudden burst.
- Rating of ___- equal to the upper limit of
the target zone.

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• Declines in resting HR and exercise HR signal • Vigorous sports and recreation at step 3 of
improvements in cardiorespiratory the pyramid can provide the same benefits
endurance. as vigorous aerobic activities.
- Changes in resting HR and exercise - __________________
provide good indicators of improvements - These activities involve intermittent
in fitness because they indicate that the activity with bursts of activity and short
heart can pump fewer times to provide periods of rest but typically are at an
the same amount of blood flow to the intensity that provides benefits similar
body. to vigorous aerobic activities.
- Ex:
- Rowing, racquetball, soccer and
- __________________
- Ex: swimming & cycling
- Considered as vigorous aerobics
since most people do these activities
- ___________________________
- Ex:golf, bowling, billiards/pool
- Considered as moderate physical
activities since these sports are light
to moderate in intensity.

•Activities such as hiking, boating, fishing,

horseback riding, and other such outdoor
activities are generally classified as
- Hiking, skiing, kayaking, canoeing,

hunting and rock climbing
- Examples of recreational activities
that may involve a considerable
amount of activity.
- ________________________
- Examples of moderate activities
since these are done at lower
C. Vigorous Aerobics, Sports, and
Recreational Activities

Physical Activity Pyramid: Steps 2 and 3

• A variety of popular vigorous aerobic

activities are included at step 2 of the
- ________________
- Aerobics- "_______________"
- Activity that is ___________, uses the
large muscles, and is performed in a
continuous manner.
- Ex:
- Walking and doing housework
- Step 2 of the pyramid- at least __ METs
- Advantage of vigorous aerobic activities:
- Provide a good workout for the
cardiovascular and respiratory systems
(cardio workout). • Physical activities at steps 2 and 3 of the
- D i s d va n t a g e o f v i g o r o u s a e r o b i c pyramid produce improvements in
activities: cardiorespiratory endurance and health in
- Generally more vigorous and fast- addition to those produced by moderate
paced than other forms of activity. physical activities.
- Explains why young adults are more - Guidelines for performing vigorous
likely to participate in vigorous activity:
aerobic activity than older adults.

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- 3 days/ week for 20 minutes at the - Both ___________ and ______________

appropriate target intensity aerobic activities can build
- Physical activity above the recommended cardiorespiratory endurance.
minimum provides even greater health - Experts recommend bouts of __ to __
benefits. minutes in length.
- _____________________ is an
• Moderate and vigorous physical activity can acceptable alternative when longer
be combined to meet national guidelines. sessions are not possible.
- Guidelines are based on tracking the total
"______________" of physical activity • Vigorous aerobic activities are often
performed. rhythmical and typically involve the large
- Formula: muscle groups of the legs.
- MET-minutes= activity MET value x - ________________- a number of
number of mins. that you performed it. different activities are used to meet the
aerobic exercise guidelines.
- ________________
For Example:

- A moderate physical activity that is

• If a person walked for 10 minutes at 4 mph (4
effective in promoting metabolic fitness
• MET-minutes= activity MET value x number of and overall health
mins you performed it.
- Must be done intensely enough to
achieve cardiorespiratory endurance.
MET-minutes= 4 METs x 10 minutes
- Running (jogging)
= 40

- _______________
- Cycling is more efficient than running
- To meet the new physical activity because of the mechanical efficiency of
guidelines, a person must accummulate a a bike.
minimum of ____ MET-minutes/ week. - A pace of 13 mph might correspond
- For additional benefits, move towards the to a running speed of 5 mph.

target of ______ MET-minutes/ week. - May need to be performed for longer
- Activity should be done at least __ days a periods of time than jogging to get the
week when the combined method is same benefit.
used. - ______________
- Bouts of activity must be at least __ - A whole-body conditioning activity
minutes in length. - Because of the water environment and
non-weight-bearing status, the HR
• Not all activities are levels 2 and 3 of the response to swimming is typically
pyramid are equally safe. _____ for the same intensity of
- Certain types of physical activities are exercise.
more likely than others to result in injury: - Target HR should be set about
- _______________________- least ______________________ than for
risky aerobic activity. other aerobic activities since HR does
- _______- most risky aerobic activity not increase as rapidly.
- Basketball and competitive sports- - ___________________
2nd most risky activities - A low-impact, whole-body exercise that
- Risk for injury: challenges the cardiovascular system.
- ________- greatest risk - Effective type of vigorous physical
- Cycling, high-impact dance aerobics, activity because it requires vigorous
step aerobics- moderate risk movement of both arms and the legs.
- ________________________- least - 2 main techniques:
risk - ___________________
- More common since it can be
Vigorous Aerobic Activities done at various paces and in
various settings.
• A variety of vigorous aerobic activities are - __________________
available for meeting individual needs and - Faster but requires a variety of
interests. techniques for different terrain.
- The best form of exercise is clearly - _______________________
whatever form you enjoy and will do - Offers speed and freedom of
regularly. movement, but the risk of injury is
greater than most other activities.
• Vigorous aerobics can be done either - Recommended special equipment:
continuously or intermittently. - Helmet, knee and elbow pads, wrist
supporters and hand protectors.
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• Exercise machines can provide an engaging - Hip Hop Aerobics

indoor alternative to traditional aerobic - Zumba
exercises. - Latin-based dance classes
- _____________- most commonly used 3. _______________
exercise machine. - Ex:
- Newer machines feature feedback - Kickboxing, aerobic boxing,
systems which provide continuous cardio karate, box fitness, Tae
readouts of total exercise time, distance Bo.
traveled, target and goal intensity, and - Involves _______________ bouts
estimates of calories burned. of ____-intensity movements and
- Drawback of exercise machines is that lower-intensity recovery.
interest and novelty may wear off over - Since martial arts involve a lot of
time. arm work, they can be effective in
- Features developed to enhance promoting good overall fitness.
interest and ease of use: 4. ___________________
1. Personalized key systems which - A group cycling class performed
automatically track personal on specialized indoor ___ trainers.
preferences and record time. - Involve intermittent bursts of
2. _________________ high-intensity intervals followed
by spinning at lower resistance to
• Vigorous exercise in a group setting provides recover.
a social exercise experience. 5. Water-based classes
- Many people prefer the social interactions - Especially good for people with
and challenge of group exercise classes. arthritis, musculoskeletal
- Group exercise classes: problems, or high body fat.
- Advantage- there is a social - Body's ___________ in water
component which helps to increase assists the participant and
motivation and promote consistency. reduces injury risk.

- Disadvantage- all participants are - Exercises done in:
generally guided throughout the same - _________ water= low impact
exercise. - _________ water= high impact
- A vigorous routine can be hard for 6. _____________________
unfit people. An easy routine may - Combine aerobics, resistance
not be intense enough for exercise, plyometrics and/or
experienced exercisers. calisthenics.
- Most common individual forms of aerobic - Ex:
activity: - CardioPump, ___________,
1. _________________ Cardio Sculpt, __________,
- A c h o r e o g ra p h e d s e r i e s o f _______________
movements done to music. 7. Individualized small group fitness
- __________________________ centers
- Both feet leave the ground - Ex:
simultaneously. - Curves franchise- provides a
- Not ideal for everyone. structured group exercise
- __________________________ format allowing people to
- One foot stays on the floor at exercise in a more convenient,
all times. small group setting.
- Risk of injury is lower, thus, is a - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - o f fe r s s h o r t e r
better choice for beginners or enrollments and personalized
older exercisers. attention over a set period of
- __________________________ time rather than an ongoing
- Participant steps up and down membership
on a bench while doing various
dance steps. Vigorous Sports and Recreational Activities
- Low impact but higher in
intensity than many forms. • Some sports are more vigorous than others.
2. Rhythmic dance - ________________________- involve
- A more fluid dance-oriented form many different muscle groups and are
of aerobics. high in intensity.
- Ex: - _________- involves many muscle
- _____________- paved the groups and is high in intensity but does
way for more hybridized group not emphasize the use of the arms.
exercise classes.
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- Basketball, tennis and soccer- involves 8. For beginners, practicing in front of

bursts of activity followed by rest but other people may be detrimental to
requires persistent, vigorous activity over learning a skill.
a relatively long time. - An audience may inhibit the
- _______- requires little vigorous activity beginner's learning of a new
sports skill.
• The most popular sports share characteristics 9. There is no substitute for good
that contribute to their popularity. instruction.
- The most popular sports are often - Good instruction, especially at the
considered to be lifetime sports because beginning level, will help you
they can be done at any age. learn skills faster and better.

• Some recreational activities can also be Patterns and Trends in Physical Activity
classified as vigorous. Participation
- Recreational activities- activities that you
do in your free time for personal • Vigorous aerobics, sports, and recreational
enjoyment. activities are among the most popular types
- Examples of vigorous recreational of activity.
activities: - Running, aerobic exercise machines,
- Common snow activities (downhill biking, dance aerobics- consistently in the
skiing, snowboarding) top 10 activities.
- Water activities (surfing, - Basketball and slow-pitch softball- among
wakeboarding, kayaking, canoeing) most popular team sports.
- Mountain activities (hiking, mountain
biking) • Participation in physical activity varies by age
• Becoming skillful will help you enjoy sports - Fitness activities are the most popular
and recreation. among all age groups except Gen Z (born

- Self-management guidelines that can after 2000).
help improve sport performance: - __________________- most popular
1. When learning a new activity, focus among young age groups.
on the general idea of the skill first; - ______________- most popular among
worry about details later. younger age groups.
2. The beginner should be careful not to - ______________- less popular than
emphasize too many details at one other activities among adults.
time. - Racquet, water, and winter sports-
- Concentration on too many details among least popular activity types.
at one t ime may re s ul t in
"________________________". • Casual participation is different from regular
3. Once the general idea of a skill is participation.
learned, a skill analysis of the - Casual participation (once to a few times
performance may be helpful. a year)- does not provide health,
- May be helpful to have a wellness, and fitness benefits.
knowledgable person help you
locate strengths and weaknesses. • Vigorous recreation and extreme sports are
4. In the early stages of learning a popular with some segments of the
lifetime sport or physical activity, it is population.
not wise to engage in competition. - Some "extreme" sports have become
- Beginners who compete are likely popularized through the X Games and
to concentrate on beating their other media outlets.
opponent rather than on learning
a skill properly.
5. To be able to perform well, sports D. Muscle Fitness and Resistance
skills must be overlearned. Exercise
- The best way to learn a skill is to
overlearn it, or practice it until it - 3 components of muscle fitness:
becomes a habit. - __________- amount of force you can
6. When learning an old (incorrect) skill produce with a single maximal effort of a
and learning a new (correct) skill, a muscle group.
person's performance may get worse - ____________________- capacity of the
before it gets better. skeletal muscles, or group of muscles, to
7. Mental practice may aid skill learning. continue contracting over a long period of
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- _____________- ability to exhibit - Generate less tension but are

strength quickly (strength x speed) ______________________
- To train: ______________ training
Factors Influencing Muscle Fitness - __________________
- Have biochemical and physiological
• Progressive resistance exercise is the properties that are between those of
principal method of improving muscle fitness. the slow-twitch and fast-twitch
- Progressive resistance exercise (PRE)- fibers.
exercise that gradually and systematically - ______ adaptable, depending on the
increase overload to the muscles. type of training that is performed.
- Weight lifting- competitive sport that - ______________________
involves two lifts: - Generally _______ in color
- _______ - Well suited to produce energy with
- ___________ anaerobic processes.
- Powerlifting- competitive sport that - Generate greater tension than slow-
includes three lifts: twitch fibers, but they fatigue more
- ___________ __________.
- ___________ - Particularly well suited to fast, high-
- ___________ force activities that require strength
- ________________- competition in and power, such as explosive
which participants are judged on the size weight-lifting, sprinting and jumping.
and definition of their muscles. - To train: ___________ training
- People who want large muscles will use
• Skeletal muscle tissue has unique properties PRE designed to build strength (fast-
that are important to muscle fitness. twitch fibers).
- 3 types of muscles: - People who want to participate in
- ___________ activities for a long period of time without
- Consists of long, ___________ fatigue will use PRE designed to build

fibers. endurance (___________________).
- Each fiber contains only ___
nucleus. • Genetics, gender and age affect muscle
- Located in the walls of the fitness performance.
esophagus, stomach, and intestines, - Women generally are smaller than men,
where they contract ___________ have smaller amounts of testosterone,
to move food and waste products and therefore have _______ muscle mass
through the digestive tract. than men.
- ___________ - Because of this, women have 60 to
- Involuntary and is found only in the 85% of the absolute strength of men.
_______. - However, when expressed relative to
- These fibers contract in response to lean body mass, women ___________
demands on the cardiovascular
- The heart muscle contracts at a For Example:

slow, steady rate at rest but • A 150-lb female who lifts 150 lbs has relative
strength to that of a 250-lb male who lifts 250
contracts more frequently and lbs, even though she has less absolute
forcefully during physical activity. strength.

- ___________
- Consist of long, cylindrical,
_______________ fibers. - __________________- better
- Provide the force needed to move indicators of performance regardless of
the skeletal system. gender.
- Can be controlled ___________. - Maximum strength and power are
usually reached in the ____ and
• Muscle fiber types influence adaptations to typically decline with age.
training and muscle fitness performance. - However, after the age of ___, people
- 3 types of muscle fibers: who are physically inactive can lose as
- Each responds and adapts differently much as _______ of their muscle mass
to RPE. per decade (_____________).
- ____________________ - Regardless of age or gender, ____ helps
- Generally _____ in color. to prevent loss of muscle mass and
- Well-suited to produce energy with maintain absolute and relative muscle
aerobic metabolism. fitness.

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• The components of muscle fitness are • Good muscle fitness and regular muscle
interrelated. fitness exercise are associated with wellness
- A person who trains for ________ will and quality of life.
develop some ____________ and a - __________
person who trains for ____________ will - Increases vigor
develop some _________. - Improves mood states (reduces
- Power- referred to as depression and anxiety)
"________________" because it is the - Reduces fatigue
product of both strength and speed. - Increases healthspan and lifespan
- Strength contributes to power, but - Muscle fitness
specific training is necessary for - ________________
building power. - __________________________
- Cardiorespiratory endurance depends on - ____________________
the efficiency of the circulatory and - Improves self-efficacy and overall
respiratory systems, but it requires fit psychological well-being
• Good muscle fitness and regular muscle
• Leverage is an important mechanical fitness exercise contribute to weight control.
principle that influences muscle fitness. - ________________- primary determinant
- Muscles are connected to bones via of daily energy expenditure.
tendons, and some muscles (referred to - Gradual increases in body fatness with
as "_________________") cross over a age are attributable to _________ in
particular joint to produce movement. muscle mass and _______ in metabolism.
- The movement occurs because when a - For each pound of muscle gained, a
muscle contracts, it physically shortens person can burn approximately
and pulls the two bones connected by _________ calories more per day.
the joint together.
• Good muscle fitness and regular muscle

fitness exercise help maintain the ability to
For Example: Biceps muscle inserting on the function effectively in daily life.

- ________________- person has the

• When the muscle contracts, the forearm is
pulled up toward the upper arm (elbow energy to perform daily work efficiently
and effectively and has reserve energy to
• The muscle on the opposite side (triceps) enjoy leisure time.
relaxes or lengthens to allow the movement.
- Fitness of core muscles is important for
functional fitness.
- A person with long arms and legs has a • Regular muscle fitness exercise is an
mechanical advantage in most important treatment for rehabilitation of
movements, since the force that is chronic conditions and of injuries.
exerted can act over a long distance. - _____ is beneficial in treating people with
cancer and other chronic conditions.
Health Benefits of Muscle Fitness Exercise - Muscle fitness of core and gluteal
muscles- benefits posture, back and neck
• Good muscle fitness and regular muscle health.
fitness exercise contribute to the prevention - Resistance training should build both
of chronic lifestyle diseases and early death. agonist and antagonist muscles.
- Health benefits of a good muscle fitness:
For Example:

• If you do resistance exercise to build the

quadriceps muscles, you should also exercise
the hamstring muscles.

• Quadriceps- agonist muscles

• Hamstrings- antagonist muscles

• Good muscle fitness is associated with good

posture and reduce risk for back problems.
- Lack of fitness of the abdominal and low
back muscles is related to poor posture
and potential back problems.
- Excessively strong hip flexor muscles can
lead to ________________.

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Types of Progressive Resistance Exercise - Aggressive forms of plyometrics:

- Depth jumping
• There are different types of PRE, and each - Less aggressive forms:
has its advantages and disadvantages. - Repetitive hopping, sequential
- Main types of PRE: jumping, jumping rope, and
- ___________ medicine ball throws.
- _______ common type of PRE - Isokinetic
- Includes calisthenics (body weight - isotonic-concentric muscle
exercise), resistance machine contractions performed on machines
exercises, free weight exercises, and that keep the velocity of the

exercise bands. movement constant through the full
- Defining feature: muscle shortens range of motion.
(concentric contraction) and - Typically found only in sport training
lengthens (eccentric contraction) to or rehabilitation settings.
cause movement.
• Core training uses different types of
resistance training to build the core muscles
For Example:
of the body.
• In a standard biceps curl, the biceps contract - Inadequate development of the core
concentrically to lift the weight and then
eccentrically to lower the weight back down to
muscles is a risk factor for back pain.
the starting position.
- _________
- One of the most common isometric
• Many people emphasize only the lifting c o r e t ra i n i n g e xe r c i s e s a s i t
(concentric) phase, but isotonic exercise are effectively activates a number of
most e ective when weights are lowered in a
stabilizing core muscles.

- Strengthens primarily the _______,

back and shoulders
- Can build both dynamic strength - ________________- a person holds
a horizontal push-up position,
and dynamic muscular endurance.
bearing the body weight on the
- ___________ forearms, elbows and toes.
- _____ movement takes place while
a force is exerted against an • Functional fitness training focuses on
improving movements used in real life.
immovable object.
- When properly done, can build static - ___________ exercises- improves motor
skills, balance, coordination, gait, and
strength or static muscular
agility for the maintenance and
- ___________ improvement of functional fitness.
- Form of isotonic exercises that - __________________
- Specific training method designed to
involves a stretch-shortening cycle:
improve balance and mobility.
an active pre-stretch (___________
- Typically conducted with specialized
phase) followed by a fast powerful
devices such as exercise balls (Swiss
contraction (___________ phase).
- Build power (_________ strength) balls), BOSU platforms, and balance
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- _________________ • Sets and repetitions are typically used for

- Important for functional fitness training determining the optimal amount of time for
because of their importance to building muscle fitness.
coordination and agility. - Time for a PRE session is determined in
____ and ___________.
Progressive Resistance Exercise: How - Each set should be performed to muscle
Much Is Enough? fatigue, but not to muscle failure as this
can result in increased injury risk and
• PRE is the best type of training for muscle muscle soreness.
fitness. - Target reps:
- _________ - Strength training-___________
- Sometimes referred to as progressive - Endurance training- ___________
resistance training (PRT) - For general muscle fitness, that
- __________- frequency, intensity, focuses on both strength and
length of time of muscle overloaded endurance- ___________
are gradually or progressively - Rest intervals:
increased as muscle fitness - For experienced strength trainers-
increases. ___________ between sets.
- Calisthenics and resistance exercises - For muscular endurance- ___________
are needed to improve strength, per set.
endurance and power. - Training that requires:
- ____________________- least gain in
• There is a FIT formula for each type of PRE. endurance, greatest gain in strength.
- ___________ (F)- determined by days of - _____________________- moderate
exercise per week. gains in both strength and endurance
- ___________ (I)- determined using a - ____________________- small gains
percentage of 1 repetition maximum in strength but large increases in
(RM) muscular endurance.

- ___________ (T)- determined by the
number of repetitions and sets (groups of • The FIT formula for power varies based on
repetitions) of an exercise. the type of exercise and the abilities of the
person performing it.
• There is an optimal frequency of PRE for - Power requires a good foundation of
building muscle fitness. strength because power reflects both the
- Beginners & older people- ________/ force and speed of movement.
week - To enhance speed component of power:
- Everyone else- __ days/ week - Heavy loading (___________ of 1RM)
- _________________- needed between to increase the force component of the
exercise sessions to provide appropriate power equation
time for recovery. - Light to moderate loading
- The great proportion of potential strength (___________ of 1RM) performed at
gains can be accomplished with ___ days an explosive velocity to enhance the
of training per week. speed component of power.
- For people interested in health benefits - Can be done with free weights or pulleys.
rather than performance benefits- ____ - Plyometrics
days/ week. - Training technique that is specifically
- For people interested in performance designed to improve power.
benefits- ________ days/ week.
• Circuit resistance training (CRT) is an
• There is an optimal intensity of PRE for effective way to build muscular endurance as
building muscle fitness (see Table 2 below) well as cardiorespiratory endurance.
- The amount of resistance (intensity of - _______________________
exercise) used in a PRE program is based - Consists of the performance of high
on a percentage of your 1 RM. repetitions of an exercise with low to
- Ex: For strength moderate resistance, progressing from
- Percentages typically vary 60 to 80% one station to another, performing a
of the 1RM value depending on different exercise at each station.
experience. - Typically uses about ___________ reps
- For older adults, the % of 1RM is less against a resistance that is 30 to 40%
(40 to 50%). of 1RM for 45 seconds.
- Evidence suggests that very strong
people interested in high-level
performance can train at 80% of 1 RM.
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changing stations.
- ___ seconds of rest is provided while
- Approximately 10 exercise sessions are
used, and the participant repeats the
circuit 2 to 3 times (sets).
• Free weights are the most commonly used
equipment for resistance exercise.
- Free weight equipment- consists of
weights that are typically loaded onto a
barbell or a dumbbell.
- May not promote optimal balance in
• Programs intended to slim the figure/ muscular development, since a
physique should be of the muscular stronger muscle can often make up for
endurance type. a weaker muscle in the completion of a
- Many men and women are interested in lift.
exercises designed to decrease girth - Some machine weights have mechanisms
measurements. that provide variable, or accomodating,
- High rep, low resistance should be resistance, thus, more advisable to use.
done since this type of training
changes body contour and at the same • A variety of resistance devices are available
time, increases strength. to aid in plyometric and functional fitness
- Exercises do not spot-reduce fat, but they training.
do speed up metabolism, so more - To improve functional fitness, it is
calories are burned. important to mimic movements that
- If weight or fat reduction is desired- do occur in real life.
_________ exercise - Ex of resistance devices used in
- To increase girth- use _______ exercises functional fitness:
- Medicine balls, weighted bars, sand/
• Endurance training may have a negative water bag resistance
effect on strength and power.
- Too much endurance training can cause a • Body weight exercises have become
loss of strength and power because of increasingly popular due to their simplicity
the modification of different muscle and utility for functional fitness training.
fibers. - TRX Suspension Trainer- used in many
gyms to facilitate body weight exercise.
Resistance Training Equipment - Elastic tubes/ bands- may be substituted
for the weights and for the pulley device

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used in many resistance training - The adaptation resulting from exercise

machines to impart resistance. are specific to the type and intensity of
Principles of Muscle Fitness Training exercise performed.
- Factors that can be varied in your
• Apply the overload principle to determine program:
appropriate workloads. 1. ___________________________
- When the ___________ is followed, the 2. ___________________________
muscles are progressively challenged and 3. ___________________________
the body adapts leading to increases in
strength and endurance. • Apply the principle of diminishing returns for
program efficiency.
• Apply the principle of progression to adapt - To get optimal strength gains from
and change the program. progressive resistance training, several
- An effective PRE program should build sets of exercise repetitions should be
progressively over time as your fitness performed.
level improves. - A ________ set is recommended for
- _________ occur due to the violation of beginners, but __ or more are
principle of progression. recommended for most people.
- In the first few days or weeks of training,
the primary adaptations in the muscle are • Apply the principle of rest and recovery to
due to ___________ rather than to avoid overtraining.
muscle growth. - For most people, 3 days of resistance
- Due to this, start slowly with light training provides an appropriate amount
weights. After these adaptations occur of overload and rest. If PRE is done more
and the rate of improvement slows often than this, this can lead to injuries.
down, the intensity and volume of - With an adequate rest period between
training can be increased to achieve workouts, there is appropriate time for
proper overload. cellular adaptations to occur and for the

- __________________________ muscles to rebuild and become stronger.
- Most common progression used in - The ACSM recommends at least 2 days
resistance training. between workouts for the same muscle
- This system periodically adjusts both groups (about 3 workouts a week).
the resistance and the number of - Advanced lifters often train more than 3
repetitions of the exercise performed. days a week but they typically vary the
muscle groups lifted to provide rest
between workouts.
For Example:

- ____________________
• If you are training for strength, you may begin
with 3 reps in one set.
- Ensures a proper balance between
• As the reps become easy, additional reps are training and rest.
- The volume and the intensity of
• When you have progressed to 8 reps, increase training are altered to impose different
the resistance and decrease the reps in each
challenges while still keeping the body
set back to 3 and begin the progression again.


Guidelines for Safe and Effective PRE

• Apply the principle of specifity to get specific
results. • Beginners should emphasize lighter weights
and progress their program gradually.
- When beginning a resistance training
For Example:
program, start with light weights so that
• If you want strength in the triceps so you can you can learn proper technique and avoid
easily lift heavy boxes onto a shelf.
soreness and injury.
• Isotonic contractions, slow speed, relatively - Most of the adaptations that occur in the
high resistance.

first few months of a program are due to

• If you want muscle tness of the ngers to grip a
heavy bowling ball.
improvements in the body's ability to
• Isometric contractions using the ngers the recruit muscle fibers to contract
same way you normally hold the ball.
effectively and efficiently.
• Training for a skill that requires explosive power.
- These neural adaptations occur in
• Strength exercises, less resistance and greater response to the movement itself and

• If you are training for a skill that uses both

not the weight that is used.
concentric and eccentric contractions
- As experience and fitness levels
• Perform plyometrics
improve, use heavier loads and more
challenging sets.
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• Use proper technique to reduce the risks for
injury and to isolate the intended muscles.
- An important consideration in resistance
exercise is to complete all lifts through
the full ROM using only the intended
muscle groups.
- By lifting through the full ROM, you
increase the effectiveness of the
exercise and maintain good flexibility.

• Perform lifts in a slow, controlled manner to

enhance both effectiveness and safety.
- Lifting at a slow cadence provides a
greater stimulus to the muscles and
increases strength gains.
- Recommendation:
- __ seconds on lifting (concentric)
- ________ seconds on lowering
(eccentric) phase

• Provide sufficient time to rest during and

between workouts.
- Choose an exercise sequence that
alternates muscle groups so muscles
have a chance to rest before set.
- Lifting every other day or alternating
muscle groups (if lifting more than 3 or 4
days per week) provides rest for muscles.

• Include all body parts and balance the

strength of antagonistic muscle groups.
- A common mistake made by many
beginning lifters is to perform only a few

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different exercise or to emphasize a few 3. _______________________________

body parts. - Produced by the pituitary gland but is
also made synthetically.
- Used by athletes in combination with
anabolic steroids to increase bone
For Example:
strength (main effect of HGH) along
• Training the biceps without working the triceps with muscle mass.
can lead to muscle imbalances that can - Only adds to the health risks of steroid
compromise exibility and increase injury risk.


• Customize your training program to fit your 4. ______________

specific needs. - Nutrient involved in the production of
- If you wish to develop a particular group energy during short-term, high-
of muscles, the muscle group can be intensity exercise such as resistance
worked harder when isolated than when exercise.
worked in combination with other muscle - The body produces creatine naturally
groups. from foods containing protein.
- Concept: additional creatine intake
• There are no (safe) shortcuts to strength enhances energy production and
development or muscular fitness. therefore increases the body's ability to
- _______________________ maintain force and fatigue.
- Illegal and extremely dangerous. - May be effective only for athletes who
- Increases risk for heart disease, liver are already well-trained.
disease, and early death. - Performance-enhancing effects were
- Leads to a variety of negative seen with creatine supplement but
psychological outcomes (hostility, these benefits are due to the ability to
violence, depression, mood swings, work the muscles harder during an
exercise session and not to the

apathy and addiction)
- Causes undesirable body changes (hair supplement itself.
loss, acne, breast enlargement in - Hasn't been linked to any major health
males and breast reduction in females) problems, but the long-term effects
- Reproductive effects: are unknown.
- In ________: testicular atrophy,
impotence, sterility E. Flexibility
- In ________: uterine atrophy,
menstrual irregularities, and sterility Factors Influencing Flexibility
- Synthetic "designer" steroids such as
tetrahydrogestrinone (THG) have the • The range of motion in a joint or joints is a
same properties (and risks) of other reflection of the flexibility at that joint.
anabolic steroids. - The range of motion (ROM) of a joint is
the extent and direction of movement
- Common supplements on the market that that is possible.
are typically ineffective and/or dangerous: - Measured in degrees using a tool
called a ________.
1. _______________________________ - The direction of movement at a
- Marketed as testosterone specific joint is determined by the
"prohormones" (thought to increase shapes of the bony surfaces that are in
testosterone levels). ________.
- Have no anabolic or ergogenic effects - Is highly __________
- Increases the risk of negative health
consequences. • The shape, size, and orientation of a joint
greatly influence the amount of motion
2. ________________________________ available.
- A precursor of naturally occurring - Ball and socket joint:
testosterone and estrogen. - Allows for considerable mobility
- Did not increase testosterone levels including:
but has some anabolic effets at the - Adduction and abduction
high doses. - Flexion and extension
- Associated with most of the same - Internal and external rotation
health risks as conventional steroids - Hinge joint:
and is banned by FDA. - More restrictive:
- Flexion and extension
- Dorsiflexion and plantarflexion
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- Plane joint: and it is influenced by both structural

- Only allows inversion and eversion characteristics and neural factors.

• Flexibility is influenced by the extensibility of • Flexibility varies considerably across the

soft tissues such as mucles, tendons, and lifespan
ligaments. - Flexibility is generally high in children but
- Soft tissues are made up of a number of declines during adolescence because of
substances- collagen and elastin. the rapid changes in growth.
- Tissues with high _________- stiffer - In early adulthood, the muscles and
- Tissues with high ________- easily tendons catch up to the skeletal system,
stretches causing flexibility to peak in the mid-to
- Ligaments contain a greater proportion of late ____.
collagen, this enhances their function in - With increasing age, ROM tends to
providing rigidity and stability to a joint. decline again.
- Damage to ligaments from repeated
sprains can lead to excessive joint
laxity and increased risk for injuries.
For Example:

- Tendons contain a greater proportion of

• Over the span of their working lives, adults
elastin but muscles contain even more. typically lose 3 to 4 inches of lower back
- Together, the muscles and tendons are exibility as measured by the common "sit-
referred to as a __________________. and-reach" test.

- The short-term gains in ROM

immediately following stretching are
commonly attributed to changes in the - Reduced flexibility is due to a loss of
"viscoelastic" properties of muscle. elasticity in the MTU and cross-linkages
- __________- allows tissues to undergo within collagen fibers of the tendons,
slow changes in length over time. ligaments, and joint capsules.
- __________- allows tissues to return

to normal shape after being stretched. • Gender differences exist in flexibility.
- When a muscle is stretched, there are - _____ tend to be more flexible than boys
changes in muscle length as well as at young ages.
decline in muscle stiffness. However, due - Greater flexibility of females is due to:
to the elastic nature of the MTU, these - Anatomical differences (_____ hips)
changes are short-lived. - __________________
- Studies have shown that the beneficial
effects of a ________________ static • Genetic factors can explain some individual
stretch can disappear in less than ___ variability in flexibility.
seconds. - In some families, the trait for loose joints
is passed from generation to generation.
• Some regions of the body are more prone to
tightness than others. • Lack of use or misuse can cause reductions
- ________________- muscles in the body in flexibility.
that has a predictable tendency toward - Improper exercise can lead to muscle
tightness. imbalances that may negatively impact
- Tend to cross more than one joint. flexibility.
- Ex:
- Upper trapezius, muscles at the base
For Example:

of the skull, the pectoralis, hip • The most common example is when
flexors, low back extensors, bodybuilders overdevelop their biceps in
hamstrings, adductors, and calf comparison to their triceps. This leads to a
muscles. muscle-bound look characterized by a
- These muscles benefit the most restricted ROM in the elbow joint.

• To avoid this, it is important to exercise

from stretching. muscles through the full ROM.

• Static flexibility is different from dynamic

- ______ flexibility- maximum range a joint Health Benefits of Flexibility and
can achieve under stationary conditions, Stretching
and it is limited by the structural (viscous
and elastic) properties of the muscles. • Adequate flexibility is necessary for achieving
- _________ flexibility- maximum range a and maintaining optimal posture.
joint can achieve under active conditions,

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- ______ posture- body's segments are - May result for various reasons,
well aligned for efficient function and the including:
least amount of strain. 1. Overexertion
- ______ posture- places body segments 2. Dehydration
at a biomechanical disadvantage, adding 3. Heat stress
stress and strain to the body with - Stretching a cramped (but not a strained)
eventual wear and tear on the joints and muscle will often help relieve the cramp.
tendons. - Myofascial trigger points
- Postural correction begins: - Characterized by taut bands within
- By improving the flexibility of the skeletal muscle that have a nodular
____________ muscles texture.
- By strengthening the ______ muscles - Sensitive to touch and can produce a
radiating pain in specific regions of the
• Flexibility contributes to functional fitness. body when touched.
- Functional fitness- refers to the ability to - The application of direct pressure on
function effectively in daily living. myofascial trigger points followed by
- As we age, flexibility becomes stretching has been shown to help
increasingly important for maintaining relieve pain.
function and independence. - Stretching has less effect on relieving
nonspecific areas of soft tissue
• Flexibility may reduce injuries. tenderness in the body (tender points).
- Good flexibility may reduce risk of MTU
injuries and delayed-onset muscle Stretching Methods
soreness (DOMS).
• Static stretching is the most commonly used
• Stretching is used to assist in rehabilitation method of stretching.
from injuries and for prevention. - ______ stretching
- PTs and athletic trainers frequently - Done slowly and held for a period of

prescribe stretching to help patients in: several seconds.
1. Regaining normal ROM or function - Can be performed with:
2. Reduce pain after injury (muscle - ______ assistance
strains, ligamentous sprains, open - The opposing muscle group is
wounds) contracted to produce a reflex
- J o i n t s t i ffn e s s - c o m m o n p ro b l e m relaxation (_________________)
following surgery to the ______, knee, in the muscle being stretched.
and ______ or following immobilization - Problem with active assistance to
of any fracture in a cast or walking boot. static stretching: it is almost
- Prior to stretching, tissues are ______ up impossible to produce adequate
through the use of active exercise, overload by simply contracting the
massage techniques, or modalities such opposing muscles.
as moist head or ultrasound. - ______ assistance
- Stretching is followed by exercises to - An outside force, such as a
increase strength within the newly gained partner, aids in the stretching.
ROM and neuromuscular activities to - This type of stretch does not
restore functional movement patterns. create the relaxation in the
muscle associated with active
• Stretching can help with treatment of assisted stretch.
musculoskeletal pain.
- Stretching is a treatment plan for - Therefore, it is best to combine the
addressing low back and neck pain, active assistance with a passive
muscle strains, and joint stiffness post assistance when performing a static
surgery or following immobilization stretch.
- Stretching has been shown to be as - This gives the advantage of a
effective as strengthening or massage in relaxed muscle and a sufficient force
the treatment of chronic neck pain. to provide an overload to stretch it.
- ________- a movement-based activity
also effective in facilitating movement - Good way to begin static stretching:
and reducing low back pain. 1. Stretch until tension is first felt
2. Back off slightly and hold the
• Streching may help relieve muscle cramps position several seconds
and pain associated with myofascial trigger 3. Gradually stretch a little farther,
points. back off and hold.
- Muscle spasm or cramp
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in CDU. Using this document for other purposes, please email me at

4. Decrease the stretch slowly after

the hold.

• Pre-contraction stretching activities such as

PNF have proven to be effective at improving
- _________________________________
- Utilizes techniques to stimulate
muscles to contract more strongly (and
relax more fully) in order to enhance
the effectiveness of stretching.
- Contract-relax-antagonist-contract
(CRAC) technique
- Most popular technique.
- CRAC technique:
1. Move the limb so the muscle
to be stretched is elongated
initially; then contract it
(agonist muscle) isometrically
for several seconds (against
an immovable object or the
resistance of a partner)
2. Relax the muscle
3. Immediately statically stretch How Much Stretch is Enough?
the muscle with the active • The appropriate amount of flexibility for
assistance of the antagonist health is not known.
muscle and an assist from a - Norms are available for the amount of

partner, gravity, or another flexibility for males and females of
body part. different ages, but it is not clear how
much is needed for health.
• Dynamic stretching can be safe and effective
if performed properly. • Too much flexibility (hyperflexibility) in a joint
- _____________ stretching may increase susceptibility to injury.
- Uses gradual and controlled movement - Too much flexibility can compromise the
of body parts up to the limit of a joint's intregrity of the joint and make it less
ROM. stable and prone to injury.
- The key to dynamic stretching is to - If short, tight muscles and tendons are
perform the movement in a controlled overstretched, this leads to a strain.
manner through the normal ROM. - When ligaments are overstretched, this
leads to a sprain.
- ____________ stretching - Ligaments and the joint capsule lack
- Specific type of dynamic stretching the elasticity and tensile strength of
which uses ______________ to stretch the muscles and tendons.
the muscles up to (and beyond) their - If a sprain occurs, the joint loses its
normal ROM. stability and is susceptible to chronic
- Momentum is produced by a more dislocation, repeated sprains, and
vigorous body motion such as excessive wear and tear of the joint
swinging a body part to create a surface.
bouncing movement. - Common in weight-bearing joints
- Disadvantage of Ballistic stretching such as the hip, knee and ankle.
- Lack of control over the force and
ROM. This forceful movement in • Specific FIT guidelines are established for
ballistic stretching may increase risks safe and effective stretching.
for injury. - Lifestyle and cardiovascular activities do
little to develop flexibility.
- Guidelines for effective stretching
1. Static stretches (active or passive)
2. Pre-contraction stretches
3. Dynamic stretches

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in CDU. Using this document for other purposes, please email me at

• Stretching should ideally be performed at changes in the nervous system as to

least 2 to 3 days a week (frequency). increased muscle length or reduced
- 2 to 3 days are effective for increasing muscle stiffness.
ROM, but they point out that gains are - According to theory, stretching leads to
greater if performed daily. increases in stretch tolerance, which
- Stretching is most effective when the causes people to perceive discomfort
muscles are ______.
- Performing a ______ to ____________
aerobic warm-up activity prior to For Example:
stretching can increase ________ • An individual who regularly performs stretches
for tight hamstring muscles may see
muscle temperature and the improvements in ROM during a straight leg
extensibility of soft tissues, allowing for raise.
a more effective stretch. • The sensory theory explains that much of the
- Stretching at the end of the workout improvement in ROM is due to a change in
serves a dual purpose- building flexibility sensation.
• In other words, the perceived onset of pain is
and cooling down. now further toward the end of the range of
- It is appropriate to stretch at any time motion.
in the workout after the muscles have
been active and are warm.
- If you prefer to include it at the Flexibility-Based Activities
beginning of a workout, ease into the
stretching gradually. • The popularity of flexibility-based activities
has increased in recent years.
• To increase the length of a muscle, stretch it - The popularity of flexibility-based
more than its normal length but do not activities suggests that people may be
overstretch it (intensity). more interested in flexibility-related
- Muscles should be stretched to about activity when it is presented in engaging
____% beyond their normal length to and interactive format.

bring about an improvement in flexibility.
- Exercises that do not cause an overload • Tai Chi is a safe and established movement
will not increase flexibility. discipline.
- Often translated as
• To increase flexibility, stretch and hold __________________
muscles beyond normal length for an - Considered a martial art but involves the
adequate amount of time (intensity) and for execution of ______, flowing movements
2 to 4 repetitions (time). called "_____"
- Stretches should be maintained for __ to - Shown to be useful for improving muscle
__ seconds and be repeated _ to _ times. fitness and balance, reducing risk of falls
- Why hold the stretch? among elderly individuals, and reducing
- __________________________. symptoms and pain of arthritis.
- When the muscle is first stretched,
neural factors resist the stretch but • Yoga is a diverse mind-body movement
the reflex contraction subsides, discipline.
allowing the muscle to be stretched - ______
more easily. - Umbrella term that refers to a number
- Why repeat the stretch several times? of yoga traditions.
- To gradually increase the overload - Foundations for most yoga traditions is
and promote adaptations. hatha yoga, which incorporates a
- Tension in a muscle decreases as the variety of asanas (postures).
stretch is held over time, with most of - Iyengar yoga
the decrease occurring during the first - Uses similar asanas as hatha yoga
__________________ but uses props and cushions to
- For most people, __________________ enhance the movements.
seconds is adequate; however, for - Emphasis is placed on balance
athletes, more reps of greater length may through coordinated breathing
be used. and precise body alignment.
- Improves cardiovascular health,
• Regular stretching exercise (based on the FIT although, it is not clear what types of
guidelines) leads to improved ROM, but the yoga have better effects or how often
mechanisms of action are not completely people need to practice the discipline
understood. to see benefits.
- The resulting gains in motion following
stretching are due as much to sensory
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in CDU. Using this document for other purposes, please email me at

• Pilates classes are a popular offering at many

fitness centers and health clubs.
- _________
- Therapeutic exercise regimen that
combines strength and flexibility
- Emphasis in Pilates exercise is on:
- __________________________
- _________________________

• Check the qualifications of instructors

conducting flexibility-related classes.
- Always seek qualified instructors and
progress gradually.

Guidelines for Safe and Effective

Stretching Exercise

• Do not confuse the flexibility exercise

workout with a stretch warm-up.
- People who choose to do a stretch warm-
up do it to prepare for their workout.
- Stretching exercises done to build
flexibility are performed as a workout or
as part of a workout.

• Stretching is specific to each muscle or

muscle group.

- No single exercise can produce total
- For total flexibility, it is important to
stretch each of the major muscle groups
and to use the major joints of the body
through full ROM.

• A flexibility workout should be done when

the body is warmed up and when adequate
time is available to perform stretching
- _________ stretching is needed to see
improvements in flexibility.
- Sufficient time should be allowed to
ensure that the exercises are done

• Specialized equipment may help improve the

effectiveness and ease of stretching exercise.
- _______________
- Have multiple loops, which enable
individuals to change the length of the
rope and perform a variety of different
- This feature provides an easy way to
vary the degree of stretch because you
can apply resistance through the
elastic straps.
- It is possible to perform PNF stretching
without the assistance of a partner due
to the availability of a stretching rope.

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in CDU. Using this document for other purposes, please email me at


Page 27 of 27 This document was prepared by DANIELLE VALERIE A. TABEL, PTRP for the BSPT students enrolled
in CDU. Using this document for other purposes, please email me at

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