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PT 101: The Rehabilitation

Program WRONG:

Prepared by: Danielle Valerie A. Tabel, PTRP Patient should be able to squat 200 kg in
the 2nd PT session to be able to do sit-to-
stand more e ectively.

A. Establishment of a Plan of Care

- The secret to effective goal setting and CORRECT:

Patient should be able to squat 50 kg after

hitting those goals is to get S.M.A.R.T. the rst 5 sessions to be able to do sit-to-
- S.M.A.R.T: stand more e ectively.
- __________________
- The goal should target a specific area
of improvement or answer a specific - __________________
need - Goals are more achievable when they
are important to the person setting

Decrease pain and improve strength

(Neither speci c nor tied to function)


1. Someone else sets them

2. They were designed for another person

Patient needs to be able to walk 2 blocks 3. They don't match the individual's
to the grocery store and descend stairs interests

safely and with less pain to continue living


(More speci c) 1. Set by the person who wants to

achieve them

2. Aligned with their interests

- __________________
- The goal must be quantifiable, or at
least allow for measurable progress
- Lack of specificity- often paired with - __________________
lack of measurability. - The goal must have a deadline or
defined end or there is no healthy
pressure to meet it

Patient reports he is 70 to 80% better

(What does that mean?)


The client will be able to lift her infant son

three times from the oor to the changing
Patient is able to walk 5 blocks without table using proper body mechanics
feeling pain or can maintain stability for 1 without verbal cueing from the therapist

minute with no signs of apprehension

(More concrete and speci c) CORRECT:

The client will be able to lift her infant son

three times from the oor to the changing
- __________________ table using proper body mechanics
- The goal should be realistic, based on without verbal cueing from the therapist in
available resources and existing 2 weeks.

- Impractical goals can create
unrealistic expectations and cause B. Rehabilitation Plan of Care
• There are five elements of the patient/client
management that the PT should include to
fully develop the plan of care:
- __________________
- Comprehensive screening and specific
testing process that leads to
diagnostic classification or referral to
Page 1 of 4 This document was prepared by DANIELLE VALERIE A. TABEL, PTRP for the BSPT students enrolled in
CDU. Using this document for other purposes, please email me at






a n o t h e r p r a c t i t i o n e r. H a s 3 responsibility of the physical therapist

components: and cannot be delegated.
- __________________ - The PT must consider all the findings
- A systematic gathering of data from the history, systems review, and
from the past and present related tests and measures to establish the
to why the patient/client is diagnosis, prognosis, and plan of care.
seeking the service of the PT. - It is the evaluation of the data that
- The data is obtained through helps the physical therapist to
interview, record review, or other determine the severity and stability of
sources. the current problem and to make
- This includes: decision regarding the
1. Demographic information appropriateness of delegation of
2. __________________ components of the management to
3. __________________ the PTA.
4. Growth and development - __________________
5. __________________ - The determination of a PT diagnosis or
6. __________________ PT problem is an important
7. Social and health habits component of the patient/client
8. __________________ management.
9. Medical/surgical history - Physicians typically use labels that
10. Current conditions or chief identify disease, disorder, or condition
complaints at the level of cell, tissue, organ, or
11. _______________________ system, physical therapists use labels
_______________ that identify the impact of a condition
12. Medications, other clinical on function at the level of the system
tests (especially the movement system) and
- __________________ at the level of the whole person.
- This is the beginning of the - __________________
"hands-on" component of the - The prognosis is the determination of
examination the predicted optimal level of
- A brief or limited examination of: improvement in function and the
1. T h e a n a t o m i c a l a n d amount of time needed to reach the
physiological status of the level.
- Anticipated goals are the intended

i n t e g u m e n t a r y, result of the patient/client
musculoskeletal, and management.
neuromuscular systems - These goals may be expressed as
2. C o m m u n i c a t i o n a b i l i t y, short or long-term goals/outcomes.
affect, cognition, language, - Goals are most appropriate when they
and learning style of the reflect a focus on function.
patient - Patient-centered functional goals
- _____________________________ make physical therapy more effective
__________________ and meaningful for patients.
- This is the means by which the - __________________
physical therapist gathers data - The intervention is the purposeful
after the process of history and interaction of the physical therapist
systems review. and the patient.
- Specific tests and measures that - Intervention includes more than
are needed to assist the therapist procedural interventions. Intervention
in confirming or rejecting a includes coordination, communication,
hypothesis and to support the and documentation, as well as patient
PT’s clinical judgments about related instruction, education, or
appropriate interventions, training.
anticipated goals, and expected
outcomes. C. Restore Function
- ________________ - _____________________________
- Physical therapists perform - Restores proper movement patterns and
evaluations (make clinical judgments) improves the coordination between the
based on the data gathered from the nervous system and the muscles
examination. - Along with the traditional elements of
- This component of the patient/client physical therapy, such as strength and
management is the solely the

Page 2 of 4 This document was prepared by DANIELLE VALERIE A. TABEL, PTRP for the BSPT students enrolled in
CDU. Using this document for other purposes, please email me at

flexibility training, functional 5. ______________________

rehabilitation includes: - Training tool that uses gravity and
1. _______________, ____________ the user's body weight to complete
and ________ training so you can various exercises
participate in activities at pre-injury 6. __________________
levels - Can be used for squats, push-ups
2. Training that is focused on the and chin-ups
coordination of _____ parts of your - ______________________ (RM)- most
body weight a person can lift for a defined number
3. Training to reduce the risk of of exercise movements.
recurrent injury, mostly to raise you - ____________________ (RM)- defined as the
body awareness and posture maximal weight an individual can lift for only
- Benefits of functional rehabilitation: one repetition with correct technique
1. _______ muscle memory because it - General guidelines using the RM range:
engages your muscles with - Muscle power: _________ per set,
repetitive, functional exercises performed explosively
2. __________ endurance since it - Muscle strength/power: _________ per
helps build cardiovascular stamina set, fast or controlled
while improving endurance during - Muscle strength/size: _________ per set,
high-intensity activities like controlled
weightlifting or running - Muscle endurance: _________ or more
3. Improved ___________________ RM per set, controlled
by engaging the core to help keep - Effects of Strength Training:
the spine in proper alignment 1. Improves _______________ and tone
4. ______ joint pain because it 2. Maintains _________, _________ and
strengthens the joints and prevents _________
overuse to alleviate pain and 3. Weight managements and increased
restore joint mobility ______________ ratio
5. __________ flexibility by retraining 4. May help _________ or _________
the muscles to become more cognitive decline in older people
flexible, significantly reducing the 5. Increases _________
chances of reinjury while alleviating 6. Prevention or control of chronic
pain and discomfort. diseases

7. _____ management
D. Restore and Improve strength 8. Improves _________
- _______________ or _________ exercises 9. _________ risk of injury
- __________ muscle strength by making 10. Improves sense of ____________
muscles work against a weight or force 11. Improves ____________ profiles
- An _____________ exercise
- Different forms of strength training E. Safe Return to Sport/Competition
include using free weights, weight - The decision to return to play for a
machines, resistance bands and your professional athlete is not made in
own body weight isolation, but by a variety of personnel,
- A beginner needs to train __ or __ times including the medical team, PT, coach and
per week to gain the maximum benefit family and friends.
- Participants should rest each muscle - Defining Return to Sport
group for at least _________ to - __________________- the athlete may
maximise gains in strength and size be participating in rehabilitation or sport
- Different types of strength training: but at a level lower than the desired
1. __________________ goal, but not yet "ready" medically,
- Include dumbbells, barbells and physically and/or psychologically
kettlebells - __________________- the athlete has
2. _______________________ returned to sport, but not at his or her
- Weighted balls or bags target level of performance
3. _____________________ - _______________________- the athlete
- Devices that have adjustable seats has returned to his or her sport and is
with handles attached either to performing at or better than pre-injury
weights or hydraulics level.
4. ___________________ - __________________
- When stretched, it provides a - Developed to assist all involved with
continuous resistance throughout a deciding when an athlete was ready to
movement return to their particular sport.

Page 3 of 4 This document was prepared by DANIELLE VALERIE A. TABEL, PTRP for the BSPT students enrolled in
CDU. Using this document for other purposes, please email me at

- A 3 step model:
- Step 1: _____________ synthesizes
information relevant to the load
(stress) the tissue can absorb before
- Step 2: _____________ synthesizes
information relevant to the expected
cumulative load (stress) on the tissue
- Step 3: ____________________
synthesizes informaion relevant to the
contextual factors that influence the
RTS decision-maker's tolerance for risk
- According to the framework, the athlete
is allowed to return to play when step 1
(assessment of health risk) and step 2
(assessment of activity risk) are below
the acceptable risk tolerance which step
3 (assessment of risk tolerance) alludes


Page 4 of 4 This document was prepared by DANIELLE VALERIE A. TABEL, PTRP for the BSPT students enrolled in
CDU. Using this document for other purposes, please email me at

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