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TOPIC 4.0 The Dynamic Behavior of Feedback – Controlled Processes.

4.1. Introduction
4.2. Block Diagram and the Closed-Loop Response
4.3. The Effect of P Control on the Response of a Controlled Process
4.4. The Effect of Integral Control Action
4.5. The Effect of Derivative Control Action
4.6. The Effect of Composite Control Actions

4.1 Introduction
The topic analyzes the dynamic behavior of a process which is controlled by a feedback
control system when;
(1) the values of the disturbance (load) d, or
(2) the desired value of the set point ySP change
This analysis will be done by considering various types of feedback controllers, i.e. P or
PI or PID.

4.2 Block Diagram and the Closed-Loop Response

Fig 4.1 Generalized Feedback closed-loop system

Considering fig 4.1, for each of its 4 components (process, measuring device, controller
and final control element), and can write the corresponding transfer function relating its
output to its inputs; neglecting the dynamics of transmission lines.

Measuring device:

Controller mechanism:

Final control element:

where Gp, Gd, Gm, Gc and Gf are the transfer functions btwn the corresponding
inputs and outputs.

Fig 4.2 shows the block diagram for generalized closed-loop system and it’s a pictorial
representation of eqns. 1 – 4

Fig 4.2Block diagram of generalized closed-loop system

Series of blocks btwn the comparator and controlled output (Gc, Gf and Gp)
constitutes the forward path, while Gm is the feedback path btwn the controlled output
and the comparator.

If G = GcGfGp , then Fig 4.3a shows a simplified but equivalent version of the block
Algebraic manipulation of the above eqns yields:

Putting the last expression into eqn 1:

and after readjustment becomes:

Eqn 5 gives the closed-loop response of the process and is composed of two terms.
The first term shows the effect on the output of a change in the set point while the
second constitutes the effect on the output of a change in the load (disturbance). The
corresponding transfer functions are known as closed-loop transfer functions.

Eqn 6 is the closed-loop transfer function for a change in the set point and

Eqn 7 is the closed-loop transfer function for change in the load.

Fig 4.3b shows a block diagram equivalent to fig 4.3a but further simplified.

Fig 4.3 (a) Closed-loop of liquid level; (b) corresponding block diagram
For every feedback control system we can distinguish 2 types of control problems:
1. servo and
2. regulator problem
Servo problem: the disturbance does not change, [i.e. ḋ(s) = 0] while the set point
undergoes a change. The feedback controller acts in such a way as to keep y close to
the changing ySP.
In such a case:

Regulator problem: the set point remains the same [i.e., ӯSP(s) =0] while the load
changes, then:
y(s) = Gload (s) ḋ(s) ----- 9

and the feedback controller tries to eliminate the impact of the load changes and keep y
at the desired set point.
From Eqns 6 and 7 the closed-loop overall transfer functions GSP and Gload
depend not only on the process dynamics but also on the dynamics of the
measuring sensor, controller and final control element.

4.3 The Effect of P control on the Response of a Controlled Process

The proportional (P) controller and its effect on the most commonly
encountered first- and second-order systems.
The closed-loop response of a process is given by eqn. (5).
To simplify the analysis assume that Gm(s) = 1 and Gf(s) = 1
P controller: Gc(s) = Kc

First-order systems

which gives:

For the uncontrolled system:

Time constant: τp

Static gains: Kp for the manipulation and Kd for the load

Into eqn. 1



The parameters K'p and K'd are closed –loop static gains

From eqn.3 can conclude that the closed-loop response of a first-order

system has the following characteristics:

1. It remains first-order with respect to load and set-point changes.

2. The time constant has been reduced (i.e., τ'p < τp), which means the
closed-loop response has become faster than the open –loop
response to changes in set-point or load.

3. The static gains have been decreased.

A better insight into the effect of a P controller (servo and regulator

Servo problem:

Fig 4.4a shows the response of the closed –loop system to a unit step
change in the set-point.

The ultimate response, after t → ∞, never reaches the desired set-point

The offset is a characteristic effect of P control and it decreases as Kc

becomes larger and theoretically: offset → 0 when Kc → ∞

Fig 4.4 Closed loop response of first-order system with P control to (a) unit
step change in set-point; (b) unit step change in load

Regulator problem:

Fig 4.4b shows this response to a unit step change in the load

The P controller cannot keep the response at the desired set-point it

exhibits an offset

As gain Kc increases the offset decreases and theoretically: offset → 0

when Kc → ∞

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