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Systematic Review/Meta-analysis

Head and Neck Surgery

Cost-effectiveness of School Hearing 2020, Vol. 162(6) 826–838

Ó American Academy of
Otolaryngology–Head and Neck
Screening Programs: A Scoping Review Surgery Foundation 2020
Reprints and permission:
DOI: 10.1177/0194599820913507
Michael Yong, MD1,2, Jiahe Liang, MSEd2, Jeromie Ballreich, PhD2,
Jane Lea, MD1, Brian D. Westerberg, MD, MHSc1, and
Susan D. Emmett, MD, MPH3,4,5

Abstract earing loss affects approximately 1.3 billion people
Objective. School hearing screening is a public health interven- worldwide, ranking as the second-leading cause of
tion that can improve care for children who experience hear- impairment among conditions resulting in chronic
ing loss that is not detected on or develops after newborn disease and injury.1 The impact of unaddressed hearing loss
screening. However, implementation of school hearing screen- can be measured across the life span. Unaddressed hearing
ing is sporadic and supported by mixed evidence to its eco- loss in early childhood results in speech and language delays,
nomic benefit. This scoping review provides a summary of all decreased school performance, and increased risk of dropout,
published cost-effectiveness studies regarding school hearing as well as downstream health effects such as restricted
screening programs globally. At the time of this review, there employment opportunities and earlier onset of cognitive
were no previously published reviews of a similar nature. decline.2-4
In addition to the clinical effects of unaddressed hearing
Data Sources. A structured search was applied to 4 data- loss, the economic burden is substantial. The World Health
bases: PubMed (Medline), Embase, CINAHL, and Cochrane Organization (WHO) estimates that the overall global cost
Library. of unaddressed hearing loss is between 750 and 790 billion
Review Methods. The database search was carried out by 2 international dollars (Int$) per year.5 From the perspective
independent researchers, and results were reported in of education and health, conservative models projects a
accordance with the PRISMA-ScR checklist and the JBI worldwide annual cost to education systems of Int$3.9 bil-
methodology for scoping reviews. Studies that included a lion, while annual health care costs contribute a minimum
cost analysis of screening programs for school-aged children of Int$67.3 billion. Most of these costs to education and
in the school environment were eligible for inclusion. health systems are incurred in low- and middle-income
Studies that involved evaluations of only neonatal or pre- countries.
school programs were excluded. Universal newborn hearing screening has had a major
impact on reducing the burden of hearing loss.6,7 Early iden-
Results. Four of the 5 studies that conducted a cost-effectiveness tification of hearing loss in infants plays a key role in miti-
analysis reported that school hearing screening was cost- gating the impact of hearing loss on developmental milestones
effective through the calculation of incremental cost- such as speech and language acquisition.6,7 Furthermore,
effectiveness ratios (ICERs) via either quality- or disability- studies have shown that newborn hearing screening is
adjusted life years. One study reported that a new school
hearing screening program dominated the existing pro-
gram; 2 studies reported ICERs ranging from 1079 to 4304 BC Rotary Hearing and Balance Centre, Division of Otolaryngology–Head
international dollars; and 1 study reported an ICER of and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
£2445. One study reported that school-entry hearing 2
Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
screening was not cost-effective versus no screening. Maryland, USA
Head and Neck Surgery and Communication Sciences, School of Medicine,
Conclusion. The majority of studies concluded that school
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA
hearing screening was cost-effective. However, significant 4
Duke Global Health Institute, Durham, North Carolina, USA
differences in methodology and region-specific estimates of 5
Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research, Duke University,
model inputs limit the generalizability of these findings. Durham, North Carolina, USA
This article was presented at the Coalition for Global Hearing Health;
October 26, 2019; Tempe, Arizona.
hearing loss, hearing screening, cost-effectiveness, school Corresponding Author:
Michael Yong, MD, Division of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery,
children, pediatric Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Fourth Floor, 2775
Laurel St, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9, Canada.
Received November 18, 2019; accepted February 21, 2020. Email:
Yong et al 827

cost-effective, prompting policy makers to push for wide- analysis of any sort on a school hearing screening program
spread adoption.8 Universal newborn hearing screening is was required for inclusion in this review. Types included
now standardized across most high-income countries, and cost descriptions, cost analyses, cost-outcome descriptions, or
efforts to expand implementation to other parts of the world full economic evaluations.28 Studies that involved evaluations
continue.7,9-11 of only neonatal or preschool programs were excluded.
However, even in areas with established neonatal screen-
ing programs, childhood hearing loss still remains an under- Information Sources
addressed public health concern.12,13 Conditions that are not A structured search was performed according to the protocol
covered at the time of initial newborn screening include pro- devised in 4 scientific databases: PubMed (Medline), Embase,
gressive congenital conditions, drug-related ototoxicity, infec- CINAHL, and the Cochrane Library. The search was per-
tion, cerumen impaction, noise exposure, and otitis media with formed in February 2019 and not limited to any publication
effusion.14-16 Of these, otitis media with effusion remains a date, language, or geographic region. After full-text review,
persistent cause of hearing loss in young children, especially in the reference lists from all eligible studies were examined for
low- and middle-income countries and rural areas.17-21 any additional relevant studies that met inclusion criteria. A
School hearing screening could help address the gap in gray literature search via Google and Google Scholar was
preventative care occurring after the period of newborn also performed (Figure 1).
hearing screening, leveraging access to a large proportion of
the total child population in one physical location while uti-
Search Strategy
lizing integrated educational infrastructure, such as school The following terms were used in title, abstract, and key-
nurses, special education programs, and school-facilitated words searches: ‘‘hearing loss,’’ ‘‘hearing disorders,’’ ‘‘hearing
follow-up.5 However, unlike neonatal hearing screening, the impairment,’’ ‘‘screening,’’ ‘‘audiometry,’’ ‘‘cost effective-
current state of school hearing screening adoption is incon- ness,’’ ‘‘cost-benefit,’’ ‘‘school,’’ and ‘‘child.’’ Full search
sistent across regions, and there remains wide variability in algorithms for each database can be found in Appendix 2
the protocols used.16,22-24 In addition, the small amount of (available online). The search strategy was devised by 2
evidence that currently exists surrounding the cost-effectiveness study authors (M. Yong and J. Liang) in consultation with a
of school hearing screening programs is inconclusive, poten- professional informationist from Johns Hopkins University.
tially impeding widespread adoption.5,13,25 These considera-
Study Selection Process
tions are evident in the WHO’s 2017 recommendations,
which highlight the need for additional country-specific data Two study authors (M. Yong and J. Liang) independently
on the cost of unaddressed hearing loss and associated conducted the initial database searches. After duplicate arti-
interventions.5 cles were eliminated, all article titles and abstracts were
This review provides an up-to-date summary of all peer- reviewed independently for inclusion according to the elig-
reviewed evidence in the literature pertaining to economic ibility criteria. Discrepancies regarding inclusion or exclu-
evaluation of school-based childhood hearing screening pro- sion were resolved through discussion. Full-text review was
grams. While a preliminary search for reviews revealed an then performed on the remaining studies in a similar
article by Sharma et al8 evaluating childhood hearing manner. Neither reviewing author was blinded to the journal
screening programs including neonates and infants, the cur- titles, individual study authors, or research institutions.
rent study differs in that it offers the first exhaustive sum- Data-Charting Process
mary of cost analyses associated exclusively with school-
based hearing screening programs. Data from individual articles were extracted and compiled
with Microsoft Excel. Data collection forms were modified
Methods from the Joanna Briggs Institute’s recommendations for
data charting.26
A documented a priori protocol was constructed in accor- Data Items/Outcomes
dance to the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology, as well All eligible articles were assessed for the age range of chil-
as the PRISMA-ScR checklist (Preferred Reporting Items dren screened in the school hearing screening program,
for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses Extension for study region, components of the screening protocol, esti-
Scoping Reviews).26,27 Modifications were made to these mated disease prevalence, type of economic analyses per-
reporting guidelines where appropriate for this review. This formed, and cost perspective. The primary outcome of
protocol is available in Appendix 1 (available online). interest was whether the school hearing screening program
assessed in the study was deemed cost-effective, as sup-
Eligibility Criteria ported by a cost-effectiveness ratio or incremental cost-
The search strategy was not limited to any specific study effectiveness ratio (ICER). Discount rates for monetary
designs. Included studies involved a population of otherwise amounts were reported when available. No additional dis-
healthy children aged 4 to 19 years who received hearing counting or inflation adjustment to the present year was
screening as part of a school program. A formal economic performed.
828 Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery 162(6)

Figure 1. Search strategy.

Method of Synthesis of Results children and adults (Table 1). One study in Oman and both
Qualitative analyses of individual study data were per- studies in the United Kingdom focused on hearing screening
formed by comparing the outcomes of interest, where appli- occurring at the time of primary school entry, with 2 studies
cable. Quantitative analyses and meta-analyses were not in China and Australia examining school hearing screening
performed in this review due to the heterogeneity of eligible for all school-aged children. The remaining 2 studies in
studies and paucity of available data on cost-effectiveness. Africa and Southeast Asia evaluated screening of adults and
Quality of Evidence
Type of Economic Analysis and Models
Each cost-effectiveness analysis included in the review was
assessed against the CHEERS checklist (Consolidated Health Five of the 7 studies performed a cost-effectiveness analysis.
Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards).29 The CHEERS The other 2 studies included a cost analysis and cost descrip-
checklist is a tool developed by the International Society for tion studies. The only cost-effectiveness analysis to draw
Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research consisting of 24 input data from a prospective trial was by Fortnum et al.13
items that set guidelines for the reporting of the title and All articles that performed a cost-effectiveness analysis
abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, funding, constructed a model to integrate within-study data and inputs
and conflicts of interest. The items were scored binarily as from outside sources. Two of these used a decision tree
‘‘concerns’’ or ‘‘no concerns,’’ and each study was assigned model. Two studies constructed models based on the WHO-
an aggregate adherence score. The nature of any methodolo- CHOICE methodology (WHO–Choosing Interventions That
gic concerns pertaining to each study was described. Are Cost-effective), which uses the population model
PopMod.35 The remaining study used a Markov model.
Results Time horizons for these models varied from 1 year to the
lifetime of the child.
Selection of Sources of Evidence
After removal of duplicates, 552 studies were identified for Screening Protocols
title and abstract review. An additional 2 studies from refer- Methods of screening interventions were highly variable
ence lists and gray literature searches were included. The among studies and, in some cases, unspecified (Table 2).
exclusion of 545 studies left 9 studies for full-text review. Information on the personnel carrying out the screening
Two additional articles on full-text review were excluded was unspecified in 2 studies. The other 5 studies made use
due to not meeting the inclusion criterion of performing a of various combinations of traveling nurses and physicians,
formal economic analysis. A final total of 7 articles were audiologists, primary school teachers, school nurses, and
included in this review.13,25,30-34 Indigenous health workers. Except in the United Kingdom—
where school entry screening is carried out by local school
Populations staff, as with Bamford et al33 and Fortnum et al13—specially
Five studies focused solely on school-aged children, while 2 trained screening teams were created for the purpose of tra-
studies carried out a combined approach including school veling to schools to administer screening.
Yong et al 829

Horizon, y
Data on the location of screening were variable. Bamford


1, 6, 11
et al33 gave no information regarding the testing environ-


ment other than it occurred in the school. Fortnum et al13


performed screening in a quiet school room while ensuring
standardized ambient sound levels. Nguyen et al34 used a

specially equipped mobile van to visit schools, providing all
screening within the van test environment. The other 4 stud-
ies provided no information on the screening environment.

Markov model
Screening procedures also varied significantly in terms of
Decision tree

Decision tree
tests performed, screening algorithms, audiometric frequen-
cies tested, referral thresholds, definition of hearing loss,
and frequency of screening. Pure tone screening audiometry


was the most frequently used screening test, with tympano-

metry, otoscopy, and subjective questionnaires being used
systematic review and retrospective data
Cost analysis and prospective clinical data

to a lesser extent. Fortnum et al13 also made substantial use

Cost description and prospective clinical

systematic review, retrospective data,

Cost-effectiveness / cost-utility analysis

of the HearCheck screener, a preprogrammed handheld
Cost-effectiveness analysis based on

Cost-effectiveness analysis based on

Cost-effectiveness analysis based on

Cost-effectiveness analysis based on

screening tool for hearing loss. In addition, the frequencies

used for pure tone screening were widely variable, with 4
based on retrospective data
Type of Study

studies not specifying any frequencies that were screened

and with the rest of the studies indicating varying frequency
and prospective data

ranges (0.5-8 kHz). Testing and referral threshold levels

retrospective data

retrospective data

were also variable, with only 3 studies indicating test levels,

Abbreviations: NA, not applicable; WHO-CHOICE, World Health Organization Choosing Interventions That Are Cost-effective.

ranging from 20 to 70 dB, and 3 studies listing threshold

levels for diagnostic referral, ranging from 20 to 30 dB.
Last, the 3 studies that used a definition for hearing impair-

ment agreed on a threshold .30 dB.

Rescreening procedures were included by 2 studies and
generally not well described. Aasham et al30 indicated that
children who were referred on initial screening were rescreened
‘‘First-year preparatory pupils’’

approximately 2 weeks later before formal referral for fur-

Adults and schoolchildren

Adults and schoolchildren

ther diagnosis and treatment. Bamford et al33 indicated that

Age Range, y

children were rescreened up to 2 times in the model before

being referred for further care.
4-6 (school entry)

3-6 (school entry)

The proportion of children following up for subsequent

diagnostic testing and treatment after being referred on hear-


ing screening was reported by 3 studies. Aasham et al30

reported that 14.9% of children referred for diagnosis and


treatment completed their follow-up appointment. Meanwhile,

Bamford et al33 and Fortnum et al,13 both in the United
Africa and Southeast Asia

Africa and Southeast Asia

Kingdom, reported much higher follow-up rates, from 80% to

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Hearing Loss Prevalence and Screening Accuracy


Estimates of hearing loss prevalence varied substantially


according to region and method of calculation, with many



studies using literature-derived numbers instead of within-

study data. Aasham et al30 in Oman showed that 0.74% of
screened children were eventually referred to an ear-nose-
Table 1. Study Characteristics.

Baltussen and Smith32 (2012)

Baltussen and Smith31 (2009)

throat specialist for hearing impairment. The 2 studies con-

ducted by Baltussen and Smith31,32 in Africa and Southeast
Baltussen et al25 (2009)

Fortnum et al13 (2016)

Bamford et al33 (2007)
Aasham et al30 (2004)

Nguyen et al34 (2015)

Asia quoted prevalence estimates of hearing loss in children

between 1.04% and 4.1% based on previous studies and
WHO Global Burden of Disease estimates.36 The study by
Baltussen et al25 in China estimated a prevalence of hearing
loss at 0.01% based on the number of children referred on

screening. Two studies in the United Kingdom by Bamford

et al33 and Fortnum et al13 used prevalence estimates of
Table 2. Screening Protocols.

Hearing Loss
Study Administering Personnel Testing/Environment Screening Procedures Follow-up procedures Prevalence Screening Accuracy

Aasham et al30 Traveling nurses and 10 Equipment: calibrated Procedure: special team visits Rescreen: First failure: repeat 0.74%. Source: Unspecified
(2004) physicians who were battery-operated micro- schools, conducts screening, test in 2 wk. Second failure: study data on
trained by an ENT audiometer, cuffed refers pupils for follow-up care refer. Procedure: parents total number of
specialist headphones, otoscope. after. Screening: 1, 2, 4 kHz at contacted by school, advised to children referred
Tests: audiometry, 25 and 35 dB. Refer threshold: consult with ENT specialist (for
otoscopy. Environment: unspecified. Hearing study purposes, compliance on
unspecified impairment: unspecified. referral at 2 mo was reviewed).
Frequency: 1 time Follow-up rate: 14.9%
Baltussen and Trained primary health Equipment: unspecified. Procedure: annual screening of Rescreen: unspecified. Children: 1.04%- True- to false-positive
Smith32 (2012) workers (assumption) Tests: unspecified. schoolchildren. Screening: Procedure: children are 2.15%. Adults: ratio: 1:3.6. Source:
Environment: unspecified. Refer threshold: referred to secondary-level 1.47%-3.73%. previous study by
unspecified unspecified. Hearing hospital for further Total: 3.62%- Limburg et al (1995)
impairment: unspecified. consultation with audiologist. 4.77%. Source:
Frequency: annually Follow-up rate: unspecified WHO Global
Burden of
Disease (2004)
Baltussen and Trained primary health Equipment: unspecified. Procedure: screening team Rescreen: unspecified. Children: 3.7%- 1 false positive per 1 true
Smith31 (2009) workers (assumption) Tests: unspecified. drives to schools and delivers Procedure: unspecified. 4.1%. Adults: positive. Source:
Environment: screening. Screening: Follow-up rate: unspecified 5.7%-32%. assumption
unspecified unspecified. Refer threshold: Source: previous
unspecified. Hearing studies by Smith
impairment: .30 dB in better- and Mathers
hearing ear. Frequency: annual (2006) and
Mathers et al
Baltussen et al25 Audiologists and trained Equipment: unspecified. Procedure: initial screening Rescreen: unspecified. 0.01%. Source: Unspecified
(2009) hearing health care Tests: unspecified. questionnaire, then flagged Procedure: children with study data on
workers (primary Environment: children selected for further potential hearing loss flagged total number of
school teachers who unspecified in-person screening at schools. at school and referred to children referred
underwent a 3-wk Screening: unspecified. Refer consultation rehabilitation
training program on threshold: .30 dB. Hearing centers for further testing and
basic hearing health impairment: .30 dB in possible hearing aid fitting.
care, audiometry, ear frequency range of 0.5-4 kHz Comparisons were made
mould impressions, and in better-hearing ear. between referral centers (1
hearing aid fitting) Frequency: 1 time. Otherwise primary care center vs 2
unspecified tertiary care centers).
Follow-up rate: unspecified

Table 2. (continued)
Hearing Loss
Study Administering Personnel Testing/Environment Screening Procedures Follow-up procedures Prevalence Screening Accuracy

Bamford et al33 Trained school nurses Equipment: unspecified. Procedure: children are Rescreen: children rescreened 0.35%. Source: Sensitivity: audiometry:
(2007) Tests: Pure tone sweep screened in the first year of up to 2 times in the model study data 86%-100%. Parental
audiometry (PTS), school by school nurses. before being referred. questionnaire: 34%-71%.
otoscopy, Screening: 0.25-8 kHz at 25 Procedure: children are Spoken words: 51%-
tympanometry, parental dB. Refer threshold: .20 dB. referred on to the community 100%. Otoscopy: 23%-
questionnaire. Hearing impairment: variable. GP or ENT specialist. Follow- 89%. Tympanometry:
Environment: Frequency: upon school entry up rate: 80% 40%-90%. Specificity:
unspecified audiometry: 65%-100%.
Parental questionnaire:
52%-95%. Spoken
words: 93%-97%.
Otoscopy: 60%-93%.
Tympanometry: 57%-
97%. Source: systematic
review of previous
Fortnum et al13 Trained school nurses Equipment: PTS by Procedure: screening is carried Rescreen: failure on initial 0.46%. Source: Sensitivity: PTS: 95.9%.
(2016) Amplivox (Eynsham, out by school staff. Screening: screen led to direct referral study estimates HC: 88.7%. Specificity:
UK) and HC screener PTS: 0.5, 1, 2, 4 kHz. HC: 1 for diagnostic PTA. Procedure: from Nottingham, PTS: 79.8%. HC: 83.8%.
(Siemens, Frimely, UK). kHz at 20, 35, 55 dB; 3 kHz at coordinated between school UK Source: study data with
Tests: audiometry. 35, 55, 75 dB. Referral nurse screeners and local PTA as reference
Environment: quiet threshold: PTS: .20 dB. HC: audiology establishments for standard
school room with responses to \6 tones. further diagnostic testing and
ambient sound levels Hearing impairment: .30 dB evaluation by ENT specialists.
measured at any 1 of 4 frequencies. Follow-up rate: 85%
Frequency: upon school entry
Nguyen et al34 Indigenous health worker Equipment: audiometer, Procedure: van is driven to local Rescreen: unspecified. Indigenous: 7%-8%. Specificity: 90%. Source:
(2015) with advanced hearing- video-otoscope, community centers, primary Procedure: screening reviewed Non-Indigenous: expert opinion
health training tympanometer. Tests: schools, and high schools to by the specialist ENT team, 3%. Source:
audiometry, service Indigenous children. and it provides a diagnosis and Australian Bureau
tympanometry, Screening: unspecified. Refer treatment plan. Surgical of Statistics
otoscopy. Environment: threshold: unspecified. Hearing treatment is referred to the
mobile testing van impairment: unspecified. surgical outreach clinic, and
Frequency: biannual medical treatment is referred
to the local community GPs.
Follow-up rate: unspecified
Abbreviations: ENT, ear-nose-throat; GP, general practitioner; HC, HearCheck; PTS, pure tone screen.

832 Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery 162(6)

0.35% and 0.46%, respectively, based on regional study The raw amount of QALYs gained or DALYs averted in
data. Finally, Nguyen et al34 reported that in Australia, the each study was affected by variations in time scales, such as
prevalence of childhood hearing loss in Indigenous children measurements per year up to measurements per 10 years, as
was as high as 7% to 8%. well as differing assumptions, including screening coverage
Screening test sensitivity and specificity were explicitly and treatment compliance proportions. These inherent dif-
reported by the 2 studies in the United Kingdom. Bamford ferences in methodology made QALY and DALY compar-
et al33 attributed the highest sensitivity to pure tone screen- ability difficult.
ing at 86% to 100%. This estimate was based on several Discounting was usually applied to utility values at a rate
previous literature studies. Fortnum et al13 conducted a pro- from 3% to 5%. The only study to omit reporting on dis-
spective trial and found a sensitivity of 88.7% to 95.9% and counting of utility measures was Bamford et al.33
a specificity of 79.8% to 83.8% depending on whether pure
tone screening or HearCheck screening was used. Nguyen Costs
et al34 reported using a presumed screening test specificity Costs were reported in different local currencies, except
of 90% and an unspecified sensitivity, with both estimates where the study design followed WHO-recommended meth-
based on expert opinion. The 2 studies in Africa and odology and the values were reported in Int$. Discounting
Southeast Asia by Baltussen and Smith31,32 estimated true- to the study date of publication was performed in all cost-
to false-positive ratios based on previous literature and effectiveness analyses at a rate from 3% to 5%.
assumptions. The remaining 2 studies did not report sensi- Two studies, Baltussen et al25 in China and Aasham
tivity or specificity of the screening tests. et al30 in Oman, examined costs without health utilities and
reported the average cost of screening per child, as well as
Study Perspective the cost per referred or treated child.
The 2 studies by Aashem et al30 and Nguyen et al34 adopted The 5 cost-effectiveness studies reported substantially
a strictly health care perspective, measuring costs incurred different cost estimates that were largely dependent on the
by the health care system as a result of screening and subse- unit division of costs and the periods over which costs were
quent treatment. The study by Aasham et al, however, calculated. For example, Baltussen and Smith31 in Africa
included direct health care costs, without considering subse- and Southeast Asia displayed costs per 10 years of screen-
quent costs for diagnostic and treatment care. ing as a total cost listed in millions of Int$. Meanwhile,
Three other studies reported using a societal perspective. Bamford et al,33 Fortnum et al,13 and Nguyen et al34 each
Specifically, Baltussen and Smith,31,32 in Africa and displayed costs per child screened, although even these
Southeast Asia, followed a previous cost approach devel- values were substantially different.
oped by WHO-CHOICE that included fixed and variable The sources for cost estimates generally came from
costs incurred by patients and health care systems.35 national statistical databases and local purchasing data, as
Bamford et al33 described using an approximation of a soci- well as previous literature sources and expert opinion as
etal perspective but did not include indirect or intangible needed.
costs, such as lost income for families or child care costs
during or after treatment. Individual Study Conclusions
Two studies considered mixed perspectives. Baltussen Overall, 4 of the 5 cost-effectiveness studies concluded that
et al25 in China used health care and societal perspectives, school hearing screening was cost-effective. This was gener-
which included indirect costs. Fortnum et al13 used health care ally based on either a standard regional willingness-to-pay
and patient perspectives to evaluate costs; however, patient- (WTP) threshold or a comparison of the ICER with a multi-
related costs were limited to transportation expenditures. plier of average income per capita. However, the methodology
of screening that qualified as cost-effective was inconsistent
Health Utilities among studies.
Of the 5 studies that conducted a formal cost-effectiveness Baltussen and Smith32 measured various combinations of
analysis, 2 chose to measure utility with the number of hearing screening among children and adults in Africa and
disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) averted. The remain- Southeast Asia at differing screening coverage percentages. In
ing 3 studies used quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) Africa, passive screening of all children and adults at a pre-
gained. These data are shown in Table 3. sumed screening coverage of 80% dominated other forms of
None of the studies carried out evaluations that directly hearing screening. In Southeast Asia, annual screening of pri-
measured utility values from children. Instead, all the stud- mary and secondary school students, combined with screening
ies derived utility inputs from previous validated literature, of adults every 5 years at presumed screening coverages of
such as the Health Utilities Index and EQ-5D, expert opin- 80% and 95%, dominated all other combinations of screening
ion, and modeling assumptions. Additionally, where utility strategies. Most notably, any screening programs that involved
estimates were based on previous literature, most utility screening schoolchildren alone were dominated by the com-
weights were derived from hearing-impaired adult popula- bined screening approaches of children and adults described
tions, often estimated from single studies. earlier, and probabilistic sensitivity analysis showed that these
Table 3. Economic Analyses.
Study Health Utilities Costs Cost-effectiveness Ratios Sensitivity Analysis Author Conclusions

Aasham et al30 NA Screening cost per child: US$5. NA NA Screening does not seem cost-
(2004) Overall cost per referred effective due to low
child: US$4700. Discount: prevalence of ear problems,
None and feasibility of using primary
health center staff is low.
Baltussen and Measurement: DALYs. Factors Annual cost per capita. Africa: Passive screening of all children Type: Probabilistic uncertainty Passive screening of children and
Smith32 (2012) considered: Geographic Passive screening: Int$1.28. 1° and adults: Africa ICER: analysis (MCLeague software). adults, as well as annual
coverage of interventions, school only: Int$1.71. 2° Int$766. SE Asia ICER: Variations: Costs and effects screening of schoolchildren
attendance for screening school only: Int$ 0.81. 1° and Int$892. (Given 80% screening 625% of baseline. Results: and screening of adults every 5
(assumed 70%), compliance 2° school: Int$2.28. SE Asia: coverage) Annual screening of Remained either very cost- y is ‘‘very cost-effective’’ under
with treatment including Passive screening: Int$1.04. 1° 1° and 2° school and adults effective or cost-effective the WHO guidelines of less
hearing aids (assumed 70%). school only: Int$ 0.62. 2° every 5 y: Africa ICER: than average income per capita
Annual DALYs averted (per school only: Int$ 0.40. 1° and Int$1089. SE Asia ICER:
million). Africa: Passive 2° school: Int$ 0.89. Discount Int$1063. (Given 80%
screening: 1719. 1° school rate: 3% screening coverage) Annual
only: 1400. 2° school only: screening of 1° and 2° school
731. 1° and 2° school: 2091. and adults every 5 y: Africa
SE Asia: Passive screening: ICER: Int$3639. SE Asia ICER:
1207. 1° school only: 501. 2° Int$4340. (Given 95%
school only: 372. 1° and 2° screening coverage) All other
school: 850. Discount rate: active school screening
3%. Source: WHO-CHOICE strategies were dominated.
Baltussen and Measurement: DALYs. Millions Cost over 10 y (in millions). Africa: Passive screening: Type: Univariate and School screening at secondary
Smith31 (2009) of DALYs averted (over 10 y). Africa: Passive screening: Int$998. ICER (1° school multivariate sensitivity analysis. schools only or primary and
Africa: Passive screening: 0.07. Int$692. 1° school only: only): Dominated. ICER (2° Variations: Discounting DALYs, secondary schools together is
1° school only: 0.58. 2° school Int$920. 2° school only: school only): Int$1347. ICER age weighing, catchment area ‘‘cost-effective’’ under the
only: 0.31. 1° and 2° school: Int$416. 1° and 2° school: (1° and 2° school): Int$1472. per screening worker, ratio of WHO guidelines of \3 times
0.87. SE Asia: Passive Int$1248. SE Asia: Passive SE Asia: Passive screening: false positives to true average income per capita.
screening: 1.99. 1° school only: screening: Int$2093. 1° school Int$1053. ICER (1° school positives, useful life of hearing
0.83. 2° school only: 0.61. 1° only: Int$1086. 2° school only: only): Dominated. ICER (2° aids. Results: No change of
and 2° school: 1.40. Discount Int$661. 1° and 2° school: school only): Int$1079. ICER study conclusions under
rate: 3%. Source: WHO- Int$1,607. Discount rate: 3% (1° and 2° school): Int$1201 parameters that were varied
CHOICE methodology


Table 3. (continued)
Study Health Utilities Costs Cost-effectiveness Ratios Sensitivity Analysis Author Conclusions

Baltussen et al25 NA Cost per child fitted with hearing NA NA Costs are lowest when doing
(2009) aids: Beijing. Health care: follow-up and fitting hearing
US$306. Societal: US$365. aids in a primary care setting
Nanning. Health care: US$257. vs tertiary care setting
Societal: US$277. Guigang.
Health care: US$209. Societal:
US$227. Discount: 3.5%
Bamford et al33 Measurement: QALYs. Expected Cost per child. 1-y horizon: No ICER (1-y horizon): £2445 Type: Probabilistic sensitivity School-entry hearing screening
(2007) QALYs of screening (1-y screening: £0.22. Screening: analysis and CEACs. is more cost-effective than no
horizon): No screening: 0.979. £10. 6-y horizon: No Variations: Expected costs, screening, although
Screening: 0.983. Expected screening: £2. Screening: £25. QALYs, WTP thresholds. considerable uncertainty due
QALYs of screening (6-y 11-y horizon: No screening: Results: 1-y horizon: to wide estimates makes
horizon): No screening: 5.27. £3. Screening: £30. Prices Probability of screening being results indicative and
Screening: 5.37. Expected standardized to 2004. cost-effective is 90% under exploratory. Targeted school
QALYs of screening (11-y Discount rate: 3.5% WTP of £30,000 and 50% screening may be more cost-
horizon): No screening: 8.91. under WTP of £2250. 6-y effective than universal school-
Screening: 9.07. Discount rate: horizon: Probability of entry screening
None. Source: Systematic screening being cost-effective
review, previous utility is .99% under WTP of
literature on adults (Barton £2000. 11-y horizon:
et al 2004, Dolan et al 1995) Probability of screening being
and expert opinion cost-effective is .99% under
WTP of £2000. Range of
expected costs, QALYs, and
net benefits was broad,
indicating significant
Fortnum et al13 Measurement: QALYs. QALY Cost per child: PTS: £1.93. HC No screening dominates PTS Type: Threshold analysis. School hearing screening is not
(2016) gain over 4 y: No screening: screener: £2.49. Total costs: and HC screener screening Variations: Sensitivity of cost-effective in the UK vs no
35.9. PTS: 35.21. HC screener: No screening: £182,333. PTS: screening, prevalence of screening within the
35.16. Discount rate: 3.5%. £209,637. HC screener: hearing loss, number of constraints posed by the
Source: Previous utility £215,323. Discount rate: 3.5% referrals generated. Results: model
literature on adults (Barton No change in cost-
et al 2004, Summerfield et al effectiveness conclusions
2002) and modeling

Yong et al 835

Abbreviations: CEAC, cost-effectiveness acceptability curve; DALY, disability-adjusted life year; HC, HearCheck; ICER, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; NA, not available; PTS, pure tone screen; QALY, qual-
interventions remained either very cost-effective or cost-

screening is cost-effective vs
Mobile telemedicine-enabled
effective under the WHO definition. An earlier study by
Author Conclusions

Baltussen and Smith,31 focusing more on school and commu-

nity screening in Africa and Southeast Asia, showed that pas-
the status quo sive screening, secondary school screening, and primary and
secondary school screening were all cost-effective as compared
with no screening and other alternate screening combinations
and that these combinations dominated screening at primary
schools only. Sensitivity analyses did not alter the authors’
Bamford et al33 found that with a 1-year time horizon
probability of acceptable ICER

Screening rate achieved: 75%-

specificity, treatment effects,
analysis. Variations: Hearing

ICER of £2445 under a WTP threshold of £30,000, school-

Screening cost per child: Status Starting at age 3: ICER: A$656. Type: Probabilistic sensitivity

loss prevalence, screening

under $50,000 per QALY.

coverage, screening test
Sensitivity Analysis

entry hearing screening was more cost-effective than no

treatment costs, utility
weights. Results: 98%

screening. This also held true across 6- and 11-year time

ity-adjusted life year; SE, Southeast; WHO-CHOICE, World Health Organization Choosing Interventions That Are Cost-effective; WTP, willingness to pay. horizons. However, there was considerable uncertainty due
to the wide range of expected costs, QALYs, and net bene-
fits, and it was felt that targeted school screening may be
more cost-effective than universal school hearing screening.
Fortnum et al13 found that no screening dominated both

screening methods used in the trial and that sensitivity anal-

ysis supported the robustness of the conclusions. However,
referral rates for children with potential hearing loss were
Cost-effectiveness Ratios

Starting at age 4 y: ICER:

actually higher in the region where only ad hoc surveillance

A$117. Annual equivalent cost: Screening is dominant.

was performed (34.4 per 1000) as compared with the region

where school entry screening was implemented (21.9 per
1000). Furthermore, screening did not result in a signifi-
cantly higher number of true cases of hearing loss (3.04 vs
2.51 per 1000). Lastly, the authors noted that by varying the
baseline referral rate in the model, there were 2 scenarios
where school-entry screening became cost-effective.
The last study, by Nguyen et al,34 evaluated school hear-
ing screening in Australian Indigenous schoolchildren. The
Status quo: A$78,243. New
quo: A$88. New screening:

authors found that screening administered by their mobile

screening: A$236,200.

van unit was cost-effective in comparison with the status

quo at an ICER of A$656. In addition, changing the starting
Discount rate: 5%

age of screening from 3 to 4 years made screening the

dominant choice. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis showed a
98% probability that the acceptable ICER was under a WTP
threshold of A$50,000.
Quality of Evidence
Overall, the reporting quality of the studies was good with
Previous utility literature on
adults (Clemens et al 2014)
QALYs: Status quo: 15.902.

Discount rate: 5%. Source:

Measurement: QALYs. Total

regard to cost-effectiveness methods and data reporting

New screening: 15.944.

(Supplemental Table S1, available online). On average,

Health Utilities

cost-effectiveness analyses reported 88% of CHEERS items

with adequate detail. The main concern was that many stud-
ies failed to include adequately detailed explanations of the
hearing screening protocols themselves, such as information
on audiometric frequencies, thresholds used for referral, and
rescreening procedures.
Table 3. (continued)

Summary of Evidence
Nguyen et al34

School hearing screening programs represent a unique

opportunity to reduce the health and economic burden of

childhood hearing loss. The results of this review indicate

that school hearing screening is a potentially valuable
836 Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery 162(6)

public health intervention that should be further considered, 1. Inclusion of detailed hearing screening protocols
lending support to the current literature surrounding the ben- with particular attention to re-screening and
efits of childhood hearing screening after the newborn follow-up procedures.
period, including recommendations from the WHO.5,12,37-39
However, the substantial variability found in the existing lit- 2. More robust evaluation of the sensitivity and
erature base plays a key role in the interpretation of results. specificity of the chosen hearing screening tests.
Screening test accuracy has a notable impact on assump-
tions in cost-effectiveness models and can be highly depen- 3. More accurate estimates of regional prevalence of
dent on many factors, such as the level of ambient noise, hearing loss based on epidemiologic data.
screening referral thresholds, combination of tests adminis-
tered, and rescreening protocol.15,16,23,38 False positives due 4. Quantification of the number of patients lost to
to varying amounts of ambient noise, differing frequency follow-up.
and intensity thresholds for referral, and the combination of
tympanometry, otoscopy, and otoacoustic emission testing 5. Clearly state cost perspectives and consistent
have all been shown to affect overall screening sensitivity inclusion of all applicable costs.
and specificity.12,16,23,38 Moreover, when a child is referred
upon initial screening, rescreening is a valuable step in the 6. Elucidation of pediatric-specific preferences used
protocol, reducing the amount of false-positive referrals for to determine measures of benefit, which may
further audiometric assessment.14,16 differ from those extrapolated from adults.
The sources from which studies based their probability and Figure 2. Future economic evaluation research needs.
utility assumptions are important to examine. Primary survey
evaluation of utility estimates related to childhood hearing loss
were missing from all studies, presumably due to the signifi-
cant logistical challenges associated with this task in the pedia- significant gap because screening test characteristics play an
tric population.40 Instead, studies used utility estimates based important role in the overall assumptions that contribute to
on systematic literature reviews or single studies. However, uncertainty in the cost-effectiveness model. A lack of ade-
many of these sources represented response data from older quate detail in screening protocol description may also
adults completing standardized quality-of-life questionnaires make it difficult to replicate the findings of previous cost-
after interventions such as cochlear implantation. The effect of effectiveness analyses.
these assumptions is generally not well studied and indicates a Another substantial limitation of this review was the
need to improve estimates of hearing-related utility measures small number of studies that performed a cost-effectiveness
among the pediatric population.41 analysis. Results in this review were specific to the respec-
Cost perspective was also a source of considerable varia- tive regions of Africa, Australia, Southeast Asia, and the
bility. Although several studies adopted a societal perspec- United Kingdom and are likely to have limited usefulness
tive, the patient costs that were reported were often when extrapolated to other populations. Several of these
inconsistent among studies.35 Health care cost inclusion was study authors cautioned that further investigation into the model
variable as well, illustrated by the scenario where Fortnum assumptions and more robust primary data are needed.13,33,34
et al13 excluded the cost of postoperative care in the case of As such, the conclusions found here should not be used to dic-
surgical treatment while Nguyen et al34 did not specify tate policy in other geographic regions where prevalence of
whether these postoperative costs were included. hearing loss, accuracy of screening, and the current state of ad
Fortnum et al13 were the only authors to find that school hoc surveillance may differ greatly.
hearing screening was not cost-effective as compared with In addition, the general conclusion that school hearing
no screening. This was a study conducted strictly on hearing screening is cost-effective in the majority of studies must be
screening at the time of school entry. In addition, the high considered within the context of highly heterogeneous meth-
baseline referral rate of the ad hoc surveillance system in odology, including differences in screening protocols, included
the United Kingdom indicates that school hearing screening costs, and sources of model parameter inputs. These inconsis-
may not yield substantial additional health utility while tencies make direct comparison of study conclusions difficult.
requiring significant costs, making screening in this circum-
stance an economically unattractive intervention. However,
Implications for Research
it is unlikely that ad hoc surveillance referral rates would be The small number of cost-effectiveness analyses on school
as high in low- and middle-income countries as those in the hearing screening programs, as well as the lack of standardi-
United Kingdom. zation of study design, indicates a need for more research to
establish standards for school hearing screening cost-
Limitations effectiveness analysis and gather more region-specific esti-
As noted in the quality-of-evidence assessment against the mates of costs and utilities. Figure 2 presents a list of
CHEERS checklist, several studies failed to include detailed future economic evaluation research needs identified as a
explanations of the hearing screening protocols. This is a result of this review.
Yong et al 837

Implications for Practice 5. World Health Organization. Global Costs of Unaddressed

The results of this review should be interpreted with caution. Hearing Loss and Cost-effectiveness of Interventions: A WHO
When one considers whether to implement a school hearing Report, 2017. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization;
screening program in any setting, reasonable estimates of 2017.
region-specific disease prevalence, screening test accuracy, 6. Olusanya BO, Luxon LM, Wirz SL. Benefits and challenges
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the cost-effectiveness of the proposed intervention. Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2004;68(3):287-305.
7. Wroblewska-Seniuk KE, Dabrowski P, Szyfter W, Mazela J.
Universal newborn hearing screening: methods and results,
obstacles and benefits. Pediatr Res. 2017;81(3):415-422.
The results of this review indicate that school hearing 8. Sharma R, Gu Y, Ching TYC, Marnane V, Parkinson B.
screening is cost-effective overall. However, the small Economic evaluations of childhood hearing loss screening pro-
number of studies and significant differences in study meth- grammes: a systematic review and critique. Appl Health Econ
odologies make it difficult to extrapolate these conclusions Health Policy. 2019;17(3):331-357.
to other geographic regions that are considering the imple- 9. World Health Organization. Newborn and infant hearing screen-
mentation of school hearing screening programs. ing: current issues and guiding principles for action. http://
Acknowledgments Hearing_Screening_Report.pdf. Accessed March 1, 2019.
Donna Hesson reviewed and edited the search strategy. 10. Muse C, Harrison J, Yoshinaga-Itano C, et al. Supplement to
the JCIH 2007 position statement: principles and guidelines
Author Contributions for early intervention after confirmation that a child is deaf or
hard of hearing. Pediatrics. 2013;131(4):e1324-e1349.
Michael Yong, project inception, search algorithm, data extraction,
data analysis, manuscript writing and editing; Jiahe Liang, search 11. Pimperton H, Blythe H, Kreppner J, et al. The impact of uni-
algorithm, data extraction, data analysis; Jeromie Ballreich, versal newborn hearing screening on long-term literacy out-
manuscript editing critical for intellectual content; Jane Lea, comes: a prospective cohort study. Arch Dis Child. 2016;
manuscript editing critical for intellectual content; Brian D. 101(1):9-15.
Westerberg, manuscript editing critical for intellectual content; 12. Georgalas C, Xenellis J, Davilis D, Tzangaroulakis A,
Susan D. Emmett, project inception, search algorithm, manuscript Ferekidis E. Screening for hearing loss and middle-ear effusion
editing critical for intellectual content. in school-age children, using transient evoked otoacoustic
emissions: a feasibility study. J Laryngol Otol. 2008;122(12):
Disclosures 1299-1304.
Competing interests: None. 13. Fortnum H, Ukoumunne OC, Hyde C, et al. A programme of
Sponsorships: Michael Yong is supported by the University of studies including assessment of diagnostic accuracy of school
British Columbia Clinician Investigator Program. hearing screening tests and a cost-effectiveness model of
Funding source: None. school entry hearing screening programmes. Health Technol
Assess. 2016;20(36):1-178.
Supplemental Material 14. Westerberg BD, Skowronski DM, Stewart IF, Stewart L,
Additional supporting information is available in the online version Bernauer M, Mudarikwa L. Prevalence of hearing loss in primary
of the article. school children in Zimbabwe. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol.
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