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Sta rter What do you know?
3 Complete the text with the correct f
vocabulary verbs in the box. orlll of the
Health and well- bein g chill out feel improve keep Sf3efla
1 Match the verbs in the box with photos 1-6. ,.
Which ones are phrasal verbs?
Forest bathing l
chill out cut down on fast food . . One of the best ways to look after your health is t
cut out sugary snacks meet up v11th fflCAds .
1 spen~ , t,_m~ outdo~rs. The Japanese artoof
spend time outdoors work out 'forest b_athmg , shm~nll·!oku, 1s blecoming a popular way
to do th1s. 0ver 2.5 m1 10n peop e take part each ye .
, Japan, an d 1t. ,s sprea d'mg to ot h arin
er countries.
Shinrin-yoku isn't about 2
- -- -
the gym to 3 _ _ _ _ fit- it's about reconnectin
••• 1

with nature. Nowadays many people are suffering from 9

'nature deficit disorder' -we don't spend enough time in
nature, particularly where there are trees. According to
meet up with friends doctor Qing Li, founder of the Forest Therapy Study Group ,
in Japan, ifyou 4 _ _ _ _ stressed, spending
time in a forest will help you 5 --:---:- -- and
. feel more relaxed, as well as lowering blood pressure,
strengthening your immune system and 6
your mood, so you feel healthier and happier.--- -
How to forest bathe
• Find a place you like.
' • Use your senses - look, listen, smell and touch.
• Stay there at least 20 minutes, ideally four hours.
• Do different activities -yoga, have a picnic, walk ...
• Enjoy the si len ce.

5 6
4 Read the text again and complete the
2 Look at the expressions in bold. Match the 1 Over 2.5 mil/ion people take part in forest
sentence beginnings 1-6 with the endings a-f. bathing every year in Japan.
1 lf you feel stressed , you should 2 These days ___ ___ isa common illness.
2 lf you want to improve your mood, you should 3 The writer mentions benefitsof
3 lf you want to keep fit, you should forest bathing.
4 lf you want to take care of yourself, you should 4 The minimum amount of time you should spend
forest bathing is _ _ _ _ __
5 lf you want to get enough sleep, you should
6 lf you want to eat healthy food, you should
a do exercise, especiall y exercise that gets your heart
b try something relaxing such as meditation.
1 Answer the questions.
1 What do you do to take care of yourself?
e do the necessary things to stay healthy and happy.
d have plenty of fresh fruit and vegeta bles.
e do something that makes you happier, e.g. listen to
your favourite song. 2 What would you like to do more/less of?

f go to bed at the right time and not stay up late.

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