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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT


The infantry man of the future is expected to be one of the most technologically
advanced infantry soldiers in the history of contemporary combat. In the current global
environment, the security of a country is very important and this security depends on
the strength of the army. The difficulty was integrating the disparate components into a
compact design that could deliver the desired result without being too heavy, bulky, or

One of the main difficulties in military operations is communicating with the

base station. Proper navigation between army organisations is also crucial for
meticulous planning and coordination. The location of the soldier is tracked using GPS
in this study, which is useful for the control room station to know their precise location
and to direct them accordingly. Moreover, high-speed, short-range soldier-to-soldier
wireless communications, such as bio-medical sensors, GPS navigation, and wireless
communication, are used to transmit information on situational awareness. The
temperature sensor and the heart rate sensor make up the biosensor.

An "Embedded System" is a unit of hardware and software that is integrated to

create a system that aids in design objectives like speed and efficiency. The ability to
choose desired hardware and software components to construct the desired system that
completes the intended goal is the major benefit of embedded systems. The advantages
of the embedded system outlined above are the foundation of our project. In order to
track a soldier's location and critical health metrics in real time while they are on the
battlefield, wearable technology that is lightweight and consumes very little power is
required. The base station can direct the soldier to their location using this soldier
navigation system.

This project's key selling point is that it uses the Internet of Things (IOT).IOT
systems are systems that consist of interrelated machines (mechanical or digital),
computing devices, animals, peoples and other objects which have unique
functionalities and using the IOT their data can be transferred from one place to another
over the network without the computer to computer and human computer intervention.

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT

Fig . 1.1 Real Time Health Monitoring System

The use of IOT in navigation and health monitoring systems for soldiers
means that the base station receives real-time transmission of the soldier's combat
attitude and health characteristics without requiring any input from the soldier. IOT
simplifies and speeds up the monitoring process, allowing for faster decision making.
The ESP-01 acts as a gateway to send sensor information to a server called ThingSpeak
for display.


 To Monitor the Health conditions of the Soldier like heart beat and temperature.

 To track the location of the soldier i.e. Latitude and Longitude

 To transmit the information regarding the soldier like abnormality of his health,
location, and danger condition of the soldier to a central location

 To alert the local people surrounding the soldier regarding the health problems.

In this day and age, fighting is a significant factor in any country's security. One
of the significant and fundamental jobs is played by the military troopers. There are
numerous worries with the respect to the security of officers. So for their security
reason, numerous instruments are mounted on them to see their well being status just as
their constant area. It is the common occurrence for soldiers to be killed on the border

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT

and in other rescue missions. Poor management and lack of proper communication
between troops are the main reasons. Another contributing factor to the high number of
military casualties was inadequate monitoring of vital resources in extremely low
temperatures and high altitudes. This device can be used to continuously monitor vital
signs and location. A master station can be notified when vital signals fall below a
certain threshold value. It focuses on military GPS location tracking and wireless health


Soldiers are lost and injured during search missions and battles waged by the
army. Various developments have taken place to make it possible to track the
whereabouts of brokers anytime, anywhere. These programs seek to provide real-time
medical monitoring to troops. In these developments or current systems, wireless
communication of location information and biosensor data to soldiers is achieved
through Bluetooth, Radio Frequency (RF), GSM and other technologies. These existing
mechanisms have many disadvantages. Some of these current systems use GSM
technology to transmit data wirelessly. The use of GSM technology is limited in combat
zones. Any skilled hacker can crack the GSM protocol stack. As a result, it is very easy
for adversaries to steal the information sent through the GSM module. Therefore, to
maintain national security, we must keep communications and information in the Army
Control Center confidential, private and protected from hackers and intruders. Network
jammers (CDMA, GSM, GPRS jammers) are used on the battlefield to do this. When a
military conflict is taking place in a hilly, mountainous or desert environment, GSM
technology often lacks network connectivity and becomes ineffective in transmitting


In Some current systems use GSM technology to transmit data wirelessly. For
wireless transmission of soldier's biosensor data and location information, technologies
such as GSM are used. These existing mechanisms have many disadvantages. Some of
these current systems use GSM technology to transmit data wirelessly. The use of GSM
technology is limited in combat zones. Any skilled hacker can crack the GSM protocol
stack result. It is very easy for adversaries to intercept the information sent by GSM
module. Therefore, to maintain national security, we must keep communications and the

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT

information in the Army Control Center confidential, private and protected from
hackers and intruders. Network jammers (CDMA, GSM, GPRS jammers) are used on
the battlefield to do this. When a military conflict is taking place in a hilly, mountainous
or desert environment, GSM networks are often unavailable.


In this proposed system, This will record the location of the soldier, which will
also include a health monitoring system and environmental analysis. You are using an
Arduino Uno because it requires a very fast connection. To address health status,
biosensors are used with built-in heart rate sensors and body temperature sensors. The
latitude and longitude of the forces are obtained using a GPS receiver. Using the
keyboard, we can select the emergency scenario after receiving the GPS receiver signal
from the GPS satellite to calculate our geographic location. The information was sent to
the army military base.


 It can be used to track every soldier.

 Monitor each soldier's health status using temperature and heart rate. 

 Instantly monitor solider information for remote site.

 Helps reduce the time and efforts of search and rescue operations for the Army.


 The security levels are low.

 Disruption of signals.

 This Device can be used at only Non ice land areas.

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT

System for Monitoring Soldiers' Safety and Whereabouts March 2017 issue of the
International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science To keep tabs on their
troops, Akshita V. Armarkar, Deepika J, Punekar Mrinali V. Copse, Swetha Kumari,
and Jayashree A. Shelk relied on GPS and GSM. Communication. We monitor the
soldier's vitals using medical equipment like heart rate monitors and thermometers. In
order to ensure that their troops have the proper equipment in the event of a change in
the weather, governments use the usage of oxygen level sensors.

Internet-of-Things-Enabled Health Tracking and Navigational Aid for Troops, ISSN

(Online): 2347-2820 Volume-5, Issue-1, 2017 International Journal of Electrical,
Electronics, and Computer Systems (IJEECS) Priyanka Bagul, Kritika Patil, Omkar
Kumbhar, and Sakshi Basnagar Using a GPS receiver and a wireless body area sensor
network, the system continuously gathers data and sends it to a central location for
analysis. This system utilises a variety of sensors, including as humidity sensors,
temperature sensors, and pulse sensors, to determine an officer's general health.
Wearable technology is the main focus of this work.

Instrumentation for Monitoring and Assessing the Physical and Mental Condition of
Troops When use GPS Co-written by Supriya Patil and Shruti Nikam Volume 2, Issue 3
(March 2013) International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics,
and Instrumentation Engineering V. Bendre, Prajakta Powar Here, we'll discuss how
GPS tracking may be used to pinpoint a service member's position, allowing command
and control to better direct them. Biomedical sensors, GPS, and situational awareness
devices all rely on high-speed, short-range radio connections between soldiers.

Niketpatii and Brijeshiyer created a system to monitor the well-being of service

members using the Internet of Things at the 2017 International Conference on
Computing, Communications, and Automation (ICCC). In this article, we learn about
an IoT-based system for tracking and monitoring troop health (IoT). The suggested
device would employ GPS to monitor the whereabouts and well-being of deployed
troops through attachment to their person. These data are sent to the command centre

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT

through the Internet of Things. Tiny sensors and transmitter units are suggested for use
in mobile health systems. Therefore, it is possible to implement a low-cost mechanism
to save precious human lives on the battlefield using the proposed devices.

Soldier Tracking System and Health Indicators Based on GPS and Internet of Things by
Jaswinder Singh Chapra, Akshay Chagad, Shamli Pandita and Suchita Wagh. Journal's
ISSN 0056-2395. June 2017 Volume: 04 Issue: 6 Continuous Communication RF, DS-
SS and FH-SS are all forms of mobile communications that Soldiers can use to reach
other members of their squad when needed. A very serious drawback of GSM
technology is that it is ineffective for data transmission due to less complex circuitry
and power consumption.

An IOT-Based Healthcare Monitoring System for Soldiers Journal of Engineering

Science, Vol. 11, June 6, Munidhanalakshmi scandal, Anita Bai and Sudeshma
Vempati. It uses ZigBee technology to wirelessly transmit data to a base station server
with health tracking of soldiers. Longitude and latitude provided by GPS sensors can be
used to determine the direction of soldiers. Soldiers are equipped with a GPS and GSM
unit as well as temperature and heart rate sensors that can track their location and
measure their body temperature. Real-time video can be viewed using a wireless

Robustness and privacy security in location-based services for IoT receiver and Sloman
published Honkala in IEEE Volume 12 on April 18, 2017. Based on GNNS-based and
non-GNNS-based analysis, here are some recommendations to improve the reliability,
security, and privacy of location-based services in the Internet of Things. Solutions as
well as specific coding recommendations for location services and location-based
services in IoT.

Application Development for Human Tracking Using GPS and GSM Services
Researchgate Inurina Ibrahim, Mku Mohammad Nazreen B. October 2015 Location-
based services for tracking and locating people are provided by GPS and GSM network
positioning technology. Location is provided using GPS as an intermediary and satellite
based navigation system. Positioning System (GPS) and GPS Tracker using Global
System for Mobile Communications (GSM) Dr. Military health The Wireless Body
Area Sensor Network (WBANS) being developed for this project will be used to keep

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT

tabs on their vitals (using things like thermometers and glucometers). A soldier's precise
whereabouts at any one moment may be determined with the use of global positioning
system technology. Sensors measuring atmospheric oxygen levels will enable
authorities to respond quickly when help is needed. Communication between troops and
higher-ups is facilitated via GSM. They aimed to provide the soldier with a protection
system that was easy to use, lightweight, portable, and accurate.

Study of Internet of Things Tracking to Keep Troops Healthy Pallavi and Tripti
Kulkarni, June 2019. Science and Technology Trends: An International Journal,
Volume III. A soldier's whereabouts and vitals may be tracked with the use of global
positioning system technology with the help of the suggested gadget that can be worn
on the body. All of this information is sent to the command centre through IoT. The
suggested system consists of small, wearable hardware devices, sensors, and transmitter
units. Therefore, a feasible method for saving valuable human life on the battlefield
using the suggested equipment may be adopted at a reasonable cost. Moreover, he
discussed how cryptographic techniques may be used to safeguard cloud-based
information belonging to troops. Biomedical sensors are used to transmit information
on each soldier's heart rate, temperature, and symptoms to a command centre. When
there is an emergency, the addressing system helps the troops find their way to the
control centre more precisely and lets them communicate better with one another. This
system serves as a worldwide sentinel, as shown by the fact that it has been identified as

System for Monitoring and Tracking the Health and Location of Troops GPS and
Internet of Things IJETER: Interdisciplinary Journal of Emerging Technologies in
Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 1, January P.B. Bhivarkar, Anuja G. Asol, and
Monika V. Bhivarkar Through this programme, a soldier's precise whereabouts and
health status may be sent in real time to the home base, where they can be properly
attended to in the event of an emergency. Positioning satellites (GPS) record longitude
and latitude to help travellers find their way. Here, we employ a sensor that can evaluate
a person's body temperature to assess a soldier's well-being.

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT


To be used efficiently, all computer software requires a computer to have certain

hardware or other software resources to function properly. These prerequisites, often
called system (computer) requirements, are often used as a general rule rather than as an
unbreakable law. Most programs specify sets of minimum and recommended system
requirements. System requirements increase over time due to the increasing need for
more processing power and resources in new versions of software. Industry observers
claim that this trend will lead to changes in existing computer systems rather than
technological improvements.


The most typical set of requirements for installing an operating system or piece of
software is the computer's hardware. In the case of operating systems, it is common
practice to provide a hardware compatibility list (HCL) alongside the needed hardware
list. The Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) specifies whether hardware is either
compatible with or incompatible with a certain OS or software. In what follows, we'll
go through the various pieces of gear you'll need.


 Arduino Uno
 ESP 8226
 Temperature Sensor
 Button
 Push Buttons with PCB
 Resistors and Capacitors
 Heart Rate Sensors
 Power Supply Adapters
 USB cables

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT


Arduino is the name of both an open-source electronics platform/board and a set

of programming tools. The objective is to lower the cost of electronics so that more
people, including artists, designers, amateurs, and anybody else interested in making
interactive spaces or things, can take use of them. The hardware design for the Arduino
is open source, meaning a prebuilt board may be bought or one can be built from scratch.
Users may make changes, save, and share their own versions of boards, which can then
be further modified to meet that user’s specific requirements.

Fig 3.1 Arduino Uno

The hardware design for the Arduino is open source, meaning a prebuilt board
may be bought or one can be built from scratch. Even if a default version doesn't suit
your requirements, you may alter and share your own version of the board with other

Arduino boards may be built with a wide variety of microprocessors and

controllers. Pin arrays for digital and analogue I/O allow the board to be expanded with a
wide choice of expansion boards, boards (shields), and other circuits. Ports for serial
communication allow software to be transferred from personal computers through a
standard, such as the Universal Serial Bus (USB). Microcontrollers are often
programmed in a hybrid of the C and C++ programming languages. An input such as a
sensor's light, a user's finger on a button, or a tweet may start a motor, turn on an LED,
or activate any Arduino board on the Internet. In Ivrea, Italy, at the Interactive Design
Institute (IDII), the Arduino project was born. A rudimentary stamp microcontroller was
used at the time by students, but it was too costly for the most people. In 2003,
Hernando Bargan completed his master thesis at IDII under guidance of Massimo Banzi

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT

Casey Reiss, at which time he created the Wire development platform. The Arduino
integrated development environment (IDE) and programming language (based on
wiring) are both dependent on processing. The Arduino was developed at the Ivrea
Interaction Design Institute as a no-frills tool for quick prototyping by students with no
prior experience with electronics or programming. After the Arduino platform gained
popularity, it expanded its offerings beyond simple 8-bit boards to include components
for IoT applications, wearable tech, 3D printing, and embedded systems. Because all
Arduino boards are freely available in their source code, users may construct and modify
them as they see fit.

Advantages of Arduino
1. As with other systems, Arduino makes microcontrollers easy to work with, but it
has many advantages for educators, students.

2. Arduino boards are inexpensive compared to other microcontroller platforms. Both

the unassembled and assembled versions of an Arduino module may be purchased for
less than $50, and the cheapest version can be put together manually.

3. The Arduino software (IDE) is cross-platform in that it can be used with different
operating systems. Windows is the only operating system compatible with most

4. Libraries - Arduino software has a variety of libraries that can be used to control
external sensors, modules and actuators. Using libraries, the functionality of Arduino
can be increased.

5. Easy-to-use and intuitive programming environment - The Arduino software (IDE)

is versatile enough for advanced users to use, yet suitable for beginners. It is easily built
in processing programming environment for teachers.

6. Software that is both open-source and extensible The Arduino software is freely
accessible as open source tools that may be customised by proficient programmers.
Those interested in diving further into the technical details may make the jump from
Arduino to AVR C, a language-dependent programming language that is extensible
through C++ libraries. Works with multiple platforms including Linux, Windows, Mac

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT

EEPROM 1 KB (ATmega328P)

Clock Speed 16 MHz

Length 68.6 mm

Width 53.4 mm

Weight 25 g


Fig 3.2 Heart Rate Sensor

Since the beginning of medicine, heart rate, also known as pulse rate, has been
recognized as an important indicator and closely related to a person's cardiovascular
health. Today, using Arduino board and Easy Pulse V1.1 sensor, we are going to build a
computer based heart rate monitoring system. Easy Pulse is a pulse sensor that detects
the pulse signal from the fingertip using the photo-photo transmission (PPG) concept.
The Arduino board reads the sensor output before sending the information to the
computer through the serial port. Using a processing programming language, a computer
application is created to show the instantaneous heart rate and PPG signal received.

The Easy Pulse Sensor is designed to demonstrate the concept of photo grammetry
(PPG) as a non-invasive optical method for sensing the cardiovascular pulse wave from
the fingertip for recreational and educational purposes. An infrared light source is used
to illuminate the finger on one side, while minute fluctuations in the transmitted light
intensity are measured with a photo detector on the other side.

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT

The changes in blood volume in the tissue are correlated with differences in the
output of the photo detector. Like other optical heart rate sensors, the pulse sensor works
by flashing a green light (550 nanometers or less) onto the finger and detecting the
amount of reflected light using an image sensor. This method of optical pulse detection is
called photo grammetry. It will quickly start getting a heart rate reading as the light
flashes and the image sensor continues to read. The number of times the heart contracts
or expands per minute is expressed in terms of beats per minute or bpm.


Fig 3.3 GPS System

The Global Positioning System (GPS) it is a satellite navigation system that gives
position and time information at any location on or near Earth, regardless of the
weather, as long as a clear line can be established between four or more GPS satellites.
Since it is maintained by the United States government, anybody in possession of a
GPS receiver may use it without cost. Whenever you hear the term "GPS," what you
really mean is a GPS receiver. The Global Positioning System consists of a total of 27
satellites in Earth orbit (24 active and 3 backups) (GPS). This satellite network was
designed and used by the US military as a military navigation system, but soon became
available to the general public. These solar-powered satellites, which weigh between
3,000 and 4,000 pounds each, travel 12,000 to 19,300 kilometers each day, making two
complete revolutions. At all times, anywhere on Earth, at least four satellites can be
"visible" in the sky due to the way the orbits are arranged. GPS uses include personal
tracking, asset tracking, and aircraft tracking. For example, Internet of Things (IoMT)
devices can be used to monitor a user's physical and physiological health, including
body temperature, heart rate, and a activity patterns. Synchronization of clocks, watches

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT

and other electronic devices for precise movement or transaction time stamp Geofence
is the process of establishing GPS tracking limits for security purposes (such as pets) or
to enforce curfews. GPS-based IoT applications require a properly functioning GPS
antenna to function successfully. Because GPS transmissions are not very strong, the
embedded GPS antenna must be exposed to enough satellites so that you can receive
signals from as many as possible.

The below is the following format we are using in our GPS system:
1 Latitude 4250.5589 Latidude in ddmm.mmmm format
Leading Zeros transmitted
2 N/S Indicator S Latitude hemisphere indicator
‘N’ = North
‘S’ = South
3 Longitude 14718.5084 Longitude in ddmm.mmmm format
Leading Zeros transmitted
4 E/W Indicator E Longitude hemisphere indicator
‘E’ = East
‘W’ = West
5 UTC Time 092204.999 UTC time in hhmmss.sss format (000000.00 ~
6 Status A Status, ‘A’ = Data Valid, ‘V’ = Data not Valid
7 Mode Indicator A Mode Indicator
‘N’ = Data Not Valid
‘A’ = Autonomous mode
‘D’ = Differential mode
‘E’ = Estimated ode
‘M’ = Manual input mode
‘S’ = Simulator mode
8 Checksum 2D

Table 3.1 Format of GPS system

GPS634R has the following features :

 65 channels to acquire and track satellites simultaneously

 Industry-leading TTFF speed
 Tracking sensitivity reaches -161 dBm
 0.5 PPMTCXO for quick cold start
 Integral LNA with low power control
 Cold start _ 29 sec under clear Sky
 Mountable without solder process
 Hot start _ 1 sec under clear Sky
 SBAS (WAAS/EGNOS) capable

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT

 Operable at 3.6V-6V
 Both of RS232 and UART interface at CMOS level
 Small form factor of 32 mm W x 32 mm Lx 8 mm H
 6 pins wafer connector


A temperature sensor is an electronic device that takes in data about the
temperature in its immediate vicinity and outputs information in digital form so that the
data may be recorded, monitored, or communicated. Several kind of temperature
sensing devices are commercially available. Contact temperature sensors, in contrast to
other types of temperature sensors, need being physically in closer proximity to the
item to be monitored in order to get an accurate reading.

Fig 3.4 Temperature Sensor

A temperature sensor, often known as a thermocouple or resistance temperature
detector (RTD), is a device that measures and transmits an object's or environment's
temperature to a receiving device. Environmental controls for HV and AC systems,
medical equipment, food processing equipment, chemical handling, regulating systems,
under-the-hood monitoring for autos, and the wide variety of other applications all
benefit from temperature sensors. Nuclear power facilities are the most common users
of these temperature sensors. To detect the temperature changes and they convert them
into data and temperature sensors monitor the amount of a thermal energy in the source.
Temperature requirements often specified for machinery equipment and environments a

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT

used in production. LM35 Sensing Temperature The LM35 temperature sensor is the
industry standard and may be used to read a thermocouple thermometer (in Celsius) to
get an accurate reading. As a temperature measuring device, it outperforms the
thermistor. With this sensor's output voltage being greater than that of thermocouples,
an amplification stage may not be necessary. LM35's measured voltage drop off
precipitously as the temperature rises. The temperature coefficient is 0.01V/°C.

The LM35 requires no external calibration to maintain an accuracy of +/- 0.4°C at

room temperature and +/- 0.8°C from 0°C to +100°C. This sensor has a low self-
heating capability and requires just a 60 A power source, both of which are notable
features. Both a compact SO-8 surface-mounted 8-lead outline package and a
transistor-like T0-46 metal package are available for the LM35 temperature sensor.
Temperature sensors are used in a wide variety of modern vehicles, medical equipment,
computers, and home goods.

Another way to think of a temperature sensor is as a direct device that monitors

how cold or hot something is and converts that measurement into a readable unit.
Thermocouples, thermistors, RTDs, and other temperature sensors come in a variety of
shapes. Each temperature sensor has unique characteristics that make it ideal for a
particular class of application. For a temperature sensor to perform optimally in a given
application, it is important to consider temperature range, accuracy, pressure, and

Temperature sensors are used in a variety of electrical appliances found in our

homes, including our refrigerators and freezers that help control and maintain cold
temperatures and ensure that our stoves and ovens heat up to the temperatures needed
for cooking, air conditioning and confections/heaters. Temperature sensors are highly
reliable, accurate and inexpensive in repeatable testing. Applications of LM35 are :
Temperature Control Systems, Medical Applications, Industial Applications, Weather
Monitoring System, Automotive Applications.

All things considered, the LM35 temperature sensor is a flexible and dependable
sensor that is frequently employed in numerous applications where accurate
temperature measurement is essential. It is the perfect sensor for various applications
because to its high precision, stability, and broad temperature range.

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT

3.1.5 LED

Fig 3.5 LED (Light Emitting Diode)

Small, powerful lamps called LEDs (light emitting diodes) are often used in
electrical equipment. An LED light is a polarized component, which means that it must
be connected to a circuit in a certain way in order for it to function properly. Each LED
has a separate positive leg and negative leg. Visually noticeable due to negative leg

The 3mm LED is one of the different sizes and shapes of LEDs offered. They
offer a wide range of the most popular 3mm, 5mm, 8mm and 10mm versions. The outer
diameter of the LED is indicated by the size. The smaller LEDs, 3mm, are used in
smaller spaces, while the 8mm and 10mm types are used where you want to emit as
much light as possible. These 3mm super bright LEDs are excellent for use in your
projects, lighting, headlights, flashlights, automotive lighting and models due to their
extreme brightness. Anywhere you need a low power, high intensity, dependable light
or indicator, 3mm LEDs can be used. It fits easily on the baseboard.

LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) produce light by directly converting electrical

energy, creating efficient lighting with minimal energy waste. Energy efficiency,
longevity and environmental friendliness are advantages, and it contains no dangerous
mercury-containing chemicals. Different groups of LED lights are produced for a
variety of purposes. A small device used as an indicator or pilot light may have one or
more LED connections connected. An LED group may contain control circuits
connected to a single package. These circuits can be as basic as a resistor, or they can
control flashing or change colors, or they can be addressable controllers for RGB
devices. To provide illumination, more white light-emitting components are installed
above the heat sinks. There are several options for alphanumeric displays, including dot
matrix and bar styles. The Applications of LED are Lighting, Display, Backlighting.

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT

3.5.1 How to identify LED terminal leads :

Fig 3.5.1 Identify LED Terminal leads

An LED has both positive (anode) and negative (cathode) leads. Except for the
two arrows pointing outward, the schematic symbol of an LED is identical to that of a
diode. Triangle and line are used to represent anode (+) and cathode (-), respectively.
The positive (anode) wire of an LED is often longer than the negative (positive) wire

Features and Specifications:

 Low Thermal Resistance

 No UV rays

 Super High flux Output and High luminance

 Forward Current for Red, Blue and Green color: 20mA

 Forward Voltage

 Exceptional colour range

 Directional lightning

 Instantaneous Illumination

 Reliability

 Low Radiated heat

 Green: 3.2(typical)

 Red: 2v(typical)

 Blue: 3.2(typical)

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT


Fig 3.6 Piezo Buzzer

The piezo buzzer, also known as a piezo transducer, can be seen in the photo
above operating on a DC voltage. A specific type of electronic device used to generate
a tone, alarm or sound. It has a simple design, is lightweight and often cheap. It is
covered with a cylindrical layer of plastic and has a hole in the upper face through
which sound passes. Through the aperture, emerges a yellow metallic disc important for
sound production. A piezo bell is a type of electrical device often used to create sound.
It can be used in a wide variety of applications, including computers, call bells, reverse
indicators for cars and trucks, and low-cost basic construction. The piezo bell is based
on the inverse principle of piezo electricity, discovered in 1880 by Jacques and Pierre
Curie. When certain materials are subjected to mechanical stress, it is a phenomenon
that leads to the production of electricity, and the reverse is also true. These materials
are referred to as piezoelectric materials. Materials for piezoelectric devices can be
created synthetically or organically. A type of man-made material known as piezo
ceramic exhibits the piezoelectric phenomenon and is often used to create a piezo dial.
When exposed to an alternating electric field they expand or contract according to the
frequency of the signal, resulting in sound.

A reverse piezoelectric action is the basis for generating the piezo buzzer sound.
The basic idea is to apply an electrical potential across a piezoelectric material to
produce an oscillation in stress or strain. These buzzers can be used to notify the user of
a condition related to sensor input, counter signal or switch action.

When a voltage is placed on these crystals, they push on one conductor and pull
on the other, which is used in alarm systems. A sound wave is created by this push-pull
motion. Most of the bells sound between 2 and 4 kHz.

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The ESP8266 is a comprehensive, standalone Wi-Fi solution that can run software
applications or disable all Wi-Fi networking features using a separate application

Fig 3.7 WIFI Module

When an external drive is connected, the Application Wizard immediately

activates the flash memory. The ESP8266 WiFi module is a standalone SOC that has a
TCP/IP protocol stack, allowing it to communicate with any microcontroller on your
network. It is possible to delegate all WiFi networking duties to the ESP8266 from a
more powerful application processor or host software. The system's performance is
enhanced, and memory consumption is decreased, by the cache's presence. An
alternative uses a Wi-Fi adaptor when an Internet connection is not physically present.

Any microcontroller-based design may use this since all it needs for
communication is either an SPI/SDIO interface or the AHB bridge interface of the
central processor. Sensors and other application-specific devices can be integrated via
GPIO ports on the powerful ESP8266 processor and storage capacity to achieve
minimum initial creation and operation of system resources. The ESP8266 is a highly
integrated chip that includes a power management adapter, an antenna adapter, and a
front-end module, all of which reduce the required additional hardware and PCB board

Prominent features of the system using the ESP8266 include energy-efficient VoIP
with quick switching between sleep and wake modes, low-power operation with
adaptive radio bias, forward signal processing capabilities, and error correction. Main
Application is sending and receiving the information over the wifi data network.

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Radio systems Coexistence of radio systems eliminates interference from cellular,

Bluetooth, DDR, LVDS and LCD technologies. The ESP8266 has a self-calibrating RF
that enables it to work in all operating environments and requires no additional RF
components. It also supports APSD for VoIP applications and Bluetooth coexistence
interfaces. Applications include IoT projects, wireless data logging, and access point

Characteristics :
 802.11 b/ g / n

 Wi-Fi Direct (P2P), soft-AP 4.6.3

 Built-in TCP / IP protocol stack

 Built-in TR switch, balun, LNA, power amplifier and matching network

 Built-in PLL, voltage regulator and power management components

 802.11b mode + 19.5dBm output power

 Built-in temperature sensor

 Support antenna diversity

 Off leakage current is less than 10uA

 Built-in low-power 32-bit


 STBC, 1x1 MIMO, 2x1 MIMO

 A-MPDU, A-MSDU aggregation and the 0.4 Within wake

 2ms, connect and transfer data packets

 Stand by power consumption of less than 1.0mW(DTIM3)

 It is an IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi module with LNA, power amplifier.

 It is used as either an access point or station or both.

 It is a powerful Wi-Fi module available in a compact size at a very low price.

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3.8 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

Fig 3.8 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

(Liquid Crystal Display) is made of nematic liquid crystals sandwiched between

layers of filter glass, electrodes and polarizing film kept in front of mirror. Normally
this crystal is in twisted state and allow light to pass through them so when there is no
current, light entering through the front of the LCD will simply hit the mirror and
bounce right back out. But when the circuit supplies current to the electrodes, the liquid
crystals between the common-plane electrode and the electrode shaped like a rectangle
untwist and block the light in that region from passing through. That makes the LCD
show the rectangle as a black area. 16 X 2 lines LCD are Common-plane-based LCD
which is simplest LCD in market and most of them are backlit by LED. To control the
functioning of LCD there is a onboard controller. H44780 Character LCD is a industry
standard liquid crystal display (LCD) display device designed for interfacing with
embedded systems. These screens come in a variety of configurations including 8x1,
which is one row of eight characters, 16x2, and 20x4. These LCD screens are limited to
text only and are often used in copiers, fax machines, laser printers, industrial test
equipment, networking equipment such as routers and storage devices. Character LCDs
can come with or without backlights, which may be LED, fluorescent, or
electroluminescent. Character LCDs use a standard 14-pin interface and those with
backlights have 16 pins. A display is made up of millions of pixels. The quality of a
display commonly refers to the number of pixels; for example, a 4K display is made up
of 3840x2160 or 4096x2160 pixels. When the subpixels in a pixel change color
combinations, a different color can be produced. With all the pixels on a display
working together, the display can make millions of different colors. When the pixels are
rapidly switched on and off, a picture is created.

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The image is created by quickly switching pixels on and off. Each form of display
controls pixels in a unique way, including CRT, LED, LCD, and more modern types of
displays. Advantages of LCDs are lower power consumption than CRT and LED
displays, display power consumption of a few microwatts instead of several milliwatts
for LEDs, cheaper price, greater contrast, and thinner and lighter LCD screens and LED
displays compared to CRT.

Disadvantages of LCDs include the need for additional light sources, limited
operating temperature range, poor reliability, very slow speed, and the need for an AC

The pinouts are as follows:

Table 3.2 Pinouts of LED

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A push button, often called a button, is a simple switching mechanism used to
operate a machine or process. Buttons are usually made of metal or plastic and are made
of sturdy materials. It just turns on and off.

Fig 3.9 Push Button and Push Button Symbol

To facilitate pushing and tapping, the surface is often flat or textured to conform to
the shape of a human finger or hand. Even while buttons often function as biassed
switches, many unbiased buttons nevertheless rely on a spring to reset to their unpressed
state when pressed.
A push button is a circuit component that, when depressed, joins together two
other parts of the circuit. In this case, the LED lights up when the button is pressed. The
Arduino board is wired up using three different wires. When the button is pushed, the
connection between its legs is made and the pin is grounded, allowing us to get a low

Push buttons are the most common push buttons on less complex and more
complex electrical devices. Each time the pushbutton is pressed, two points may be
connected. A push button is a manually operated control. When the button is pressed, a
short circuit occurs between the two locations. On the other hand, if the button is
pressed, there is no connection between the points or an open circuit.

The "push button" is used in a variety of mechanical and electrical devices,

domestically and commercially, including calculators, push-button telephones, kitchen
appliances, and others. Buttons often have different colors to help identify their
functionality. This reduces the chance of someone pressing the button by mistake.

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A resistor, which has two negative terminals, is used to provide electrical
resistance in circuits. Resistors are used in electronic circuits for a wide variety of tasks,
including limiting current flow, regulating signal strength, splitting voltages, biassing
active components, and capping off transmission lines.

As a test load for generators, power distribution systems, and motor controllers,
high-power resistors may generate many watts of heat instead of electricity. Fixed
resistors' resistances inevitably saturate as a function of changes in environmental
conditions including temperature, time, and operating voltage. Power, heat, light, and
humidity sensing are only some of the additional uses for variable resistors.

Fig 3.10 Resistor and Resistor connected to IOT Device

There are two classes of resistors :

1. Carbon Composition

Carbon composition resistors (CCRs) are made of a solid cylindrical resistive

element with wires inserted into it or attached with metal end caps. Paint or plastic is
used to protect the resistor body. Carbon composition resistors in the early 20th century
had non-insulating bodies. The resistor rod ends are wrapped with lead wire before
2. Potentiometer

A three-terminal resistor shaft, called a potentiometer or pot, has a continuously

variable click point operated by rotation of a knob or linear slider. It can be used as an
adjustable voltage divider to create variable potentials, hence the name potentiometer.

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A wire is a single flexible strand or metal rod, usually cylindrical in shape. Wires
are used to transmit electrical currents, communication signals and mechanical loads. In
terms of gauge number, wire gauges are available in a variety of common sizes.

Fig 3.11 Connecting Wires

PVC wire is still the most common type of wire used today. Although it is often
referred to as PVC wire, it should really be called PVC coated wire because the PVC
acts as insulation. PVC wire is suitable in most situations and has ends that are easy to
separate from connections. When heated, it may melt or in severe cases burn.

Wiring provides the medium through which electrical current may flow, fulfilling
the need of conducting electricity from one place to another in a circuit. Cables on
computer circuit boards carry electrical impulses that are converted to ones and zeros,
the language of computing.

Wires for computers and other electrical equipment are often made of either
copper or aluminium. Copper and electricity are both reliable options. Silver's great
conductivity comes at a steep price.

A main circuit consists of a single wire that is connected directly to one terminal
of a power source like a battery. The circuit's openness or closure is then set by a switch
that is wired in. The wire is then connected to a power draw so that it may draw
electricity and carry out its intended purpose. After that, the cable links the load back
up with its original power supply terminal. It's useful for problem-solving.

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Electrical connectors known as Berg connectors are frequently found in
electronic devices, especially in computer systems. They have the name of Berg
Electronics, the company that created them and is now a subsidiary of FCI Electronics.
In a plastic connection shell, two or more metal pins make up a Berg connector. The
sockets and pins are made to match, enabling the transmission of electrical impulses
between two devices. To avoid corrosion and increase conductivity, the pins, which are
normally composed of copper or brass, may also have a thin layer of tin or gold
coating. Only Berg connectors make it easy to connect components from different
boards using plug-and-play technology. Berg electrical connectors are used in
computers. Berg connections typically come as single-row or double-row connectors
with 0.64 mm (0.025 in) square and 2.54 mm (0.100 in) pitch
Berg couplings come in many varieties. 4-pin Berg's polarized connectors, often
called "flexible power connectors", are one of the most popular connectors used in
IBM-compatible computers. They are used to connect 312-inch floppy disk drive
modules to the power supply. The two-pin Berg connections used as springs to
configure the motherboard have a pitch of 2.50 mm (0.098 in), not 2.54 mm, and are
used to attach the front panel lights, turbo switch, and reset button, motherboard. Berg
connectors have the benefit of being small enough to fit in confined areas. They are
also capable of withstanding high heat and vibrations and provide robust electrical
contact. They might not be appropriate for applications that need high-speed data
transfer, though, as they might not offer sufficient bandwidth for these kinds of signals.
In conclusion, Berg connectors offer a dependable and affordable method of joining
electrical parts in electronic equipment. They are a well-liked alternative for a variety
of applications due to their adaptability and compact size. There are 2 types i.e. Male
and Female Connectors as shown below respectively.

Fig 3.12 Male Connector and Female Connector

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Berg wires are a form of electrical connector that is frequently seen in computer
hardware and electronic gadgets. They have the name of their creator, Berg Electronics,
a 1950-founded business that is now a division of FCI Electronics. Berg wires are made
up of two or more metal pins grouped in a housing made of plastic. Electrical signals
can be sent between two devices thanks to the pins' ability to fit into a corresponding
socket. The pins are normally composed of copper or brass, and a thin covering of tin
or gold is applied to increase conductivity and prevent corrosion. Berg wires exist in a
variety of shapes, diameters, and pin counts with varying pin distances. They are
frequently used to connect motherboards and hard drives, two essential parts of
computers and other electrical devices.
Moreover, in industrial applications, automotive systems, and other electronic
equipment, they are utilised for power and data communications. In general, Berg wires
are a trustworthy and affordable option for joining electrical parts and sending signals
between devices. They have been a common option for various applications in
electronic equipment for many years.
 Internal Computer Applications : Berg wires are frequently used in computer
systems to link internal parts, including motherboards, CD/DVD drives, and hard
 Applications in industry : Power and data connections in industrial equipment are
made using Berg wires. These can be found in machinery such as motors, control
systems, and other.
 Automotive Applications : Berg wires are used in automobile systems to connect
to power and data sources. They are present in many parts, such as sensors and
lighting setups.

Fig 3.13 Jumper Cables

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When discussing software requirements, the focus is on what tools and components
must already be present on the user's machine for the programme to function properly.
These components are not often included in software installation packages, therefore
they must be downloaded and installed separately before the main programme can be


 Arduino IDE

 Web Browser

 Serial Monitor

 MIT App Inventor

3.2.1 Arduino IDE:

A software programme called the Arduino Integrated Development Environment
(IDE) is used to create and upload code to Arduino boards. An open-source electronics
platform called Arduino is built on simple hardware and software.

The Arduino IDE is made to make creating and uploading code to Arduino boards
simpler. For creating, compiling, and uploading code to the board, it offers a user-
friendly interface. A text editor with syntax highlighting, a serial monitor for
communication and debugging, and a library manager for simple library addition and
management are all included in the IDE.

It has been modified to make it simpler for novices to understand and utilise. The
IDE comes with a variety of sample sketches and libraries to assist users in getting their
Arduino board programmed.

Users must first download and install the Arduino IDE on their computer before
they can utilise it. To make sure the code is uploaded to the proper board, they must
additionally choose the board type and serial port in the IDE's settings.

The Arduino IDE is an all-around effective and simple-to-use programme that

enables users to build a variety of electronic projects using their Arduino board.

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3.2.2 Web Browser:

A software programme called a web browser is used to access and view
webpages on the internet. To traverse the internet and interact with web content, such as
text, photos, videos, and audio, it offers users a graphical user interface.

Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, and Opera are a
few examples of well-liked web browsers. Although every web browser has a different
set of features and capabilities, they all adhere to the same rules for displaying web

Web browsers function by requesting online pages from web servers, which the
browser then downloads and renders. The browser renders web content in a legible way
by utilising a variety of web technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Modern web browsers also include extra features that improve user experience and
provide functionality, like tabbed browsing, private browsing mode, bookmarking, and

3.2.3 Serial Monitor:

We can communicate with an Arduino board using a serial connection with the
help of the Arduino IDE's Serial Monitor tool. It is used to debug code and watch the
data that the board sends and receives.

A virtual serial port is created when an Arduino board is linked to a computer using
a USB cable and can be used to communicate with the board. They can access that
virtual serial port through the Serial Monitor and send or receive data to or from the
board using it.

To utilise the Serial Monitor, they must first submit a sketch to the Arduino board
that contains commands for initiating serial communication, such as Serial.begin(), and
sending data to the Serial Monitor using Serial.print() or Serial.println(). By selecting
the "Serial Monitor" button in the toolbar from the Arduino IDE after the code has been
uploaded, we can access the Serial Monitor. With this Serial Monitor, we examine what
the Arduino board is doing and debug any issues by viewing the data sent by the board
in real-time.

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3.2.4 MIT App Inventor:

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has developed MIT App
Inventor, a web-based application that enables anyone to construct mobile applications
for Android devices without any prior programming knowledge. The programing tool is
built on the idea of visual programming, which enables users to build programmes by
dragging and dropping graphical elements and code blocks.

Users can design a variety of mobile applications, such as games, educational

tools, social media applications, and more, using App Inventor. The platform offers a
large selection of easily incorporated components, including buttons, text boxes,
pictures, and sensors.

Based on the well-known programming language Scratch, App Inventor's

programming blocks are meant to be straightforward and simple to comprehend. These
blocks can be combined with other blocks, and their parameters can be changed to form
complicated programmes.

Before releasing their applications to actual Android devices, users can test them
using the robust emulator that App Inventor offers. This reduces the need for pricey
hardware testing and helps to ensure that the programme functions as planned.
3.3 Specifications :

 Microcontroller AT mega 328P Operating

 Voltage 5V

 Input Voltage 7-12 V

 Voltage(limit) 6-20 V

 Digital/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)

 PWM Digital I/O Pins 6

 Analog Input Pins 6

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Figure 4.1 depicts a block diagram of a system to track military positions and
track their health along with environmental analyses. Since you are using an Arduino
Uno it requires a high speed connection. Processors are integrated with key sensors to
track health status such as body temperature and heart rate sensors. The position of the
soldier (latitude and longitude) is recorded using a GPS receiver and saved in the
microcontroller memory.

Fig 4.1 Block Diagram of Proposed Methodology

To determine the geographic location of a location, a GPS receiver compares the
signal it receives from an orbiting GPS satellite. We can indicate an emergency using
the keyboard. Additionally, it uses the Internet of Things to transmit data to the army
base that includes the soldier's status and health parameters. The Army base station unit
receives information about the soldier unit through a GPS receiver and uses IoT-
integrated software to show the soldier's location and health status in the base station

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Temperature, heart rate and soldier's position are displayed on the LCD screen.
The output from the heart rate and temperature sensor, along with latitude and
longitude, is sent to the cloud, which talks about things you'd see at a military base


The internet of things, or IoT, is a network of connected computers, mechanical
and digital devices, items, animals, or people that may exchange data over a network
without the need for human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. A person with
a heart monitor implant, a farm animal with a biochip transponder, an automobile with
built-in sensors to warn the driver when tyre pressure is low, or any other natural or
artificial object that can be given an IP address and has the ability to transfer data over a
network can all be considered things in the internet of things.


Organizations across a range of industries are increasingly utilising IoT to run
more smoothly, better understand their consumers to provide better customer service,
boost decision-making, and raise the value of the company.


An Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem is made up of web-enabled smart devices
that use embedded computers, sensors, and communication gear to gather, send, and act
on environmental data. By connecting to an IoT gateway or other edge device, which
either sends data to the cloud for analysis or analyses it locally, IoT devices exchange
the sensor data they collect. These gadgets converse with other similar devices on

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occasion, acting on the data they exchange. Although individuals can engage with the
devices to set them up, give them instructions, or retrieve the data, the gadgets
accomplish the majority of the job without their help. These web-enabled devices'
connectivity, networking, and communication protocols are largely determined by the
particular IoT.

Organizations can get a variety of advantages from the internet of things, including
the ability to:
 keep track of their entire business operations
 enhance the experience for customers
 save both money and time
 increase labour productivity
 incorporating and modifying business model
 Improve business decisions
 Increase income
IoT provides businesses with the capabilities to enhance their business strategies and
encourages them to reevaluate how they approach their markets, sectors, and operations.



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According to its developers, ThingSpeak is an open source Internet of Things
(IoT) application and API that saves and retrieves data from devices using the HTTP
protocol via the Internet or over a local area network. Users can gather, store, and
analyse data from connected devices using a data analytics service. MathWorks, a well-
known producer of mathematical computing tools, introduced the platform in 2010.

It develop applications to track location, sensor, and social network objects with
status updates all made possible by ThingSpeak. By giving an API to both devices and
social networking sites, it makes it easy to access, retrieve and record data. ThingSpeak
customers can analyze and visualize provided data using MATLAB without purchasing
a MATLAB license from MatWorks. You can see real-time data as soon as it is sent to
ThingSpeak from your devices without writing any code.

Real-time data visualisation, data analysis tools, location tracking, and the
capability to start actions based on data occurrences are some of the characteristics of
ThingSpeak. Users of ThingSpeak can also work together to create IoT apps while
sharing their data either publicly or privately. All things considered, ThingSpeak offers
a versatile and potent platform for gathering, storing, and analysing data from IoT
devices, making it a crucial tool for developers, researchers, and enthusiasts working in
the IoT area.

4.3.1 Thingspeak Key Features

 Data Collection : ThingSpeak offers a user-friendly interface for gathering
data from a variety of sensors and gadgets, such as Arduino and Raspberry
Pi. It is compatible with several different types of data formats, such as

 Data Analysis : ThingSpeak gives users access to robust analytics tools that
let them run intricate analyses on their data. The capacity to write original
MATLAB scripts for data analysis and visualisation is one example of this.

 Data Visualization : Charts, graphs, and maps that can be customised are
among the data visualisation tools offered by ThingSpeak. This makes it
possible for users to rapidly and simply visualise their data and discover
patterns and trends.

 Integration with the Internet of Things : ThingSpeak is made to work with

a variety of IoT hardware and software, including the Arduino, Raspberry Pi,
and other well-known microcontrollers.

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 Open Source : ThingSpeak is an open-source platform, so users can alter
and expand its features to suit their own requirements. Also, this indicates
that the platform is always changing and getting better based on user input.

 Cloud Storage : ThingSpeak offers cloud storage for information gathered by

IoT gadgets. Customers have the option to upgrade for more storage and can
save up to 8 fields of data per channel for free.

 Location Tracking : For Internet of Things (IoT) devices with GPS modules,
ThingSpeak offers location tracking features. Real-time device location
tracking is available for users.

 Alerts and Notifications : can be put up by users of ThingSpeak depending on

data events. When data reaches predetermined levels outside of what is
expected, users can receive email or SMS notifications.


IoT (Internet of Things) device's power supply system is crucial because it supplies
the energy required to keep the gadget powered and operating as intended. The power
requirements of the device, its size and weight, the accessibility of power sources, and
the cost of the power supply are some of the aspects to take into account when building
a power supply system for an IoT device.

Today, one of the most common types of power supply is a 5V power supply,
commonly known as a 5VDC power supply. Converting 50 or 240 volts alternating
current to 5 volts direct current typically requires a transformer, diode, and transistor. A
dissipation regulation circuit is used by linearly regulated 5VDC power supplies to
control the output. They have no switching frequencies that can create EMI, have very
low ripple and are completely stable. Applications of Power Supply System in IOT are :
 Wireless Sensors : IoT devices that track temperature, humidity, and other
environmental variables require a dependable power source.
 Wearable Devices : Devices that are worn, such smartwatches and fitness
trackers, need a small, light power supply system that can supply power for a long
 Smart Home Devices : Smart home appliances like smart thermostats, smart
lights, and smart locks need an efficient power source.
 HealthCare IOT : Power supply systems are used in the healthcare industry to
power medical equipment like ventilators, infusion pumps, and patient monitoring.

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Fig 4.4 Circuit Diagram of Power supply

4.4.1 Transformer
An AC circuit may be connected to one or more auxiliary circuits using a
transformer. A transformer converts the voltage and produces the required AC voltage
through its secondary winding.

Additionally, it provides electrical separation between the DC output and the

mains powered AC input. The primary winding of the transformer receives 230 VAC,
which steps that voltage down to 12 VAC in the secondary coil.

In IOT, Transformers can be used for various purposes such as :

 Time Series Prediction : Transformers can be trained to forecast future values of a

time series, such as sensor signals from Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

 Anomaly Detection : Transformers can be used to identify anomalies in time series

data, such as sharp increases or decreases in sensor readings, which may point to
an IoT device that is not performing properly or acting abnormally.

 Classification : Transformers can be taught to categorise various data kinds

produced by IoT devices, such as photos or audio signals, through training.
 Language comprehension: Transformers can be used to interpret natural language
requests or commands provided to Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

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4.4.2 Bridge Rectifier

A bridge rectifier is an electrical component that transforms an input signal with
alternating current (AC) into an output signal with direct current (DC). Bridge rectifier
got its name because it is made up of four diodes stacked in a bridge arrangement.

The bridge rectifier's two input terminals are used to apply an AC input signal,
and its two output terminals are used to receive a DC output voltage. The diodes are set
up so that, during the positive half-cycle of the input AC signal, current flows through
the load in one direction, and during the negative half-cycle, it flows in the opposite

Due to the bridge rectifier's ease of use, low cost, and great efficiency, it is
frequently utilised in electronic circuits. To transform the AC input voltage into a DC
voltage that may be utilised to power electronic equipment, it is frequently employed in
power supplies and battery chargers.

The fact that the bridge rectifier does not need a center-tapped transformer makes
it more cost-efficient and compact, which is one of its advantages over conventional
rectifier circuits. Its drawback is that it generates a pulsing DC output that would need
to be further smoothed using capacitors or other circuitry.

4.4.3 Capacitor Filter

An electronic component called a capacitor filter, commonly referred to as a
smoothing capacitor, is used to lessen ripple or fluctuation in a direct current (DC)
power supply. In order for the capacitor filter to function, electrical charge must be
stored during periods of high voltage or current and released during periods of low
voltage or current. An output of DC voltage that is more stable and continuous is made
possible by this smoothing effect.

The capacitor and load resistor or load circuit are linked in parallel in a capacitor
filter circuit. When there is a high voltage or current, the capacitor charges up, and when
there is a low voltage or current, it discharges. The capacitor is being charged and
discharged in order to lessen the amount of ripple or variation in the DC voltage output.

The level of smoothing effect is determined by the value of the capacitor employed
in the filter circuit. Although a greater capacitor value will offer more smoothing, it may

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also raise the circuit's overall cost and size. Although it might offer less smoothing, a
smaller capacitor value can be more economical and space-efficient.

In power systems where a consistent DC voltage output is necessary, capacitor

filters are frequently used. They are additionally utilised in audio circuits to eliminate
hum or undesirable noise. It is crucial to remember that a capacitor filter can lessen
ripple and noise in a DC power supply, but it cannot get rid of it entirely. For more
accurate applications, additional filtering or regulating circuitry may be needed.

The line filter capacitor is used in a variety of industrial loads and appliances to
protect them from line voltage noise and other devices on the same line from noise that
is created inside the circuit.

4.4.4 Voltage Regulator

A regulator circuit, a type of feedback circuit, is used to eliminate DC drifts at the
filter output by ensuring that the output DC voltage remains constant despite variations
in line voltage and load current. A 5 volt regulator is used here. To eliminate surge,
input and output bypass capacitors are placed in the regulator.

Electronic equipment employ voltage regulators to make sure that the voltage
provided to the device stays within a certain range even when the power source
fluctuates. Voltage regulators come in two flavours : switching and linear. A variable
resistance component, like a transistor or FET, is used by linear regulators to control the
output voltage. To adjust the output voltage, switching regulators quickly turn on and
off an inductor.

Simple, inexpensive linear voltage regulators are frequently employed in

electronic circuits. They are frequently employed in audio applications where a constant
voltage is necessary to prevent noise and distortion to manage the voltage from a DC
power supply. The three-terminal linear regulators, such the LM7805, which have a
fixed output voltage, are the most popular kinds of linear regulators.

Although switching voltage regulators are more expensive and complex than
linear regulators, they are more effective and have a larger power handling capacity.
They are frequently utilised in voltage control circuits and power supply for electronic

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT
equipment that need a constant voltage output. Switching regulators can be set up to
produce an output voltage that is fixed or variable.

Voltage regulators are crucial parts of electronic circuits because they make sure
that sensitive electronic devices work within their designated voltage range and protect
them from voltage fluctuations.

Uses for voltage regulators include powering sensors, op-amps, and other
electronic modules that require both positive and negative voltages. One of the most
crucial parts of an electronic circuit is a voltage regulator. They are in charge of
ensuring that it runs securely and reliably. Power electronics circuits with high power
ratings are used in industrial settings on large machinery by extremely high voltage

4.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Proposed Methodology

4.5.1 Advantages of Proposed Methodology :

 The Solider Information can be monitored Instantaneously for the Remote
 Good data Accuracy from the Solider.
 This can be used track the each Solider (which is more useful at war)
 Immediate response to the Solider Requirement Can be Given.
 Solider health can be maintained properly

4.5.2 Disadvantages of Proposed Methodology :

 This Device can be used at only Non ice land areas
 The security levels are low

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT


Fig 5.1 : Result

The project's output, which displays temperature, BPM, longitude, and latitude
values. The system uses less electricity overall thanks to the 328 controller and
peripherals with reduced power requirements. The used modules are more portable
because they are smaller in size and lighter in weight. Soldier security and safety is
provided by the GPS tracking of a soldier's whereabouts anywhere in the world and the
health system monitoring a soldier's critical health indicators. In this regard, the idea of
a tracking and navigation system is particularly helpful to soldiers who are engaged in
combat. Also, for base station, so they can receive a real-time PC display of the
soldier's position on the battlefield. The output is seen on the base station's or mobile
device's PC.

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT


Soldier's IOT-based health monitoring and surveillance system includes the idea
of soldier tracking and movement among soldiers, their distance, as well as knowing
their health status during conflict, enabling military personnel to formulate battle plans.
Thanks to this technology these forces can be tracked using GPS (Global Positioning
Systems). M-Health makes it possible. Mobile computers, medical sensors and
healthcare communications technologies are all part of M-Health.

This tool benefits well-positioned and organized military personnel as well as the
host that uses wireless networks to transmit information. One of the primary difficulties
in military operations is the inability of troops to communicate with the station in the
control room. An army base station receives information about a soldier's unit using a
GPS receiver and the soldier's location and health status is displayed on the base station
system using integrated IoT software. With the MIT App Inventor, data collected by
various sensors can also be viewed on a mobile device. The most important part of this
idea is wearable technology.


 This system can provide more safety to the soldiers by adding breath sensor
and a pressure sensor. By using this sensor base station the physical condition
of soldiers can be monitored.

 Soldiers can be given medical advice to overcome these problems.

 We can add a graphical display section to this project which will help display
a digital map showing the location of all soldiers in a unit as they surround a
block of buildings and launch their attacks.

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[1] Soldier Health and Position Tracking System, Akshita V. Armarkar , Deepika J. Punekar
Mrunali V. Kapse, Sweta Kumari, Jayshree A. Shelk, International Journal of
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Issue-1, 2017.

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[7] R. Kumar and M. Rajasekaran, "An IoT based patient monitoring system using raspberry
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[8] R. Shaikh,’’ Real Time Health Monitoring System of Remote Patient using Arm7,”
International Journal of Instrumentation, Control and Automation, vol -1, no. 3-4,
pp.102-105, 4, 2012.

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT

[9] D. Kumar and S.Repal, “Real Time Tracking and Health Monitoring of Soldiers using
ZigBee Technology: a Survey,” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,
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Technology& Engineering, vol. 2, no. 12, pp. 46-52, Dec. 2013.

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT

#include "esp01_iot.h"
#include "gps.h"
#define USE_ARDUINO_INTERRUPTS true // Set-up low-level interrupts for most acurate
BPM math.
#include <PulseSensorPlayground.h> // Includes the PulseSensorPlayground Library.
const int rs = 7, en = 6, d4 = 5, d5 = 4, d6 = 3, d7 = 2; // declare the lcd pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);
// Variables
const int PulseWire = 0; // PulseSensor PURPLE WIRE connected to ANALOG PIN 0
const int LED13 = 13; // The on-board Arduino LED, close to PIN 13.
int Threshold = 550;// Determine which Signal to "count as a beat" and which to ignore.
int Temp_pin = A1;
int Button_pin = 8;
int Buzzer_pin = 9;
int Led_pin = 12;
long _Start;
void lcd_str(String,char,char);
// Use the "Gettting Started Project" to fine-tune Threshold Value beyond default setting.
// Otherwise leave the default "550" value.
PulseSensorPlayground pulseSensor; // Creates an instance of the PulseSensorPlayground object
called "pulseSensor"
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // For Serial Monitor
lcd.begin(16, 2);
lcd_str("WELCOME TO ",0,0);
lcd_str(" NCE ",0,1);
// Configure the PulseSensor object, by assigning our variables to it.
pulseSensor.blinkOnPulse(LED13); //auto-magically blink Arduino's LED with heartbeat.
pinMode(Temp_pin, INPUT);
pinMode(Button_pin, INPUT);
pinMode(Buzzer_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Led_pin, OUTPUT);
_Start = millis();
// Double-check the "pulseSensor" object was created and "began" seeing a signal.
if (pulseSensor.begin())
Serial.println("We created a pulseSensor Object !"); //This prints one time at Arduino power-
up, or on Arduino reset.

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT

void loop()
int temp = analogRead(Temp_pin) * 0.00488 * 100;
int button = digitalRead(Button_pin);
Serial.println("Temp:" + String(temp));
Serial.println("Emg Button:" + String(button));
if (button == 1)
digitalWrite(Buzzer_pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Led_pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Buzzer_pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(Led_pin, LOW);
Serial.println("Lat:" + String(lat, 3));
Serial.println("Lon:" + String(lon, 3));

int myBPM = pulseSensor.getBeatsPerMinute(); // Calls function on our pulseSensor object that

returns BPM as an "int".
// "myBPM" hold this BPM value now.
if (pulseSensor.sawStartOfBeat())
{ // Constantly test to see if "a beat happened".
Serial.println("♥ A HeartBeat Happened ! "); // If test is "true", print a message "a heartbeat
Serial.print("BPM: "); // Print phrase "BPM: "
String getData2 = "&field1=" + String(myBPM) + "&field2=" + String(temp) + "&field3=" +
String(lat) + "&field4=" + String(lon);
if (millis() - _Start > 30000)
// Serial.println("entered");
_Start = millis();

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT

void lcd_str(String str,char col,char row)


Esp01_IOT (ESP ThingSpeak)

# include<SoftwareSerial.h>

// software serial Ports

const byte tx=10;
const byte rx=11;

// wifi name and password

String ssid = "smart";
String password = "123456789";

boolean found = false;

String api = "VSZXWMHWA7HCTRUH"; //
String host = "";
String port = "80";

// initiallize the user defined functions

SoftwareSerial esp01(rx,tx);

void sendcommand(String command, int maxtime, char readreply[]);

void connectwifi();
void senddata(String );
void ini_iot();
void sendcommand(String command, int maxtime, char readreply[])
Serial.print(". at command => ");
Serial.print(" ");
while (maxtime!=0)
if (esp01.find(readreply)) //ok
found = true;
Serial.println("OK Done");//OYI

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Project Phase - 2 Soldier health monitoring and tracking system using IOT

if (found == false)

found = false;

void connectwifi()
sendcommand("AT+CWJAP=\""+ssid+"\",\""+password +"\"",20,"OK");

void senddata(String getData2)

String getData1 = "GET /update?api_key="+ api;
//String getData2 = "&field1="+String(value);
sendcommand("AT+CIPMUX=1", 5, "OK");
sendcommand("AT+CIPSTART=0,\"TCP\",\""+ host +"\","+port, 10, "OK");
sendcommand("AT+CIPSEND=0," + String(getData1.length() + getData2.length()+ 2), 7, ">");

Serial.println(getData1 + getData2);
sendcommand("AT+CIPCLOSE=0", 5 , "OK");

void ini_iot()

// Serial.begin(9600);
// Serial.println("IOT Project");
// delay(5000);


float lat=100,lon=200;

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TinyGPS gps;
void gps_read();

void gps_read()
unsigned long start=millis();

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