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Zenniel Salem.

Step 1: A warm, foot soak is a great
1. Massage one hand at a way to start to ease into the massage
time. Follow the steps listed and make the person feel relaxed. You
can add essential oils for an extra
below on one hand first, and soothing experience. Make sure the
then repeat the process on chair is comfortable, and while you let
the other hand. A good hand the feet soak, you can check to make
sure you have foot creams and oils
massage should take about 5 ready. After about 10 minutes, take
minutes per hand. the feet out and pat dry with a clean

2. Have the person sit or

stand in front of you. You Step 2: Get the blood flowing by
should be able to gently rotating each ankle. Start in
one direction and then switch
comfortably reach her after a few rotations. Do the same
hands. with the toes too.

3. Apply massage oil or

lotion to your hands. This
will help your hand glide
Step 3: Now for the actual
over the other person's skin massage! Pick a product that is
better. hydrating and easy to work with.
Warm the product in your hands
before applying a small amount to
the feet.

4. Gently smooth the

massage medium (oil or
lotion) over the person's
hand. Use smooth, gentle Step 4: Start with the sole. Gently
push your thumbs into the sole of
strokes (called "effleurage") the foot and alternate them as
to apply the oil or lotion and you move up and down the sole of
warm and relax the muscles the foot. Then use your thumb to
make small circles around the
of the hand. arch and heel. Repeat with the
other foot.

5. Massage the fingers. Hold

the person's hand, palm down.
Beginning with the pinky
Step 5: Start by placing both
finger, pinch the tip of the thumbs on the arch and slowly
finger firmly for a moment. apply pressure as you move your
Then using firm, short strokes thumbs away from the center of
the foot.
with your thumb, massage up
the finger towards the knuckle.
Finally, squeeze the finger all

6. Massage the back of the

hand. Hold the person's
hand in your hand, palm
down and use your thumb to Step 6: Massage the heel area by
massage the back of the gently squeezing the hollow under
hand. Place the pad of your the ankle bone and work your way
thumb between the pinky up the lower calf. Repeat this to
release tension in the muscles.
and ring finger. Then using
medium pressure, slide your
thumb along the finger bone,
up towards the wrist.
7. Massage the back of the wrist.
With the hand still face down,
Step 7: Massage along the top and
use both of your thumbs to
bottom of the foot as you gently
massage the wrist using a small, pull it towards you. Massage the
circular motion. Focus first on areas in between the long bones
the middle of the wrist, and as you repeat the motion.

then move out the sides

8. Massage the palm of the

hand. Turn the person's hand Step 8: Do the same for the toes
over, and cradle it in both by massaging each toe as you
gently pull them towards you.
hands. Then massage the palm Give the tips a little squeeze for
in small, circular movements additional release.
using your thumbs. Begin in
the middle of the palm, and
work your way towards the
sides, and then up towards the

9. Stretch the fingers. Hold the

person's hand palm down, and
then interlace your fingers with
hers to stretch the fingers apart.
Grasp the whole hand in yours,
and gently push back to stretch
the wrist a bit. Then slowly and
carefully turn the wrist from right
to left, and then left to right.

10. Finish the first hand.

Hold the hand in yours,
palm down, and give
several long strokes with
your palm and fingers.
Begin at the back of the
wrist, and smooth your
hand down towards the

11. Massage the second hand.

Use the same steps, and
massage the person's other

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