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Name of the student teacher : Saroj Sahu

Class : M.Sc.Nsg. Final year
Subject : Nursing Management
No. Of students : 32
Unit : 7th
Date and time : 18/11/2022
Topic : Condemnation.
Duration : 45 minutes
Venue : M.Sc. Nursing final year Classroom
Previous knowledge of student : They have knowledge about Condemnation.
Methods of teaching : Lecture cum Discussion.
Teaching aids : Black Board, PPT, Pamplets etc.
GENERAL OBJECTIVES : At the end of the group will be able to gain indepth of knowledge regarding Condemnation.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES : At the end of the topic group will be able to-
 Introduce the topic of Condemnation..
 Define Condemnation.
 Discuss about the criteria for condemnation
 Describe procedure for condemnation
 List out the role of nurse in condemnaation
 Summaries the topic.

INTRODUCTION: Lecture cum Students the
2 The term condemnation refers to the legal discussion listening condemna
Min Introduce acquisition of property by a local government or other private tion?
the entities. A municipality often condemns a piece of property, such as
condemnati a home or commercial building and other item or article either
on temporarily or permanently because it may be deemed unsafe or
DEFINITIONS: Lecture cum Students PPT Can
5 Define the The materials which could not be used within its shelf life, discussion listening anybody
min condemnati deteriorated and declared unfit for use, became obsolete or banned define
on. due to legal provisions are considered for condemnation or condemna
disposal. tion?
5 Discuss CRITERIA FOR CONDEMNATION Lecture cum Students PPT Enumerate
min about the The equipment has become: discussion listening the
criteria for 1. Non-functional & beyond economical repair Criteria
condemnati 2. Non-functional & obsolete for
on 3. Functional, but obsolete condemna
4. Functional, but hazardous. tion?

5 Describe PROCEDURE FOR CONDEMNATION Lecture cum Students PPT& What

min procedure  A condemnation committee comprising of three or more discussion listening Black procedure
for members is constituted by the competent authority, the board perfom for
condemnati terms of reference of the committee are: condemna
on tion?
 To go in details of the reasons as to why this
situation has occurred.
 To suggest measures to be taken for disposal of the

5 List out the ROLE OF NURSE Lecture cum Students Black List down
Min role of • POPULATION/PROBLEM - Inventory system under discussion listening Board the
nurse in continuous review with two demand classes. condemna
condemnaa tion roles
tion • INTERVENTION - Two bin policy for inventory system. for
• COMPARISION –Higher demand class and lower demand
• OUTCOME - The proposed policy is able to provide a
much higher service level for the lower priority class
demand without increasing the total cost too much and
without affecting the service level for the higher priority
3 Evaluations EVALUATIONS Lecture cum Students PPT
min  Define the condemn. discussion listening
 List out the criteria for condemnation.
 Describe the procedure for condemnation.
 Discuss the role of nurse in condemnation.
1min Assignmen ASSIGNMENT ON - Lecture cum Students PPT
t  Write a assignment about "condemnation format and step to discussion listening
complete the process of condemnation in hospital devices.
Submit ON….
4 Summarise SUMMARY Lecture cum Students PPT Any body
Min the topic. I hope you all understand about condemnation and needed process discussion listening summaries
to completes the work efficiently in various area of health care the topic.
services. If you got chance to do condemnation process will you
able to apply this knowledge.

 K Deepak, C SarathChandran, K Mithun. A Comprehensive Text Book on Nursing Management. 2 nd ed. New Delhi. EMMESS
Publishers. 2019. p. 282-283.

 Gupta S, Kant S. Hospital stores management. An integrated approach. 1st ed. New Delhi. Jaypee brothers’ medical publishers
(P) Ltd. 2000.p.1-9,60-1,45-6,58-90.

 Chandorkar AG. Hospital administration & planning.1st ed. Hyderabad. Paras medical publishers.2004. p.129-230.

 Barrett J. Ward management & teaching. 2nd ed. New Delhi. The English book stores. 1967.

 Kunders G D, Gopinath S, Katakam A. Hospitals planning, design & management. 1st ed. New Delhi. Tata Mc Graw Hill.

 P. Gopalakrishnan M. Sundaresan, Materials management - an integrated approach.

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