Co5 Prescription

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Correct Prescription Wrong Prescription

Types of Wrong Prescriptions

Erroneous Prescription , Violative Prescription, Impossible Prescription

1. Erroneous Prescription

• The brand name precedes the generic name. The generic name is the one in parenthesis
• The brand name is not in parenthesis

What to do?


2. Violative Prescription
• The generic name is not written • The generic name is not legible and brand name is legibly written

• When the brand name is indicated and instruction added such as: “no substitution”
What to do?

-Shall not be filled.

-They are documented and kept.

-The pharmacist shall advise the prescriber about the prescription and instruct the client to get the
proper prescription.

3. Impossible Prescription
• Only the generic name is written but not legible. • The generic name does not correspond to the brand name.

• Both the generic name and the brand name are not legible.
• The drug/product prescribed is not registered with FDA.

What to do?
-Shall not be filled.

-They are documented and kept.

-The pharmacist shall advise the prescriber about the prescription and instruct the client to get the

proper prescription.


S-1 (Retailer) • License to sell, procure, acquire, deal in or with specified drug preparations containing
controlled chemical for retail.

S-3 (Retailer) • License to sell, procure, acquire, deal in or with specified (a) dangerous drugs preparations in
any form; or, (b) drug preparations containing controlled chemical for retail.

S-4 (Wholesaler) • License to sell, procure, acquire, deal in or with specified (a) dangerous drugs and their
preparations in any form; (b) drug preparations, containing controlled chemicals for wholesale distribution to
license holders.

S-5C (Manufacturer) • License to manufacture specified (a) dangerous drugs and their preparations in any
form; and (b) drug preparations containing controlled chemicals.

S-5D (Bulk Depot / Storage) • License for bulk depot/storage of specified dangerous drugs and their
preparations in any form; (b) drug preparations containing controlled chemicals.

S-5E (Exporter) • License to export specified (a) dangerous drugs and their preparations in any form; and/or (b)
drug preparation

S-5I (Importer) • License to import specified (a) dangerous drugs and their preparations in any form; (b) drug
preparations containing controlled chemicals.
S-6 (Research/Analysis/ Instructional • License to conduct laboratory analysis or technical research or
instructional / training program, using controlled substances or drugs containing controlled chemicals or plant
sources of controlled substances.

(S2-LICENSE MEDICAL PRACTITIONER) • A PRC- registered Physician, Dentist and Veterinarian who will prescribe
[a] Dangerous Drugs Preparations (DDPs)

Yellow Prescription
• Yellow Prescription is used to purchase dangerous drugs.

• Should be filled out completely by the doctor and should present with duplicate when trying to buy medicines
in drugstore.

• Dispensing dangerous drugs are very critical.

• Pharmacist must know the expiration date of the the S2 license of the doctor, and the S2 and license no.
should be genuine.

Checklist for Psychotropic Prescription

• Doctor’s Full Name

• Doctor’s complete clinic information/address/telephone number

• Valid S2 License

• Current S2 License Number

• PTR#

• Patient’s Complete Name

• Age of Patient

• Complete Address of Patient

• Date of Prescription
• Generic and brand name, dosage strength and form

• Quantity prescribed written in words and numerical equation

• Specific direction for use

• Original signature of the prescriber

• Quantity should be equivalent to the signa that is good for 60 days only.

Philippine Regulatory Drug Classification

DD, Rx • Dangerous Drug as listed in the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002; supplied only on

Special DOH Prescription Form (Yellow Rx) by a licensed PDEA prescribing physician .

EDD, Rx • Medicine containing any amount of prohibited or regulated drugs, supplied on ordinary
prescription forms with S -2 license number by a licensed PDEA prescribing physician.

Rx • Prescription medicine; supplied on prescription only.

Non-Rx • Non-prescription medicine; supplied without need for prescription.

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