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Vincent Pol University

Student Number: 15922

Program: Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Due Date

Bacteria are microscopic, single-celled organisms that can be found in any environment such
as the human body, soil, animals, tap water and plants. They can live on their own or can
depend on other organisms for life. Bacteria can be dangerous causing disease and they can
be useful in the process of food and medicine production, health maintenance and
environmental clean-up. Some examples of bacteria include E-coli, Salmonella, proteus,
Klebsiella, Bifidobacterial and Acidophilus. Bacteria has both negative and positive effects to
our internal and external environment. This essay will discuss both the good and bad sides of
The human body is inhabited by bacteria and it is found on the skin, nose, mouth and
especially the gut (,2017). Most of the bacteria in the human are harmless and help to
maintain our health. Good bacteria on the body helps to fight disease causing bacteria known
as pathogens from infesting the human body. Escherichia coli (E.coli) is a bacteria that is
normally found in the lower intestines of warm blooded animals (World Health Organisation,
20..) E-coli is responsible for keeping the digestive system healthy, helping to digest food and
producing vitamin A. However, serotypes such as STEC and …. Can be harmful causing……
Bifidobacterial are a group of bacteria known as probiotics which are usually found in the
gastrointestinal tract and stomach. Their role is to aid the body with performing essential
functions such as digestion of dietary fiber, helping prevent infection through starving of
harmful bacteria and producing vitamins and other important chemicals. It is also interesting
to note that, bifidobacterial can also be grown outside the human body and taken as medicine
that helps to cure diarrhea, ulcerative colitis, bowel syndrome, yeast infections as well as
atopic eczema.
Bacteria plays an important role in food production through natural or pure culture
fermentation. There are many different types of fermented foods, including yogurt, wine,
cheese, bread, fish, meat, vegetables and vinegar. Many fermented foods contain live
microorganisms that may improve gastrointestinal health and provide health benefits such as
lowering cardiovascular disease and type two diabetes.
potentially probiotic microorganisms such as lactic which aid in digestion

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