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A pronoun is a word

used as a substitute
for a noun to avoid
repetition of the noun.
She is an intelligent student.

These are pronouns that refer mostly to

human beings. However, the word 'it' does not
refer to human beings, but is a Personal
Often you'll find Personal Pronouns divided

• Subjective Pronouns
• Objective Pronoun
• Possessive Pronouns
Often you'll find Personal Pronouns divided into:

• Subjective Pronouns (I, we, you, he, she, it, they)

• Objective Pronouns (me, us, you, him, her, it, them)
• Possessive Pronouns (mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its,
theirs; with also the following ones, which strictly
speaking, are adjectives - my, our, your, her, their).
That is the best song ever.

• These pronouns point out someone or

• They are identical in form
to Demonstrative Adjectives/Determiners.
The difference is that...

a Demonstrative Pronoun stands alone (because

it is a substitute for a noun or noun phrase),
but a Demonstrative Adjective is accompanied by
the noun it modifies.
Here are two examples to show the difference:

• I like this. (this - Demonstrative Pronoun)

• She gave me this gift. (this - Demonstrative
1) Those pants are not very comfortable.
2) Do you like this soup?
3) That dress looks good on you.
4) These puppies are very playful.
5) I did not enjoy that book.
1) This is very yummy!
2) I would like those, please.
3) I am not sure that is how you do it.
4) These are the most comfortable.
5) Could you hand me that?
More examples of Demonstrative Pronoun:

• These are my collections.

• This is my community.
• That is a brilliant idea.
• Those ideas were taught by somebody.
Somebody stole my watch

• These pronouns do stand for some person or

thing, but we don't know for exactly whom.
one - One should speak the truth.
somebody - Somebody immediately called the
anybody - Anybody can solve this problem.
nobody - Nobody was present.
many - Many are called, but few are chosen.
others - Do good to others.
each - "From each according to his ability,
to each according to his need."
either - You may answer either of these (two) questions
neither - Neither of the answers is correct.
any - You may bring any of your friends.
none - None of our students failed last year.
The written petition, which you delivered, is missing.

• These pronouns are very important words in the

language. A Relative Pronoun performs two
❑ It acts as a substitute for a noun (like any pronoun)
❑ It also functions as a joining word for two clauses.
who - Give this to the boy who wins the race.
whose - This is Mohan, whose mobile phone
was stolen last week.
whom - Rita, whom you praised in class yesterday,
is my sister.
which - This is the problem, which we are
struggling to solve.
that - This is the day that we have waited for so
what - Eat what is set before you.
Spaghetti, which many of us enjoy, can be
This is the book that everyone is talking about.
She wrote to the person whom she had met last
We didn’t bring the receipt, which was a big
Whose wallet is this?

• These look like Relative Pronouns, but have a

different function. We use them for asking
questions. There are three of them:
1. who (with its other
forms, whose and whom)
Who - Who is that man?
Whose - Whose car is that?
Whom - Whom do you seek?
2. which - Which is your seat?
3. what - What is your name?
▪ Think of a songs that may contain pronouns in the
▪ It should be a mash up/ combination of 5 songs for
each category of pronoun.
▪ Example: Let her go (chorus)– personal pronouns
▪ Choose someone from the group to sing the songs and
someone to explain the pronouns you have found in
the lyrics.
CONTENT----------------- 5pts
RELEVANCE------------ 5pts
PRESENTATION------- 5pts
EXPLANATION--------- 5pts
COOPERATION---------- 5pts
TOTAL---------------------- 25PTS

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