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This document is an article/drowing/picture/ a webarticle

It was posted on ….. .com (.= dot)

It was written/taker/slot/drown/made by :

It dates From

It is ertitled « …. »

It deals with

Hello, I am going to talk to you about a corpus composed of 3 documents.

The first document is an article that was posted in The Guardian newspaper it dates from. It was
written by Rebecca Smithers its title is Reusable incentives could slash disposable coffee cup waste.
It deals with single use items coffee cup waste and how the UK government is fighting against the
creation of these waste.

The second document is an article. it was written by will Richardson it is dated March 12, 2018 it is
entitled Plastic- Alternatives to single use items. It deals with single use plastics and their alternatives
and solutions.

the third document, is an image it was posted it was drawn by hiroshi
Takatsuki it was posted in 2011

The single-use plastic is a source of ecological problem because they are produced in great quantity
and are very badly recycled and the majority end up in the ocean and they end up coming back on
our coast the cost of the recycling of this plastic is very high because it is necessary to collect all of
them and to bring them in central as it is said in the document 2

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