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\ a) | - — Qo Wir te ost eg wel Be. {The maser 6lave, conte! éysem LB apphecl is in the comrol & sempemture ma labelled dragram expt she appiration of, J concept va cheromal prcesses (enter phe ype _ LF _cheeareal paces you are coring | roaster “slave. contro oS Maser slave. comtal 184 commonly..uted. straleay iin chemival processes. cartel |4o.. achitve..better conte! over. a SPORT 9 Varrable._ involeS_ naoigg. +80 or _poare_ controllers bee the apt of one scontaller Crater.) is -aed AS the 6et-point fot -arother... controler Glave) A tapreal eocanple 9f.4 chrecrival pmces _ Ghee master slave contol chemital reactor In -PnB_ process jthe , reactor 'S . 4ernperature the controled vaaable Aad, the) heat trae He. the manipulated ..vaaab le. contoller . Rx retpensible for regulating »the._reactoss temperature, 49 adjusting phe. beat... transfer rete The slave. _antroiter responsible for regulating Ae coolant temperature, Shitheoatrohs . the heat transfer rete =| The master contriler receives the -eropersture meakirrnent from the Hemperrture Sensor instattecl in the peactor and corppares tt 7 Scanned with CamScanner ‘aie desire a! Henperechurt ser - poict + alt then calculates the errr ane! adjuses the heat tranefer rete | aceoreling ly ~The heat conmnited by oafustng. the speeal, of the stirrer (PC Are plod cecte of the \ heating oe cooling plurel the the reactor {acter th I | 4 it - i. {ih mast, contalee | alt pul “then sere! pith clave —conmller at Mee tooth = ME Glave leenroiler receives 4¥e neat reindeer rede Men, fn ene. ~—Lroasiec entmiler and ceroparte te tne achal eonlant semperecture _7 [The coolant a} Fen ladjutt the coolant plow rete do ae [heat treintfer rote bee - -Rolat he clesireel Flesrate can be adjusted by controlling sre _posmron {the contr: valve sor adjusting! theo speed "of the! colant _ pump: The slave _conteoller 's burpud Ro Sent back forthe matter | tondeiler et feedback) enel jhe | master conteller eadiusas the: heat transfer orate Set point actorelingly « 1 4 lees “This feeclback loop ensures that phe reactor teenperctre 7S marntacnecl ar the _clesired “et ~point by contrvlliny the __ LL beat \praneper rete! ¢ the coolant Herp erature ABy dsing 4 master-slave contr! Scheme phe tempereture 1m he | reacnr can \ be contnlled mart aceurately ¢ ef freleoHy y feadn_ ] [te imparted product quality 4 _recluceal energy. consurnpren. -| The master = Slave compro! echame ean \ also: be applred_7 opher varmbles. 16 the ehemiral _ prcess 5 such as pressure, fewel and flood at? bY asing appaperste,_ Seaton 4. contellert Scanned with CamScanner / Bre tury | Peitamal problems inet 8: val rare ¥ Can varse from the nrdden | Ng pou Hevanable: control 2 eS, aS The + FSH GoteoRE!, probleey Rthe inte enon berseen veeribles , ust awe the _contrl eptern go__become unital or oSccllade. teamples ina dBhllatun Columns the re-flue fous rete athect Ss — ch dsthe. .overheae! Perdlict. audi. ancl. the: . boter Prclace purty 2 Hilepever. see forte. prcltcr Pury, also appears, the. olissNate ~ Hows PEPE PE in puen a fpe crs THR rt pla. -ftod rece, A = the loteenafion beresten varables cans teaal ty jstabilitg 6 [Ose dations « iacthe: System. j.making Hi elifprult 7. maierain -. the desiree! prelact guairry . ae. Gopircting objeoi ves a Z 5| The. second peteom!. problem 2 conpireting ae berweere the | manspalaleol Venables.) we can result ia sub-oprimal control - Fe example jin 4. racer. yah. pose Prduces, the yrele of one pda may Increate at the expense op yhe_ yield af ahe other | product 4 olds a result, contrling phe yield. op one preluck may, ae ern compelling. the. grelel. pothe Othat procluct -{ the Conplret betunerr ekjectues can lead ty gub-oprmal contrel 4 | ower overall, process eficlonay | } ~| Te address -yrese problems, munroasable conrel systems fen uve { | o S$ mede) 1 Gare) Ladvanced conta obrigits such Qa model predicme conte Ler ynamit medin contre! ne) =! Scanned with CamScanner ' Qi! . YA, 7 ts_Quantane paforimare analy | SVA prunes a quaniate measiat of ne bens ory LH helps nlentity sre souwee P of a contre) eyo 4p cl@turbance® P uncertainties f | geturbance har have 4ne mast significant impact on the systens Lpecformance + prourdas insights nro hows 70 rmmgerte. clishurbarres | al Baitunane ana lysis mi : _-| Sve is poserfil! ool fx business analysis: WG ie the dol ly, “of a conrad Eysitm tw witiniain ehabilfhy + performance is the presence of meclel uncertateries & eccternal A®racpanced. SVA pejps 19 determine the erst care Scena _ fol SUSHe __perfernRt {+ qelennfes the drtas of TP conte) aystem » Met are mere succes ble se 172, insiatiity + poor pecfamence > Jew Veravisl, ta | "| 7 6 Gysie Desyn > Oppiolecine x By using’) SV) engineers can optimize the contre! syster 4 peeforrneny | spimiize yeas ety 72 clBiurbances 4 ensure stability 16 the ai presence of model uncedacnars 4 -tederal — el®turbances —___ } 4 This 8 4 process -f “vimpytyigg a__compltoe contro] Sysdeen snecte | LLohrte preserving ks, imporant chars ste Es 3 “List can telentty the! nat _imporrant coponerts oP the system. Lt help 7 develep 2 reducee! oreber model phe captures phe essentral dynamite of 7he_egutecn. i 7 a | Garr mobi’ Scanned with CamScanner Prcesse-£ Fenpecaie oP the re 48 S190 system rig ne be ate! 1 contol the Sehr using a single “Opt such asa cooling 2? achirue a clesirecl semperyhure —eatpus SO relamely simple 4 [bet they eae £a8Y 70. clesrgn 4 implement Wierd tA aheuz BBiIy te hanclle complese cones! teks = EU syster ~iA ono BUSH BS a contro! | Multiple cuiputs sla chemreal 44° control | Satter that hes multiple impasse 4 PRESES a mimo. eusiern Fre Heeoperature & pressure fe reaeror | sing multiple inputs EME be _Udec| Sima ttaneously cooling water flow rete 4 reattant How rete 7 achieve lesire of | NINO ystems are mare | Po #. pressure ews challenging P clesgn ¢ Fenplemeat ARAN SISO S4Stena2 BH they Kan henele coroplece. conte! -tasKS thoy require | Sideltaneour Cre! Pp malkiple sarcblas ddoantages o_o Inereated — pexebliay + eri enc, lenpreve ol contro | cornplece «tnd ce to simaltaneous Contre! Aecucacy —precte centr! sf process dee vetmables Robustness = can bettie parelle dahiurbancos # uncertainties | [dsadvantager =P muro | : increasecl coroplexity t \ Etat computamng) pepsitiraet ef ret algorahmos. foe Scanned with CamScanner need for complerk + advanced ~ cont! “| Rastecn Jeecling «te eats cia Abe coup fac ocecel_ control Backer w 2 . | a © 1 Mmieel adepsitity ves | the LY there are aneapectee! changes 2 the sgstera oF input, | and _ achiast | peedforsuarts central cysie rt’ \inay inet berwable de. adapt {the outpt accordingly, | 2. diac of feeclback =lfeedforrarel control systems! only ute phe inpit 12 predlitt the ougat [other ctensidcering he actual. gutput \6r any feedback. from the System Lare_not accounted for 64 the model may ge annette. by the feed fosareh, centre! ‘gy stera plead’ag te econ 1h the gust "Ths means thet ang lBhibances of changer ,p_the systema that _| | * } ali In_eoodellin. lex Systems | Acimeocel may not__actarsiely Caphie. the Gehaomr sip rhe» | A sized mizing wank haeture input vanablet , the cole) __ stream flow) rat and tre» hot Stream ‘plow rate’ do be usec! im Controlling | fe _aumnput yanables , the _semperetur? of the Iriel ithe sank ane Fg ; i the (ure! “& . . es (egurel eve! Enumerate the el ftereat Says the: cants) ane | EM fen f OT pete ent Scanned with CamScanner N—ler_iopat 4.00 gytpus (Cava I. a4 Ate eign) In Anis Configuration here aie Separate conpollers for each inpus ! AHPT L par One conrrller control’ the cole! Stream flow rate 72 maintain. | the desired! temperature, While the. other contalter: controls the hot. ream plows rate fy poautntetat fhe: vides need Irqrel. (evel: 2 Cascacde ints! In cascade conte), one of. the sutpuT varrubles le conpeollecl bya primar. contaller sind: the otter eutput _|wartable ( contmlled ty 9 Seconely conmaller tat 8 rested casrele | the primary contelier, % bok asain § lL eante the irqurd eve! maybe the secondary contrsiled _varrable With the hot Stream flow nme the seconclary Contrvller =| Fe eecaunple Ane Apeestre mayer +e primacy contalied” Vana ble 4 WIth the cold _actreceen plowrare being. the pamasy contrdler , = $1 Rane Goal} br caso eae the 408 _erwipak —inpar vacrables are centrlle (27 Fr_eocarnple y Hne het 4 edd stream flow) rates may be etdjusted th 4 fiwecl ame po achieve the desiree ouput = [de matatain a -specifit. rate that results in dhe desiree! tempervdat. -and Liquit level Es! al retivan able Gotnl. 1 ib etable, enn inwlwes using a single controller. ® simaltaneoutly contre! multiple. input ane! euput variables _-} THES _appmach can be.more © complex than the» conrslitr options but ~ Mabe necessary fol _ceidara _2YHeOS. here the samables are | Mighty interclependens | Mode! Precative — canerel te predict fowl changes a the_input variables = This approach Jean be etfective _fol_sustems th compiler _ dynamit ber may resjuire mare _sphisiteted Serb parlisare Scanned with CamScanner diese 4. mathemateal meclel of she Sy Her ve ) sof tong _deacl divee delay on contro! _procsfes Teangportatun _dlalay ! i - emverserre| dais occurs @hen there a. physical delay. i Abe moveenent of lor energy thaugh the Syste: ts = |For example , in a heat gacchanger, there maybe ot clelay benseen the Hime ancl the heating element is, tiened! on andl the time dhe hecteel flurel reaches the. desired temperature auSeneee Aday Sensors that measure the process variables can alto lcommibuate. > dead time cleley “ = To example if the ternperemit sensor B slo to responel is tern coaig be La. delag between the achlal.. femperanire & the temperature comeasured! @9 the sensor 31 Conmaricoinn delay - hen a contol eystem ois distabuteel aches [matiple deores or locations. there maybe.a dele \1A_. connnunm ation benseen the _dewires- The can result 1a delay 1h othe transmission cant! siGaale F measurements , jeading 1 clead rime delay Process dynarirs - the dymamies of the poscess Aselp can leeel fo clea sme: for example jf, the powell RB Mghly pen hiner [Or exbibAs Signiftan 19g, thee maghe delay beroeen the input land eutpat signals i t i = t 6 Fqupoeot rat sao sear + Over me -equipeotet tr contol processes copamaghe comme esorn s oF cdamagecl , jead jog 7°» increased! _deacl_ tym pdalag = Por example aniavalee that Brot furcroning \aaperly. rang take | longer 7 regponehid® changes in he inpir srgnal leading 7 | dead time elad r Scanned with CamScanner oe isp Sapa! apaizasne of an Adept Gonal Systm A Chr! Paes | + Adapive Contel are 4 tye of Gysems shat adjust +e? behave | based on changes in the system being controlled TAB atlas them to adap To charming condions 4 optiralde perforrtance, | over Aone. . . Areas of Appiirarvon ia _Chemnival Presses 2 11 Beaer_pracesses =| Baten prosses can be hight} vadable, dit ditterent inputs, materiale and conditions used for each... hatch: SAdopne combo! eyrems can hele enum consent quality ¢ ouput Ley adjusting fo the speaife chara cleats of each batch: QLDEt lawn columas as Bistllaton coluenns are wed tv Separate olifferent cornponents ih 9 mitre based oq ther boiling points ‘i = tedapie conte! 4ysteras can adjust the conling € heating tans (fe the. column based. on +he changes ta Are compositen + plarede | of the. feed shear? , alloding for cor epftient operator: | . 3, Reacts Cornel ” 7 Chemical reacins often require precise. contre! 4d. achieve the desire! feaoren. ratty remmperehur 4 pressure = Adapie coor! systems cun adjust, the inpire to the. reactor [based on the changes co the reactant — concenteedion anal ether WWadables to maintass — opéral —canclamns 1 a ph Gate! ateineaining 4 consintene gt level p camel in any cherniéa! {posers ac pH can affect nn cates, product qualay and! other ice Scanned with CamScanner | Adephoe corto! _sysemas can _adjast the imps tothe pll contol spstern based oa the changes (A +e prcest vadablet such as | reat conantratins 4 Hop P matnan a consistant pi level 6-_Crsralliaazve {oNéralinatn B used to separsit ancl purify ehemital compounds [by grwing eysrals parma = Aelaptive control ladon Systems can adjust the temperohure » foul rate anc_ether inputs t the oystallaeton process bavecl or _ changes tA the leorposTn ancl properties of phe Bolus Allowing for more consistent» sancls epfelent-_eystatllaaton On ain 6 ehsaging prcess concl Orne that meus require canrooller rttuning idaptve corm) lun cess coor! ln _chemital pmcesses 1.1 Changes fo Qperanng Cot Changes the. process _eperseing - cons such os fled rates, [Reaperanits pressires’ t: \compacroos —_~| These cain impacr the process dyriames Changes may require _corrtfler Lopiimal comm! _pecfacmance. a tte oh Sent Pysicoe , f rehning te «maineain Process dynaras may change onenne le to change Prcess equipment) changes A ra mateals can bead » instabiliry ) ascillasuns taithe ete: These tanger OF Slow response OE a require Controller we-4uning. 3, DBtuerbances . & | Focess clistuisances van occur olue te Paes | feectstock qually , ambient temperature or _ other These -clBturbances can cause — signifrant factors, deormns 14 the cess — varrabl? just ray requsré _aclaptie contre! fo for the digtarance + “rasrtain conte! performance. SS ud compensate Scanned with CamScanner f Qrages la Ser Prone ~ See i Prine am. targer coher fu the pees vareble. ¢ changer 110 Set points can impact +e process elynamits + Changes ia the ver poi mag “require corwelber cekining } 2 compe! maintain cont! peepurmance Si Charges in Faupmem pecforoance — Changes in equipment performance such Ad) valye stron | — | Sensor lett 5 or aetna tor prolemS ean affect € conrn! performance acaphet contre! te maintain the = These changes may requir | desiree — prwss yarable Racing start -up cand. thutt coun, the paces cond ons roay be sagnitsranity. dettereat prom normal operating cond@rms 4 these. -crenges mag. also orequit @ controller retuning a —jadaptve contol if ensure ig emeoth transite oP onermal + lL epersson Eee, Qh| Bxplain the ro dBtinguisheng, feeds 9 cascacle canto! | — jeep struchere haut = panies ou 3 | A cascacle conte! loop strane Roa type of advanced —connol | | Sy.steco. thet Base of jrapewe. the. control Sf a) pacers bo having «multiple control loops! plore ta tendem 49_achreue beter | Process contro) L_stsveiyshe . | The two distinguishing features of A cetscade control lwp } Steachre art as fallow’ } Bn ee ta 4 diveade cones) loop structure} Aree ar tuo or - roere (oops working 1h teurtemn I | \ipeThes pray ep central the primacy pres: vartable | Scanned with CamScanner | The | receives +The Tha ] ke mipar of the Secenclary | Set point \s nested Within +e Primacy fom. the prima Joop Set point Tor the primey, lev? arrangement allose PRESS Vakable PR fluence Phe the secondary leep controls the int Fi frag Sets. Fuaay sets are a mathernattal pay fo represet Lienprecise or uncertain siformat?®o , anel they «llow _7or he Lnpreventattin of inpmerin omer _h ait eal quanited ot that BR clifeprult 2 express ta 9 mnatherra tte! For aula The fuay sets eit thea feel 10 a Ser denned by the systerr _ clestyner » These let art typirally expressed! as. dascibe the _rtlareashiP__berseen _ the _ inputs 4 the euppats i ef males thet are “ip cathen |! statements that = The _ompir_op the Fhe syste 4 fday Set _that | dransformecl back ints _@__enxp__ourpatt_ Yale Tha output _vakie B® then useel_t» control _the sigstem 8 Ladjusting ¢he_erysten inp TThe__outpar «Pf the FAC wystem _B typrealt Leasrer 7_understand! than the output _2f other contr) | pechorytes Fioay _legie contre) Basel ira orele range of —_applizatrons, inelucliay —_jnelustrrs! centre! _,obotres_$_cbeeisron__ suppottiNg SpstesS ee a [Fle paomeulasty asepel in_siPucrtions ushert_the _ syste _faputs are impree’e or __ 1S Subject fo olavdurbanees. uncertain af _whert__the syste TFLC G4 poserful _rtehnrqle thet can _teqprve___ ysttend (ptepormance _¢ Proorde beter contra! oP concplere _syvterms___ Scanned with CamScanner C_ They Ser Helou thet calif slong unload taitosalad | proceases DIA cvtarbance tnleing ire proceed all qatbe deseced. unk afer a |Sigorfiand peed. of aime, ie) The effect of contre! action not geen ats ahe curpat for. a) DWN [This ewes the eontrtler -». rake, adlderond compandadion. unnes sag. ‘he NUUHts _1a_q_ loop that has nterentlytouilt im Nimitakond + contre uy A Norge cleacl sora yields Jawer .valaty.of Are ermssever frequenyy [adhren. ta. urn. Heduces -\phe. abkimelte... gour aie —Seoth——ab + |Anorder 40 ancid ini tabikisy oa dead tarna.. ireread@d.., ane. value of | tontrotber .qaiw.. Should toe towerel..10 anvure .Staloibity, 1 Inerever [and Jeads de sa SLuggiohreipome. i. 2 Oy Ik wel feedback Ae. hudele dus = onto aes 6 a LET se > Hndi to destabilize ne closed (oop _ syste 5.) makes conganilen tuning mort. oliffrradt s, Qe apa brefly ary Singular volue anna! Gra) is important ad an. Janalyscot tool i 1 cyte u oy. 4 =|SVvA groide the bovis for analysis teol ancl a novel control scheme for malte-conable control systems | 4 3 Pu alt, helps. so. the determination end, 6Mecbor| of :¢onraited. ).meowuree! and manipulated vanables = | S-VA also Helps 4A are onalydis of. Woustnees of @ propedal leontml Gtrategy . = Determi cation of the. bedt. mult - Lop tonal» con guration =| Thin minteniaes undesired.» side. effects: Scanned with CamScanner acl | systert 7 at Bente ntl of rhe Prinmany variable: = 4 fasiet wines loop. can. respond moe qui ° : * Severty of distances and bart aly to dlasturoances shan he lout foop ot it reduces the vaxability *hat Dourd alfecr the. process Ww fore Neovery fora disturbances n. An Aoops here cascucle conrol wert. deployect , unere sa an Affective spores to disturbance d. athe =!The inner Aoop a4 oth feaee than. 4n€ outer coop and closerto rhe Source of the clistucbance + “This ames for a quicker Corrector pO upsets ih the process 4) \M_anereaves ake! febaral fitqueny of Ae wyiem-. ey Reduces) the eptechve magaihude of aime tag 6 Xy Improves dynamic performance. i My, Paoide amity... on ane Seuonclary. Vartabhe On Disedvontages 2 ted tovsarcl rasa! [61-1 SM orqusies Ame idenasficacbion, of ath possible Atstuivantes and fae derek _ measure nent. Tras Wi nob possible* por Many processes» 4 | Feed forsarel contol requirts a very good model por she process = Not gare for Many. systems in the _enem cal industry n-de_ ated 46 hnokieno® the CV seepondu to ch distur barce Ord mani pulatedl ean anges 8 both she = This 1% rer Gossble i . A enema! Processes Scanned with CamScanner PERCE AD Deo e rn ae PIKES parameter yan aions J Shanger thane PaLamees of Ca A Lrtducinn oP heat etre oie | sttaandter coeffidiem cance bE compensated by 4 | feed Ad forward conmter becute herr impact — cannot be detected fy) : : 4} Cerner cope sith anmeatured .Atshacbances: With toe ast of a “diagrane sxflAin hed a prqramened adagive 4 corsigaction be [The diagram srrewS: 4 cako anal System for she dual aut. petro saueepne | Gouider a _buener esinere fuel | air. cee Kept ak A — Jadweve_fhe Wighast 244i cceney —ophinura value > fOomboschror: “Whe cut fuel _rectco _muintosntel anata ratco. conte! mechanic snoon, 1 Hoe ddagrame = ) oe z =[Oprmal value ef se care depends ion ene conditions _prevatking cathe Are pres eg Hemperrtat

purring. Of boeneene th fhe dap. Grrearn. | however > | Aetna cote Jquael ill porte iS. day dada. te. columa ,.begih tT | cool she beim thus permiting mere benaene to lod oub. ne bolton, Gta = As bot Gtr seve off et point and Produces a contreiler -eriory. Fhe__bettom conrroller .@il)_Cormpensearte’ Loy maeasing flow of _ Stearn pinto the repoiler doo heat YP bottom. sf the. Coluenn. Scanned with CamScanner > Jas ere desicecl Ger point of bottom Green 6 restored, H ctlca-reetulbe NA an fncrease of hot vapours ravelltog. wp fre column that Gilt Buenalhy cause Fp of the Column 0 heer up: TRS op of te column feats up jane pury .of bangene 1a she top Srreacs again becomes #00 jod! i 10 -MopETHE_sgainr the op cntaller compensates by - farther ineeacing = Tat the flos of cold Hfluoe into the dop_of Ane Clue HOD mmutioanable weeracion _eegins _ad_ensue the Contr! ~ jp baseen operates aittuin Sear Get poim LSis0 -ln Ba pees wHh ong |vadable 1 can {a | Opa bacg conralledd ty Sing le manspulased — have routine disturboncas detherbanas -— y, In inact prCEKeS _-tnere_au® more share one contl loop , Requires the _contml. ef at seagy poduct rate 4M each un 80 coamables 29 produce qualety | T Syremw Qin soe than one control loop mutvanablt _eystemu a non at rie 0, S wy $—=> ur [Borage > 2 bray” dish fainon bersece and -couene: CoML oh empany Ge recteu Pang. Scanned with CamScanner — Qo| Ienportance of RGA _ : | n-type of Mepne Goro! [ot =| Self ni J of Gubequerthy fated! linear contmiters clunng 4ne i linplementerion. Phase for one operating paint | Sey dani SSH Mong of subsequently fzecl busi controttens danny the Limplonendaron pnase fir sahole range operating point ~ Sep AMecey of Aaed conmmllers on requeuy ip tne provess Bena tor Changes dug ty ageing , Ant, Bear, téC Adoptee control of linear controtters —-far_nons Lenear af Nene ' [waging proces orth um ishh = | Adaphoe contrat of deep runing. convo! of none Line at corerrlbers fot oor linear procewes 2 - _s of math varable processes — a Adapstcve. contel of 6-01 turcag correo) Cried systems ) a pee _ Used nthe autopot oft ait crafts ancl _steenag eon! =| Conrol of 6irip _demnperature _perthe_coninoud annealing a of Chip el proceduing ta metallurgical processed: — — — | Robosre_rnanipatato sin robot. syste - 2 = — | Attude contol of Sate(laey a __ —| Diss lain _colums proide Mel qualety. ancl _reclce encgy. lanargy wage = oe 7 = eas — ld gtabs lise P10 bavec conte! _sypteen 1% enema cal _inclusiies, cline RG.A_ is a method for dereronming tra bas in pat pairings for__multivenable proces. 6 control _sygle.rr- 5 e | aulows us te match up or pair vawables thet have the biggest effect on 4acn other _Bitnaut Hving _undedicable {feel & On ohare j oevefoe, the RGA prootdey 9 H measure Of _proceny ne cerceT 0 A recomemencl aaron conker ng swe mot effective painng of tennotled = ¢ manipulate van'ables- Scanned with CamScanner A eenett — cnemreal —proeeses are none Vinear. ,neect te linear ise ov at te | acnrere He heired S~S dh Aone) en precees. nang?s: Scanned with CamScanner

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