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Anglés 3ri 4t d’ESO ORAL PRESENTATIONS 1. Greet the audience * Good morning everyone. * Good afternoon. 2, State the topic of your presentation >Tell the audience why you are there. * My purpose today Is to ..... * My objective today is to ..... * I'm here today to ..... * My talk today will deal with * My presentation this morning will be about >Or begin by giving a short introduction to your subject. The design of electric vehicles has improved enormously in the past ten years. Electric cars have become lighter and faster. However, they stil do not have ‘enough autonomy. Research has to develop better batteries. I’m here today to present some possible approaches to this problem, >You can also use a rhetorical question. Who hasn't heard about climatic change? My presentation today will be about this controversial topic and the possible consequences of... 3. Present the structure of the talk >Give your audience an index. To begin with, I'l be speaking about the components normally found in our atmosphere. Then, well examine some of the reasons for the growth in CO2 in recent years. Aftor that, !1l explain what the greenhouse effect is and how it works. And finally, well fake a look at some possible consequences of the increase in temperature caused by the areenhouse effect. >More sequencers: * First of all, Next, Finally, To begin with, Then, Last of all, To start with, Later, In the final part, First(ly), Subsequently, Secondly), After that, 4, Develop your ideas in a clear way >Links Use links that allow youto make two short sentences rather than one long, complex sentence.Use yourvoice to stress the connector and make it stand out for your listeners. Addition Backup mechanisms for computers tend to Furthermore become obsolete rapidly. It’s easy to find Moreover three examples from the past 20 years: In addition floppy disks, diskettes and Zip disks. Furthermore, new software formats do not always recognize older formats. SG Change in However Nevertheless Although Despite In spite of Contrast In contrast On the other hand While Whereas Result or Consequence Therefore (formal) As a result So (less formal): That's why For this reason Consequently (written) 5. Reach a conclusion >Use key words or expressions like: * To conclude ... * In conclusion * As a conclusion * In short .. *To sum up 6. Come to an end Today, digital cameras are used for more than half of all photographs taken. However, most of those pictures never go any further than the hard drive of a personal computer. Although digital cameras are used for more than half of all photographs taken, most of those pictures. Despite the fact that digital cameras are used for more than half of all photos taken today, most of those pictures. The life of a CD recorded with a CD burner at home could be as little as five years. In contrast, some photographic papers can last up to 200 years. While the lifespan of a CD recorded with a CD burner at home could be as little as five years,some photographic papers can last up to 200 years. She is only seventeen and therefore not eligible to vote. There has been a rise in the number of accidents. As a result, the government has decided to lower the speed limit. / As a result of the rise in the number of accidents, the government. SoThere was nothing on TV, so | decided to go to bed. Cold temperatures kill mosquitos, that's why you won't see them in winter. The Colonel was confident that war was impending, and for this reason he hurried his preparations to leave the country. This poses a threat to the food chain, and conseauently to human health. * This brings me to the end of my presentation this afternoon. % Thank you for listening to me. * Thope you have liked my presentation and you have learnt something about. & You can prepare some slides (Power Point or others) to supplement your presentation, but showing images, names or some vocabulary, not text. 2010, ~ “4uowour 404 wo abjossiu -2640ssiu wova4ue,s ou “psapinj 1u/o Gusod a4ondouddy [pp giswaudwoo |p Jaod Jofous D| ‘6 yossiut fap si.od soynissaudxe si}p4ap 4uonajou uo sisoydu3 - P| 4uuguouDé ‘osapiniy upquas “osapiniy saun6ly “osapiniy “yopau0j9 uoupunuodg Hpunissaudxe 144 nissaudsco 0/1 4o4inssaudxa quip vjuod ou wowouojur - *yopau0j2 “yopaunj> “4opaoj2 ‘anbvad a6}ossiu ONaMd WHO you quo oj4oq quo ping ood quio pjog + oupIuas oN + “ppouDlneaue “ppoupuiogua vaso4 9504 5] ‘ppouowiosus vaso, “ppoupuuiooue vos, 9] > suawiouayd uodsaye “pur94. 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No utilitza connectors, Fauna presentacié massa curta, Fa errors de gramatica poc importants. Utilitza un vocabulari adequat al tema, perd basi oracions coordinades, Fa una presentacié més aviat curt, Fa molt pocs errors de gramatica i sén poc importants, Utilitza un vocabulari ampli adequat al tema. Utilitza elguns connectors ‘complexes i alguna subordinacié, Fa una presentacié suficientment larga No fa errors de gramatica, Utilitza un vocabulari molt ampli adequat al tema, Utilitza molts connectors complexos i molta subordinacié. Fa una presentacié Hlarga. BODY LANGUAGE Eye contact Gestures, facial expressions and posture Movement Voice No gesticula, No fa contacte amb el pal No parla amb veu prou alta, Gesticula poc. Fa poc contacte amb el public. Porla amb veu bastant baixa. Gesticula bastant. Fa bastant contacte visual camnb el pil Parla amb veu bastant alta, Gesticula molt. Fa molt contacte visual amb el puiblic. Parla amb veu alta.

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