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Woman and her Dog

One day, a woman was out walking her two dogs - a small Chihuahua and a large Great
Dane. As they were walking, the Chihuahua suddenly spotted a squirrel and took off
after it, pulling the woman along behind him.

The Great Dane, not to be outdone, also took off after the Chihuahua, dragging the
woman even faster. As they ran, the woman's hat flew off, and both dogs stopped to
sniff at it.

The Chihuahua, feeling victorious for having chased off the squirrel, decided to
mark the hat with his scent. But the Great Dane, not wanting to be left out, lifted
his leg to mark it too.

The woman, now exasperated and embarrassed, tried to pull them away, but they
wouldn't budge. Eventually, she had to leave her hat behind and continue on their

When they returned home, the woman found that her husband couldn't stop laughing at
the sight of her hat covered in dog pee. She couldn't help but join in, realizing
how silly the whole situation had been.

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