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Human Histology Midterms


Immune System

▪ Consists of a variety of cells

and lymphoid organs and tissues responsible for
▪ Immunity
o Ability to recognize self and non-self-
o Host defense

Types Of Immunity
▪ Non-specific immunity (Innate or Natural)
▪ Glycoproteins that act as molecular signals between
▪ Specific immunity (Adaptive)
immune cells
o Humoral or antibody-mediated ▪ Produced primarily by T lymphocytes and also by
o Cellular or cell-mediated macrophages and other cells
▪ End product of cellular immunity
Antigens (Ag)

▪ Substances not recognized by immune system as self;

although there are the so-called self- antigens Immune Cells
▪ Lymphocytes
▪ Ability to stimulate an immune response.
o B and T lymphocytes
▪ Antigenic determinant à epitopes
▪ Granulocytes
Antibodies (Ab) o Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils
▪ Monocytes and macrophages
▪ Immunoglobulins (Ig) ▪ Natural killer (NK) cells
▪ Proteins that specifically react with antigens
▪ Synthesized by plasma cells.
o Plasma cells are derived from proliferation of
Humoral Immune Response
B lymphocytes.
▪ End product of humoral immunity ▪ Governed by B lymphocytes
▪ When B lymphocytes are activated by antigens,
Antibody: Classes
proliferate to:
o Plasma cells
o Antibody production
o Memory B cells

Cellular Immune Response

▪ Governed by T lymphocytes.
▪ When T cells are activated by antigens, proliferate to
o T cells subsets or subpopulations: T helper,
T cytotoxic, T suppressor, T delayed
hypersensitivity cells
o Lymphokine or cytokine production
o Memory T cells
Human Histology Midterms
Lymphoid Tissues And Organs ▪ Parenchyma

General Functions ➢ Each lobule is made up of an outer darker region

called the cortex and an inner lighter portion
o Lymph filtration called the medulla
o Lymphocyte production ➢ Principal cellular components of thymus:
o Immunologic defense of the body o Lymphocytes (thymocytes)
General Structure o Epithelial cells of unusual
form (epithelial cells)
▪ Stroma o A moderate number of macrophages
➢ Supporting framework of the organ
➢ Capsule, trabeculae, septa, reticular Parenchyma: 6 types of epithelial cells
fibers. o Cortex

▪ Parenchyma ➢ type 1, type 2 and type 3 epithelial cells

➢ Cellular portion of the organ
o Cortico-medullary
➢ Consists mainly of lymphocytes, as
well as macrophages, plasma cells ➢ type 4 and type 5
and reticular cells
o Medulla

➢ type 6 epithelial cells are involved in the

Lymphatic Organs and Tissues formation of the Hassall’s corpuscles
▪ Thymus
▪ Lymph nodes
▪ Spleen ▪ Hassall’s corpuscles
▪ MALT (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues) ➢ Characteristic of the medulla of thymus
▪ GALT (gut-associated lymphoid tissues) ➢ Consist of concentric mass of squamous cells
o Tonsils which may contain kerato-hyaline granules
o Peyer’s patches (acidophilic or pinkish on H&E)
o Appendix

Lymph Nodes
➢ Broad, flat, pyramid-shaped, bilobed
▪ Aggregates of lymphoid tissue occurring in series
organ, well encapsulated
along the course of lymphatic vessels
➢ Maximum weight at puberty: 20-50 gm
▪ Area of abundance
➢ Functions
o prevertebral region
o production of lymphocytes in embryonic life
o mesentery
o immunologic defense of the body
o loose CT of neck
o axilla
o inguinal region

▪ Stroma
➢ Capsule made up of loose Function
CT which have septa extending
• Filtration of lymph
inwards dividing the thymus lobules.
➢ Reticular cells serve as supporting cells for the • Immunologic defense of the body
Human Histology Midterms
Structure Parenchyma: 2 parts

• Rounded or kidney-shaped organ (0.5 cm) with an ▪ White pulp

indentation or concavity (hilus) where blood and ➢ Forms the periarterial lymphoid
lymphatic vessels enter and leave the organ sheaths (PALS) around the arteries
(central artery).
o Stroma ➢ Sheaths contain germinal centers (B cells) and
o Parenchyma the internodular lymphocytes (T cells)

▪ Stroma ▪ Red pulp

➢ Capsule made up of dense CT covering with a ➢ Consists of an elaborate network of tortuous,
thickened portion at the hilus. branching, and anastomosing venous sinuses
➢ Inward extensions called trabeculae. ➢ In between venous sinuses are the occupied by the
➢ Cellular portions supported by a network of highly cellular splenic cords (pulp cords, Bilroth’s
reticular fibers and reticular cells.
o splenic cords consist of a spongy mass
▪ Parenchyma
of extravasated blood cells
❖ Cortex
➢ Supported by a framework of reticular fibers.
➢ The outer darker staining portion
➢ Composed of dense masses of Mucosa associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT)
classified as:
o primary lymphoid nodules o Tonsils
o secondary nodules or germinal o Peyer’s patches
center (B lymphocytes) o Appendix
o diffuse lymphoid tissue Tonsils
occupying cortex and the inner or
deep cortex (T lymphocytes) Accumulations of lymphoid tissues in the lamina
propria of the upper part of the digestive and respiratory
❖ Medulla Types
➢ Inner and paler portion
➢ Composed mainly of lymphocyte ▪ Palatine tonsils
arranged in strands to form medullary ➢ A pair of large ovoid accumulations of lymphoid
cords. tissue found at the boundary between the mouth
and oropharynx
Spleen ➢ Lined by stratified squamous epithelium.
▪ Largest among the lymphoid organs ▪ Pharyngeal tonsil
▪ Elongated, irregular shape, 150 gm.
▪ Located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. ➢ Unpaired lymphoid tissue found at the posterior
wall of the nasopharynx.
▪ Functions:
➢ Epithelium is pseudostratified ciliated columnar.
o Acts as blood filter
▪ Lingual tonsils
o Immunologic defense of the body ➢ Posterior surface of tongue
o Serves as blood reservoir. ➢ Stratified squamous

▪ Stroma Peyer’s Patches

➢ Dense CT capsule with inward extensions called Aggregates of lymphoid nodules found in the lamina propria of
trabeculae. the ileum; presence of M cells
➢ Thickened at hilum where blood & lymphatic
vessels and nerves enter the organ.
➢ Reticular fiber network ➢ Arise from the cecum.
➢ Aggregates of lymphoid nodules in the lamina
propria found throughout the circumference of the

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