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UG-44 (b) applies for B16.5 standard piping flanges. But please take note that B16.

5 pressure and
temperature rating is based on a simple formula from early years flange design with successful
applications with all possible operating loads in the world for almost hundred year (ref. Backgroud of
ANSI B16.5 Pressure-Temperature rating. E.C. Rodabauch). It is not from accurate mechanics analysis.
Now ASME VIII-1, UG-44 (b) takes out so call ‘external load & moment’ to analyze, I don’t think B16.5
committee will agree with doing so. I think that should be non ASME-VIII-1 business. Personally I
think it should be B16.5 committee responsibility how to consider those loads on the flanges, that
will be much better and suitable than UG-44 (b) from ASME VIII-1 committee comment on B16.5.
If ASME VIII-1 keep going this way, but B16.5 does not follow, what will happen? Please see the
feedback on UG-44 (b) practice from one of flange manufacturers

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