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Control System

By Saurabh Korgaonkar
Introduction to Control System
• Importance of control System in our day to day life
• Definitions
– System :A system is a combination or an arrangement of
different physical components which act together as a
entire unit to achieve a certain objective
• Eg: Fan, Car, Aeroplane
– Control System:
• Control means to regulate , direct or to command
• Is an arrangement of different physical elements connected in
such a manner so as to regulate , direct or command itself or
some other system.
• Eg. Car driving, teacher training
Introduction to Control System
• Plant: the portion of the system which is to be controlled or
• Controller : element of the system itself or external to the system
which control the plant or the process
• Input : It is applied signal or an excitation signal applied to control
system from an external energy source in order to produce a
specified output
• Output : it is particular signal of interest or the actual response
obtained from a control system when input is applied to it
• Disturbances: is a signal which tends to adversely affect the value
of the output of a system
• Internal Disturbance: if such a disturbance is generated within the
system itself , it is called as internal disturbance
• External Disturbance : The disturbance generated outside the
system acting as an extra input to the system in addition to its
normal input affecting the output adversely called as an external
Classification of Control System
• Natural Control System
• Man-Made control System
• Combination Control System
• Time Varying and time In-variant Systems
• Linear and Non- Linear Systems
• Continuous Time and Discrete Time control Systems
• Deterministic and stochastic Control System
• Lumped Parameter and Distributed Parameter Control
• Single Input Single output and Multiple Input Multiple
• Open Loop and Closed Loop System
Classification of Control System
• Natural Control System
– Eg: Mimosa, biological Systems
• Man-made Control System
– Eg : Automatic Transmission
• Combination Control System
– Eg Driving of a Car
• Time Varying and Time Invariant System
– Time Variant : in which the parameter are changing with time ->
– Time Invariant : the parameters are constant
• Linear and Non-linear systems
– A control system can be considered linear if superposition principle
applied to it
– In a linear system, the response to several forcing functions can be
calculated by considering one forcing function at the same time and
adding the results
– It should satisfy two properties
• Additive Property
• Homogenous Property
Classification of Control System
• Continous Time and Discrete Time control Systems
– Continous time CS , all the variables are functions of a
continuous time variable ‘t’.
– Discrete time Systems: one or more variables are only
known at discrete time intervals
• Deterministic and Stochastic CS:
– Determistics: A control System is said to be deterministic
when its response to input as well as behaviour to external
disturbances is predictable and repeatable
– Stochastic: unpredictable
• Lumped Parameter and Distributed parameter
– Lumped Parameter : Control Systems that can be described
by ordinary differential equations is called a lumped
– Distributed Parameter Control System : described by partial
differential Equations
Classification of Control System
• Single Input Single output (SISO) and Multiple
Input Multiple Output (MIMO)
– SISO -> system having one input and one output
– MIMO -> System having multiple input and
Multiple output
• Open Loop and Closed Loop System:
Open Control System
Reference Controlled
Input R(t) u Output c(t)
Controller Process

• Reference Input R(t) is applied to the controller which

generates the actuating signal (u) which is required to
control the process. The process is giving out the
desired output C(t)
• Advantages
– Such systems are simple in construction
– Very much convenient when output is difficult to measure
– Such systems are easy from maintenance point of view
– Generally these are not trouble by problems of stability
– Such systems are simple to design and hence economical
Open Control System
• Disadvantages
– Such systems are inaccurate and unreliable because such
systems are totally dependent on the accurate
pre-calibration of the controller
– Such system give inaccurate results if there are variations in
external environment
– They cannot sense internal disturbances in the system,
after the controller stage
– To maintain quality and accuracy, recalibration of the
controller is necessary time to time.
• Examples
– Sprinkler Used to water a lawn
– Automatic Toaster
Closed looped System
Feed-forward Path

r(t) e(t)
m(t) Controlled
Command Reference Controller Plant Output c(t)

Input Transducer



Feedback Path

• Advantages
– Accuracy of such systems is always very high
– System senses the environmental changes as well as
internal disturbances and accordingly modifies the error
– There is reduced effect of non-linearities and distortions
– Bandwidth of such systems i.e. operating frequency for
such systems is very high
Closed Loop System
• Disadvantages
– Systems are complicated and time consuming from design
point of view and hence costlier
– Due to Feedback, the system tries to correct the error time
to time. Tendancy to over correct the error may cause
oscillations without bound in the system. Hence the system
has to be designed taking into consideration problems due
to instability due to feedback
• examples
– Human beings
– Home Heating system
– Manual Speed Control System
Example CLP
Mathematical Modelling of Control
Concept of Transfer Function
Block Diagram Algebra
Transient and steady state analysis of
first and second order system
Time Domain Specifications
Step response of Second order system
Steady State Error
Error Coefficient
Steady State analysis of Different
Type of systems using step
Ramp and parabolic Input

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